Comments Archive

Last 200 Comments

  • The Judaised world does appear to be rotting from within and collapsing into anarchy and death without. To separate from it into intentional communities is our only chance to survive and build anew to…
  • It’s that time again, to celebrate this, the 55th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing, and William Pierce’s historic first entry in his journal that we have secured at our National Alli…
  • Jim, don’t waste any more of your valuable time answering the stupid questions of Mr. Gruber. He claims to not be a Jew, but he sure acts like one. Block all further comments from him.
  • I have seen no indication whatsoever that the National Alliance nor its members are of a cult, and any “occult” activities are unknown. Perhaps you’ve been watching too many Hollywei…
  • I will read about this program. But I have to ask you: Are you a cult? And are you into the occult, like the Nazis were?
  • Try this solution on for size, Mr. Turner. We have a saying around here, not often used, but descriptive of who we are: The Wolf is the Pack and the Pack is the Wolf. Join Us.
  • The USA is over the line. The only line that matters, the biological line. Sixteen hundred years of Jew-worshipping and dysgenic wars has created a population of down-bred cattle, docile and obedient.…
  • Does it stand to reason then, Mr. Gruber, that we must work towards ruling ourselves? Those that answer in the negative or who keep allowing fear of Jew rule to guide their lives are lost. Those who a…
  • It is my fear that Trump, as President, will empower the Jews to rule us, the peons, even more, and will promote black culture, for us, the peons, to further ruin us.
  • …Biden’s exit as President inevitable as his own party has turned against him. He gets to step down for an alleged positive test for Covid rather that for his obvious dementia… stuck with…
  • Thanks, for the tip to that Counter-Currents article, Douglas. I went there and commented under it. I have been commenting at C-C for some time now, promoting our Alliance, because I can. I always rep…
  • They call them “dot Indians” as in “dot not feather.” I also suppose it is because Indians are so prominent at evil Google, etc., so a reference to “” as we…
  • Beautiful! That photo up top with the dot on Vance’s forehead says all one needs to know about the traitor who promotes a multiracial America.
  • What a week, indeed! And then there are the people who buy and display posters of an angel or the Virgin Mary or Jesus holding Trump’s shoulders, or magically deflecting the bullets to save his life.…
  • What wonderful entertainment this presidential race has become in the past week since the attempted assassination of Trump Saturday, and now Biden’s exit as President inevitable as his own party…
  • Mr. Chairman: You hit the nail on its head when you said that Trump “might as well be Jewish” considering all he has done. When referring to people like Trump a friend of mine used to say…
  • I am not Jewish. But the Republican convention is Jewish through and through—the incessantly talking women, saying things so banal . . . the laughable attempts to manipulate emotions . . . the r…
  • The WHITE Race is in a totally deadly race war at this point and any and all positive advice can only help! There are many receptive WHITE people and more are waking up all the time. The more positive…
  • Angelicus, Replying to Martin von Gruber: I am sick and tired of people obsessed with trying to find Jewish ancestors in every Aryan traitor… It seems that for many of our people, the idea…
  • I am sick and tired of people obsessed with trying to find Jewish ancestors in every Aryan traitor. Who cares if Trump has a Jewish grandmother or a grandfather? Practically ALL the hateful German tra…
  • If you have proof that Donald Trump’s actual surname is Strump, we here at National Vanguard may be interested in this. Could you provide better evidence, Mr. Gruber?
  • Trump pretends to be Scottish and German. But there are absolutely no records of his ancestors in these countries. Trump’s real name is Strump, and he is Jewish.
  • Tracy: I’m not sure what the requirements for membership are in the National Alliance, but I’m definitely interested. I want to DO something and not just complain. — Thanks, Tracy. Read this pag…
  • Very cool pictures, and a very inspiring, thought provoking article. Bravo.
  • Tracy, requirements for membership are spelled out clearly in our document What is the National Alliance? and can also be found at our ‘join us’ webpage.
  • I agree 100% and “the electronic jew” is a great way to describe the TV! I’m not sure what the requirements for membership are in the National Alliance, but I’m definitely inte…
  • There is no one to save us — and no way to save us — under the present System that exists in the United States. We must create our own system, our own new nation. We must start by forming our own…
  • Part 2 of Trump’s “Second Coming” next week must now factor that shot heard ’round the world just hours after part 1 aired here on National Vanguard. Though Trump’s injur…
  • With all due respect, Mr. Westerlund, Tracy has somehow found us here on the National Alliance’s site where, if she joins our Alliance as a member, she will be able to meet and talk with like-mi…
  • It’s that time again — this summer in Paris, beginning July 26th. What will Parisians do to shield the athletes and visitors from the truly disgusting street scenes, seen here: “Stre…
  • Tracy: There are National Socialist groups that have actual meetings. The Institute for Historical Review (I.H.R.) in So. California has a meet about every 3 months which they invite me. There is anot…
  • Personal interactions are encouraged between members of the National Alliance, especially in regards to our Alliance building actions. Sincere and serious Whites should join with us in order to accomp…
  • So, it took our inimitable scholar to give us the honest history of the “Statue of Liberty.” It has been made a monument to the suicidal mania of the American people.…
  • General Jackson’s manners are more presidential than those of any of the candidates. He is grave, mild, and reserved. My wife is for him decidedly. -Daniel Webster (Letter to his brother, Ezekiel Webs…
  • Just a thought about how evenly divided the herd is with the Dems vs. GOP phony fight ruse. I saw yesterday where Jews, led by Wyden, want to investigate Justice Thomas now. Too little, too late, Jewb…
  • Nice words Mr. Collins. John Tyndall was an honourable man and a sincere National-Socialist. I never met him but I read many of his excellent articles in the BNP´s magazine “Spearhead” (av…
  • I would love to meet and talk with other like minded individuals. Would be nice to have a way to meet each other in real life.
  • The salute to the flag was changed on orders of the communist agent FDR, as it too closely resembles the Roman salute used in NS Germany; and was replaced with a hand on the heart. Very similar to wha…
  • Everything that was said in that broadcast is totally true. Every option and opportunity that we as WHITE People ,,WE have to make our own homeland and living space is doable! Whether you live in a al…
  • We all do indeed stand at a threshold between White life and the struggle for freedom to pursue a higher path, rather than extinction, in a by each of us choosing to gather into a larger purposeful co…
  • Striving to build a community that practices White separatism on an upward, progressive path to support and protect one another would be helpful here also, Mr. Thomas. Having White children stuck into…
  • “The most heart-wrenching aspect of this story lies in the mother’s awareness of her son’s mistreatment by an individual of color. Despite this knowledge, she persisted in sending him out into a hosti…
  • Nice article Chairman, there was talk of Gavin Newsome possibly on standby to replace Biden. As if Biden wasn’t a problem enough with his twit of a VP, Newsome would be an absolute dumpster fire…
  • One possible scenario for replacing Harris as VP is for either of the “conservative” septuagenarian justices, Thomas (75) or Alito (72), to retire and her boss then nominate her to replace…
  • A separate community is what we’re about, Bill88. Our community has need of skilled, talented, educated, and generally useful people of all kinds, not just the university-trained kind. Give the…
  • I haven’t been able to find London’s Nam Bok, the Liar book for our WLP Memorial library, but it appears to be available in a Kindle edition, here for $3.99: Nam-Bok by Jack London | Goodr…
  • AS NOVEMBER APPROACHES, the controlled news media are focusing the attention of Americans more and more on that quadrennial ritual of our democracy: choosing a new Maximum Leader to occupy the big, wh…
  • Inspiring post. Hey, just a heads up, Sallis has a new book out.
  • Walt, if I’m not mistaken you joined NA in 1994 when minimum monthly dues were $10 ($120 per year), You paid at that rate each month for approximately 10 years, or $1,200. You also made a one-ti…
  • …Forget the words: “online application form coming soon.” That’s something our Media Director, Mr. Strom, must have added. He’s a big believer in Bitcoin. I’ll have him remove those words f…
  • Many, if not most Christians subscribe to that Jewish ideology stubbornly, they’re not a very intelligent lot. Some who are purportedly pro-White will defend Christianity with much more vigor th…
  • I see “jews and their collaborators” in the simplest terms. The Jews are the evil ones in all their manifestations (and infestations). But the Jews have never been numerically strong enoug…
  • “”Because the Jew and his collaborators still live.” Yes, this is a good interview. William White Williams is a great man who stands tall for the White Race. I do recall Dr. William…
  • You’re welcome, Frost. What makes you think the National Alliance’s membership application process is going to “go digital”? Go here digitally: What is the National Alliance? |…
  • Thanks, Nat. Looks to be the same size until you click on it.
  • A good example of the lemming factor: You will never vote your way out of this, because all politicians, of every party, are going to stab you in the back in the end. None of them can do anything agai…
  • Have not had a TV since 1994 > But i remember this “Seinfeld” character , when i visited my sister and they were seduced by the intoxicating quality of this psych weapon.. They were amu…
  • Stick around, Brett, and learn that Dr. Pierce was not only addressing the Christian problem decades ago, but was replacing that suicidal, Jew-spawned belief system with one — he called Cosmothe…
  • Kevin Alfred Strom: 15 June, 2024  Christianity and the Survival of the West isn’t being sold by us currently. It is addressed to Christians — basically an effort to make them see that they…
  • Well said and excellent point about those television shows. Too many think that such shows are “harmless diversions” but they are nothing of the sort. They are intentional mind viruses unl…
  • The 1990s was loaded with Jewish based comedies and TV shows. I remember they all had the same New York Jewish based theme. Mad About You (1992-1999) Will & Grace (1998-2006) Friends (1994-2004) T…
  • I can see why you say that. I am not as pessimistic as Dr. Oliver, but even he had a degree of hope. For myself, I was highly encouraged, 42 years ago, to find that a man of such genius existed and wa…
  • Is that actually Dr. Oliver’s voice? It is just as cultured as I thought it would be! Great, provocative speech! I had never thought of Buddhism as subversive, but now I see that it was. Ditto f…
  • Walt, without Jew control of the mass news and entertainment industry that Dr. Pierce concentrated on exposing, they couldn’t have such tight control of America’s mass mind and on those ot…
  • No question about it. They DO control the industry. They also control banking, foreign relations, and the news and entertainment mass media – to name a few. Is their control of one industry any…
  • A Greg Johnson TRANSLATION of an interview with Hyssen in The Occidental Quarterly from 2008 on Russian Jews: herve-ryssen-greg-johnson-the-jewish-mafia(1).pdf (…
  • It’s a good time to bump this. Old Aardvark: 21 January, 2021 This has been an excellent discussion prompted by a timely article by Chairman Williams. I have read every word and enjoyed it immen…
  • Kevin’s being modest when he says “us.” He created the image with AI. Here’s another;
  • You’ve got to be a joke account. “Secret organizations” don’t have Web sites, print publications, book stores, real-world communities, and radio programs.
  • Jim, Mr. Diego Garcia Francisco d’Anconia Gonzales needs to inform himself about our Alliance before trying to explain it to his friends. Don’t waste your time answering his ignorant quest…
  • what painting is the jpeg in this article taken from?
  • The National Alliance and its program that Mr. Strom spoke of is not a secret; in fact we operate quite openly. You will not find us by visiting the locations we are at, we have no publicly-available…
  • Excellent story about your life experience, as usual, John, and great advice. I can relate to much of it though I never graduated from university. I remember being told in high school in the mid-…
  • Magnificent words Mr. Mercer. Thank you! Adolf Hitler was a force of Nature, the most pure manifestation of the “Will of Power” that Nietzsche celebrated. In fact, there was no coincidence…
  • I view National Vanguard’s comments section as it was when it was a print publication also, Will. The discipline to achieve and maintain the best quality possible is the best policy and I’…
  • Jim: Alliance members/supporters… are given preference in commenting over simple commenters — Thanks for that Jim. I don’t know what Diego Gonzalez had to say and don’t care. I…
  • Thank you for bringing up the fact your earlier comment wasn’t published, it’s a topic that I’m sure many wonder about since our earlier standards of commenting (prior to 2022) were…
  • I posted a comment on here, but it was not published. You don’t have to worry–I am White.
  • We should teach our children to respect other races and cultures, but they should never intermarry with them. White race should be preserved
  • As I recall, Paul Revere sounded the alarm, awaking people to action. It is without doubt that Mr. Mercer is doing the same as you aver. This is the program of action he’s calling all Whites to…
  • If you feel that strongly about our race and Dr. Pierce, honor his legacy and the call to duty of every White to join him and help us with the program of the National Alliance.
  • ...I had another letter published in the 11 April edition and have submitted another for next week’s edition. If not published in The Tomahawk, I’ll put it here.. — It was not published, so…
  • As usual, Douglas Mercer chimney sweeps our gentile chimneys clean of any dirt, filth. Mr. Mercer is our modern day #Aryan Paul Revere. He has helped us along our #White sojourn, enlightenment. We mus…
  • Mr. Sims, a physicist, learned from the best, Dr. William Pierce, another physicist by training, when he worked by Pierce’s side as his editor prior to Pierce’s passing. David has develope…
  • The Zone of Interest – Featurette – Uncomfortable Reflections (
  • “If only all of the White victims of black savagery who are raped and murdered in this country every year could be those who are lost to our race anyway!” This is a man who got the whole picture…perce…
  • Who do you put your trust in, Brett? Can you commit to anyone, that is to be on the same page as others as we do here, or do you go it alone in life? In a sense I’ve asked you before, but you ha…
  • The German phenotype is clearly defined: Nordic, Alpine and to a very small extent Mediterranean. This interesting and beautiful phenotype can be seen in the physical appearance of people such as Wern…
  • I never really watched Friends much but from what I saw it was another show dedicated to undermining sound morals and promoting Jewish values in the form of the characters sleeping around and living a…
  • Guten Abend Ein sehr guter Bericht richtig die Reine Lehre leben Dankeschön Translated by moderator: “Good evening A very good report on living the pure doctrine correctly Thank you”
  • I was young, foolish and full of piss and vinegar when I joined the Army while still in high school in 1966, knowing it was likely that I’d be deployed to kill communists or possibly be killed i…
  • I see men in Sweden defending their country against the Jews and the Third World. Although the population of this country is very small, they have great aspirations. I wish them success from the botto…
  • Here is an excellent video about a more recent book (2012) called “The Unknown Warriors” by Nicholas Pringle. He interviewed hundreds of WW2 veterans and the answers were overwhelmingly ne…
  • That was an excellent and moving speech, Mr. Strom. Congratulations! There is nothing that I could add to what you said, except for a reflection on the mindset that guided the men who the Americans ca…
  • This article about vanguardism by Jonathan Bowden (1962-2012) was first published at, a nominally pro-White Website where I have been commenting under articles for more than a yea…
  • I thank you for the accolade, Douglas, even if it is an exaggeration. But then, you are our resident writer who uses, not a pen or a keyboard, but sledgehammers, lightning bolts, and nuclear fusion de…
  • Interesting quip! In an honorable society both the coins and ribbons would have real value; in a defeated, dishonorable, sick, and decaying society they are both grossly debased. The revealing Napoleo…
  • Thank you, NDG. I like to do funny voices sometimes — but usually when alone and just for my own amusement! It might not go over so well in the grocery store.
  • That’s a powerful description of the Chicago that once was. One could say exactly the same thing about Detroit (which was not a Black Hell-hole when I visited relatives who lived there more than…
  • Thank you for your thoughtful response. I don’t agree with every word of it, but I it’s a worthwhile read. When you say: Hitler did favor Germanic people over non-Germanic Europeans. So di…
  • That is quite similar to what Dr. Pierce said in his most famous speech, “Our Cause”: For some, our task may seem too great for us, our responsibility too overwhelming. If they are correct…
  • Indeed, the study of parasitic organisms will lead you to see an almost overwhelming number of parallels to what the Jews are attempting to do to us. Cordyceps, and certain species of parasitic ants (…
  • Napoleon said, “I have discovered an amazing thing: Men will risk their lives for colored ribbons pinned to their chests.” They print colored ribbons like they print money. We have fallen…
  • One of the things I intend to do today is speak with a first cousin on the phone, his daddy being a retired WW1 MARINE CORPS cavalryman who farmed in north-central Tennessee. If you haven’t seen…
  • The Jews created the God of Genocide in their own image. DNA analysis has demonstrated that the Biblical people of the Levant whom the Jews claimed to have exterminated, were related to Europeans. In…
  • In 2009 there was a book written “This isnt the Britain we fought for” In it british…
  • Good work, Kevin. I admire your integrity, time management and work ethic. Leif Erikson and Shackleton come to mind when I consider icebreaking exploration and encouragement. Keep up particularly the…
  • Bump this comment of mine from 4 and 1/2 years ago for an update Richard McCulloch says: December 17, 2019 “As a relatively new movement—some 10 years old now—the alt-right, like any such movement, mu…
  • I am immensely grateful to the page administrators for always updating us with accurate information, I am here practically every day and this is the first time I have made a comment and I would really…
  • I think the estimate for the number of natural deaths is too low. In Australia, which has the most readily accessible data and a very benign climate, death rates were around 1,800 per 100,000(~1 in 55…
  • It’s funny though, when you describe the areas that they are at the top of, the conservacraps (I’ve seen it more and more on conservative websites ever since 10/7) will say “You…
  • The motivation-people say they you become what you think about. The Jews have always thought about “evil Hitler.” Now they have become their vision of Hitler, even surpassing their murdero…
  • Sturmovik hit us with his advice and ran off to parts unknown, Will. National Vanguard gets a lot of that in comments, keyboard sages with advice telling us what we should do or “we should do th…
  • China isnt to be attacked, its to be embraced)….You cant attack Jews publicly, the zombie masses will hate you and the entire system and infrastructure will move to destroy you. Attack money and…
  • William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman on Our New Myth
    You often have to find out what you are not to understand what you truly are. Quoted for truth. We know well enough as Aryans that we are not Christian. By understanding and expanding on Hit…
  • “…If the Aryans had developed the same confidence in their own worth, or even a tenth as much racial sense as the Jews have, they would now own the planet…” ===================…
  • The narrative Jews have created is powerful in the minds of those their media reaches. We in the National Alliance have our own message that serves Whites, not Jews. The question is, Brett, whether or…
  • Whether a single Jewish billionaire like George Soros is funding the protests is NOT what I have been trying to tell you. What I am trying to tell you is that all the protests, worldwide, are being le…
  • Bob, you said “what we really have to do is throw it out. With the jew.” Who are “we” that you’re talking about? I don’t recall that you are a supporter or member o…
  • The God Force will manifest elsewhere, if we Whites do not uphold it. How it will manifest, or where, is up for grabs, but the abiding concepts of intelligence and creativity are synonymous with it.
  • Bradford: Jews were never gassed at Auschwitz and other work camps. To the contrary, they even had a swimming pool at Auschwitz, which has been proven by Ernst Zundel, Robert Faurisson and many others…
  • Robert Wells: The protest should be directed against the politicians who vote to support sending billions of dollars and weapons to Israel… I wonder if the protests are really being intentionall…
  • It seems to me that ever since the jew has filled every rigged courtroom and lawbook with jewish sludge, with a talmudic style circular mess of lazily scribbled jewish lying, that what we really have…
  • I think the most troubling misunderstanding among our Slavic brotherin is the myth of the strongly implied “Slavic holocaust” that we have all heard in our textbooks and high school classe…
  • Always like to read your articles Mr. Mercer. Just a brief supplementary note. the place was crawling with Jewish lawyers. Very true, but it was also and more visibly crawling with Jews in fresh MP un…
  • (In fact, I say we need and deserve a special term, to be universally applied to anyone who opposes the continued existence and evolution of the White race.) Vicious anti-Aryans. Virulent anti-Aryanis…
  • The campus protests are really misdirected. Even if universities could immediately and completely sell all their investments in Israel, it would merely transfer those assets to some other party. It wo…
  • Mondovics strikes me as a Serbian name. He is White but could fit in a little better if he answered to Thomas Mondovich which is how his name is pronounced. He published the following letter in the 8…
  • penrose32: 15 May, 2024 Here is what I put on another forum today: “Preserving racial segregation is a good thing. I desire to live among my own people, not in the middle of a Tower of Babel. Long liv…
  • White people will never be defeated. A race that was able soar into the skies, rest assured, can rise to the top again. White people have been created for such difficult days; in fact, the hardship en…
  • Mjölnir: 12 May, 2024 It says “This site can’t be reached”. Or maybe it is only a connection problem on my end? — Or maybe you were trying to reach our site from a library or school computer tha…
  • Like Jim says. Catharine, at our online bookstore — the same place where we offer your book: The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey – Cosmotheism (
  • Billionaire Frank McCourt is organizing a people’s bid to buy TikTok
  • Regarding television, its use depends on who is creating and broadcasting the content as you know. Jews create garbage, and lots of it, for gullible minds to absorb. In computer-speak, we have garbage…
  • We in the National Alliance are a bit bolder than that; for one thing, we’ll say we’re Whites explicitly and that we’re for total separation of races. The farther away from us we can…
  • Here is what I put on another forum today: “Preserving racial segregation is a good thing. I desire to live among my own people, not in the middle of a Tower of Babel. Long live Apartheid!…
  • Your article is entitled “Don’t Believe Crazy Things” and has a picture of a hat wrapped in foil. Years ago in when I was in college, there was a story going around campus about a te…
  • Will: I have long held that reading (and understanding) Twilight of the Idols is roughly the equivalent of getting a bachelor’s degree at a top university. If you add The Antichrist to that, it…
  • Thank you, Brett, for your thorough Talmudic explanation of the “conformation” of the perfidious Jewish breed. We goyim are not supposed to have access to accurate translations of the Talm…
  • Kevin, I’m the “representative writer” that you quoted above. In going through your response, there are a few things I would like you to reconsider your thinking on. I’m going to focus on one of them…