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Government Warns that with Elon Owning Twitter, Jews Will Only Control 97% of Media
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House issued a dire warning this week, reminding the nation that Elon’s continued ownership of Twitter means that Jews now only control 97% of the media, ominously down from 97.5% previously. “We can’t overstate how dangerous this is,” said…
Smirkin’ Dr. Smirkin
Hey! Be checkin’ da smirk on dat Jew. If you’re like everyone else, you’ll want to know how people get that smarmy, Jew smirk. Read on! by Arch Stanton IT’S TIME once again for Arch Stanton’s – Theater – of – the – Absurd! Today’s episode — Dr. Smirkin. You just closed that billion-dollar deal,…
Great Rotten Apples: A 2021 to 2023 Calendar
36 hidden anti-Semites exposed; with new supplement TODAY WE PRESENT a way for every reader, every member of his family, and everyone with enough Bitcoin to afford printer ink, to educate himself and do his part to expose the hidden anti-Semites of American and European history: The Great Rotten Apples…
Fleecing God’s Sleepless Sheep, or “But Wait! There’s More!” (part 2)
Earlier this week we blazed new trails by offering an in-depth, super scientific look at info-mania, info-mercials, info-scams, and the worthless info-junk being hustled on TV. If you doubt that this stuff is info-useless, then go to any yard sale or snoop in any garage, basement or out-of-the-way…
Fleecing God’s Sleepless Sheep, or “But Wait! There’s More!” (part 1)
Back when I was living under a bridge, back about seven or eight years ago, I had a tiny battery-operated TV. When I couldn’t sleep I’d flip the stupid thing on. Except for the weather channel and two local access stations, at 2-5 AM every channel is airing an infomercial. If you think that this is a sure guarantee…
Is This What We’ve Become?
Don’t do this. (It looks to this observer like the symbolism intended here is yet another perfect case of projection by Yahweh’s special pets. Frightening, indeed, to those who actually get it. This “work of art” is on the grounds of the “Wassmuth Center for Human Rights”…
A Bridge Too Far
George Lincoln Rockwell by Kenneth Roberts GEORGE LINCOLN Rockwell liked to tell the joke about the young man who
left the American Nazi Party. Rockwell was puzzled by the sudden departure of the youth and he
queried him as to the reason for such a rash move. “While you are certainly free to go and we wish…
left the American Nazi Party. Rockwell was puzzled by the sudden departure of the youth and he
queried him as to the reason for such a rash move. “While you are certainly free to go and we wish…
Holohoax Lives Matter
AS A STRONG, confident, united, and bold nation striding toward a bright future after completing the most honest display of muh democracy in human history and defeating a lethal virus with face-rags and house arrest, it’s important that we keep our eyes on our heroes. Luckily, there’s…
In Defense of America
OUR DYING country is under the complete control of “White supremacists” who use their massive wealth and influence to advance the cause of “racism.” These dominant wire-pullers then deploy their vast army of evil “not-sees” to attack Negro memorials that…
Science Book Proves Racism Is Wrong: Primates and Prejudice
by Cholly Bilderberger (1980) DR. THOMAS BRADFORD SALTONSTALL, head of the Greater Primates Training Center, at Stanford University, has finally announced the imminent publication of Primates and Prejudice, and it is evidently the blockbuster which the scientific world has been awaiting for…