Gaining Understanding: An Interview with Will Williams, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 June, 2024
Introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK WE continue with the second and final part of author and activist Dave Gahary’s recent interview with National Alliance Chairman William White Williams. When we left off last week, we heard Dr. William Pierce’s stated reason that Mr. Williams should come and work for him: “You need to be here, Will, because the Jew and his collaborators still live.” Now we continue, as Chairman Williams gives his promise around 1992 to devote two years of his life to working for, and living on the property of. the National Alliance, eventually become the Alliance’s Membership Coordinator. Listen….
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Here are some of the topics discussed on today’s program.
- At great personal sacrifice, Will Williams gave Dr. Pierce two years of his life working at National Alliance headquarters.
- Even when the promised two-year term ended, Dr. Pierce asked Mr. Williams not to “go far” — and got him to serve as the Alliance’s first-ever Regional Coordinator.
- Dr. Pierce was a very patient teacher, sharing details of his own intellectual development with now-Chairman Williams.
- Being in the US Army constituted, even in the 1960s, a very quick education in racial realities.
- Naïve people still believe that this is our nation, and that White people are still dominant and more-or-less in charge.
- The only solution to our people’s dire problems is total separation from the multiracial mess that the Jews have created with their control of our media and of our society generally.
- We need to withdraw our consent to be forced together with non-Whites and unite with other aware White people to form voluntary White communities. That is what the National Alliance is doing right now.
- What happened to the National Alliance after Dr. Pierce died?
- Not every man or woman is cut out for being a part of the vanguard of our race’s future — but some are, very much so.
- One excellent recent book — which shows the tragedy of making our kinsmen, the Germans, into an enemy — is The Myth of German Villainy.
- We have our own media now — one example is our discussion forum
- and much more!
You can get a copy of Chairman Williams’ book Pocahontas Show Trial — detailing his victory over an outrageous lawfare attempt to ruin him and take over the National Alliance — by visiting our Cosmotheist Church bookstore.
We again offer our thanks to author and activist Dave Gahary for producing this worthwhile interview.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Like that other fighter for the White race (Adolf Hitler) Will Williams is a great artist.
Thanks, Douglas, but “great”? Hardly. John Singer Sargeant was a great artist. This self-portrait is my first attempt at painting with oil in probably 20 years and I’m not particularly pleased with it. What’s great about it, if anything, is just that I made the effort, and during a workshop at our community art center with other local artists. Wet-in-wet oil is not very forgiving for me. I grew to prefer quick-drying acrylic medium, pastels and mixed media. I enjoyed painting in my earlier life, especially portraiture from life, not from photographs. This interview with me was entirely impromptu and could be better, but at least gives folks background into one man’s story of how he became politically active, racially, relatively late in life, at 37, It’s never too late… Read more »
Perhaps great is somewhat hyperbolic; but from excellent I will not budge.
By helping Chairman Williams build our communities, our race can achieve separation through enhanced capabilities brought by the talents, skills, determination and will to work towards common goals unified by a common vision all of us who participate share.