Memorial Day: What Is Worth Fighting For
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 May, 2024
This week we present a newly-edited version of one of our most important classic ADV Memorial Day broadcasts, helping us to remember what is really important on this somber — and, today, grossly misunderstood — holiday. In the past, we were governed by false values, such as Christianity or “democracy” or “republicanism,” or by corrupt leaders whose only criterion was “success” (in enriching themselves and staying in power). The result was the capture of our nations by the Jewish power structure, whose goal is the biological extermination of our race. The National Alliance is now building a real-world White community whose goal is not only explicitly White living space, governed by ourselves alone, but also a spiritual revolution that will make that community progressive and eternal.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEKEND marks Memorial Day in the United States. Let us observe a moment of silence for the soldiers in the never-ending War of Terror in the Middle East who died, and who will die tomorrow, believing that they were fighting for their people’s freedom — but who in reality were fighting and dying for their most deadly and unworthy enemies, the Jewish power structure — and the Tribe behind that structure. Join with me now in silent thought, as we look upon their graves and reflect on the lives that might have been.
They fought and they died for a Tribe whose goal is their extinction. They fought and they died for a Tribe which has stolen nearly all the wealth that is rightfully theirs. They fought and they died for a Tribe which has erased the borders of their nation. They fought and they died for a Tribe which has twisted their spiritual life into a low-IQ parody of religion, centered primarily on worshipping and serving that Tribe. They fought and they died for a Tribe whose fundamental principle is to lie and deceive. They fought and they died for a Tribe that is replacing them with hate-filled aliens in the land their ancestors built. They fought and they died for a Tribe that has rendered them powerless in their own nation. They fought and they died for a Tribe that has corrupted, captured, degraded, and made sexual slaves of their women. They fought and they died for a tribe who wants them all dead.

The men and women of the National Alliance are dedicated to changing all that. We must have our own country again. We must have our own government again, answerable only to us. And we must make that government incorruptible, dedicated to the continued survival and advancement of our race, our people, forever. No other purpose, no other value can ever rank higher than that. No other purpose, no other value can ever be allowed to take precedence over that.
The current political system of the United States is based on money-fueled popularity contests. It is unsuited to our task.
The much-ballyhooed “alt right,” having no fundamental principles except perhaps a vague nationalism in which a racial tinge or fringe is tolerated, and a less-than-consistent dislike of a variously-defined “modern world,” leaps from “star personality” to “star personality,” from monarchism to White-majority libertarianism to Pinochet nostalgia to 1940s-style (or sometimes 1840s-style) Catholicism, to “national Bolshevism,” to whatever seems exciting this month. It, too, is based on ephemeral “popularity” and is unsuited to our task.
Nothing is more important than remaining true to our core vision of who we are (men and women of the European race), who our Opponent is (the Jewish power structure), and what we are trying to accomplish (building an infrastructure that can grow into a true sustainable White community that will survive hard times and eventually secure White living space under a racially-conscious — and race-based — White government).
If you abandon that core vision in pursuit of some other idea of “success,” like winning elections, you are effectively dead. If you win every election for the next 100 years, but you fail to secure White living space — or even desire it anymore — then success has totally eluded you, and you will have no descendants worthy of the name to congratulate you on your “electoral victories.”
Years ago I gave a speech in which I used the example of the Democratic party to show how a once pro-White institution, of notable power and success, could be corrupted and taken over by our enemies if it made winning popularity its primary goal. I said, in part:
Just over 100 years ago the Democratic party in the United States was the party of states’ rights. The Democratic party was the party of the White working man. The Democratic party was the party of racial segregation, racial separation, and racial integrity. But neither the members nor the leaders of the Democratic party were sufficiently aware of the forces the Opponent had arrayed against them. Sadly, only a few even knew who the Opponent was. And most of them were not men of principle — they were men of expediency. ‘Whatever works’ was their watchword. And, when Franklin Roosevelt swept into power on a wave of Jewish money, Jewish advisors, and a tsunami of vile lies and deceptions, the party of racial separation and the White working man quickly became the party of killing Germans for the Jews and was eventually transformed into the party of Affirmative Action, unlimited immigration, Jewish supremacism, and diseased sodomites. But they did win a lot of elections. A great success, that.
And I am sure that if you had warned the leaders of the Democratic party in the late 19th century that in a few short decades, their party would come to embody nearly the exact opposite of the principles it then upheld, they would have laughed in your face. They would have told you that the party leadership was in good hands and that you could depend on the men who held the reins of power to do what was right. How wrong they were.
The Republican party is no different in its essence. What began as a party of cynical money-men and hysterical abolitionist agitators eventually morphed into the implicitly White “conservative” party of opposition to Democratic and Leftist “excesses,” though almost always adopting those very “excesses” as its own in a decade or two — and has now morphed again into the party of cuckservative chicken hawks who worship Jews, war, corporations, Jews, multiracialism, Jews, Israel, Jews, money, Jews, and Jesus in more or less that order. They are pragmatic men who do whatever they need to do to stay in power. Republicans should rename their party and call it simply The Party of No Principles. Their symbol should be the greasy extended palm.
We see a similar phenomenon in the various forms of Christianity. What began as a nonsensical, primitive, raceless, equalitarian religion for slaves rooted in Judaism, that transformed and then destroyed the Classical civilization created by our race, evolved into the de facto vehicle for White European unity, resistance to Islamic invasion, and containment of the Jewish threat for centuries, though built on a quicksand of false Jewish doctrine. In the last 150 years or so, it has transformed itself again, in most of its varieties, closer to its equalitarian Jewish roots and has become one of the driving forces behind mass immigration and miscegenation in the West.
Surely a better and truer basis for our future can be found.
Now there is a place, until the day when all political parties are abolished, in each of our nations for a political party which appeals to White people on a mass scale — reaching out for support and votes to a large number of Whites who have only the most basic and even in some cases marginal understanding of White identity and the crisis which threatens our race’s very existence. Such a party should not lie to our people, but it may at times be forced by political realities and repressive laws to refrain from spelling out the whole truth. Where such parties exist and are led by men and women with a full understanding of our racial plight, I wish them all success and hope they win every election they contest. Such parties may constitute one tool in our arsenal as we defend our biological existence. But they should not be ends in themselves. They should be the tail, not the dog. If they become ends in themselves, without firm control by fully-enlightened and absolutely dedicated racialists, they will end up no better than the Democratic and Republican parties, each of which in its day was seen by many as a vehicle for White interests.
The power behind pro-White political parties must consist of a dedicated cadre of leaders thoroughly committed to not just a new party in power, but to a new racially-progressive society and a new race-based civilization, with the continuity of our ideas from generation to generation, as leadership passes from the old to the young over the decades, being one of their very highest priorities.
The leadership of our parties must come from a growing and viable racially-conscious White community, which intentionally grooms its leaders from those who have fully understood and fully assimilated our biological worldview. And our parties — implicitly — and the White community itself — explicitly — must be governed by the principles inherent in that biological worldview.
Just being governed — for now, for a single generation — by those who accept the biological worldview is not enough. Steps must be taken to ensure that less principled leaders can never gain power over the institutions we have created.
Look at what happened to America. Our founding fathers and prominent leaders for more than a century — even up to Lincoln himself, whatever his flaws — were racial separatists, who created a nation in which only Whites could be citizens, and certainly they intended that principle to remain unchallenged as long as the United States should exist. Even the strong advocates of an end to Black slavery, like Jefferson and Monroe, favored a racial separation so thoroughgoing that it placed the different races on different continents!
But where did it all lead? To the present, my friends, the terrible present… where White children are a dwindling, hated, and endangered minority in what was once the land of the White pioneers.
The Founding Fathers showed us in a thousand ways that they wanted a White future. Jefferson said miscegenation should be a felony and that the different races should not live under the same government. The first Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, which stood until 1952 and declared that only White people could become citizens of our nation. James Monroe and Francis Scott Key lent their names and their reputations to a plan to repatriate freed slaves back to Africa, a plan which Lincoln also supported. But they also failed us. They failed to see what was needed to make sure that White future became a reality. They failed to make the basis of the new republic explicitly racial. They failed to enshrine its racial basis in the constitution in language so unmistakable that it could never be misconstrued. Had they done so, we would be immeasurably better off. It is true that even the best constitution is an imperfect defense against genocide and evil, but if the White race had been protected by the Founders with as much armor as they gave freedom of speech and freedom of religion, the Jewish supremacists would, I think, have made far less progress in their drive to obliterate us.
So what am I saying? I am saying that we need a racial movement and a racial community which is as explicit in its principles as the Founding Fathers should have been in our Constitution, with its members and leaders sharing a deep and scientific understanding of the issues we face as a people. This racial community will be the vanguard which leads our people to freedom and self-determination. This racial community, of which the National Alliance represents the bare beginning, could operate political parties, or alternatively provide the seedbed from which the leaders of those parties are selected, but neither the political parties — nor any mass outreach program — should be ends in themselves.
This racial community must one day become the State. The leaders of this racial community must, one day, possess military power. They must possess the power to make all government policy. They must also possess the power to determine in large measure what is popular.
We should not forget that we live for a day which we may never see in our lifetimes. We should not forget that we live for a day when White children can walk untrammeled and free from fear, aspiring to higher and more beautiful things than we can even dream of. That’s worth fighting for.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Another stirring defense of the White race by our resident genius Kevin Alfred Strom
I thank you for the accolade, Douglas, even if it is an exaggeration. But then, you are our resident writer who uses, not a pen or a keyboard, but sledgehammers, lightning bolts, and nuclear fusion devices to get your ideas on paper. When you finally get hold of a black hole, the spheres themselves will tremble.
Thank You very much Kevin, I consider that to be praise from Caesar
I am immensely grateful to the page administrators for always updating us with accurate information, I am here practically every day and this is the first time I have made a comment and I would really like to know the Jim Crow Laws in full, I would like to read all the amendments and articles containing all the restrictions and constitutions in detail made at the time, I couldn’t find it anywhere, if anyone has a pdf or link so I can read it send me dms on telegram or even commenting here.
Tg: @DerWolf88
One of the things I intend to do today is speak with a first cousin on the phone, his daddy being a retired WW1 MARINE CORPS cavalryman who farmed in north-central Tennessee. If you haven’t seen the clip of Johnny Carson interviewing the oldest farmer in southern Illinois or something to that effect. The video came to mind when I just read your post after receiving e-mail notice that my comment was approved and looked to see if there had been others. I recommend watching it to better understand popular culture when I was growing in the 1950s and 60s. I didn’t watch television probably because, like Kevin I had to get up at 4 AM to deliver newspapers. I mention my cousin because I choked up at my father’s… Read more »
Thank you so much for your answer James!
Good work, Kevin. I admire your integrity, time management and work ethic. Leif Erikson and Shackleton come to mind when I consider icebreaking exploration and encouragement. Keep up particularly the remastering and secure archiving. Conditions this year are very exciting and calm constancy of your discipline each week is appreciated.
Thank you, James. Others do as much as I do; but I am blessed, or maybe cursed, to have some of what I do in the public eye.
In 2009 there was a book written “This isnt the Britain we fought for”
In it british veterans tell their story.
I know it is not possible but I would really like to know what would have happened if all the people of 1939 wouldbe given a clear view of 2024 and asking them if this it what they want.
I have a feeling that the majority would have turned their backs on our “masters” and fought for a world of our own.
Unfortunately that is wishful thinking but I am grateful that we have white people who fight even though our governments make our lives miserable to curry favour with their “masters”.
Here is an excellent video about a more recent book (2012) called “The Unknown Warriors” by Nicholas Pringle. He interviewed hundreds of WW2 veterans and the answers were overwhelmingly negative. Most of them loath what Great Britain has become (a Third World hell-hole full of black & brown criminals, with a crumbling infrastructure, a useless police force that targets White people, awful public services and an expensive cost of living) and said that if they were back in 1939 they would NOT volunteer. A few said that they would have fought for Hitler!
Napoleon said, “I have discovered an amazing thing: Men will risk their lives for colored ribbons pinned to their chests.”
They print colored ribbons like they print money. We have fallen for both schemes.
Interesting quip!
In an honorable society both the coins and ribbons would have real value; in a defeated, dishonorable, sick, and decaying society they are both grossly debased.
The revealing Napoleon quote reminds me of an unrelated (but equally revealing) utterance, this one from Pope Leo X, who was reported to have once said in amazement, “What riches this fable of Christ has brought us!”
That was an excellent and moving speech, Mr. Strom. Congratulations! There is nothing that I could add to what you said, except for a reflection on the mindset that guided the men who the Americans call “The Founding Fathers”. Unfortunately for you, and by that I mean White Americans, the Founding Fathers were creatures of their time and as such they were educated in the values of the so-called “Enlightenment”. Two of the main pillars of that ideal were the wicked Masonic concepts of “equality” and “fraternity” which led to the acceptance of the Jews as fully-fledged citizens. Let’s not forget that Liberalism is a secular form of Christianity: “We are all equal”, “Liberty-Equality-Fraternity”, etc. Because of their liberal/masonic mindset, those decent and patriotic men sowed, unwittingly, the seeds of… Read more »
I was young, foolish and full of piss and vinegar when I joined the Army while still in high school in 1966, knowing it was likely that I’d be deployed to kill communists or possibly be killed in a far-off land. It was an American tradition after all, and almost expected of some of us. Now when someone tells me, “Thank you for your service,” I’m apt to come back with, “Don’t thank me for serving in that worthless war back in the ’60s, thank me for my service today,” and hand the person a National Alliance business card. It’s fine to honor vets who died in wars, but the rah rah jingoism I see on Memorial Day is not shared by this vet. Today I share sentiments with Andrew… Read more »
Mr. Strom, is this a secret organization or can I tell my friends about it?
The National Alliance and its program that Mr. Strom spoke of is not a secret; in fact we operate quite openly. You will not find us by visiting the locations we are at, we have no publicly-available facilities at this time, but certainly we do meet by invitation and by gatherings set up privately for Alliance purposes. It is highly recommended that if you want to meet with us, join, then we will contact you as to how you can go about this activity. To answer any further questions in this matter, please use our “contact us” feature at the top of our webpage here.
Your friends are invited to check us out.
Jim, Mr. Diego Garcia Francisco d’Anconia Gonzales needs to inform himself about our Alliance before trying to explain it to his friends.
Don’t waste your time answering his ignorant question. He was provided the link to ‘What is the National Alliance?” He didn’t bother to read it
You’ve got to be a joke account. “Secret organizations” don’t have Web sites, print publications, book stores, real-world communities, and radio programs.