American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Us or Them

A screenshot of a recent featured story on pronatalism

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 November, 2022

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE DANGER of downward evolution, a corollary to our Cosmotheist ideal of upward evolution, is starting to have an influence on a substantial part of the wealthy Western elite, many of them White people. Business Insider has published two articles recently about the growing movement called pronatalism, which seems to be gaining ground among the new wave of billionaires and millionaires who have ridden the waves of technology to become a part of the elite in recent decades. The pronatalists want the highly capable and successful to have many, many children, and many are doing exactly that, citing the dangerous “greying” of the populations of the West. They seldom come out and say so, but the pronatalists do occasionally note that these population declines have happened in the very societies which have the best track records of innovation, scientific discoveries, and creation of wealth and prosperity. And their concern about that has come to the attention of Jews. But, lacking our racial consciousness, the pronatalists accept smart Jews and Asians as a part of their movement, and one of the Business Insider pieces highlights the personal and public pronatalism of a couple in which the wife is at least a quarter Jewish. Elon Musk, who has fathered ten children with three White women and speaks on the dangers of depopulation in the “developed world,” is perceived to be an unofficial pronatalist.

Business Insider‘s pieces are remarkably even-handed, though, considering the massive difference between the pronatalists’ frankly eugenicist and pro-reproduction views and the essentially anti-reproduction and anti-eugenicist (“anti-racist”) views the Jewish-dominated Establishment has been pushing, I see conflict coming.

The publication’s CEO is Henry Blodget, a non-Jew who was raised in Jew-heavy New York City and whose questionable stock market practices in the early 2000s resulted in fines and sanctions and a ban on participating in the securities industry — but who nevertheless became a media star in the field. Business Insider is owned by the German Axel Springer publishing group, which appears dominated by non-Jews — though they are careful to toe the Jewish line on most things. Their CEO, Mathias Döpfner, has declared himself to be “a non-Jewish Zionist,” is on the board of anti-White Netflix, and has gotten awards from the Central Council of Jews in Germany and the German Zionist Organization, and received the the ADL’s “International Leadership Award” in 2014. This makes the relative even-handedness of the articles somewhat surprising.

* * *

The movement to limit human reproduction, which has existed for more than a century now, was, in some cases, motivated by realism and sincere concern for the future of our race and our planet. It wasn’t only Jews like Paul Erlich who warned us about the environmental and existential dangers of an ever-increasing human population — both Revilo Oliver and William Pierce, among the greatest partisans of our race, sounded the alarm also. Even as early as the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin was telling us that a relatively small population in our huge territory would be a boon for us, making land cheap and wages high.

But, as with anything they touch (as I mentioned last week), when Jews entered the fray, their influence was used to guide the movement to control our reproduction — which could have been done in a eugenic, race-preserving, and race-improving way — into something profoundly dangerous and threatening to the very existence of the European race.

And, even absent the influence of Jews, the movement was dangerous. Messing with our race’s reproductive behavior, which has evolved for millions of years to optimize itself for survival and competition in an ever-changing environment of varying resources and deadly enemies, is risky. To make an analogy, it is more than playing with dynamite — it is playing with nuclear fusion. If you, as a society, promote an ethic of limiting births to replacement level or lower for everyone, then you run the risk that the most responsible and dutiful and intelligent and future-oriented part of the population — the ones we need the most and can spare the least — will be the very ones who will be able to understand your reasoning, absorb your message, and have the self-discipline to carry it out; while the least intelligent and responsible will just keep on with their profligate sexual behavior and high birth rates — leading to a drastic decline in the population’s quality, including racial quality.

It’s very similar to what happened after Margaret Sanger’s pro-contraception movement took hold in the upper reaches of the Establishment many decades ago. Sanger appeared to have reasonable motives. She saw that the lowest among us in ability were engaging in most of the reproduction, often reproduction beyond their means to support, leading to poverty and misery for them and a lowering of the overall quality of the race. She thought that increased access to contraception would solve the problem. The poor and miserable, she thought, would adopt contraceptives enthusiastically, like a lifeline is enthusiastically grasped by a drowning man. She also thought that not only low-ability White people, but the chronically low-ability Blacks among us, would happily accept the contraceptives, lessening the danger to our race of their increasing numbers. And she thought people of high ability, the people we really need, had so much money and resources that they would continue to have reasonable numbers of well-supported children, since they could afford them.

Sanger succeeded in breaking the taboo against interfering with human reproduction. But her vision of how that interference would bring us closer to a eugenic paradise was totally wrong. The poor-quality Whites may have used contraceptives (and later, abortion) to some extent, and they absorbed the new anti-child ethos to the point of a now-sickening disregard for the sanctity of their progeny (a sanctity that the old taboos reinforced). It was pretty much the same with the Blacks (who shouldn’t be in our society at all). But the adoption of contraceptive practices by the more intelligent and more responsible and higher-quality part of the population was sufficiently high to lead not only to a massive decrease in our population’s quality — but the adoption of anti-child attitudes among all our people has been enough to make us into a geriatric race, in which the number of infinitely precious White children being produced by our people, generation upon generation, is getting smaller and smaller — a runaway situation in which our numbers, in biological terms — the only terms that really matter — are rapidly trending toward zero.

* * *

The pronatalist movement is an encouraging sign, but it is not enough. It will be co-opted, twisted, or forced into the shadows by our Jewish enemies. It is confused on more than a few issues. But the concerns of its members are real — and these folks are probably, in some cases, more racially-aware than they admit in public. These people need to know about William Pierce, about Cosmotheism, and about our growing community in Upper East Tennessee.

They need to understand that the re-establishment of healthy families will have to be a massive society-wide task. They need to understand that it’s not just a numbers game — though it is, that, too. They need to understand how much we have lost — and how essential it is that we regain those things. In the words of Andrew Hamilton:

True, there are some young White families with children left. However, they are essentially “accidental” — White by happenstance. They are not consciously White, organically White, committedly White. Nor are they psychologically White: Fundamentally, they are non-White, even, frequently, anti-White.

Their few children are reared in unhealthy ways. They do not play and run free as normal children always did — think of Tom Sawyer or Penrod Schofield. They are domesticated and shut in. They attend schools that resemble prisons, with on-duty police officers, ubiquitous closed-circuit surveillance cameras, and locked doors. Members of the public need a pass in order to enter.

Schools and mass media inject the child’s mind with racist, anti-White, pro-“minority” (really majority) poison, sick gender and sexual beliefs, and the state-sponsored Holocaust religion. From infancy kids are raised to hate everything they should identify with, and admire and trust those whom they should despise and reject. This has been going on for several generations now.

The costs of having and raising children are prohibitive. Money is needed to raise a family, and the mother should be at home (preferably). The household can be thought of as a firm. The woman who shoulders the responsibility and burden of running it is performing an essential and arduous task. The role of wife, mother, and homemaker should be celebrated, not denigrated.

They need to understand that there will inevitably be a fight over who will live and whose children will populate the future when the very real limits of Earth’s resources are more closely approached, as was starkly observed by Revilo P. Oliver more than half a century ago. That fight is the main issue before us today, and most Whites aren’t even aware of it.

It’s us or them.

The pronatalists only understand part of the picture. They need to become race-thinkers.

We have a huge task before us.

Without organization and community and a deep spiritual basis for that community — all things provided by the National Alliance and Cosmotheism — we would be dead in the water. Posting a few truths here and there during your lunch break on social media isn’t enough. A life of total dedication to the organization representing your race is what is needed.

I believe that rising “approved” members of the managerial classes in our Jewish-dominated society are told that, to advance their careers, they must support all measures to decrease the population. Certainly they are submerged in a pot of such notions from the very beginning of their “education.” These measures include the promotion of all types of sexuality that do not result in the conception of children of our race — contraception of all kinds, abortion, bizarre and sterile sex practices for heterosexuals, homosexuality, asexuality, pedophilia, bisexuality, interracial sex, and transsexualism. If any dare to question why high-birth rate Semites and Blacks and Mestizos are being imported into the West if population increase is such a danger, they will merely be told 1) that “becoming Westerners” will cause the Blacks, etc., to get with the low-birthrate program, and 2) they’d better shut up and stop noticing such things if they know what’s good for them.

This is all sold to them on the basis of “preventing overpopulation” and “saving the planet.” Many of these rising managerial/political types believe the drivel, but even the ones who don’t quickly learn what kind of behavior is rewarded and what kind is punished — and nearly all accept that resistance is futile. The issue has been decided.

Of course, the history of our race is replete with great souls who refused to accept what was “decided” by their “betters” — and who made great revolutionary advances, sometimes accompanied by political and social revolutions. It’s about time for another such revolution — one that throws the race-murderers out of the castle forever, and removes them from any power over our people — one that takes the great potential of our sacred reproduction into its hands and makes it a holy mission to guide our people toward perpetual survival, advancement, expansion, and unchallengeable power over our own destiny.

Perhaps such a soul, or several, has already been born to the families married in the last few years among the members of the Cosmotheist Community.

The Strom family, November 2022: We were wed by National Alliance Chairman Will Williams in a Cosmotheist ceremony in 2019. Since then, several other families have been wed in our community, and White children born. (photograph copyright ©2022 Kevin Alfred Strom, all rights reserved)

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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19 November, 2022 10:06 am

Kevin, your wife’s shirt has the word “pregnant” on it. Have you done it again?! If so, that would make 6 total. You’re a stud. Hope the other 3 kids with your ex are alright.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
19 November, 2022 3:30 pm

This radio show has given much food for thought to digest. Once upon a time, we had an agrarian society, here and in Europe. Before the advent of modern medicine, including shots, women often died in childbirth for whatever reason, and not all children in a family made it to adulthood. Many hands were needed to assist with the keeping of the family farm and in rural spaces, huge families were a good thing. Things had to change after the industrial revolution and the resulting urbanization. Also, with modern conveniences like household appliances, the role of Domestic Engineer was trivialized, essentially making the housewife redundant, but not without the nuclear family destroying propaganda of the yenta hag Betty Friedan’s “Feminine Mystique “. The untermensch among us had absolutely no incentive… Read more »

Wolf Lover
Wolf Lover
Reply to  Nom De Guerre
19 November, 2022 8:20 pm

Um…Canada comes to mind…

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Wolf Lover
20 November, 2022 8:55 pm

Right, I didn’t mean to slight Canada’s pre-industrial revolution history. Nor all the nonwhite foreigners that have been imported against the will of Canadians.

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
19 November, 2022 3:39 pm

The carrying capacity for Whites is unlimited due to technology and innovation. For the dark races, it is closer to animal populations. They need to be controlled and reduced to carrying capacity. They are too stupid to stop breeding.

The Synagogue of Satan needs to be completely destroyed. They are a Cancerous Tumor on the Earth.

19 November, 2022 4:04 pm

Good looking Cosmotheist family you have there, Kevin. That’s what communities are built on, not the death-worshipping anti-life policies of the Jewish persuasion.

Wolf Lover
Wolf Lover
19 November, 2022 8:22 pm

I thought the shirt said “Feliz Navidad”. Cute kids.

20 November, 2022 5:15 am

When Western governments try to increase their birth rates they generally do so by giving taxpayer handouts to the duller and darker members of their society. The chances of a eugenic increase in population are pretty slim.

20 November, 2022 2:17 pm

That picture of Musk and his sort of wife and spawn is that a joke? Musk is a generational satanist and probably a Jew judging by he truly never created anything but was given his position and wealth by his tribe. His grandfather was thrown out of Canada and he was some sort of techno-crat..his father owned emerald mines in South Africa and we all know who controls those mines. Just like his bid for Twitter the data harvesting ghetto that Musk-rat hopes to morph into the Chinese version of a database including all your private info and medical records. Let’s not forget his plans (probably the government s) to chip your brain NeuroLink. This guy is NOT on your side

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Janet
20 November, 2022 9:08 pm

Musk-rat! Great name for this crypto or at least shabbos goy White African American A.I. nerd. As pro A.I. as he is, and I suppose, trans human, I wouldn’t put it past him to be all in on microchipping human brains. The cats and dogs we adopt are treated more humanely, because their microchips are just quickly punched into the nape of their necks, and only for the purpose of recovering them should the animal go missing. I don’t get why so many on SF and other WNs talk about him like he’s some great white hope, always rooting for him. I also don’t understand why anyone I’ve talked to IRL describes him as handsome. Wow, no accounting for taste. He has Down’s syndrome face. At best, he looks a… Read more »

Reply to  Janet
2 December, 2022 8:17 pm

The jury is out on Elon Musk. Besides his amazing achievements, he clearly did some unconventional, remarkable things and drew the ire of top Jewry. I’m watchful, but encouraged to like him. The “media” is peppered with criticism against him – such as today’s news of some European commission taking measures against rising “hate” speech on Twitter under him.
(Btw, one can never stop being amazed at the labels the Jews come up with and cementing into the populace: “hate” speech, conspiracy theory, racist, antisemitic, Holocaust denier, etc.)

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
2 December, 2022 9:23 pm

Good post, Guest. I am referring mostly to the end in parenthesis: “one can never stop being amazed at the labels the Jews come up with and cementing into the populace: “hate” speech, conspiracy theory, racist, antisemitic, Holocaust denier, etc.” These are tricks of the Jew to smear, denigrate, de-legitimize, belittle, and just generally run down others who disagree with them. Call it out when you see it, but better yet, support White media builders such as the National Alliance who bring intelligent White voices together to get the job done for the sake of our race’s future.

20 November, 2022 10:07 pm

“race-thinkers”. I like that phrase.

Celtic Son
Celtic Son
21 November, 2022 11:48 am

With Kevin’s years of writing and broadcasting, and producing several beautiful children, I honestly can’t think of anyone who has contributed more to our folk in a very long time. And without all the hoods, swastikas, fiery rhetoric, and other things that are counter-productive. Kevin’s works are reasoned and palatable to open-minded normies.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Celtic Son
30 November, 2022 12:24 am

That is an honest and thoughtful thing to say. I’m sure Kevin appreciates it.

Celtic Son
Celtic Son
Reply to  Old Aardvark
1 December, 2022 7:09 pm

He could have said so himself, but I think my reference to “no swastikas” would offend some of his supporters (like Martin Kerr). So he kept quiet. Whatever.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
30 November, 2022 1:04 am

Thanks for the inspiring and motivating piece, Kevin. And thank-you for your own wonderful example of how to approach life. This will put any normal white person who reads this to thinking about his prime directive in life. I have noticed this trend of famous wealthy people having lots of children. Even people we normally think of as living a degenerate lifestyle of booze, drugs, sex and rock and roll will surprise you. Both Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger have each fathered eight children. Even Keith Richards fathered six children, although one died as an infant. Still that’s doing well for a man who is the poster boy for a life of debauchery. I know of only one of the children of these three rockers who might questionably be not… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Old Aardvark
2 December, 2022 10:38 pm

Old Aardvark: …The National Alliance should put a heavy emphasis on all white [sic] people having at least three children. This message will result in far more success for the organization than finding evermore ways to attack Jews. In the end our race only survives if we have lots of children. Somebody white [sic] has got to have the children. It should be NA members….Some of the wackiest Christian churches actually have the highest white [sic] birth rates for their members… If these people can do it, surely the NA and Cosmotheist Church can. — I appreciate your opinion, OA. Jews are our misfortune! Naming our enemy for controlling the mass mind by having their slimy hands on most controls of the mass news and entertainment media is the primary message drummed into… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
3 December, 2022 1:27 pm

NA always has encouraged the best of our race to have large families, if possible… — OA, I was listening to Dr. Pierce as I drove to the post office this morning — tract 2 of our Power of Truth CD series, called Good News and Bad News.” Powerful stuff from him twenty years ago. Can be read in its entirety here: or listen, here: One ruling notion today is that sexual equality should be promoted at any cost: equality between men and women in the workplace, equal roles in society, no distinction between men and women in education.The [notion] with which I am most concerned is that it has caused the White birthrate to drop far below the replacement level. Either the White birthrate comes up, or… Read more »

H. Millard
H. Millard
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 December, 2022 8:45 am

Yup. We need to increase the White birthrate and we need to separate from all non-Whites and live in our own all-White areas and eventually all White nations (as we once had). Racial diversity and racial mixing is genocide and extinction of the White DNA Code. Ask of everything: “Is this good for White people?” Then act accordingly.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  H. Millard
4 December, 2022 6:17 pm

The National Alliance offers that members create the conditions for raising families within a Cosmotheist community. It doesn’t happen by magic, but by the will of each of us. This can happen anywhere we are, and making a commitment to the NA is how it happens. We value every member of our community, men, women, and children who commit to our higher purpose in life. Time is ticking, folks. The Christians wait for death, we strive for life in the here and now as it is our belief that this is the reality and face it we must. Mr. Millard, I strongly encourage you to join us and show by action what we should practice.

H. Millard
H. Millard
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
5 December, 2022 9:05 am

It would be helpful to see lots of photos of happy NA families with children doing positive things and meeting with one another.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  H. Millard
5 December, 2022 10:00 am

Would photos taken of NA members and their families doing positive things, whatever that means, and meeting one another convince you to join us, Mr. Millard? Isn’t our program, life-philosophy, and a sense of duty to our race to do the right thing sufficient?

H. Millard
H. Millard
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
5 December, 2022 10:16 am

Photos, as I described above, would go a long way to bringing in more people.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  H. Millard
5 December, 2022 7:06 pm

I was talking about bringing you in, Mr. Millard. You seem unwilling to address me on your own behalf.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  H. Millard
25 December, 2022 8:36 pm

H. Millard: Photos, as I described above, would go a long way to bringing in more people. — I’d be happy if our Alliance can bring you in as a member, Mr. Millard, or at least as a supporter. Then you will receive the monthly BULLETIN wherein we share photos of our members and their families, our staff and activities. You see our Media Director’s family pictured above. My family is my wife Lana who does double duty as NA’s Business Manager. We don’t have children, We tried but Lana had a couple of miscarriages thanks to a shitty doctor. Instead the Alliance has become “our baby.” Our members have plenty of children that we enjoy as if they are our own. Our wedding photo (before my hair turned gray).… Read more »

2 December, 2022 7:57 pm

First of all – Kevin, congratulations and I wish your family good health. Between a stud and a younger wife, it should be all good.  It so happens that I was thinking about this natality issue the other day, with no lack of depressing reasons coming in our face every so often. In fact, watching the current soccer World Cup may send one to new lows (and I only skip through out of curiosity, nowadays). We knew about the “French” and “English” teams, and the “Dutch” one, and now even Denmark and Switzerland (!) but have you seen the 1/3 African German team? Can you believe that? Africans with German names, fathered by who knows what terminally brainwashed or infatuated individuals (like that Norwegian “princess”, recently) and being on the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
2 December, 2022 9:26 pm

That resistance to the Jews’ bastard cult called “Christianity” exists here and now, Guest. We in the National Alliance have our own life-philosophy, or religion if that’s what you want to call it, and that’s Cosmotheism. We are bringing Whites together with that creed and the program derived from it as found here:

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Guest
2 December, 2022 11:14 pm

Bob Marley is an example of a German man gone native. Marley had a German father and a Jamaican mother. You can see Marley is mixed. Also, his songs are quite political, which was unheard of for Jamaican singers before Marley. The problem in Europe is that the racial rot has not cost the average European any pain or even a drop in living standards so far. That will likely change this winter thank’s to Putin’s war in Ukraine and the effects this will have on economic activity and the cost of living throughout Europe. Social unrest and political instability will follow, and once popular revolt begins it will also encompass the non-white immigration crisis. Europeans will get pushed out of their comfort zones over the next few years, which… Read more »

3 June, 2024 8:17 am

We should teach our children to respect other races and cultures, but they should never intermarry with them. White race should be preserved