American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Moving Forward in a Dark Time: Guidance from William Pierce, part 2

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 January, 2021 2021-0130 – Moving Forward in a Dark Time – Guidance from William Pierce part 2.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE continue our series “Moving Forward in a Dark Time: Guidance from William Pierce.” This program is part 2 of that series. These are the words of the founder of the National Alliance and of the philosophy/religion that is the spiritual basis of all of the Alliance’s work, including this radio program. That spiritual basis is Cosmotheism. It is a beacon of light — the only true spiritual beacon; all conventional religions and conventional ideologies have failed — in these dark times when the very existence of our race is threatened. When properly understood, Cosmotheism will take your breath away — and make you see the insane folly of the established, popular religions of our times. These are the words of William Pierce. Listen.

* * *

Moving Forward in a Dark Time, part 2
by Dr. William L. Pierce
edited for broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT DOESN’T do much good to say that if we could reach millions more people each month with National Vanguard and if 500 or 1,000 people came to each of our meetings, then the types of things we are doing now would be sufficient for us to become a truly viable organization. The fact is that we have certain resources now, and we are using all of them doing certain things, and we are not getting results fast enough. So, we have to use those resources in some other ways instead — ways that will allow our resources to increase faster than they are increasing now, so that one day we can reach those millions more people each month with exposures and condemnations of the enemy and warnings for our people; and so we can launch sustained campaigns of direct action which can be maintained in the face of all the repressive power the enemy can bring to bear against us.

So, more teaching and preaching and developing our resources for recruiting — a diversion of a part of our present resources from exposures and warnings to longer-range goals, a raising of our sights: Why should this be more successful than what we are doing now?

The answer is: Because of what the American people we’re trying to reach are like. Because of the reactions we have observed over and over again to what we are doing now.

Aside from the liberals and the conservatives, that is, people who, either though wrong-headedness or ignorance, don’t agree with us, the two most common negative reactions we encounter are fear — and lethargy, or lack of incentive. Let’s consider fear first.

We find two kinds of fear. One kind is unreasoning fear many people have that if they become affiliated with us in any way, even to extent of writing to us or subscribing to our monthly printed National Alliance BULLETIN, the government or the Jews or the Blacks will find out about it and get back at them in some way. Some people imagine that Blacks in the postal service will notice that they are receiving our BULLETIN in the mail and will assault them or say something hostile to them and embarrass them. Some imagine that the Jews will find out about them and will do something to damage their business or their credit rating or will somehow get them fired from their jobs. Others have a really pathological fear of the FBI. They are terrified by the thought that the FBI will put them on some sort of “enemies list.”

To those of us who understand a little better the way things actually work, such fears seem laughable and contemptible. We may be inclined to say that we don’t need such paranoids and cowards. But it is a fact that a very large portion of the population which otherwise agrees with us is afflicted by such fear, and it seriously limits our recruiting.

The thing which makes me feel there is some hope for recruiting many of these frightened people and getting some useful participation out of them is the memory of my own feelings when I first published something critical of the System. I was afraid then. I was really worried that I might be assaulted on the streets by gangsters hired by the Jews and that hostile Blacks might try to break into my home and harm my family.

I soon found out how foolish my fears were. That doesn’t mean, of course, that there are no dangers in what we are doing, but the dangers are not what most people imagine them to be. And I am sure that if we could make the initial step of becoming affiliated with us less frightening, many more people will be able to take the initial step and then, later, overcome their fears and go much further with us.

There is also another kind of fear people have, and that is a fear of doing something or being associated with something unpopular, something which will bring the disapproval of their friends or neighbors or co-workers. It’s a manifestation of herd instinct.

Now, the Jews have very wisely blackened, in the public mind, everything in which we believe. They have attempted to protect themselves by making any resistance to them, any White efforts at self-defense, seem disreputable. The average American is more terrified of being considered a racist — even if he is one, and most people are — than he is of being assaulted on the street or arrested by the FBI.

Again, just as with the other type of fear, we may be inclined to hold such people in contempt and to say that any worthwhile person should have the courage of his convictions. But, in fact, most Americans who agree with us do not have the courage of their convictions, and it doesn’t do us any more good to lament that fact than it does to lament the fact that people are so blind as not to see what the Jews are up to or so self-centered and materialistic as not to care. That’s the way people are, and we can’t change it until we can provide a healthier spiritual environment for them.

There are still people left in this country who have not spooked themselves with exaggerated fears of Black mailmen or the FBI and who are not afraid of being called a racist. We want and need such people. But I believe experience is showing us that there just aren’t enough such people. We need others too, and if we are to recruit them, we must try to find ways to help them overcome their fears.

There is no perfect solution to this problem, I am sure. There will always be people too timid to join us, no matter how much care we take to avoid spooking them. And we will always be too disreputable for some people, no matter how we try to change our public image. But I believe that downplaying the negative a bit and accentuating the positive can help our recruiting a great deal.

I am not talking about compromising our ideals in any way. I am not talking about ceasing to expose and condemn the Jews and those of our own race who collaborate with them. But I am talking about making it a little easier for those to join us who are not quite as strong or as brave as we would like. And that will mean shifting of emphasis.

Some of the things which in the past have been explicit in our publications — about physical action, about racial matters and the Jews, will have to be left implicit in the material intended for public distribution.

Now, besides fear, the other problem I mentioned which we have to deal with if we are to grow faster is lack of motivation. Both among the public and among our own members we have a severe problem of inactivity — of people who are not afraid to come to meetings, or to spread our fliers or our urls, or to recruit other people, but who don’t do these things because they would rather watch TV.

We have not succeeded to the extent we should have in making these people want to participate. And for nearly everyone, that’s the key. They have to want to do something or they won’t do it. A sense of duty just isn’t sufficient, except for a very few — too few. Remember, we’re dealing mostly with the permissive “me” generation.

This doesn’t mean we need a fun-and-games approach to our revolution. It’s still going to be hard work and sacrifice, and there’s no way of changing that. But we can do a better job of motivating people to do their duty. And I believe there are two ways we can increase motivation. One way is through an increased understanding of our long-range goals — that is, though a raised state of consciousness, both among our own people and those we are trying to recruit. The other way is to try harder to have an organization which fills a real need in people’s lives.

The first way means more education and more consciousness-raising, with a stress on the message in our Affirmation. It means a bigger effort to make potential recruits fully aware that we are trying to do much more than solve a number of acute social and racial problems now confronting America — that our work is not over when the last Jew and the last Shabbos goy have been taken care of, but that it will really be just beginning then — that the problems of today are merely an initial roadblock which must be cleared away so that we can begin a program of building and climbing that will go on and on, for generation after generation. And, again, that means a shifting of emphasis away from the terrible and disgusting things that are going on now which we want to stop to the new things that we want to begin doing in a cleansed America and in a cleansed world.

The second way means providing an opportunity for a sense of community in the lives of those who now have none, who feel isolated and alone in a hostile world because their outlook is similar to ours. It means providing a hope of fulfillment, a hope of doing something worthwhile, something with eternal meaning and significance, for those who have the terrible knowledge that their lives now are without meaning or significance and are thus being wasted.

And, again, that means a shift of emphasis from short-range things to long-range things. It means stressing the spiritual basis of our organization even at the expense of temporarily neglecting some of the current problems in the world around us.

It is too often the case now, I believe, that we try to recruit someone on the basis of working with us to halt the takeover of our schools by Black savages or to free our national news networks from Jewish control, and the prospective recruit agrees with us that it would be nice to do these things, but he looks at us — a few hundred people with no apparent resources beyond a monthly publication, a few houses and buildings, and a few Web sites, and he looks at the enemy’s enormous resources, and he shakes his head and says to himself, “No way.” He just can’t work up any enthusiasm or motivation for trying to do something he doesn’t believe can be done. It’s just not worth the trouble, the embarrassment, the risk, the expense. So, he stays in front of his TV set.

If, instead, that prospective recruit saw in us a spiritually compatible community which he might join, a group of kindred spirits whose beliefs and teaching he found exciting and soul-satisfying in themselves, then he might very well leave his television and participate with us in spreading our message because he wanted to, because he found it rewarding in itself. And so might many others also. And then what had seemed impossible before will have become possible, because we will have become much more than a few hundred, and our resources will have become much greater than the few publications and homes and offices we have today.

We will publish, as soon as we possibly can, a book citing a clear and fairly complete exposition of our philosophy and our long-term goals, that is, of the spiritual basis of our existence.

But whatever we do will remain implicit in and derived from the one, eternal Truth contained in our Affirmation. We will merely be trying new ways of presenting that Truth, emphasizing new aspects of it, drawing new conclusions from it.

And whatever we do will depend upon the full and wholehearted participation of all those listening to my words today and all our brothers and sisters in spirit and in blood across the continents where our people live who also receive this message.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help. 2021-0130 – Moving Forward in a Dark Time – Guidance from William Pierce part 2.mp3

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30 January, 2021 2:12 pm

The term “dark time” is already based on an error in thinking. Time is neither dark nor light. There are also no good or bad days, or good or bad weather. The days, the weather and the time are completely indifferent to our interpretation. Even in the “darkest times” there were always people who had sun in their hearts. Those who think in terms of “problems” are doomed to failure. Something is always missing for happiness. Unhappiness is always the gap between the actual state and the target state. Those who follow an unattainable “ideal” will break down because of this comparison. We have to think in terms of chances, challenges and opportunities. Knowledge is power. Our mortal enemies know that. If you know tomorrow’s lottery numbers today, you’ll be… Read more »

Reply to  Phil
2 February, 2021 8:26 am

There is no bad weather, there is only inappropriate clothing.
-Norwegian proverb

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
30 January, 2021 2:21 pm

I have recently been doing some unrelated
research on an item which necessitated my
reading of old NA Bulletins. Roughly between
’98 and ’02. I have found many praises by
WLP on what was to become his arch-nemesis –
none other than Erich Gliebe. There were
also to be found NARRG grouplet members
of names well known. No point in mentioning
them here – readers of this forum know well
who they are. My question is this: how could
this man – a genius and innovative thinker
in every way imaginable – yet was so short-
sighted as to have not seen the character
flaws of Erich Gliebe – who almost single-
handedly destroyed almost everything WLP
had built up to the time of his death?  

Reply to  Walt Hampton
30 January, 2021 7:56 pm

Walt, Dr. Pierce, like all of us, wasn’t perfect. He also wasn’t a mind-reader. Having the highest quality people around our leaders at the National Office is very important for succession and a host of other important positions but those people aren’t the easiest to attract. Recruiting them is already emphasized among members who do outreach and vetting after they’re in to weed out anyone with defects in character or that present some sort of threat to the Alliance. What Dr. Pierce started can and should be improved in all areas, but we can’t correct the stumbles, mistakes, or imperfections that occurred in the past except by learning from them and implementing the best solutions we can devise. In that, our current leadership is doing a fine job at learning… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  JM/Iowa
2 February, 2021 2:01 pm

It is quite obvious – at least to me – that
Captain Williams has done a mighty job
bringing NA back from the precipice – and
bringing in what seems to be very good –
and I must add – YOUNGER people, to
address the issues at hand. No one likes
to be reminded of the inevitability of our
biological demise – not me, not WLP, and
quite likely not Captain Williams as well.
The Captain survived the Vietnam war, so
one could say he has been living on borrowed
time for almost a half-century. The point
needs to be made. Now is as good a time
as any – to begin the search of a worthy
successor to the Chairmanship.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Walt Hampton
31 January, 2021 10:38 pm

Walt Hampton: My question is this: how could this man – a genius and innovative thinker in every way imaginable – yet was so short- sighted as to have not seen the character flaws of Erich Gliebe – who almost single- handedly destroyed almost everything WLP had built up to the time of his death?  — You know what’s said about almost, Walt. It only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. The National Alliance was not destroyed, no matter how many times the GD SPLC says we have been, or that we are “defunct.” Those character flaws were not revealed until after Dr. Pierce died and Mr. Gliebe found himself way out of his depth as National Alliance Chairman. Until then he had been a very competent and energetic mid-level… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
2 February, 2021 1:45 pm

A good post, and it clears up a lot of the mystery for me. As for “Phil,” I have no idea who he is – other than that his posts are somewhat annoying in that one has to make a considerable effort to judge their relevance to the topic. Your analysis of the Gliebester makes sense. It certainly does put the past into a better perspective. I separated myself from his NA around ’04 or ’05 because of particulars involving the case with DeMarias. I had no idea that Gliebe removed the section about Christianity from the handbook…in fact, even when ’09 came around and I crossed  paths again with the late Dr. Ian Gale, he made no mention of it. Gliebe may have  started out as merely incompetent. However in my opinion, deleting… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
2 February, 2021 3:36 pm

One more thing. This reply never appeared before being scrolled off the first page of comments, I found it in the “last 200 comments,” so this is a bump just for you, Walt. ;o}

30 January, 2021 2:44 pm

But there are things that are inherited inter-generationally, passed on like a genetic baton. We can’t take them off like a glove. At least this is what the recently deceased Bert Hellinger claimed. Near Berchtesgaden, on the Obersalzberg, Adolf Hitler had his vacation home. He often spent several weeks in the house, which belonged to his partner Eva Braun. Meanwhile, of course, government business had to go on, and for this purpose, in addition to the main offices on the Berghof, where Hitler worked with his closest followers, there was a small branch of the Reich Chancellery down in the valley, where some officials maintained contact between Berlin and the “Berchtesgaden Office”. After the war, this branch of the Reich Chancellery became the property of the U.S. Army and,… Read more »

30 January, 2021 2:51 pm

The pseudoscience Human Design was
originated by (((Alan Robert Krakower)))

The “Manifestor” – a lone wolf.

comment image

Reply to  Phil
2 February, 2021 8:27 am

Now THAT is a purebred dog !

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
2 February, 2021 12:41 pm

The wolf would probably not be overly
enthusiastic about being called a dog.

30 January, 2021 3:00 pm

There are things, people or moments that are difficult to unravel in their landslide-like triggering effect.The Serb Gavrilo Princip practically caused our present world situation. However, the signs were already pointing to chaos. All that was needed was a justifying moment.Jews can skillfully manipulate such “swarm intelligences” that subsequently turn out to be idiocies, as 9/11 demonstrated. The world today looks much more favorable to Israel, and much more unfavorable to the White Race.

Reply to  Phil
30 January, 2021 8:03 pm

Phil, would it be best for each of us to contribute towards creating conditions that do favor the White race and to build higher and wider around those conditions? If so, then it’s important we motivate not just ourselves, but others around us to accomplishing this. And now this is where I mention that the first step lies with finding out if you are qualified to join us in the National Alliance……

30 January, 2021 3:05 pm

Thanks Kevin. Let’s all smile, stand upright, speak truthfully, progress and do three productive things every day. Let’s communicate and exercise our own cultures, music, sport.Let’s use and keep our own technology for ourselves. Let’s be prepared. Stockpile. Let’s buy and sell amongst ourselves. Let’s volunteer to help each other. Let’s explore and understand the physical and social environment around ourselves, strategically. Understand our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) in terms of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural (and legal) and Technology (PEST) aspects. Focus on your local politics. Attend meetings. Watch and monitor your supposed representatives! Praise decent leaders. Don’t preach politics, emphasize issues. Dump your television sets or at least have them facing each other so they can spy on each other, not you. Be aware of the insidious scoundrel… Read more »

30 January, 2021 3:21 pm

Music can be very inspiring. You can do mood-gym
by consciously listening music with positive content.

Fear paralyzes. Everyone who feels “stage fright” or “exam stress” knows this.
“Stress” always means saying yes but meaning no. Hate makes you fixed, in-
flexible and unfree. The error rate increases. In boxing, Negroes often try to
provoke their white opponents to thoughtless actions through aggression.

30 January, 2021 3:33 pm

Unfortunately, we have to take note of this: “Politics” poisons the soul. Because it always creates ambivalences that cannot be resolved without taking a “position” of some kind. So it pulls us like a vortex deeper and deeper into itself, binds our energies. Makes us helpless, angry, frustrated and fearful.

Live is for Living. If not now, when, if not
me, who else? Now is always the right time.

We must also always keep in mind that without us, the world will continue to spin as before. Many people have fallen into the error of overestimating their importance and wasting their precious lifetime. They confuse cyberspace with “reality. Digital dementia. Nothing could be better for our enemies.

30 January, 2021 3:51 pm

In a world of arbitrariness and interchangeability, in which people have been degraded to commodities and “consumers”, it is difficult to make people understand what they risk and give up in terms of irretrievable substance through their darn inaction. Everyone who has a problem also has the solution at the same time. If there is a key for every lock, there is also a solution for every problem. He just does not want to consider it, he avoids responsibility. Here it helps to ask the right questions: “What do I really want to achieve? Is this goal realistic? How do I get there? Who could help me? What skills and resources do I need?” etc. It often helps to break down a “problem” that seems too gigantic into its sub-aspects… Read more »

Reply to  Phil
30 January, 2021 11:33 pm

Thanks Phil. We need problems so we don’t stagnate. Let’s try to choose our own problems and projects rather than have them imposed on us. Move in the correct direction every day then even small steps will get us where we want to be.

Reply to  Truthweed
2 February, 2021 1:45 pm

Very true, Truthweed, we must focus on our goals or we will miss them all. Imagine someone standing at the counter of an airport and saying, when asked where they want to book a ticket, “I definitely don’t want to go to China, I don’t want to go to Argentina, and I don’t want to go to Hawaii!” Or someone goes to a bakery and wants to buy shoes there. Dreaming is for dreamers. A civil servant sitting at his desk whi- ile dreaming of the Bahamas is neither at his desk nor in the Bahamas. Guess why the (((news))) only reports conflicts instead of solutions. They want to scare and discourage their readers. So that everyone is of the conviction: “This world is bad and we are only powerless… Read more »

30 January, 2021 4:01 pm

Do you have to be a highly educated scientist to understand the world? Even the simplest basics of problem-solving skills are enough.

Ultimately, it’s always about giving your life meaning. Through unforeseen strokes of fate (illness, loss, etc.), however, even this house of cards of the former meaning can collapse, then nothing makes sense anymore. Except the conviction that the only meaning of life is life.

One day we will all be dependent on other people and helpless, then it will be too late with the missed chance. We should go to a children’s cancer ward once in a while to stop whining and feeling sorry for ourselves.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Phil
31 January, 2021 6:06 pm

Picking up where I left off. I think the solution to a repeat of the problem would be eyeballing candidates for the next Chairman. WLP’s issue was one we all at some point or another, have to contemplate the eventually of our own demise. Founder WLP was 68 at the time of his death. Untimely, but nevertheless did happen. I have seen what I think would be good candidates both on this site as well as White Bio (I am not one of them). I do not want to be specific because I have never met any of them in person. I have of course met our own current Chairman, but he is about my age. I am definitely no spring chicken. I do not like thinking about my own… Read more »

Reply to  Walt Hampton
2 February, 2021 1:31 pm

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with what “WLP” means (White
Lives Project?) but I can otherwise agree with your comments.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Phil
2 February, 2021 11:21 pm

I have a suspicion that you just drifted in off
of the WWW (World Wide Web). The acronym
of your inquiry WLP stands for (William Luther
Pierce). You may or may not know that this man
was the founder of NA (National Alliance). You
also may or may not know that NV (National
Vanguard) is the online magazine of the NA (National

30 January, 2021 6:12 pm

Normally, it requires a medium level of activation, ranging between apathy and overexertion. The “modern” man of the West is not overworked, but underworked. Aggressive boredom plagues him. Those who exercise their bodies sufficiently do not feel resignation.

Now digital technology comes into play. It makes use of an old, innate instinct, the curiosity drive. Colorful distractions lure us everywhere and give us the illusion of a problem-free comfort zone. With every “kick,” the brain releases happiness hormones that it normally needs to cope with difficult tasks. 

30 January, 2021 11:45 pm

PS: Regarding dat idiotic Alan Parsons song (his Jewish partner is deceased): Meanwhile I react allergic when I hear the word “God”. He operates (probably unwittingly) with it Jewish disinformation and false propaganda, which is to keep their cursed superstition alive. I know nevertheless for a long time that this nonsense comes from Jewish fiction production. Because I am (like the East Asians) of the opinion that everything carries naturally its opposite in itself (as represented in the symbol of Yin and Yang). Whenever we overdo something, the balancing energy level of the universe decides to move us back to the center. With your s****y “God” this has everything else than something to do, but simply with simple physical facts. It is rather a pityful sign of unrepaired infantility that… Read more »

30 January, 2021 11:49 pm

PPS: I would love to withdraw that garbage
now, but unfortunately it’s no longer possible.

31 January, 2021 12:02 am

Anyone who in all seriousness still needs such a Jewish
Sky-Daddy as a full-fledged adult person to give himself
permission is an emotionally underdeveloped Jew-slave.

This realization can never come from infantile “rebellion”
against that fictitious imprinted Jewish Upper-Me, but on-
ly from cold rational logical reason of inner independence.

31 January, 2021 12:13 am

I do not want to condemn and demonize “Christianity” as a whole (like the Jews), which certainly made its contribution to the evolution of the white race. But if someone needs a fictitious “God” to act rationally and decently, then he is surely nothing more than a pathetic wretch.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
31 January, 2021 2:15 am

No one has made single mothers as popular as Christianity. with one child and without a man.
I think the image of Mary influenced the lousy heads of the white race.
Otherwise, I would not have seen a bunch of cowards who are afraid to start families and believe in the existence of love. Romantic love has nothing to do with real life. Our main mistake is believing in the concepts that are being imposed on us. Become more cold-blooded.
Give up the love of freedom and other emotions that interfere with your reproduction.
you will be afraid of poverty, poverty will come to you.

31 January, 2021 11:41 pm

“Weapons of Mass Destruction” in fa (((Movies))) The can with the Jewish invention “Zyklon B” (delousing agent) must not be missing! “Das Land der Dichter und Denker” “The land of poets and thinkers”. Jews turned it into “Das Land der Richter und Henker” “The nation of judges and executioners” (Paul Celan, Osacar Blumenthal, Erwin Chargaff a.o.). “Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland” “Death is a master from Germany” .(((Karl Kraus))) “We have understood how to live, so we also understand how to die.” (Goebbels) The first recorded strategic use of napalm incendiary bombs occurred in an attack by the US Army Air Force on Berlin on 6 March 1944, using American AN-M76 incendiary bombs with PT-1 (Pyrogel) filler.[15][16] The first known tactical use by the… Read more »

31 January, 2021 11:47 pm

The Jews had it (as always) somewhat modified “Das
Volk der Richter und Henker”, “The people of judges
and executioners”. Of course, peoples exist for them
only if there is something to accuse and plunder there.

Otherwise it is always called “mankind”. But when it
comes to “reparations”, the evil Germans suddenly
exist again as a collective community of guilt, every
year at the same time as just now on “Holo Memo”.

31 January, 2021 11:54 pm

Especially malicious: “Germans don’t know
how to live, but they know how to die!” (Jew)

1 February, 2021 12:00 am

“The Germans became anti-Semites because they
were Nazis. The Austrians became Nazis because
they were anti-Semites.” (Jew Georg Stefan Troller)

Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 3:48 pm

Greetings Nick. The Germans became Nazis because of the Anti-White Semites.

Reply to  Truthweed
3 February, 2021 6:35 am

There must be a valid reason for noting that, in today’s
“Germany”, this constitutes a “criminal offense”. If you
want to know who rules over you, ask who you are not
allowed to criticize. I like your kindness. Decency and
manners are rare these days (who may benefit from it).

1 February, 2021 12:05 am

For criminal “American” Negroes, on the
other hand, “Herr” Troller had a big heart

1 February, 2021 2:24 am

He who is not a commie at 20 has no heart.
He who is not a “Nazi” at 40 has no brain.

2 February, 2021 8:39 am

I think the real danger for most people isn’t in being put on lists, or diversity hires at the Post Office noticing what type of mail you get, but in more subtle things, some of them maybe not even directly intentional. My name was misspelled on my ‘economic impact payment’ card, making it somewhat harder to use and the alleged ‘customer service’ number does not provide customer service. Bunches of kale at the grocery store getting smaller, diversity hire cashiers making mistakes while punching in prices, mail delivery times becoming more erratic. CEOs of ammunition manufacturing companies very obviously lying about the reasons for the shortage. Fakedemic restrictions making real world shopping for even just daily necessities a nuisance or, in extreme cases, impossible. Emails like the one I got… Read more »

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
2 February, 2021 3:43 pm

Greetings Prinz. Keep a record of such observations and have a true copy witnessed at your local courthouse or by people who can witness such documents. Such observations may be useful if other supporters have similar problems. Moreover, having it written allows you to focus on other issues. I record anything that has been to my detriment, including rumors. Always carry a camera. I have had similar inconsistencies occur and am unsure if these were ordinary and accidental. Of course it is good to be vigilant but stay serene.

Reply to  Truthweed
3 February, 2021 7:14 am

True copies witnessed at a courthouse ? Ha! You may have noticed that silly things like the Constitution (Charter Rights or whatever such useless pieces of paper may be called in your country) are being used for toilet paper right about now and going to any facility even vaguely government-related is becoming more and more of a minefield by the day. Unless you’re willing to strap a tampon to your muzzle, walk through temperature sensors, metal detectors, nasal ‘swabs’ and, possibly soon anal probes. I smashed my tracking device (code name: ‘smart phone’) a while back, I do have a little digital camera – which really is JUST a camera – and even a REAL camera (exposure, f-stop, interchangeable lenses, film has to be developed in a solution, you know,… Read more »

2 February, 2021 12:15 pm But those who believe that the “law of resonance” works with Jews, as it works (more or less) with all other inhabitants of the earth, are mistaken! German-ancestral Marlon Brando was no friend of da Jews, but he did racial defilement with a Polynesian woman. His identity- disturbed hybrid son became criminal, as expected. I have alre- ady said that whoever does not set limits for himself will be for- ced by his environment into the ranks, to be seen especially well with delinquents. A community of freaks collects uniforms and weapons like fetishes, even though war as we all now, only brought endless suffering and destruction. The problem with wars is that the number of their (((instigators))) is the same before and… Read more »

Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 1:01 pm

For us nationally minded Europeans, the law of attraction
can only mean that we do at least one good deed for our
peoples every day. Be especially kind and friendly to peo-
ple who’re working hard or have been treated very unfair.

Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 1:04 pm

For the National Socialists, ignorance of
one’s own people was considered a crime.

Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 1:12 pm

Old people, who once built our countries diligently and created
the prosperity, which is now to be distributed to the whole world,
if it were up to the bought representatives of the people, are to-
day deported to old people’s homes, incapacitated and treated
like objects. They would be happy if they could pass on their
knowledge and experience to us. One day we will like them.

Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 1:23 pm

In Spain, during the winter, young nationalists came up
with the salutary idea of supplying old poor people with
superfluous food from supermarkets. It wasn’t long befo-
re the “thought police” were called on the scene to warn
the elderly against “evil racists” and thwart their project.

Donald MacMullen
Donald MacMullen
Reply to  Nick
2 February, 2021 7:53 pm

I’ll just comment once and say Join us or go somewhere else
Mainly directed at Phil & Nick.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Donald MacMullen
3 February, 2021 8:28 pm

Thank you, Donny. It is frustrating to have these outsiders dominating our National Vanguard comments section.  Of the 45 comments made under Dr. Pierce’s article here, I notice that Phil, whoever he is, and who doesn’t even know who WLP is, has 16 of them, then Nick comes in with 11 more near the bottom. That’s well over half and none of them are on the topic of the ADV (that’s American Dissident Voices, Phil) where WLP addresses the subject of fear: why our people are afraid to join NA (that’s National Alliance). I’d like to see both Phil and Nick weigh back in one more time here to explain why they are afraid to join us. The purpose of NV is to attract people to our Alliance, not for inane commentary about whatever pops… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 February, 2021 9:33 pm

Yea, yea