This Is How I Really Feel About Jews
by John Massaro IN VARIOUS ESSAYS ON this site, and in one long chapter in my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, I have written about Jews and what some call the Jewish Question, others the Jewish Problem, in blunt terms that some readers may find offensive. Especially since October 7, 2023, the day that…

The State vs. the Nation
The state is a means, not an end. And even your own state, if it defective or unnatural, can be a deadly enemy. by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent MAINSTREAM PEOPLE TEND to overestimate the role of the state. This is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent MAINSTREAM PEOPLE TEND to overestimate the role of the state. This is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian…

Governing Mars: Elon Musk’s Vision of Direct Democracy
by David Sims HERE IS A RECENT quote from Grok (Elon Musk’s dedicated AI LLM on X):
Elon Musk has proposed that Mars should be governed by direct democracy, where Martians [human colonists from Earth, living permanently on Mars] would decide their own governance, rather than extending Earth’s…

Winner’s Swamp and Surfing in Gaza
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 8 February, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom BACK IN 2019, National Vanguard published an article by Andrew Hamilton — “Political Outsiders Lack an Institutional Base” — about why Donald Trump completely failed to “drain the swamp”…

Stalingrad and the Death of the West
by Martin Kerr SOMETIMES A MOMENTOUS event occurs whose significance is not recognized at the time but only becomes apparent later. So it was with the surrender of the last German defenders of the Stalingrad pocket on Feb. 2, 1943. At the time, every observer understood that it was a fatal turning point…

Donald Trump dances onstage with the “gay” band The Village People on the eve of his 2025 inauguration. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 February, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom IT’S GETTING EASIER AND easier to get inside the head of Donald Trump, as he pursues what many view…

Chairman Williams: Letter on Immigration
Yet another letter The Tomahawk wouldn’t publish by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance PUT ‘tomahawk’ in NV’s search block and several letters I’ve written to the editor of my small newspaper of record here in Johnson County, Tennessee, The Tomahawk…
Chairman, National Alliance PUT ‘tomahawk’ in NV’s search block and several letters I’ve written to the editor of my small newspaper of record here in Johnson County, Tennessee, The Tomahawk…

The Last Known Survivor
by Douglas Mercer NO FIGURE IS more important to Jewish predations that the “survivor” — the ones who (they say) were those famous eyewitnesses to the “death-dealing Mengele” striding the ramparts at Auschwitz-Birkenau like a colossus or a golden god and saying You — to the ovens! And…

The Liberation of Auschwitz: A Soviet Propaganda Hoax
It’s beginning to look a lot like Auschwitz…. by Hadding Scott AN ARTICLE in the Daily Mail of the 27th of January 2020 is headed with this attention-grabbing statement:
“Anne Frank’s stepsister and Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss claims photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz…

Trumpery to the Eightieth Power
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 January, 2025 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE LESS INSANE PORTION of the White American population got its wish. In a massive landslide among White voters, and still a “too big to rig” majority even if you include the votes of non-Whites, they got the…