EssaysThomas Dalton

Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax

by Thomas Dalton, PhD

AT 2.1 billion people, Christianity is the largest religion on Earth. And yet, not a fraction of a percent of these people understand even the basic facts of their own so-called religion. If they did, they would be utterly appalled. Their entire religion is a fraud; it is based in Jewish lies and Jewish duplicity to an extent that is astonishing. If only Christians knew that they had been duped! My objective here, in this short essay, is to highlight the basics of the Judeo-Christian hoax, in an effort to awaken the more open-minded Christians out there, and hopefully to raise their awareness of ongoing harm caused by this corrupt and soul-destroying theology.

Though we obviously can’t know for sure, there are very strong reasons for thinking that Jesus’ birth, his life story, and in fact the entire Christian project are Jewish constructions. I will argue here that most or all of the Christian story is mythology, fabrication, and yes, a lie. It was a kind of fraud perpetrated, originally, on the superstitious pagan masses. And they bought it — hook, line, and sinker. And millions continue to buy it, to this day, two millennia later. How this could have happened is one of the most important, and least known, stories in Western civilization.

Origins and Miracles

Let’s start by thinking about what we know, and what we don’t know, about the origins of the Christian story. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that the latter is much larger than the former.

We are told that Jesus was born around the year 3 BC. The star of Bethlehem — so central to the Christmas story — was the first Christian miracle. It appeared “in the East,” moved through the sky, and hovered over the manger so that the three Magi could find it. Various attempts have been made to explain this “star,” including a rare planetary alignment, an unusually bright Jupiter, a comet, or a supernova. This is almost certainly nonsense. We have no independent confirmation of any unusual celestial events around that time, and even if we did, it doesn’t help the story. In no case could anyone use a light in the sky to “find” a particular village like Bethlehem, let alone a specific manger.

Jesus allegedly began his ministry when he was “about 30” (Luke 3:23), and it continued for three years, until he was crucified around the year 30 AD. During these three years, he preached to “great throngs” of people. He allegedly performed some 36 miracles, depending on the details, which included exorcisms (around 7), resurrections of the dead (3), manipulations of nature (9), and healings (18). Two of these miracles — the two separate ‘fishes and loaves’ episodes (Mark 6:30 and 8:1) — were performed in front of at least 4,000 and 5,000 people, respectively: hence a total of more than 9,000 witnesses. And he had 12 apostles following his every move.

But the main problem with all these miracles is this: We have no independent confirmation. How could it be that 9,000 people witnessed the fishes-and-loaves miracle, for example, and yet not one of them wrote anything? (Or at least, nothing that survived.) Nor reported it to someone who could write? Why did the 12 apostles — who were more convinced of Jesus’ divinity than anyone else — never write anything? Why, in fact, do they disappear from history as soon as Jesus dies? It does no good to cite Paul; he was not one of the 12 apostles, and never knew Jesus personally. And it does no good to cite Acts, which allegedly provides facts on a few of the apostles; this document was written by the same anonymous author of the Gospel of Luke, and thus provides no independent confirmation.

What about the Romans? They were the ruling power in Palestine, arriving six decades before the alleged birth of Christ. They were acknowledged experts at documentation. We have records of military battles, taxes, foreign trade, political events, and other such things, all from the early first century. We have coins; we have papyrus fragments; we have stone engravings. We have the “Pilate Stone” that confirms the existence of Roman governor Pontius Pilate, during the years 26 to 36 AD. And yet we have not one piece of Roman documentation mentioning Jesus, his miracles, or his following, from the time in which Jesus lived. This is clearly absurd. As governor, Pilate would surely have heard many of the Jesus stories, and would surely have written many times to Rome, asking for advice, more troops, etc. Yet we have nothing at all from Pilate nor any Roman authorities.

What about the Roman writers? There were many who lived at that time, or shortly thereafter, and thus had an opportunity to comment on Jesus. They were major figures in the Roman world, among the brightest and most perceptive men of the age: Apion, Seneca, Petronius, Quintilian, and Plutarch, among others. But we find not one word from any of them. In fact, the earliest Roman reference to Jesus is from the historian Tacitus, in his work Annals — written in the year 115. And then, only a mere two sentences.

How could it be that the ruling authorities and experts — Pilate and the Roman writers — failed completely to document the coming of the Son of God? All of them? “Perhaps they did, and all such records are lost to history,” says the Christian apologist. But this would have been incredibly bad luck: The greatest event in history, and every shred of contemporary documentation is lost to us? Impossible.

Jesus the Jew

The lack of contemporaneous evidence is so striking that we could legitimately conclude that any such “Jesus” never existed at all — that he was an outright literary construction from whole cloth. But for reasons that I explain below, I suspect that there was a kernel of truth in the Jesus story. I think it was most likely that an ordinary man, a “Jesus of Nazareth,” most likely did live at that time. He likely was a Jewish rabbi, a defender of the impoverished Jews, and likely a rebel against Roman rule. And he likely did get crucified. But beyond that, we know literally nothing reliable about his life or thinking.

If Jesus the man — not the ‘son of God’ — did exist, then it is unquestionable that he was a Jew. There is much evidence for this in the New Testament, which I take to contain, as well, a kernel of truth underneath the vast fraud. (Frauds with a kernel of truth are always more convincing, after all.)

So consider what the Bible tells us about Jesus. His mother, Mary, was a Jewess: she was a woman “born under the law [of Judaism]” (Gal 4:4). And she was a blood relative of Elizabeth, of the tribe of Levi (Luke 1:5, 1:36). Jesus’ father, Joseph, was of the “House of David” (Luke 1:27). Both parents “performed everything according to the [Jewish] law of the Lord” (Luke 2:39).

Jesus himself is repeatedly called ‘Rabbi’ (Mark 9:5, 11:21, 14:45; Matt 26:25; John 1:38, 1:49; 3:2). He celebrated Passover (John 2:13). The Gospel of Matthew opens with these words: “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham.” We read in Hebrews that “it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah” (7:14). He regularly attended the local synagogue (Luke 4:16). Jesus himself told the people that he came “to fulfill the [Jewish] law and the [Jewish] prophets” (Matt 5:17). And of course everyone thought of him as “king of the Jews” (Matt 2:2; John 19:3).

This much, then, is clear: Jesus, Joseph, Mary, along with all Jesus’ friends, acquaintances, and disciples, were Jews. This is precisely why Nietzsche, commenting on this situation, said, “The first thing to be remembered [about Christianity], if we do not wish to lose the scent here, is that we are among Jews” (Antichrist, sec. 44). Indeed.

This being the case, we would expect that, at the very least, that Jewish scholars of the time would comment extensively on this miracle-man who emerged in their own community. But no. As it happens, not a single Jewish scholar of Jesus’ time, nor for decades afterward, makes even a single documented remark on this new Christian movement. For example, Philo of Alexandria was a famous Jewish philosopher who lived from 25 BC to 50 AD. He wrote extensively, volumes of which have survived, but never mentioned a Jesus of Nazareth, son of God.

As it happens, one Jewish writer did eventually mention him: Josephus (37-100 AD). His work, Antiquities of the Jews, briefly refers twice to Jesus and the Christians; but it wasn’t written until the year 95 — some 60 years after the crucifixion. His earlier work, The Jewish War, circa 75 AD, has no mention at all of the “son of God.” Something is clearly not right with the traditional story.

The Plot Thickens

If we temporarily disregard the writings of Paul (circa 50 to 70 AD) and the four Gospels, we see that the few lines by Josephus, in the year 95, are the very first non-Christian references to Jesus. And we have to go all the way to Tacitus, in the year 115, to get the first Roman mention of the Christian movement. Such a thing is absolutely impossible, if Jesus, miracle-working son of God, actually existed. Either “Jesus of Nazareth” was so inconsequential that no one of his day, or even decades after his death, bothered to mention him. Or else he never existed. There is no other reasonable conclusion.

Given the utter lack of independent confirmation of all major aspects of the Christian story — the star of Bethlehem, the miracles, the crucifixion, the resurrection, the apostles — we can conclude only one thing: the story was made up. It was a deliberate and willful fabrication. In other words, somebody lied.

This raises some important questions: Who lied? When did they do it? And why? We have some clues that may provide answers. Our first main suspect is Paul (aka Saul) of Tarsus, the Jewish Pharisee, whose letters are the earliest known documentation on Christianity. Good Saint Paul — first liar of Christianity. I will return to his story shortly.

The most egregious lies, though, occur in the four Gospels. Consider this question: When, reasonably speaking, would someone have documented in writing the life and sayings of Jesus? Probably during his adult life — that is, roughly 25 to 30 AD — or at least, immediately upon his death and resurrection. Surely not more than a few years later. But this is not what happened. The earliest Christian writings, the letters of Paul, weren’t written until 50 AD. The first of the four Gospels, Mark, wasn’t written until 70 AD. Matthew and Luke, not until 85 AD. And the Gospel of John, around 95 AD. These are decades after Jesus’ death — 40 years, at a minimum. Why wait so long? And how accurate could they have been, with so much time having gone by?

We have no good answers. Unfortunately, the liars who wrote the Gospels are unknown to us. Whoever they were, they were not apostles, and they certainly did not know Jesus personally. They were, however, almost certainly Jews. They had extensive knowledge of Judaism, Jewish tradition, and the Jewish Old Testament. Their label as ‘Christian’ was strictly a name; by birth, ethnicity, and blood, Paul and the Gospel writers were unquestionably Jewish. And they constructed the Christian story as we know it today.

The final question then is: Why did they lie? What was their motive?

“They never would have lied,” interrupts the Christian apologist. “Christians were persecuted by the Romans, and it would have been madness, if not fatal, to promote Christianity.” But of course, all the Jews were already persecuted. The Jews of Palestine were in constant conflict with their Roman governors. They developed a deep-seated and visceral hatred of the White Aryan Romans. The elite Jews hoped, ultimately, to drive them out and regain power over the region — a power they held prior to the Roman invasion of 63 BC. Both the (few) ‘Christian’ Jews and (many) ‘Judaic’ Jews were in constant opposition to Rome, and were thus constantly oppressed. It was neither better nor worse to be a Christian.

But this situation, in fact, gives us a clue to the possible motive. The local Jewish tribes would have been hugely overwhelmed by the invading Romans. The Jews were vicious fighters — recall the Biblical extermination of the Canaanites in the 1200s BC — but were no match for the Roman Empire. They would have bitterly resented Roman rule, and sought all possible means to undermine it. Military force was not really a viable option, but various guerilla operations could cause some damage. And there is evidence that Jewish factions fought back, at least from the first decade BC. But one can imagine that such actions would have had little lasting effect. Better options were needed.

Recall that the Jews were a minority in Palestine at that time — as, of course, were the Romans. The majority consisted of the indigenous Palestinian masses, along with any incidental Egyptians, Syrians, Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, and so on, who lived in the region. The masses were neither Roman nor Jewish. And of course, they weren’t yet Muslim; that religion would not exist for some 600 years. They would have adhered to a grab-bag of pagan traditions: Zoroastrianism, cults of Adonis and Mithras, Sibylline cults, and various sun-worshipping religions. These sects were generally ill-defined, superstitious, and highly mythological in nature.

The Jews knew this. And they also knew that, in order to make an impact on Roman rule, they would have to get the superstitious masses on their side. But this was a big problem. The masses were not intrinsically anti-Roman. In fact, more likely the contrary. From their viewpoint, when the Romans moved in, it was more or less a change in government. And for the good: the masses generally disliked the Jews anyway, and the Romans brought with them many advancements in civilization. So the Jews had a big problem: How to win the masses over to their side, and turn them against Rome?

Clearly they could not make them ‘Jewish.’ Judaism wouldn’t permit it, the ethnic and racial exclusivity of the Jews wouldn’t allow it, and the masses would never go for it, even if they could. All of Judaic tradition, from the Torah to the Talmud, was geared towards manipulating and exploiting the inferior Gentiles. The Jews would never have dreamt of mass conversion.

Therefore, something else was required: a new way, a new outlook, a new worldview — something to subtly and perhaps subconsciously bring the masses into opposition with the Romans, and on the side of the Jews. Not Judaism, but something Jewish in essence. A new story, a new moral system, and yes, a new religion: Christianity.

A New Religion

This was likely the thinking of Paul and his small band of followers, which may have included Peter, Luke, and Mark. To win over the masses, they would need to construct a new mythology, one that would both entice and frighten — a carrot and a stick, as it were. To be successful, it would have to be both anti-Roman, in some sense, and yet rooted in Jewish values. Ideally it would also draw on pagan traditions and concepts, to make for easy assimilation. And finally, it must ultimately weaken, not strengthen, the masses; there certainly was no wish to create some Frankensteinian monster. All in all, a challenging task, to say the least.

Paul would start with God — not the Roman or Greek conception, not the pagan gods, but the Jewish God, Jehovah. The masses would have to worship the Jewish God. But this deity was distant and abstract; indeed, according to the Jews’ own rule, no graven image was permitted. Such a god would not work for the masses. They needed something tangible, something concrete, something they could touch, feel, and love. They needed a man: God incarnate, one who loved them as much as they should love him. This man would prove his love by giving his life — for them, for their eternal life, for their “salvation” from this world of woe. It was the ultimate sacrifice. Who could fail to revere such a man? And all the better, if he was a Jew.

This man, this son of God, this God himself, would need a name — a common name: Jesus. He would have to have lived in a small provincial town: Nazareth. (Harder to verify things this way.) He would have to be born in an even smaller and more obscure place: Bethlehem. Befitting a god, he would need a miraculous, virgin birth — to a Jewish woman, of course. He would have to play the role of “savior.” This was a clever double entendre: saving the masses from eternal damnation, and saving the Jews from the Romans. To ensure no mortal remains, the story would have to end with a vanishing of the body. To boost credibility, it would be interwoven with factual people and places — just enough truth to make it seem believable. This suggests that maybe Paul took a real Jew, Jesus, who really got himself crucified, and turned him, years later, into the Messiah and son of God.

The final step would be to place the whole story at least 20 years in the past: near enough to be current and yet far enough to be hard to verify. This would explain why the earliest of Paul’s letters — Galatians and 1 Thessalonians — date to around the year 50. And it is consistent with the fact that we have absolutely no evidence at all of Jesus or the Christian story prior to that date, from any source whatsoever.

God, Jesus, eternal life in heaven — these were the carrots. What about the stick? What is the fate of those who refuse to believe the Jesus story? We know the answer: hell. Hell — defined as a place of permanent torment for the wicked sinners and unbelievers — seems to have been a Jewish innovation. The Old Testament, surprisingly, contains nothing like this. It does have a related term, ‘Sheol,’ but this is simply the afterlife and not a dedicated place of punishment, in contrast to heaven. Greek and Roman mythology, on the other hand, had Tartarus: a hell-like place in the underworld, reserved for those deserving punishment. It seems that the New Testament writers borrowed the idea but renamed it ‘Gehenna’ or ‘Hades’ — both translated as ‘hell.’ For Paul and friends, dying wasn’t frightful enough. It had to be hell-fire, eternal flames, lake of fire, and eternal torment for the non-believers (Mark 9:43; Matt 5:22; Luke 16:23). Only this could scare the superstitious and unthinking masses into their welcoming arms.

Finally, and most importantly, there was the moral component. This “Jesus” had to proclaim values that would turn the masses away from Rome and toward the Jews, all while weakening them. “Salvation is of the Jews,” after all (John 4:22). Rome would be represented as evil, sin, corrupting power, sensuality, worldliness — the devil. Jesus, the Jewish rabbi, is peace-loving, blessed, humble, holy — innocence itself. The good Christian is an innocent lamb, just as Jesus himself is “the lamb of God” (John 1:29). The Christian should “love thy neighbor” — that is, the Jew, neighbor for centuries, and not the Roman intruder. Meek, mild, and timid, he will “inherit the Earth” — someday. Eyes thus fixed on the glorious afterlife, following herd-like after their Jewish shepherd Jesus, the Christian masses turn away from Rome. The Romans become sinful heathens, non-believers, devil worshippers. At this point, the moral victory is complete. Political victory is not far behind.

Victory — Three Centuries Later

And victory was indeed achieved, though it took a few centuries. Paul died sometime during the first Jewish rebellion of 66-70 AD, and so never lived to see the fruit of his efforts. The so-called 12 apostles and the anonymous Gospel writers were gone by the early 100s. By that time, however, the doctrine — “cult,” actually, as the Romans put it — had spread to the masses. Very quickly, Christianity ceased to be a Jewish movement, and became dominated by non-Jews. The most prominent early Christians — Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp, Quadratus, Papias, Marcion — all seem to have been Gentiles. Not understanding the origins of the story, and not relating to the Jewish penchant for revenge against Rome, the naïve Gentiles accepted it as literal truth. A new religion was born.

Being now dominated by non-Jews, Christianity quickly developed a self-conception as a religion that was ‘different’ from Judaism. A tension emerged: yes, Jesus, Mary, Paul, Peter, and so on were Jews; yes, Jehovah was God; yes, Jews were “the chosen people”; but still… Jews never did accept Jesus as their savior. They didn’t believe in hell. They never came to church. And in any case, their racial exclusivity and obnoxious customs and social mores made the Jews as detested as ever. Thus we find the classic love-hate relationship emerging early in Christian history. Already with Melito of Sardis, circa 160 AD, we find anti-Jewish comments. They appear again in Tertullian (ca. 200) and Hippolytus (ca. 220). And they become explicit and harsh in Gregory of Nyssa, Chrysostom, and Jerome, around 375.

All the while, the Christian “cult” spread throughout the Empire. By the late 200s it reached into the upper echelons of Roman society. In 313, Emperor Constantine himself converted. And in 380, Theodosius made Christianity the official state religion. Victory was assured. Having been eaten away from the insides, the great Roman Empire was now on its last legs. And indeed, it fractured and collapsed just 15 years later, in 395. With that, the hated Romans disappeared from Palestine. The goal was achieved. Paul won in the end. And he continues to win to this day.

An Old Story, Still Unknown

This, then, is the likely origin of Christianity. Obviously we can’t know for certain, but such an account does accord with the facts, and does so better than any alternative. Something happened in those early decades of the first century, but it certainly was not the coming of the Son of God and his miraculous story — all of which are completely unsubstantiated. The Christian story was a first-century construction, a fable, a hoax, that eventually gained traction as literal truth. The known origins of the fable lie in the Jewish community, and they furthermore had every motive to concoct such a thing. In the end, it served them well.

As radical and shocking as this alternate account may seem, it has been around, in various forms, for many years. Already by 1769, Baron d’Holbach’s Ecce Homo argued for the fictional nature of Christianity. Another early writer to deconstruct the traditional story was German theologian David Strauss, whose work Das Leben Jesu (‘The Life of Jesus,’ 1835) challenged the divinity of Christ. The arguments came to a head in the work of Nietzsche (On the Genealogy of Morals and Antichrist, both circa 1888) and Albert Schweitzer (Quest of the Historical Jesus, 1906).

Nietzsche’s critique is particularly incisive. For him, the victory of Christian values over the far superior Greco-Roman values was an utter tragedy for Western civilization. In a sense, we have yet to recover. Paul and his band of “little ultra-Jews” (Antichrist, sec. 44) were ultimately able to defeat the Romans, and to bring their servile Judeo-Christian moral system to power in Rome itself. This is proven by the fact that Rome, the former center of the civilized world, became the global head of this new religion — a religion steeped in Jews. Nietzsche is brutally explicit:

Just think of who it is that people bow down to today in Rome itself, as the personification of all the highest values — and not only in Rome, but in almost half the earth, everywhere people have become merely tame or want to become tame — in front of three Jews, as we know, and one Jewess (Jesus of Nazareth, the fisherman Peter, the carpet-maker Paul, and the mother of the aforementioned Jesus, named Mary). This is very remarkable: without doubt, Rome has been conquered. (Genealogy, I.16)

In worshipping the Jew, and in accepting the Jewish lie, the Christian becomes a virtual Jew; in fact, he becomes more Jewish than the Jews themselves:

In Christianity all of Judaism, a several-century-old Jewish preparatory training and technique of the most serious kind, attains its ultimate mastery as the art of lying in a holy manner. The Christian, the ultima ratio of the lie, is the Jew once more — even three times a Jew. (Antichrist, sec. 44)

“I don’t care about all that,” says the apologist, now grasping for straws. “No one can really know what happened back then. And in any case, Jesus’ life and teachings give us a wonderful guide for an ethical life. His story just makes me feel good.” Really? Does it really not matter that we have, not ‘a little’ evidence for Jesus, not ‘conflicting’ evidence, but rather no evidence at all? Does the obvious plausibility of it being a Jewish lie not matter? Can it really lead to good outcomes and a noble life, if you live according to a lie? Is the factual truth or falsehood of the Christian story really irrelevant?

“And how could it be that millions of people were fooled into believing a lie, for so many years?” But of course, humanity has been fooled on many occasions. For centuries, we believed that the material world was composed of just four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. For centuries, we believed that the stars were attached to a gigantic celestial sphere that rotated around the Earth. For centuries, we believed in, and burned, witches. We believed in all manner of ghosts, goblins, spirits, fairies, and demons. Mythology is very powerful, especially one like Christianity with such a potent carrot and stick. But if all those other beliefs are now accepted as false, why not the Christian myth?

Finally: “If this alternate account is so plausible, how come we don’t read about it in school, or hear it discussed in the media?” This is hardly surprising. It’s no wonder that we don’t hear much about this version of events. Christians are obviously too embarrassed to examine such inconvenient facts, and in any case are, in recent years, all too anxious to appease their Jewish brethren. Jews certainly aren’t going to bring it up; as “artful liars” (Hitler) and “great masters of the lie” (Schopenhauer), it makes them look mighty bad. Academia is too Jewish and too Politically Correct to mess with such a touchy subject. And the corporate world sees no profit in it. Better to let sleeping Christians lie.

Any rational and objective person must come to just one conclusion: that Christianity is a Jewish hoax, conceived to demoralize and cripple the hated Gentile masses, as a way of getting even with Aryan Rome. It has no basis in fact, and no contemporaneous evidence; it is illogical and indeed idiotic (“God sent himself down here, and then killed himself, because he loves us”); and it keeps White and Gentile masses absorbed in a fairy-tale world until the day they die.

Christians! Wake up! Your lives are a fraud. Paul and his fellow Jews pulled a colossal hoax on you, and present-day Jews are only too happy to perpetuate this fraud. And you pay the price, every single day.

* * *

Source: Author; see his books at the Cosmotheist book store; for more information on Thomas Dalton’s many books and articles, see his Web site

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10 August, 2020 6:48 am

Here is one link for you to begin your studies (you never will will but here it is) You have to understand there is no way to know an original from a copy. Paper wore out and everything had to be written and copied by hand.This was done by Roman scribes and later Disciples and monks and other powers that emerged such as the Byzantine Empire. Another key fact you need to understand is the TRANSLATION. Each word has been translated from Ancient Hebrew to Modern Hebrew to Greek to Old English to Modern English. Even the King James Bible has words which do not mean what people think they mean. For example “dogs”. Dogs are spoken about in a disparaging way. The word is a slang for Sodomites.… Read more »

Bruno Anthony
Bruno Anthony
Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 7:35 am

Hello Jack. The letters of Herod and Pilate are notorious forgeries (among thousands of others, including not only written documents but also such beauties as the actual spear “that pierced Jesus’ ribs” and actual “vials of Mary’s breast milk”), as Dr. Revilo Oliver and other scholars have shown, concocted by pious liars centuries after they were supposedly written and loaded with errors in language and gross anachronisms. There was a time (please forgive me; I was thirteen years old) when I would have grasped at straws like that to “prove” my Christian faith. But I grew up. The Bible can only impose on most of us, I think, because we were told at a very vulnerable age — early childhood — by our parents, whom we naturally revered as our… Read more »

Buffyllonius of Dyana
Buffyllonius of Dyana
Reply to  Bruno Anthony
10 June, 2021 3:14 pm

Well said. Thank you.

I’m reading every comment posted on this Article.

Reply to  Buffyllonius of Dyana
18 November, 2021 9:00 am


Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 7:41 am

Oh Jack, you are still clearly in the fog of Christianity. You don’t need to look outside of the bible to be convinced that it is untrue. I, instead should be praying for you. The NT has nothing against race mixing as long as the two are joined by the yoke of Christianity. That is dangerous. A religion that is beneficial to our people should be against race-mixing as a precept. Maybe not the top priority but, it should at least be STRONGLY opposed. The closest thing to being against “racemixing” would be possibly contained in the OT (which let’s face it, most Christians don’t even read closely) which is for the JEWS and explains that they should not mix with other societies, look closer and you’ll see that only… Read more »

Reply to  Grimork
10 August, 2020 2:07 pm

Your comment is far too long. If I responded it would take hours of typing. You don’t have the study to make these assumptions about scripture. I would suggest you seek this out against a professional and get their interpretation. The NT does NOT openly condone race mixing. This is where the modern church, who is also allowing faggotry into the church, gets it wrong. Again I think you need help. Your hate against Jews has caused you to see conspiracy where it does not exist. The Pharisee Jews were the enemies of Christ and have done nothing but try to destroy Christ ever since. One need not look farther than in Kosovo and Serbia, where I am now, where UN “peacekeeping” troops were ordered not to interfere when Muslims… Read more »

Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 7:31 pm

Really? It only took me about 10 minutes to type the comment…hmm. I figure all the citations and stuff were slowing me down, probably a 5 minute read at best for anyone competent.

I can tell you didn’t read it since you aren’t addressing anything that I said, and you went off topic with some UN drama. We’re not on Stormfront, and I’m not trying to win Christians who can’t be persuaded to put their race before their faith. If you can’t be bothered to read and respond to my comment I guess that’s all there is to say.

Reply to  Jack
19 August, 2020 11:42 pm

Who let the rabbi in here? This kind of absurd loyalty and inability to reason is pathetic and, unfortunately, looks to be the perfect poison pill to naive whites. Shame on you, Jack, for being a common naive moron that thinks he truly gets it. Take your prayers to a BLM rally—you’re no use to your people.

Buffyllonius of Dyana
Buffyllonius of Dyana
Reply to  Grimork
10 June, 2021 3:19 pm


Reply to  Jack
19 August, 2020 11:38 pm

Look at you, all caught up in your jewish mythology. It’s pathetic. “True study takes decades to master…” What a truly sad and pathetic race we have become. All wrapped up in middle eastern mythology… what a pathetic joke.

Reply to  Vit
20 August, 2020 2:46 pm

Yes you are correct. We should reject God and his Son Jesus and all the Angels and beings – because the message happened to come through the Jews. Again your hate has blinded you to rejecting the Bible and substituting a Skyrim fantasy. If the Pagan “gods” were any more legit you would have records from those periods attesting to it which could be proven through history and archeology – but you don’t. That’s even less of a source than the Bible which you reject. Again you are blinded by your hate. Hate is a real emotion and it will affect your logic Hate is not required to be a race realist. I don’t care what location the word of God came though – it had to come through some… Read more »

Reply to  Jack
20 August, 2020 12:19 pm

Jack, watch the Zeitgeist film on Youtube and get back to us. What this article fails to mention is that Jesus was plagiarised from other cultures and actually anchored in astrology. Astrology being a supremely important field of study during the agrarian age or any age for that matter. Funny how our sun is completely dismissed as the single most powerful force that can change climate today. Coincidently people worship a ‘sun of man’. Our sun is going down into a solar minimum, something you wont hear about on MSM and the plan is to cull many of the sheep, just thought I’d give you a heads up, Jack. For your namesake, you should want to eat at the table of giants and know your true origins.

Reply to  Wolf
23 June, 2021 2:33 am

Wolf the zeitgeist movie is so full of errors. Go online there are answers to the make believe Zietgeist assumptions. There are two sides to every coin and to have justice you need a defence and a prosecution in court. Do not be too hasty in you assertions they may be wrong. God bless you all and much love.

Reply to  Jack
8 January, 2023 12:12 am

Sorry you European christian friends, I am Asian and most of us laugh about those who believe in the bullshit of Christianity, with all that miracles things. In my eyes, it’s simply just an obvious lie to make you guys put those God and saints on your head. How can one’s brain be so unclear to believe in such things? You must deceive yourself so hard to sincerely believe in Christianity. Here we know there should be supernatural power that manage things on earth, but that power is not coming from a human just like me as Jesus, it’s the great nature and the law of it is cause and effect. Period. Moreover, there should be the afterworld where our ancestors resided after death, and we hope we can still… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Thao
8 January, 2023 6:27 pm

Thao: Reply to Jack
Sorry you European christian friends, I am Asian and most of us laugh about those who believe in the bullshit of Christianity… How can one’s brain be so unclear to believe in such things?

Maybe you didn’t notice, Thao, but you are responding to this Jack fellow, uour :Christian European friend” whose spooks in the sky beliefs was thoroughly repudiated here. Not all Whites are so gullible and superstitious to believe in Jack’s spooky Jewish stuff.

How did you like Dr. Dalton’s article?

The Ghost of Lou Byers
The Ghost of Lou Byers
10 August, 2020 6:54 am

This one of the finest articles ever published by National Vanguard. We Europeans are a spiritual people. We know there is more to life than getting and eating. And we are a loving people. No other people can quite compare to us when it comes to concern for the lives of our fellow Earth creatures; movements for kindness to animals, vegetarianism, abolishment of slavery, protection of the environment, etc., are often nearly 100% European even in areas where Europeans are less than 50% of the population. These qualities of loving kindness, caring, nobility, and higher spirituality were noticed by our enemies, the Jews, you may be sure. The Jews, as NV writer Andrew Hamilton has expressed so well, are creatures of great, almost supernatural empathy — though utterly devoid of… Read more »

Reply to  The Ghost of Lou Byers
10 August, 2020 8:12 am

They noticed those qualities and have learned to weaponize them against us.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
19 August, 2020 11:56 pm

Absolutely correct.
For the Jew, it is mere survival instinct. For us it is nature to the point that our compassion for others is killing us.
It is time to turn our compassion onto ourselves; it is time to love ourselves so fervently and unapologetically that we will destroy anyone and anything that would jeopardize even the most trivial of our comforts.
It is time for a new frame of reference.
It is time to love ourselves above all else—especially above a foreign mythological deity.
The abrahamic god, though he never actually existed, is dead.
Our god is us and we are our god.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
10 August, 2020 7:28 am

Even though the writer promised to be brief and then was not, I read through anyway. I am a far-right conservative Roman Catholic for whom only the Latin Mass will do. So I am the very guy this writer is trying to reach. In answer I will say that I am utterly opposed to the Jewish takeover of out virtuous “Christian-inspired” society and see no objection in Catholicism to kicking some Jewish ass. And for this reason, I see not the Jews as the big problem but the white guys working for the Jews just to get a paycheck as the biggest problem, and without understanding that the Jews took their livelihood away before offering the paycheck. That is because white man just wants to work and create and the… Read more »

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
10 August, 2020 8:03 am

Dear Patrick, Catholics make their own rules and follow their own traditions. When it suits the Catholics they will follow the guidance of their leaders over the scriptures themselves. However, what you mustn’t forget is that the bible is a Jewish creation. It was taken unto the Gentiles as their own, however it IS from an alien people and mindset to Aryans. That hasn’t changed and it won’t. I could show you several bible passages that would be “against you kicking Jewish ass.” 18 If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God;[a] for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 No, “if your enemies are hungry, feed… Read more »

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
10 August, 2020 8:18 am

As a Cathocuck, you are 95% Pagan with a thin Romano-Jewish veneer. Traditions, rites, ‘saints’, holidays, etc. are almost ALL of Pagan origin, they just renamed them, falsified the background stories and moved their locations from central and northern Europe to the Mediterranean – or even further afield.
Virtually every church ever built in Europe (until very recently, anyway) stands on ground originally sacred to Pagans.
Protescuckism is the attempt to remove all the Pagan elements and return Cuckstianity to its 100% Jewish roots – which is why Protescuck countries – at least in Europe – are among the least religious in the world. Swedes, Scots, northern Germans, Dutch aren’t Jews and can therefore not identify with a Jewish death cult.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
10 August, 2020 1:59 pm

And the most Zionist through Freemasonry

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
10 August, 2020 2:12 pm

Your not going to bring back Paganism as a religion of white nationalists. Paganism is Polytheistic.It doesn’t hold up to anything whatsoever. It’s a Skyrim Fantasy that people are not willing to adapt.

Should I pray to Thor if I’m a Viking? Or Neptune if I’m a Greek? Total nonsense. The Bible is the word of the one true God. That it came through the Jews is Gods will for reasons unknown to us. And matters not.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 8:48 pm

But it does matter, Jack! The passage that Grimork quoted about the olive tree: Paul is saying, “You Gentiles are here in the Church by mistake. It was God’s will that Jews should be here, but they did not step up, so God is left with you! Don’t let it go to your head!”

That is insulting. That right there is enough for me to reject the whole shebang. Paul was a nutcase anyway, going into trances in which he went up into the heavens, putting himself above those who supposedly were with his Christ, and thinking that he was almost equal to his Christ.

Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 10:09 pm

Evidently, you have no idea what Paganism is.
It is based on the cycles of nature – the seasons, weather, the life cycles of plants and animals (including humans), the movement of celestial bodies – in other words: reality.
Everything that matters to a farming, herding warrior culture, which is what our ancestors were and what we still should be.
Pagan deities are not fantasy people who live in the sky but aspects of nature.
The Bible is basically a Spielberg movie script (from the early years…) and exactly the same bunch of lies that brought us countless wars and genocides, the Holohoax, and, most recently, the Kung Flu/Vaxxx hoax.
A work of fiction. Wake up.

Melancholic Scythian
Melancholic Scythian
Reply to  Jack
15 August, 2020 4:48 am

Jack, no one is going to save you when you choose the mudblood Christians over your kinsmen. When the currency collapse, when a time comes in which we have to defend our very selves — that is, our blood — your semitic Christian comrades WILL NOT save you. And since you’ve betrayed your faith, thus the race, we will not help the traitors like you. Natural Selection — all else is folly.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Jack
17 August, 2020 9:34 am

What gauge are you using to decide what is “total nonsense” and what is “the word of the one true God”…?? The Bible is the #16 interpretation from 15 earlier stories of the same nature. The ancient Hebrews took Egyptian mythology and remade it in their own image. Jesus (“the son” – “the light of the world”) came directly from Horus (“the sun” – “the light of the world”). The name Israel comes from three Egyptian and Phoenician gods: Isis, Ra, and El … Is-Ra-El. The word Amen comes from the ancient Egyptian phrase “Amon-Ra” … which means “To the god Ra.” When I was a child, I went to Sunday school on a few occasions, although my parents were not religious. Even then I thought it strange to look… Read more »

Reply to  Jack
25 October, 2020 10:38 am

I think it came through the Aryan Egyptian and Sumerian scribes first, whose scriptures are the bibles substance, rather than coming exclusively through an abstract God.

Jews at best, would be merely superconceited heralds who hate the Euro goyim as their shabbos goy Christians hate pagans and their shabbos goy Muslims hate kuffars…Jews have sown and maintain an ecumenical racism against Europeans, and Christians are the Kalergi kapo’s of gulag Europa, whether Red Catholics or Blue Protestants, while Muslims are the kapo’s of Arabia.

Christians are white Jews and Muslims are brown Jews…while Jews are just the mongrel master Satanists who wish they were pure, of both the EU/Oded Yinon factions. I write this as a Deist, not atheist.

Reply to  Jack
27 October, 2020 9:36 pm

It’s quite fascinating to observe that people from NV actually wasted their precious resources responding to this miserably obscure and degenerate NT apologist named (((Jack)))……

On the other hand, it’s understandable that the Jacks of the world are to this day, toying with our emotions and spiritual Aryan consciousness.

We are definitely too polite with strangers!
A much more simple response towards Jack would only comprise two words,……. F–k Off!

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Anonymous
28 October, 2020 1:49 pm

Don’t worry, Mr. Anonymous, Jack is used as a foil as can be seen in others’ comments under this article, Check out Kevin’s ADV earlier this month, here:

I used some text from that broadcast in the September NA Members BULLETIN in my monthly commentary for the benefit of those who count the most — our members. National Vanguard: Not a “Free Speech Forum.”

Of course mere NV commentators and other “strangers” wouldn’t be privy to that. We had one member that has since resigned his Alliance membership because he felt slighted by our decidedly unchristian Alliance ideology. So be it. Everyone else in NA apparently likes our policies and uncompromising Cosmotheist belief system.

Blut Boden
Blut Boden
Reply to  Jack
13 January, 2024 6:30 pm

No, Pagan does not only mean polytheism. It CAN mean that, or it can mean other ethnic religions. And to be honest, the definition actually writes, a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism or ethnic religions other than Judaism. I don’t pray to anyone. I venerate and honor my ancestor while also recognizing Nature as a force that I strive to be in alignment with, as we are part of it, not above it. The Sun plays a big part in giving us life, and I recognize that, along with the moon, the seasons/solstices and equinoxes, etc. But I don’t pray to some magical imaginary man/god that has been proven to be fabricated, and in that fabrication… Read more »

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
25 October, 2020 10:43 am

Good points.

Buffyllonius of Dyana
Buffyllonius of Dyana
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
10 June, 2021 10:51 am

The Catholic Church recognizes Yahweh, the tribal god of the Jews, as the Most High. That’s all I needed to reject them entirely. The Latin mass is ritual black magic.

Cannibalism? Uh, NO.

10 August, 2020 8:11 am

It necer ceases to amaze me how people -Christcucks, Tradcucks, even some Civicucks – can see Jewish conspiracies under every pebble and behind every grass blade, but are completely, utterly (and often willfully) blind to this one.
Even the Holohoax – the second biggest Jewish conspiracy in history – pales in comparison. So do The Pill and Convid1984.
Recommended reading: Katherine Nixey: The Darkening Age
Joseph Atwill: Caesar’s Messiah

Will White Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will White Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
15 August, 2020 1:38 pm

PrinzEdelhart: Recommended reading: Katherine Nixey: The Darkening Age

That title as well as several others that can help to deprogram the Christian from his superstitious Jewish spookcraft are available here on our online bookstore:

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
20 August, 2020 12:05 am

I second that. I’ve read them both, and they’re both well worth the time.
Nothing compares to simple reasoning, though. The author of this piece laid it all out pretty damn clearly. If you’re still one of these pathetic Talmudic types that insists that “it takes decades of study to master,” then you’re either a Jew or a moron… or both.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
25 December, 2020 11:45 am

There is a history professor at Virginia Military Institute who specializes in the intelligence and propaganda efforts of the ancient world (yes, they had them even back then). She authored a book “Operation Messiah” arguing that the apostle Paul was really a Roman agent.

Reply to  guest
28 December, 2020 7:09 am

You mean Saul-turned-‘Paul’ of Tarsus ?
Carolyn Emerick calls them ‘shape-shifters’…..
It’s too bad she always deletes her streams shortly after they air for fear of the JewTube Stasi.

10 August, 2020 8:37 am

Excellent article !
Here is my video on the same subject.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
10 August, 2020 10:38 am

At the moment of Jesus’ death, “the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” (Matt. 27 51-53) This curious story only appears in Matthew. No one else—pagan, Jewish or Christian, mentions this remarkable event. Paul apparently did not know about it because he said that Jesus was the “first fruit” of the Resurrection at the end-time (2,000 years ago!). Well, Paul, these people were ahead of Jesus by about two or three days! (Incidently, Paul puts his “vision” of… Read more »

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 August, 2020 12:09 pm

I don’t want to argue about theology or apologetics, but in the Bible the word “first” doesn’t mean the first in chronological order. Instead, it describes the preexistence and preeminence of Jesus Christ. Six times the Lord Jesus is declared to be the first-born of God (see Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15, 18; Hebrews 1:6; 12:23; Revelation 1:5). These passages declare the preexistence, the sovereignty, and the redemption that Christ offers. Thus, the phrase “first-born of all creation” proclaims Christ’s preeminence. As the eternal Son of God, He created the universe. He is the Ruler of creation! Obviously, Jesus Christ was not the first person born or the first one resurrected. The word “first” describes His position and title. As I said, I don’t want to argue, but only explain the use of… Read more »

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 August, 2020 2:14 pm

Again you people are not understanding any of this. Suggest you contact Omega Man Radio with your questions.

William W. Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William W. Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Jack
10 August, 2020 6:13 pm

Omega Man has the answers, eh? The problem with that premise, Jack, is that we do not have any questions for Omega Man. Our minds are already made up. Like Dr. Dalton says, Christianity is a race-destroying Jewish hoax. It is anti-Nature, not real. You also wrote: You should be following the rules on Stormfront here. This divisive article should be on an atheist forum. Your not winning any white Christians with it. I can tell you that with certainty. — You’re kidding, right? Stormfront is not building an effective resistance movement and never will; we are. You’re assuming we here are atheists — another faulty premise. Atheists simply don’t believe in the other fellow’s spook. Most of us here, as followers of Dr. Pierce’s philosophy, are Nature-based Cosmotheists with… Read more »

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
10 August, 2020 5:57 pm

A very interesting article. I was baptized a Catholic but abandoned the religion decades ago. It made no sense to me, especially as a PhD candidate studying Organometallic Chemistry.
One of the Catholic myths talks of mortal sin and suicide. If a Catholic commits suicide they will never be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven, and will remain in purgatory for all eternity. What better way to control a slave than by offering such a carrot? Tell them that they will live in eternal happiness in Heaven if they accept the Christian myth, but if they try to get to heaven too quickly (suicide) they will be denied everlasting peace. Only a Jew could come concoct this type of spiritual paradox!

11 August, 2020 8:27 am

If the supernatural in any form is baloney then why do so many of those who want to imprison the world practice dark magic/rituals?

Reply to  Joe
11 August, 2020 10:21 am

If, that’s in fact what they’re doing, it’s obviously because they believe in it. However, just because people believe in something doesn’t make it true or right. The Jews, just like our politicians play musical chairs on issues, also change religions when it suits them as to better play the Goyim against each other. They pretend to despise Christianity when in fact it suits their purposes. They pretend that they’re monotheists but there has been evidence that in the past Jews had multiple Gods. Such as Asherah, at one time the consort of Yahweh, who is mentioned in the Bible later multiple times as “Idolatry” worship after her purpose no longer suited the views of the priesthood. is arguably the most important goddess in the Canaanite pantheon. The prototypical… Read more »

Reply to  Grimork
12 August, 2020 8:30 am

Jews ‘hating’ Cuckstianity is nothing more than Ye Olde multiple false bottom bait-and-switch.
Create a ‘religion’ (ideology, actually), force it on Whitey via the Roman state, suppress TRUE White religion (Paganism) long and hard enough for Whitey to ‘accept’ (sort of..) it as his own, split it into various – allegedly – ‘different’ factions – Catho-, Protes-, Orthocuckism and their many, many subdivisions – and then turn around and ATTACK it, forcing Whitey to rush to defense of what he now mistakenly believes is his very own native born White European religion……
Oh, how they must be laughing at us…rubbing their hands all the way to the bank/TV studio/movie studio/newspaper editorial office/government building/hospital/school (all of which they control)……..

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
12 August, 2020 5:52 pm

Yep that’s pretty much how I feel about it Prinz. Sad to say.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
26 October, 2020 1:19 pm

The protestant revolution and protestant religion fit your description… not catholics.

Reply to  Doc
27 October, 2020 8:08 am

Cathocuckism is basically Paganism with a Romano-Jewish veneer.
They changed the names, meanings and locations to fit into a central- and eastern Mediterranean/Middle Eastern cult system, but left the basic framework Pagan to rope the goyim.
Protescuckism is the attempt to remove all Pagan elemnts and return Cucktianity to its 100% Jewish roots.

Reply to  Grimork
26 October, 2020 1:17 pm

If that were true, why do they not go after Islam with the same ardor and vigor?

Reply to  Doc
27 October, 2020 6:58 am

Islamics aren’t Whites, and everyone knows the natural enemy of the Jews is the White man. The islamics just want their country back that was gifted to the Jews, unfairly I might add. I really don’t think there would be any problems in the middle east if Israel was given back to the Arabics.

Jews are shape shifters, they don’t really go after Christians either when it suits them, that was my point. It’s like you only partially read my comments, Doc. It makes me sad. The Jews created Christianity and Judaism.

Reply to  Doc
27 October, 2020 8:10 am

3 reasons:
Arabs are their Semitic kin – Islam is basically Judaism for Arabs – they make handy weapons to use against Whitey and they also react FAR more violently to any criticism than Whitey does, especially when it comes to religion.
They want the Moslems to cut off White heads, not Jewish ones.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
2 June, 2021 6:44 pm

Yep. Donmeh.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Joe
11 August, 2020 6:10 pm

“Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual:  Jesus could have been any of these. There can be no certainty which. The  homosexual option simply seems the  most likely.” I am inclined to go with The Guardian on this one. As I recall from my childhood training, Jesus always hung out with a dozen or so guys called the “disciples” The only females that seemed to be in  his life was his mother and a harlot  he saved from being stoned to death. Again, drawing on my childhood memories, he spent the last evening of his life hanging out with these guys at something called “The Last Supper.” As the story goes, he knew the following morning that he was going to be put to an agonizing death, yet he preferred to spend his last… Read more »

Reply to  Walt Hampton
17 August, 2020 8:21 pm

A white nationalist is quoting the “Guardian”? Are you actually seriously taking this as a credible source? Will you be quoting CNN next? This is total blasphemy. You have to WANT to deny Jesus and be simultainiously ignorant of the New Testament at the same time to even consider this blasphemous herasay. I am really shocked at the sick filth coming out of the United States. And let me tell you all something. If there is ever another world war it will most likely involve Russia and it’s allies. I will be a proud traitor. I will be 100% AGAINST the United States and it’s allies any way I can even if I’m old and it’s just sheltering and feeding troops or donating supplies. I would rather be on the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack
18 August, 2020 12:11 pm

While it’s true the Jewed media spews a lot of filth and lies as you’ve said, they have to mix it with truth to remain plausible in the minds of those who aren’t as discerning compared to those of us who are and can see their methods.

That said, Walt Hampton may have found some of those nuggets of truth within the Guardian’s words. As for Walt’s views on Jesus, i know he’s definitely not a worshipper of those products of the Jewish imagination and that’s a good thing.

Reply to  Jack
11 August, 2021 12:25 pm

Jack is the only one is this thread that knows and speaks the Truth.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
18 August, 2020 8:12 am

Although I no longer hold the Christian faith in any regard – except as the perfect Jew tool for the enslavement of the human race – you described Mary of Magdala as a “harlot”, and I do not believe that she was. She was the wife of Jesus. She was the “beloved disciple”, and the first person to see him after his (supposed) resurrection, don’t forget. The wedding at Cana, where Christ supposedly performed his first “miracle” – he was the guest of honour. It was his wedding. They married, and had a child. Her name was Sarah (which was also the name of the wife of that old Jew crook and con-man Abram) meaning “Princess”. That said, (with no offence intended to those who believe it) I still think… Read more »

Reply to  Joe
17 August, 2020 8:10 pm

The occult is real. Dark Magic is real. Evil is real. Satan and his followers are real. A contest is playing out on this earth – a war – and we are all part of it weather we know it or not. It’s no coincidence the Church of Satan supports race mixing, LGBT and other issues the people on this and other race realist forums are opposed to. These rituals are real. The forces of evil need your CONSENT. There are spiritual laws both sides are bound by. There is a series from the 1990s – once intensely popular – now forgotten and cult-like. It’s called “Highlander the Series”. Evil immortals, for the most part, are bound by the same laws as Good immortals. Swords only. Sworn to silence. No… Read more »

Will White Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will White Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jack
18 August, 2020 1:41 pm

I hate to bust your bubble, Jack, but Satan and hell are no more real than are Jesus or his Jewish daddy up in the sky. You should peddle that spookcraft elsewhere. I didn’t read the Guardian article because I would have had to register there to continue reading it. Mr. Hampton is not promoting the Guardian by saying he agrees with it’s writer that apparently wrote that Jesus was likely a queer. It is the burden of the believer in Jesus, Yahweh, Satan, and all that to prove the existence of those imaginary entities, not the burden of the skeptic to disprove their existence. We might as well argue about the number of angels that can dance on the head of the proverbial straight pin. We will not engage… Read more »

12 August, 2020 10:27 am

Sigh. More propaganda from the anti-Christian clique that took over the white nationalist movement a few decades ago. Read “The Christ that Failed: The Origins of Anti-Christianity within American White Nationalism” by Jake Wheeler for an interesting look into how this came to be. As another traditionalist Roman Catholic reader rather insulted by this sort of hit article of fellow white nationalists eating their own over a trendy conspiracy theory, let me recommend other open-minded readers some literature I have enjoyed, which vindicates much of what is slandered by anti-Christian rhetoric (which is very Jewish, I might add, as there has NEVER been a civilization more proactive in fighting Jewish domination than Western Christian civilization.) Sorry to those who fantasize for the “Roman glory days,” but it didn’t take very… Read more »

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
12 August, 2020 11:27 am

I’m reading the review for this book…and I don’t abhor white Christians. I abhor the Jewish scriptures and the ideologies that come from Christianity .. there’s a difference. I know how damaging literal Christianity is to racial pride and preservation. I also know how damaging it can be to the psyche in general, imposing various laws and ordinances that have nothing to do with our people’s sense of moral compass. In essence trying to rip your fleshly corners trying to fit a square (Aryan) into a round (Jewish) hole. Christians that don’t take the bible literally or read it extremely closely don’t have the same issues a devout scripture studying Christian does. Since they pick and choose the parts they believe and like to make their own context it is… Read more »

Reply to  Grimork
12 August, 2020 2:24 pm

Hey Grimork, I totally know where you’re coming from. I was raised “Evangelical Protestant” (yea, the Zionist John Hagee cucks for Israel, muh chosen joos type) and eventually fell away and struggled with agnosticism and the disgust of what I had once believed. I had your mindset for a while. Turns out I had a pretty screwed up picture of Christianity, mainly owing that to the above influences. Everything changed for me when I started investigating the ancient churches that traced their lineage right back to the first century, not some deranged monk from the 1500’s. Turns out they were almost as based & red pilled on the reality of Jews as the National Socialists, and this did not stem from “love-hate” cognitive dissonance like the author assumes. I mean,… Read more »

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
26 October, 2020 1:39 pm

You and i have made a very similar journey. I find the current western attitude towards them confusing.

It is a hard thing to talk about considering the pressure that can be brought to bear against one who notices.. Imagine my shock when the JQ came up with me and my (Hyper-TradCath) inlaws.. I paused and then said, ‘well.. i don’t know how you feel about the jews…” and my wife interjected, “Probably worse than you do..” Then her (boomer) parents started to rave about the destruction they were causing our nation.. I could only sit back and smile.

Reply to  Grimork
26 October, 2020 1:23 pm

You describe Protestants.. Catholic theology spent 1500 years working out the kinks.. prots threw all of that away with the oral tradition.

Beware.. if you look into catholic theology with even a modicum of intellectual honesty, you will be compelled.

Reply to  Doc
27 October, 2020 6:52 am

Well SOME branches of protestantism, definitely not Catholicism. Catholicism doesn’t take the bible literally and falls under the category of picking and choosing the parts they believe in. I mentioned them without naming them because there are also loose protestant sects who aren’t as affected either by Jewish tradition. But like I said if you take the bible word for word, old testament to new testament. There is no other conclusion to come to. I don’t advocate Catholicism either, but they don’t have the same issues as the sects I am focusing on.

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
26 October, 2020 1:21 pm

Indeed.. the protestant revolt is the real Jewish trick..

Reply to  Vlad_Dracula
17 November, 2021 12:13 pm

Let’s remember the Christian Byzantine empire lasted longer than Rome.

Paul Rattray
Paul Rattray
12 August, 2020 2:45 pm

There are many writers presenting an alternative metaphysical understanding of Biblical teachings based on perception free of the Jewish contamination of Christianity by the Kabbalah and Gnostic delusions. Try not to throw the baby of Truth out because it’s wallowing in dirty water! Neville Goddard is one such writer whose work can be found at: Several other such writers are Christian Larsen (The Great Within), Thomas Troward (Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning), Dr. Joseph Murphy (The Power of Your Subconscious Mind), and Uell S Anderson (Three Magic Words). A deep analysis of “scripture” seems to indicate that ALL human concepts of Religion and Spirituality are based on the idea that “Consciousness” and “The God Concept” are one and the same. Once The “External” God Misconception is understood to be… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
13 August, 2020 12:47 am

Mr. Dalton’s essay does an excellent job in explaining how purely Jewish Christianity’s origins are and what a fraud this religion is. “In worshipping the Jew, and in accepting the Jewish lie, the Christian becomes a virtual Jew.” So true, Mr. Dalton. Even Pope Francis acknowledged that, “Inside every Christian is a Jew.” I think Christianity is the White man’s greatest weakness and what is ultimately being used by our eternal enemies to destroy us. Some of my favorite quotes on the subject: “Christian ‘tolerance,’ always a volatile and deeply problematic virtue, has been weaponized in modernity as a primary engine for self-dispossession, pathological altruism, perverse virtue signaling, and moral self-flagellation.” -Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. “But this [German] people has deliberately made itself stupid, for nearly a millennium: nowhere have the… Read more »

13 August, 2020 11:34 pm

Has anyone read Richard Carrier’s peer reviewed book On the Historicity of Jesus? It a very compelling case that Jesus (as a son of god) never existed; and if he did the story is a fabric interwoven with composite characters that make up the so-called Jesus. The book is well worth the purchase, but if anyone wants to get an introduction to it or Richard’s general consensus and provable facts here are some introductory videos (very fascinating–especially being raised as a Catholic and even an alter boy in my youth):

Why invent Jesus?

Did Jesus Even Exist?

Why I Think Jesus Didn’t Exist: A Historian Explains the Evidence That Changed His Mind

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
7 September, 2020 9:58 pm

  The problem with Christians lies in their ignorance of first century, religious Judaism. To understand the true story of Jesus, one must know the details of the Jews’ ancient religion, history and law.   First off, Jesus took no issue with Roman rule as illustrated by his response to the Temple authority’s tricky question about paying tribute to Caesar. Pilate, the Roman procurator, exonerated Jesus at his trial saying, “I find no fault with this man.” Three times Pilate tried to spare Jesus and yet the prieisst kept hounding him unitl finally, in utter exaspertion, he told the priests “Have it your way, I wash my hands of the affair.” The fact is Jesus had nothing to do with Rome or Christianity. The “Christ” label, meaning nothing more than… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Arch Stanton
20 November, 2020 12:12 am

The advice by the do-nothings is just 
like Christians thinking the answer to 
everything is “just pray”. Meanwhile you
have prayed to an invisible god for zero 
results but you still have faith. The 
ludicrous beliefs of people to believe 
in something they know can’t possibly 
be true, that is called “faith”!
Christians died by the millions in 
Russia, China, Korea, Cuba, Laos, 
Vietnam when the Communists took over. 
Where was God while the Communists 
murdered them? I am sure they prayed.

30 September, 2020 6:22 am

Great article – I take issue though with the intent and motive you project onto the Jews in order to make a conspiracy of the new blossoming religion. As you demand historical precision of the gospels – might you not ask how others say Rome of the Flavians and Josephus conspired to write the gospels. Please see: Christianity invented by the Flavian Roman Emperors Rome had an equally vested interest in subduing the Jewish resistance. They too might have concocted the whole story if you use hypothesis for history. But as to the scripture in this regard you can clearly see that Isaiah 2:2 and following speaks hundreds of years before of a subjugation of Jewish elite and loss of land. It continues that nations will worship God YHWH under… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
24 October, 2020 3:27 pm

There is polarity in the world and perhaps the most stark polarity is Jew vs. Christian. In this matchup, the Jews have the Christians bribed to do their bidding. Their bidding? WWI and WWII just as clear examples. Christians killing Christians for the Jews, or if you prefer, Aryans killing Aryans for the Jew. In either case, what I see is a deficit in white (Christian) culture unable to detect when it is being suicided. Now if Mr. Dalton or anybody else has a solution to that problem, that could be a good religion.

Joe Rizoli
Joe Rizoli
25 October, 2020 5:09 am

Dalton needs to stick to his holocaust stuff.
He makes it seem Christiasns are being used by the Jews. Has he ever thought maybe he is now?
“What will they do with Papias, Ignatius, Polycarp, Evodius, Clement, et. al. who were all born within 30 years of the crucifixion? All of them likely knew one or more of the apostles. All of them are contemporaries of Josephus. All of them are an attestation to a historical Jesus.”

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Joe Rizoli
9 December, 2020 6:55 pm

Joe Rizoli: Dalton needs to stick to his holocaust stuff… — No he doesn’t, Joe. Anybody can debunk the Hoax of the 20th century. That’s easy. It takes courage to take on the biggest hoax of all time: Christinsanity — and Thomas does that quite well. — Any rational and objective person must come to just one conclusion: that Christianity is a Jewish hoax, conceived to demoralize and cripple the hated Gentile masses, as a way of getting even with Aryan Rome. It has no basis in fact, and no contemporaneous evidence; it is illogical and indeed idiotic (“God sent himself down here, and then killed himself, because he loves us”); and it keeps White and Gentile masses absorbed in a fairy-tale world until the day they die. — Sounds… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 December, 2020 1:57 pm

It’s that time of year again, so bump this important article by Dr. Dalton, and well wishes to everyone for an enjoyable Yule season! Our days are getting longer. — “We are told that Jesus was born around the year 3 BC. The star of Bethlehem — so central to the Christmas story — was the first Christian miracle. It appeared “in the East,” moved through the sky, and hovered over the manger so that the three Magi could find it. Various attempts have been made to explain this “star,” including a rare planetary alignment, an unusually bright Jupiter, a comet, or a supernova. This is almost certainly nonsense. We have no independent confirmation of any unusual celestial events around that time, and even if we did, it doesn’t help… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
25 December, 2020 4:47 am

Thomas Dalton is a superb writer and scholar, and most importantly a good thinker. It’s a good thing you have someone of his caliber writing for National Vanguard and associated with the National Alliance. Also, the tone of the comments is quite impressive, too.

Reply to  Joe Rizoli
30 May, 2021 6:06 am

>”Christiasns are being used by the Jews.”

That is indeed the truth, You should read this article titled ‘All Christians are Cucks‘.

Buffyllonius of Dyana
Buffyllonius of Dyana
Reply to  Payne
10 June, 2021 2:07 pm

Calling Christians “cucks” is Not helpful! But I understand how you feel. I have not read the article yet— but I have found that many people claiming to be no longer Christian, or Never Christian are Christian in spite of themselves, i.e.“ ‘Loving’ the Enemy” and “love the ‘Lord’ with all your heart and all your soul”. One must carefully observe them.

8 January, 2021 5:27 pm

Okay. So should I believe in anything? Am I supposed to worship Odin instead, or whatever? I barely even have any concept of what that is. Apparently everything that I have ever know is fake and gay and created by Jews to destroy me. This is incredibly overwhelming. Is there any good reason why I ought not to go and jump off a cliff and be done with this nonsense? Thanks.

Bee G
Bee G
Reply to  Alex
9 January, 2021 7:02 am

The Jews are masquerading as the chosen race aren’t they? They think that they’ve ‘accomplished a takeover of the world’ with their great reset NWO but God will not be mocked. He knows those he has set in his heart as his own and I may be biased but I know of a people, greatly fair in nature, greatly blessed indeed and just by existing these people seem to infuriate others beyond any semblance of sanity… !

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Alex
9 January, 2021 7:36 am

Oðinn means ;thought, spirit’ in Old Norse. Our ancestral Pagan deities are aspects of nature, not humanoids who live in the sky. The Native European religions are based on the cycles of the seasons, planting, harvesting, migration patterns of animals – reality, in other words. Most representations of ‘Paganism’ you see in various media are falsified comic book versions, designed to make our ancestors appear stupid and superstitious. I recommend Thulean Perspective (Varg Vikernes), Carolyn Emerick and some of Red Ice’s books, videos, websites. They may not always be correct on everything – Varg does overdo the placenta business quite a bit – but they will give you a good start. Also, read some Celtic mythology, Norse sagas, traditional fairy tales and don’t take them too literally. They are ‘riddles’… Read more »

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
9 January, 2021 11:50 am

Oh great, another rabbit hole. I don’t have time for all of this nonsense. I’m gonna take a walk

Reply to  Alex
21 January, 2022 4:55 pm

You have a problem with the conception of religious tales being ancient metaphors for natural events and phenomena better explained by modern scientific means? You clearly favor the invisible savior sky daddy myth to the truth of REALITY.

Reply to  Alex
6 June, 2023 5:02 am

It’s overwhelming for all of us. be brave. Stand together. Spread the news! be unashamedly proud of who you are!

Nathan Bell
Nathan Bell
22 March, 2021 7:56 pm

Great read! One question I do have is how Jesus in the gospels on regular occasion confronted the Jews on their religious hipocracy. It seems that he was opposed to their system. Thank you again for your thoughtful article.

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  Nathan Bell
24 March, 2021 2:59 pm

Yes,Nathan,he WAS opposed to it! Judaism had degenerated into a mess and He came along to staighten it out.Unfortunatly,Man f**ked up His teachings and now you got another mess on your hands…SMH…Sigh.

Reply to  Doug Provenzano
21 January, 2022 4:59 pm

So you admit to the Jewsus messianic figure being sent to better or in your own words “straighten out” Judaism for the Jew masses and to espouse invisible Jew sky daddy Lmao SMH

tony bonn
tony bonn
10 April, 2021 1:03 am

This article is bad history and worse. As I have noted elsewhere, Joseph Atwill’s Caesar’s Messiah is a masterpiece of analysis and scholarship. His history provides the correct interpretation of Christianity which would then be turned against the Roman Aryans when Constantine arrived.

3 May, 2021 7:24 pm

Excellent article, but why pick-on poor Jesus?

One only need to scratch beneath the surface of the fictive Moses/Exodus, and the entire edifice of Kikeanity (Judaism/Christianity/Islam) comes tumbling down.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
22 May, 2021 10:58 am

Mr. Dalton: Well written article, which I agree with 100%, My being a holocaust Truther, that and the hoax of religion are my 2 quests in life. The problem for me is almost 50% h Truthers are J.C. god believers. Why, WHY? do they believe one jew lie (J.C. god) and reject the other (holocaust)? The jew is the GR8 (great) problem, with his many lies i.e. Noah, J.C., holocaust, USS Liberty, 911, scamdemic to name a few. The jew has the quality of being the best liar throughout history and we (the other 99% of the people) must stop it. The jew has divided us so we Whites fight over religion, others over I.Q., others over skin color. WE MUST ALL BAND TOGETHER and learn the lies of the… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
22 May, 2021 10:24 pm

Most here will agree that Christianity is a problem that needs to be resolved as it hobbles many white people with self defeating, “Judaeo-Christian” beliefs. The question is how does one address the problem?   Almost since the day Jesus was crucified, there have been two camps involved with the question of Jesus. The first camp says that Jesus was a “God” sent to deliver all mankind from their sins. The second camp says that Jesus never existed, but was a figment of Jewish/Christian imagination. These two camps have been arguing their differing viewpoints for millennia. Yet no one has made any progress using these arguments. However, now there is a third way.   How do Jews convince their goy “allies” to fight their enemies? The first step is by… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
23 May, 2021 10:12 am

Arch, your comment was well written and you seem to be knowledgeable on this topic. But we Cosmotheists have our own life philosophy– or religion if you prefer. As the phony aspects of the Cult of Christianity become apparent to all those of a healthy Aryan soul who question, think, and can come to a reasonable conclusion about such things, one question that may come to mind is: “well, what else is there?” Cosmotheism answers this. Rather than to dive ever deeper into the hole that cult has made for itself and us, is it not better to spend precious time coming to know something better for us? I believe that understanding a religion that serves our racial needs and fits our character is more important than mucking up a… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Arch Stanton
23 May, 2021 9:56 pm

‘Jesus’ is the Latin version of Yehoshuah = Yahweh = Yah, the tribal God of Israel.
There is precisely 1 historical (??) quote – Tacitus – that mentions a ‘Christus’, which is Latin nominative singular for ‘the Christian’. All early Christians were Jews, so that could be any Jew following the new cult.
Everything else was written WAY after the alleged ‘fact’ and almost all of it by Jews and crypto-Jew conversos, not exactly the most trustworthy of sources.
My conclusion: fantasy character invented by Jews who were dictating the story to Greek scribes in an effort to make Caesar appear ‘divine’, borrowing heavily from all sorts of mythologies, Asian and European.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Arch Stanton
23 May, 2021 10:35 pm

Arch Stanton: Most here will agree that Christianity is a problem that needs to be resolved… Almost since the day Jesus was crucified, there have been two camps involved with the question of Jesus. The first camp says that Jesus was a “God” sent to deliver all mankind from their sins. The second camp says that Jesus never existed, but was a figment of Jewish/Christian imagination. These two camps have been arguing their differing viewpoints for millennia… — Who’s arguing, Arch? Dr. Dalton wrote: If Jesus the man — not the ‘son of God’ — did exist, then it is unquestionable that he was a Jew. — You write: Jesus did exist, he was a very real historical character accomplishing a very real historical objective of countering elite, Jewish oppressors. —… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
25 May, 2021 1:14 am

Apparently, you missed the essence of the message, especially the part where I explained what the term “son of god” actually meant to first century Jews. Like Christians, you seem stuck on the magical, mystical interpretation of the title “son of god” as opposed to the real world meaning it had for first century, Temple Jews. You can read about the effort to make Jesus the Temple’s kohein gadol, it’s “son of god,” here – “She (Margaret Barker) proposed that the high priest (kohein gadol) had been a divine figure, and not, as is usually held, a representative of the people. The controversy surrounding this claim to divinity was demonstrated from the variant traditions about the high priestly vestments. He was an angel, the manifestation of the Lord on earth,… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
25 May, 2021 9:01 am

“I want to see the end of all religion and the beginning recognition of truth.”

So you want to end Cosmotheism too, Arch, because (in your opinion) we don’t strive to attain the truth? Why write a book here in the comments section just to arrive at this point?

Why even bother us at all? The basis of our path and purpose is grounded in our life-philosophy- or religion as some call it– to provide a framework for our race’s survival and advancement. Is it your position that this be sacrificed for getting at truth? If so, you’re failing to see the forest with all these trees standing by so close.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  JM/Iowa
26 May, 2021 12:48 am

Perhaps you can provide an example of where religion has led to the betterment of mankind, where it has improved the world. Christianity makes this claim regarding matters like morality, but do you accept their claim?

People are sheep and sheep need shepherds. Religion provides the shepherds and the reason for them. Strong, stalwart men need no religious beliefs to provide validity for their lives. Therefore, it should be no surprise that religion plays an overarching, critical role in Jewish culture.

Books are written because people generally cannot comprehend complex ideas with less information.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
30 May, 2021 10:55 am

Why would I care about the improvement of mankind, Arch? I’ve stated clearly that Cosmotheism, my life-philosophy, is about our race’s survival and advancement, and not anyone else’s. Why are you advocating its destruction? Because “strong men don’t need it?” What do strong men need, Arch, as a reason to hang around during their short lives? To improve the quality of non-Whites?

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  JM/Iowa
26 May, 2021 8:08 am

Speaking of trees, Nature is the ultimate truth and Paganism is based on nature.

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
26 May, 2021 5:36 pm

Greetings Prinz. At school I remember a Christian teacher mentioning pagans. When someone asked him what a pagan was he was unable to provide a definition.

Reply to  Truthweed
27 May, 2021 6:52 am

I can help your teacher out.
Originally, ‘pagan’ means ‘peasant’ in the sense of ‘country yokel’ and was a term used by ‘sophisticated’ Roman urbanites to describe ‘backwards’ small town and rural people. No religious connotations.

Alex Wells
Alex Wells
Reply to  Truthweed
27 May, 2021 7:26 pm

I consider use of the term “pagan” derogatory. It is a catch-all term used by followers of the Abrahamic religions to describe anyone who does not worship their deity. Historically, it has been used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe followers of non-Abrahamic religions, but in recent years evangelical Christians have begun applying it also to atheists, agnostics, and other persons who have no religion. For reasons that are unclear to me, the Catholic Church uses “pagan” to refer to followers of religions that do not have many followers–as though popularity were the determinant. Catholics do not consider Buddhists or Hindus “pagans,” but to them Asatrurar would be “pagans,” as would Hellenic polytheists.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Arch Stanton
29 May, 2021 7:17 am

The common people can’t live without religion. Only very few can perceive Nature through science and philosophy in their pure form. These few are the natural leaders for their nations. But all others are unable to deal with the multiple complexities of the world immediately, without some system of religious views. Religion is the guiding mental framework that synchronizes the life of the whole community. It is impossible to organize social life without some kind of religion. By the way, the Soviet Union was the religious state to even greater extent than USA. With only difference being that instead of Jesus “the most infallible man of all times” was installed as an ethereal image of all virtues – the comrade Lenin; and instead of Christian paradise the promise of the… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
29 May, 2021 10:38 am

This is the most intelligent response I have received to date on this subject. Sadly, I must say I agree with the premise put forth here. The esoteric teachers say few will ever aspire to the path and fewer still will ever achieve the enlightened state. The vast majority of mankind is trapped in this existence for countless lifetimes to repeat the mistakes of past desires. Few men are able to stand on personal conviction. Few men move beyond their base, biological needs and desires driving their actions trapping them here in the material world – but know that it is possible. As for my views on Christianity, I do not want to “overthrow” it, I want to expose it for the lie it is; like that new Jewish, mythical… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Arch Stanton
29 May, 2021 7:06 pm

This is the most intelligent response I have received to date on this subject. Sadly, I must say I agree with the premise put forth here. — There’s no reason to be sad, Arch. Mr. Stoner is certainly eloquent, though English is not his first language. Our National Alliance and its belief system, Cosmotheism, have resonated with him to the extent that he has joined with us and pledged monthly financial support. He doesn’t merely pontificate, he has committed. That is how we become stronger. He is practically in on the ground floor of Alliance-building. Others will follow his lead because he is a natural leader. — With Jews one cannot win. The only solution is to remove their cultural influence by removing all their presence. — Exactly. Since we do not… Read more »

Buffyllonius of Dyana
Buffyllonius of Dyana
Reply to  Arch Stanton
10 June, 2021 7:01 pm

The Sonne of God is finding its WAY to my home just in time for dinner. It’s shining it’s LIGHT on the Trees, plant flowers, herbs and every blade of singing grass.

The Sun


Alex Wells
Alex Wells
24 May, 2021 9:34 pm

It was a kind of fraud perpetrated, originally, on the superstitious pagan masses. And they bought it — hook, line, and sinker.

This is historically inaccurate. Christianity was imposed on the “pagan masses” by their rulers, and this is why early Christian missionaries focused their efforts on converting rulers. Their most significant–and powerful–convert was the Roman emperor Constantine I.

Reply to  Alex Wells
27 May, 2021 6:54 am

Recommended contextual reading: Caesar’s Messiah by Joseph Atwill, The Darkening Age by Katherine Nixey.

30 May, 2021 5:23 am

In few Speeches, Hitler blames Christianity for the decline of the Roman Empire. Here are the quotes from SPEECHES where he puts the blame on Christianity for the decline of the Roman Empire. 1. 2. 3. The idea that Christianity was responsible for the decline of Rome was not just held by Hitler, but also by other NS members such as Heinrich Himmler, Robert Ley. 1. Himmler blams Christianity and Christians as the cause of the Downfall of Rome. (In the above quote you might have read that Himmler compares Christianity with Bolshevism and calls it ‘2000 year Bolshevism’, this view was held by Hitler too, in Table Talks, Hitler also calls Christianity as Bolshevism. ) Also in a speech, Hitler compares Christianity with Bolshveishm.  2. Robert Ley blames Christians for… Read more »

Reply to  Payne
2 June, 2021 6:46 pm

This is the most important work on this subject I’ve ever read. I’ve suspected this for a long time but never has this theory been so well presented.

I can’t thank you enough.

Life changing.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Elaine
4 June, 2021 10:28 am

comment image

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins from “Nature’s Eternal Religion” by Ben Klassen

Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
9 June, 2021 5:42 pm

Most Excellent. Thank You.

Reply to  Payne
2 June, 2021 6:54 pm

One more tidbit…

The allies of today….

ISAREL — Radical Jewish

USA — Radical Judeo Christian

SAUDI ARABIA — Radical Judeo Islam

A hat trick — care of the chthonic War God Yahweh — conjured by Moses/Osarseph.


2 June, 2021 7:33 pm

As I see it “St. Paul” never existed. Appolonius of Tyana, a Greek Pythagorean, May have been what St. Paul was loosely based upon — very loosely. This man have been the person whose teachings they were trying to veil and usurp. He was vehemently opposed to blood sacrifice, a major tenant of the Jewish creed. The Israelites used crude energy to power the demiurge via the “central computer” — that little item which they absconded from Egypt. Violently shed blood; circumcision, ritual animal slaughter and sacrificial wars provided the food to make it run. In the past it had been powered with positive energy gained from pure “food”. Nature is neutral, it “shines it light on both the good and the evil”. Moses was a villain and no hero.… Read more »

Reply to  Elaine
3 June, 2021 8:27 pm

Greetings Elaine. Thank You. St Paul, Saul, never existed, it’s all constructed as a weapon against us. Thank you again Elaine.

Reply to  Truthweed
9 June, 2021 5:53 pm

Thank YOU.

There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media and proclaimed by the church and state.

Odd personal experiences, that I am somewhat reluctant to share at this time, show me another side of what is actually going on here, I will wait a bit until I get to know you all a bit better.

Do you believe in magic?

Jesus never existed but much evidence suggested Moses/ Osarseph probably did. Some Jews deny his existence and I know why.

Egypt — The Land of Magic — White and Black (Moses) and the advent of Yahweh.

4 June, 2021 9:01 am

Your article about the Jews hating the Romans is similar to that of the Jews hating the Czarist family of Russia. No matter what the Czars did to please or try to satisfy the Jew, he was NEVER SATISIFED. They tried a revolt in 1849, and it failed, with many Jews coming to the United States. They tried it again in 1905, and it failed again until it succeeded in 1917, when Russia was suffering from war and its results. The Jews used WW1 to take over Russia and other European countries. and they hated Hitler as soon as he was elected and called for boycotts of Germany and German goods. Boycotts and embargos are special methods the Jews use our government to make other countries suffer that they have… Read more »

Buffylonius of Dyana
Buffylonius of Dyana
14 June, 2021 6:35 pm

Apollonius of Tyana, a Greek Pythagorean philosopher was the historical Savior. The Jews did everything in their powers to erase his influenceand replace it with Jewish lies and propaganda.

If you don’t have the time to read the entire work jump to II, Book VIII.

Or Listen at librovox.

Festina Lente.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
20 June, 2021 4:30 am

Very brave of you, Mr. Dalton, to dare to debunk Christianity as a jew invention. I say brave, because people are very bound and even defined by their faith. BTW, Christianity is no longer a White religion, as mentioned in a few other comments. Thanks to the missionaries proselytizing in far away lands, and slaves, negroes, Filipinos, Koreans, Latin American mestizos, etc comprise much of modern Christianity. Those missionaries may possibly have even race mixed with their new converts for all I know. Ask *any* jew, and they will tell you that Jesus Christ was Jewish. Hmm, son of god, not according to jews, but according to the Bible….and the jews insist that they are god’s “chosen people “. See, Jesus was a jew, too. Adolf Hitler was Christian, but… Read more »

Reply to  L.B. Blakeney
22 June, 2021 5:52 am

“Adolf Hitler was Christian” Adolf Hitler was not Christian, neither was his morals were derived from (((Christianity))). Think about the Aktion T4 program. Hitler believed in Darwinian evolution. Hitler was a very huge admirer of the greatest Anti-Christian Philopspher ‘Friedrich Nietzsche’. Other than Nietzsche Hitler’s favorite was Arthur Schopenhauer. Hitler was a man of science and he sincerely HOPED that the advancement in science would cause (((Christianity))) to lose its influence. Hitler deeply hated the (((Old Testament))), this very fact sets Hitler against JEWsus, since JEWsus spoke about the old Testament as being a divine law, but Hitler hated it. Hitler the man of science. • “National Socialism is a cool and highly-reasoned approach to reality based upon the greatest of SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE” ~ Adolf Hitler, speech on September 6,… Read more »

6 June, 2023 8:18 am

Judaism is NOT paganism. Judaism is ANTI paganism at it’s core. You people need to wake up. The Bible is a plan to destroy all the gentiles and replace it with 600000 hermaphrodite Jewish souls the Jews believe will be immortal. That damn book destroyed all our gods and goddesses that protected our people for tens of thousands of years. Mythology is very true because it teaches concepts. These ideas are not to be taken literally as history but that doesn’t mean they do not teach some truth. The earth is not 6000 years old obviously but the plan to make the Jewish world is nearing completion. The reason people hate religion is because the only ones on the table are from that damn book. When they had their own… Read more »

19 April, 2024 10:37 am

Christians are the useful fools of the Jews, it is a shame to see how there are still people who insist on believing that Christianity is for white people.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Rob
19 April, 2024 11:16 am

A life-philosophy, or religion if you like, that is expressive of our White race-soul has often been discussed here in National Vanguard. Our archives reflect this, take advantage of this resource:

19 April, 2024 6:41 pm

Islam and Christianity have to a large extent borrowed from Judaism. Therefore, Islam and Christianity are religions of the Judeo-Semitic tradition. Despite claims that Jews are enemies of Muslims, in reality, the most ardent defenders of the pure Islamic development of Muhammad are these sick Jews and Israel. Judaism could never have had a significant impact on the extinction of the white race on its own, except with the help of Christians and racial traitors…