American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

New Year’s Dawn 2024, part 2

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 January, 2024

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS WE ENTER 2024, let us reflect on our dreams — and goals — for the future. And let us renew our commitment to our race and our race’s destiny of ever-expanding consciousness, understanding, mastery, and beauty, both upon this Earth and beyond. Let us swear upon the eternal race-soul that lives in us and in our children that we will do all that we can, every day of our lives, to bring into being that paradise that can be ours if we do right — an all-White nation, invincible, self-sufficient, all-conquering, and utterly separated forever from Jews, from other non-Whites, and from the degenerate Whites who serve them — a nation whose leadership and whose people have left behind the races of sub-men around them, and walk unimpeded on the Upward Path toward higher ground and new lands that we can only imagine. What unparalleled joy and majesty awaits us and our children in that future!

When I was asked to give my reasons for joining the Cosmotheist Church, I said

I choose to be a member of the Cosmotheist Church because nothing is more important than Cosmotheism for the future of our race and for the future of Life itself. I want to be a part of that. And I want to have a part in building a community of the awakened, so that ever-increasing numbers of our people, and the next generation of our people, will have a proper spiritual foundation and education. Without such a foundation, we are adrift and must depend on chance to find leaders for our Alliance and our Folk generally. With such a foundation, our young people will also have a chance to meet and marry others who also are properly grounded in our truths. I have had these truths deeply infused in my soul, and want the same for my children, and for all members of our people who are ready for these truths.

Asked the same question, my wife said

I choose to be a member of the Cosmotheist Church because Cosmotheism is already the religion my husband and I have chosen for our growing family, and the one which my husband and I have been following for the last ten years. I have read all the books, and nearly every essay, that Cosmotheism’s founder, Dr. Pierce wrote, have repeatedly immersed myself in them, and have re-read many of them in the last year alone. Cosmotheism is the philosophy/religion that comes closest to spiritual and biological truth. It is totally unlike the fake nonsense of Christianity. No religion compares. I have a science background and Cosmotheism aligns with my scientific worldview.

Back in 2013, I said of Cosmotheism and its founder:

I believe that William L. Pierce will be known, beyond all his other accomplishments, as the founder of a new religion. And not just a religion, but the religion of the future, a religion which will supplant all others. Cosmotheism will prevail because it is the inevitable truth toward which all other streams of knowledge are converging. And Cosmotheism will prevail because it will be the religion of a new people who, as a result of following its precepts, will branch off from the rest of humanity — even from the race from which they sprang — and form a new race, ultimately a new species, compared to which the others will be but unconscious beings. The religious ideas of the left-behind races, including those of the unconscious Whites, will mean as little to Higher Men as the “Hallelujahs!” of Black preachers — or the chatterings of hamsters — mean to us.

* * *

To the Cosmotheist, Nature is God. And science, logic, observation, reason, and the deepest stirrings of our race-soul are the means of apprehending God — not the ravings of ancient Semitic cutthroats, carpet-dealers, and con men (or the poetry and verses they stole from their more accomplished neighbors). Mathematics, physics, and genetics are the real words of God. Mathematical principles may be misunderstood for a time, but they cannot be faked as scripture can, nor for long can they be maliciously revised for political advantage — and they are eminently verifiable. So also with the laws of evolution and biology, physics and cosmology.

"Nature is God. Physics, mathematics, and genetics are God’s real words." - Kevin Alfred Strom
“Nature is God. Physics, mathematics, and genetics are the real words of God.” – Kevin Alfred Strom

Cosmotheism asserts that we are matter and energy become conscious — and, more than that, that we are the Universe become conscious, that we are Nature become conscious of itself and all that that implies. It further shows us that we have reached a radically new stage in the evolution of the Universe — as significant, perhaps, as the evolution of non-living matter into living beings — as significant as the first rise of consciousness itself — as significant as the faltering steps of the first amphibians on the surface of the Earth. This new stage has come only recently, when European man first grasped the concept of evolution, and discovered the principles of genetics and heredity. It is the stage of conscious evolution — of the ability of living beings to direct, and vastly accelerate, the future course of their own evolution.

When I first heard of Cosmotheism, I was a young man heady with the throwing off of my childhood Abrahamic mental shackles. When I initially heard the Cosmotheist Affirmation, which references the Creator and affirms that our destiny is Godhood, I was somewhat taken aback. Our destiny is Godhood?, I thought. Am I stepping back into superstition? Is this something like the Abrahamic nonsense I have firmly rejected?

But it was not long before I discovered that my worries were totally unfounded, and that what William Pierce had really done — his greatest accomplishment, really — was to reclaim the divine for the sane. He reclaimed the divine, and the Creator, for us, for the most intelligent and perceptive, for the most objective and reality-oriented and Nature-oriented men and women on this Earth.

Let me recite the Cosmotheist Affirmation again today:

There is but one reality.
That reality is the Whole.
It is the Creator, the self-created.
I am of the Whole.
I am of the Creator, of the self-created.
My purpose is the Creator’s purpose.
My path is the path of the Creator’s self-realization.
My path is the path of divine consciousness.
My destiny is godhood.

The statement that there is but one reality should offend or drive off no one — except perhaps those hopelessly mired in the varieties of “liberalism” and “New Age” nuttiness that are closest to psychosis — the “my reality” and “your reality” kind of people — and driving such people off saves us a lot of trouble and precious time, so it’s a good thing.

That the Creator — and ourselves — all partake of the Whole, and that we (the most awakened among our race) are the Whole becoming conscious in a literal, real, biological sense, is simultaneously a revolutionary idea and an inescapable one — an idea toward which much of European philosophy and science naturally leads, and have been leading us for thousands of years.

And that means godhood.

To the atheists and agnostics among our audience, who question the existence of any Creator or God, I would say this: In a way, you’re likely right. Look as we might around the Universe, we aren’t going to find a being that resembles God as Abrahamic religions — even Westernized Abrahamic religions — have described him. Not on Earth, not on Mars, and not on Alpha Centauri or in the Andromeda Galaxy either. But have you considered that God might be something entirely different from what the cruder religions claim? Have you considered that, like a hollow sphere seen from the outside, reality itself, the reality we have searched in vain for God, has a side that we cannot search or see — the side called the future?

Don’t think of God and godhood in terms of Bible scriptures, or Sunday School lesson books showing us a bearded man in white robes up in the clouds, or the like. Don’t think of the Jewish “Jehovah.” Don’t think about burning bushes or Jesus making magic wine and fish. That’s nonsense. None of that is real. None of that was ever real. And none of it ever happened.

Instead, think in terms of the evolution of Life. It is indisputable, for example, that there once was a first mammal, a small furry creature, doubtless hiding from the predatory reptiles that then dominated the Earth, a being probably not unlike a hamster. And it is also indisputable that we are mammals. and, like all mammals, we are descended from that first example of our class mammalia.

Thus it is unchallengeably true to say that a being little different from a hamster gave rise to Leonardo da Vinci. And what an increase in understanding and consciousness that evolution represents! The hamster-like first mammals could not understand even the words and activities of a washer-woman, much less the art and philosophical musings of da Vinci. To them, all would be utter mystery, consciousness beyond comprehension, powers beyond understanding.

To the hamster-like first mammals, had they the words and concepts to say so, da Vinci would truly be godlike.

And there is no reason to suppose that, given enough evolution along the Upward Path posited by Dr. Pierce, that the race of da Vinci and Beethoven and Darwin and Nietzsche could not give rise to an even higher kind of being — a being that would look down upon da Vinci as da Vinci looks down upon a hamster — a being that, if seen from any human being’s perspective, would be truly godlike.

In addition, there is no reason to believe that there is any soon-approaching limit to the number of times such a process can occur. (I am sure that I am incapable of understanding much about the final result — but that it might encompass a consciousness that can create new Universes is not beyond the bounds of philosophical speculation on the subject.)

Seen in such a light, Dr. Pierce’s statement that our destiny is godhood is well-justified, eminently reasonable, and intellectually liberating. Realizing that such an Upward Path exists, and that we and our racial kin have been participating in it more or less unconsciously for many millennia, and that we can now consciously participate in it, is the most life-changing religious experience conceivable.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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7 January, 2024 9:34 am

This is the first I have heard of “Cosmotheism”. Certainly it is infinitely more truthful than the jew-spawned Abrahamic Religions which are currently destroying the West (yes, philosophy is that important – it affects your mind and actions). But please be aware that Science is now being bastardized, so-called science today has been integrated into materialism, the love of money, the political sphere…. If you combine this Cosmotheism with the truth, which came from the east – non-materialism, non-duality, Parabrahman is your true self, you can destroy Desire (other than the desire for real freedom) you just might avoid having to endure this fleeting existence in jew world…. Cosmotheism with its love of truth is a good start…for the western mind and practical realities .. the BEST part of this… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Falcon5
7 January, 2024 5:01 pm

Falcon5: This is the first I have heard of “Cosmotheism”… — Ask yourself why that is. Then stick around to learn more — Certainly it is infinitely more truthful than the jew-spawned Abrahamic Religions .. If you combine this Cosmotheism with the truth, which came from the east – non-materialism, non-duality, Parabrahman is your true self… — Huh? You’ll find that with the truths you see in Cosmotheism you don’t need to look to the east and Parabrahman, whatever that is. I found the following, but doubt that English-speaking White Americans and Europeans really need to sort through this for further truths as explained by one of their own, Dr. William Pierce, Founder of Cosmotheism? In Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism, Vishnu, Shiva, and Adi Shakti respectively are Para Brahman. Mahaganapati is considered as Para Brahman by the Ganapatya sect. Kartikeya is considered as… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
9 January, 2024 3:19 am

Mr. Williams, I have to ask: Guido Von List created Armanism, does Cosmotheism have a connection with teachings of Guido Von List?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Frost
10 January, 2024 7:28 pm

You’re asking the wrong person. I don’t know. You tell me. Cosmotheism should not be viewed as “occult.” I think List leaned to it.

You may find the answer by reading Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, starting here: The “Occult” Nonsense About National Socialist Germany National Vanguard
WikiJews tell us this, so I’d say somewhat:

“Man is one with God!”[41] List emphasised the importance of a mystical union between humans and the universe,[41] viewing divinity as being immanent in nature, with all life being an emanation of it.[42] Connected to this, he believed in a close identification between the racial group – the volk or folk – and the natural world.[41] 

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 January, 2024 12:48 am

Thank you and I have studied Cosmotheism I find it very intelligent and very in direct path of the Aryan mind I would say William Pierce adopted some of it from Ben Klassen and Church of the Creator….
Ohhhh Happy Late New Years too you and you’re volk William

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Frost
14 January, 2024 12:34 pm

Thanks, Frost. Same to you. You would say: — William Pierce adopted some of [Cosmotheism] from Ben Klassen and Church of the Creator…. — I’ve heard that said before, but as one who worked closely with both men, I can disabuse you of that thought. BK and WLP founded their belief systems independently around the same time, the early 1970s. Both had been members of the John Birch Society in the 60s — again, independently — but each left in disgust because JBS would not address either race or Jews, much less Christianity. While Klassen was serving as a Florida legislator in ’67-’68, Pierce had already been working closely with George Lincoln Rockwell and had translated Eckhart’s “Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin.” He hardly needed to copy anything BK had… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 January, 2024 3:12 am

Ahhhhh I see thank you William for bringing this information too me… I know about John Birch Society i deeply admire co founder Revilo P. Oliver and also i deeply respect George Lincoln Rockwell a lot of early members of American Nazi Party renamed National Socialist White People’s Party were members of John Birch Society… My grandfather was Korean and Vietnam Veteran twice and bitterly despised Communism and Zionism and Jewish Question… William Luther Pierce was truly a Man of great honor and respect too our Aryan Race it saddens me i never got too meet him or George Lincoln Rockwell & Adolf Hitler etc… But i follow their philosophies and teachings i dedicated myself too Aryan Cause too preserve our Race and Heritage….

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Frost
22 January, 2024 3:22 pm

Frost: Ahhhhh I see thank you William for bringing this information too me… I know about John Birch Society i deeply admire co founder Revilo P. Oliver and also i deeply respect George Lincoln Rockwell a lot of early members of American Nazi Party renamed National Socialist White People’s Party were members of John Birch Society…  — Yes, Oliver was a co-founder of JBS but later quit in disgust over it’s wimpy policies – Society — as did Pierce and Klassen. Most don’t know that both Robert Matthews and Kevin Strom had been JBS members as young men. There just were’t many serious dissident groups back in the 1960s. However, another more radical anti-communist group that appeared, founded by a rather unstable former Bircher: Robert DePugh’s MinutemenThe 1960s era Minutemen (no relation… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
23 January, 2024 4:10 pm

I never knew that Robert Matthews or Kevin was members of John Birch Society this is wow such information… See once again suppressed information from Jew-Media and their Liberalistic Communists Journalists, also that is interesting article you sent me I never heard of (Minuteman), very informative sound a lot like James Mason radicalized group “Universal Order” I have read (Siege) by James Mason but I never could bring myself too the idea of Anarchy I believe we can seek Aryan Imperium by less radicalized ways… I know James and Pierce both knew Rockwell but after Rockwell assassination Pierce and Mason went separate paths and James began follow Charles Manson and Joseph Tommasi who been expelled by Matt Koehl who was Chairman of National Socialist White People’s Party renamed (New Order)… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 January, 2024 11:30 am

This is very interesting information Will I have not learned this or knew this thank you for sharing this with me… Also I have been planning become a Member of National Alliance just my financial situation isn’t the best that why I haven’t joined but I will support the organization and also I spread the message too those I know…

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Frost
24 January, 2024 5:16 pm

Frost: I have been planning become a Member of National Alliance just my financial situation isn’t the best that why I haven’t joined… — There’s a $25 application fee, plus the first month’s minimum pledge of $20, initially. What’s that, $0.67 a day? According to this site: Buying bottled water is a luxury that not everyone in the world can afford. A 1.5-liter bottle of water from a local brand costs an average of $0.70 globally, according to 92 countries analyzed in September 2022 by the website Finding an alternative to bottled water will cover the minimum monthly pledge. — Will I have been meaning ask you can you be a member of National Alliance and New Order or it one or the other? Also want too thank you Will… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
25 January, 2024 1:52 am

Thank you for letting me know I plan join as soon as possible and 25$ is completely do able for me… Also wish thank you for answering my question about New Order and National Alliance being in one or the other… And thirdly I wish too deeply apologize too you I did not know that bringing up your military service offended you Will I wish say I am sorry comrade I was raised too respect soldiers and Men of Good Honor who fought in Korea and Vietnam…