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Douglas Mercer

Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come. George Lincoln Rockwell…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

The Vances at their wedding. “Usha” is the one to the right. by Douglas Mercer AMERICA IS NOW a doddering senile nation sans everything; at one so-called White nationalist Web site they are exclaiming that America is only being held together by Donald’s Trump’s life, which is as slender…
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Classic EssaysDouglas Mercer

by Douglas Mercer THE NATIONAL Socialists liked very literal showings of their ideology, such as this: When they burned degenerate books, they would carry the books through the town on a dung cart or an execution wagon before they consigned them to the flames. You might suspect, after reading it, that…
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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer FOR THOUSANDS and thousands of years, the fastest a man ever traveled was on a horse: 12 miles per hour. Finally it was Europeans, as always, who moved us forward, creating the train going some five times that fast. Then along came cars and then planes. When jet engines arose around 1930…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WE LIVE AND WE LEARN, they say; but the ones who “live” without learning don’t live at all. For to learn is to earn, and in the spiritual world only those who work get to eat; and one only gets what one pays for. To learn is to develop, to evolve, to figure things out, to extrapolate, to put two…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer IT IS THE SIMPLE THINGS in life that count, wouldn’t you agree? And it was Sophocles who said that one does not know how beautiful the day has been until the cool of the evening. By sheer inadvertence, the movie The Zone of Interest gives us such a message, despite the quintessentially…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

The comedic genius. by Douglas Mercer THEY LIKE TO CALL Jerry Seinfeld a “funnyman” but what he is most of all is one of the vermin, one of those Jews who metaphorically crawl on their slimy bellies out the sewers and onto the street, there to infect the population with the Jewish plague. They said that Seinfeld
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer AH Nuremberg! A name for them to conjure with, eh? A name they can use as a weapon. For you say “Nuremberg” and immediately elicited in ignorant heads are the images of geysers of Jewish blood and jackbooted Germans wading hip-deep in it, of lakes of blood that sleek German…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WE NOW MOVE into the sacred part of the calendar, that season that is so hallowed as it is the time that our savior Adolf Hitler was born. He was both a man against time and a man for all time, and his memory shall never be eclipsed. Born in inauspicious circumstances he, uneducated by the…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WILLIAM PIERCE WAS an avid reader of both Nietzsche and Bernard Shaw, though there is no evidence that he deeply studied the thought of Martin Heidegger. Had he done so, he might have written of a stage of being beyond even full self-consciousness, beyond the Creator’s completion,…
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