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Douglas Mercer
Fighting the Wrong Army
George Patton by Douglas Mercer FOR GERMANY in 1945 international terror blew in from the East and it blew in from the West. No one who then saw the grim visage of the Beast would ever again be mollified by the platitudes of the years ahead: liberty, equality, democracy, the brotherhood of man, human rights.…
Impersonating Whiteness
Jewess Krug by Douglas Mercer THE MAIN advantage that Jews have always had is that, to an untrained eye, they appear to be White. This enables them to impersonate their enemies, to blend in without being noticed. Whenever a Jew wins the Nobel Prize he’s always a Jew, but if a Jew is a pedophile he magically…
The John Franklin Letters
Revilo P. Oliver (left) and William L. Pierce by Douglas Mercer WHEN WILLIAM PIERCE was frustrated, back in the 1970s, that his message was not getting out, it was Revilo Oliver who suggested that he try his hand at fiction, telling him that the audience he was trying to reach might not read an essay, but…
The Third American Revolution
by Douglas Mercer IN 1997 Bill Clinton told a gathering of young White college students in Oregon that America was about to embark on its third great revolution. The first being gaining independence from England, the second the ending of slavery, and the third would be when America was no longer a European…
The Swastika Holding Company
by Douglas Mercer F. SCOTT Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby holds the honorable distinction of being the only book published prior to 1945 that contains the words “swastika” and “holocaust.” But that’s the least of it. Was F. Scott Fitzgerald a “racist”? Cover of the first edition…
The Fire This Time
by Douglas Mercer “ANTI-RACISM” has become a kind of mass hysteria or a moral panic. “Liberal” Whites are like monks of the olden days who self-flagellated or put on hair shirts. For them, “anti-racism” is not a way to solve a social problem but a means to rid themselves…
Illiberal Law
by Douglas Mercer SOMETIME IN the 1960s legal scholars on the left began to detect vague penumbras and emanations in the US Constitution, the existence of which no one before had ever suspected. Out of these spectral openings emerged new unheard-of rights: the right to contraception, the right to an…
American Holocaust
Lyndon Johnson signing America’s death warrant, the Immigration Act of 1965 by Douglas Mercer AMERICA, WITH its “making the world safe for,” its “rugged individualism,” its utopianism, its paper creation, its “shining city on a hill,” its “dedicated…
The Jewish Plot Against America
A scene from the upcoming HBO miniseries by Douglas Mercer JEWS ARE quite cunning when it comes to throwing dust in the White man’s eyes. They accuse White people of doing exactly what they are doing. There is no better example of this than the upcoming HBO miniseries The Plot Against America (March 16,…
It’s Mitzvah
David Frum by Douglas Mercer TUCKER CARLSON said he didn’t care about Ukraine, that if it came to it he’d root for Russia. And so he let slip the dogs of war. The American establishment lost its collective mind. Jewish David Frum had already said that Carlson’s nationalism did not…