The Legendary Fire
by Douglas Mercer
WE NOW MOVE into the sacred part of the calendar, that season that is so hallowed as it is the time that our savior Adolf Hitler was born.
He was both a man against time and a man for all time, and his memory shall never be eclipsed. Born in inauspicious circumstances he, uneducated by the lights of the world, he was able to not only limn the lineaments of destiny but came within a breath of enacting it. His fundamental predicate was that it was the Aryan race which was both the purpose and the hope of the Earth. He worshipped his ancient kin, the Greeks, for their first flickering of this titanic consciousness — a consciousness which showed beyond all proof that it was the White race alone who are the Promethean people, the ones capable of bringing the legendary fire of the gods to man, and lighting the way to an unlimited future.
Beyond mere politics or culture, he rightly saw the Germans as inheritors of this august mantle, the only people who at that moment in history had the ability and the right to be the bearers of Earth’s destiny.
He intuited right away that it was the Jews who were the sworn enemy of this destiny; that they were a pygmy people who yet had an uncanny power of destruction and devastation; that the Jews were literally the shadow people of the Germans and dogged their ascent at every turn.
Thus when he came into his own it was necessary for the Jews to hurl epithets at him, epithets which have clung to his person like lies cling to the world: petty bourgeois, unlearned, small, nonentity, resentful, unhinged, evil. These are the arrows that the destructive power will always aim at the truth in this world; they are the demonic properties that will always seek to thwart high Providence.
For his part Hitler recognized the danger in his midst, and saw the German people ringed by world-enemies without, and by Jews from within; he saw everything unsound and unwholesome and unseemly washing over his sacred homeland. He saw racemixing extolled; he saw sexual perversions abound; he saw culture debased; he saw the German people demoralized — that is, he saw Jews at every turn.
Against all chance he took his small party to the very heights of world history in order to set the time aright, to defeat these mortal threats and this mortal enemy, the Jews. As he made his admittedly unlikely way higher and higher, as victory began to seem not only a real possibility, but greatly plausible, the Opponent began to shriek and redoubled its efforts to defeat him — defeat him who they knew sounded the final death knell for their parasitic existence.
Jews worldwide saw the emergence of the light in Germany, and they began to cry out about an “impending dark age” of “totalitarianism,” of unbridled “persecution” of their kind. The mundane world, sunk in ignorance, believed these lies and came to the fore to support the “poor Jews.” This penultimate battle played itself out across the icy steppes of Russia, the palm could have gone other way, but in the event the hallowed truth of high destiny could not be achieved — not then.
And with his fall, that universal devastation that he warned us of has befallen us as well, we who live amid the rubble of our people, we who live in a world given over to destruction, immorality, materialism, lies, and stupidity the likes of which it has never known before.
But the final battle is far from being over — it indeed has not yet even been joined. For great, creating Nature always gets the final say, and is currently preparing a ground for not only its resurgence and rebirth, but its greatest and its most emphatic victory. That is: The legendary fire that was kindled in Greece, moved on to Rome, was reborn in the Renaissance, and was reborn again in England and then in Germany, did not die because it cannot die. It is not mortal.
We live in the interregnum between the two peaks of this battle, though the final one will dwarf the first. But anyone with two good eyes and one good brain and one good heart can see the fire burn — not in the distance but within ourselves, within our race, and within our minds.
When this legendary fire which is the property of the gods becomes fully our own it will burn the world away; its flames will then fly higher and higher, and will be a beautiful light to light the way for millions of wondrous hearts, the hearts of our own people.
Then this fire will no longer be just a story, or a folk tale, or a race-memory, or a legend — but an ever-present reality which will imbue and permeate everything we see. And then the old fighters, among whom we count ourselves, will be vindicated; as, finally, unending vista upon vista will open up before us; finally among millions of our own; finally in the paradise promised; finally in the corridors of the gods; no longer evading the truth, having finally emerged from the labyrinth of time, having come into our own once and for all.
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Source: Author
You got in a day early with this fine tribute, Mr. Mercer. but I reposted part of it over at Counter-Currents today, the 20th, for those folks who could use it: Also featured our ADV series for the month of April: Month of the Leader, part 2 | National Vanguard
Everyone reading these words should be spreading these essays far and wide to raise consciousness among our people about Mr. Hitler and National Socialism.
Magnificent words Mr. Mercer. Thank you! Adolf Hitler was a force of Nature, the most pure manifestation of the “Will of Power” that Nietzsche celebrated. In fact, there was no coincidence that the famous and beautiful film created by Leni Riefenstahl in 1935 to celebrate the victory of National Socialism was called “Triumph of the Will”. Adolf Hitler made innumerable references to the value and power of what he called “our unbreakable will to succeed” (unser unerschütterlicher Wille zum Erfolg) That is a typical Aryan trait which explains the almost incredible victory of Adolf Hitler and his heroic followers after 13 years of endless and brutal struggle. The numerous and almost unbelievable feats achieved by the German soldiers in WW2 were also a product of that “unbreakable will to succeed”;… Read more »