EssaysGuest opinion

Embracing Part-Jews

by John I. Johnson

EVEN AMONG SOME SERIOUS students of the Jewish problem, I still see a large degree of tolerance for the admixture of our race, the White race, with Jews — much more tolerance than I see for admixture with Negroes, for example. Let me paraphrase a comment I saw recently on the topic:

The half-Jews Paul Newman, Goldie Hawn, and Gwyneth Paltrow are terrible samples to use if you’re trying to identify Jewish physical characteristics. Similarly, consider the half-Jew and very Aryan-looking Olivia Newton-John — it’s hard to discern anything about her, or her behavior, that’s Jewish. She had a Welsh father but both of her mother’s parents were German Jews, who had at some point in their family histories adopted the Lutheran religion. That grandmother came from a line of Jews who’d abandoned the Jewish religion a few generations back. Her mother’s father was the physicist Max Born, who switched to Lutheranism to marry her grandmother. It is of interest that, though they called themselves Lutheran, they still married racial Jews. But their daughter did not do so — and so we were blessed with Olivia….

Over the years, there have been quite a number of Jews who have been what Kevin Macdonald has called “defectors” — defecting from both Judaism and the Jewish ethnos, and who have assimilated into the non-Jewish community. The stories vary, but usually Jewish identity and characteristics still predominate in their offspring. I would say that, on average, 75% of half-Jews still hold to their Jewish identity and should be regarded as Jews. And even among quarter-Jews, a large percentage still have Jewish loyalties and personalities — Tim Wise and Rachel Maddow are good examples. There might be as many as half of them who should still be considered Jews. Sadly, and for reasons we all know, no one has ever seriously studied the subject.

Should we have, then, the same attitude toward White-Negro admixture (and in my view this comparison could apply to all non-White racial admixture) as this commenter apparently has toward White-Jewish admixture? Should, say, 25% of half-Blacks (Obama and many others) be regarded as White? Why not? Because of their skin color? — or because Jews are considered so many cuts above Blacks racially, intellectually, and morally that their hybrid offspring should pollute the vanishing White gene pool even more than they already have? (Strictly speaking, at this stage one can’t apply psychological, behavioral, or ideological litmus tests. That must occur at a second stage. It is a two-stage process.) And should 50% of quarter-Blacks (quadroons) be considered White?

Part-Whites with even 1/8 Black ancestry were formerly known as octoroons. In fact, any taint mattered.

Admittedly, Southerners who made these laudable distinctions fully embraced Jews, and saw no problem with White-Jewish admixture — unless Jews rejected it. Unhappily, they were philo-Semites (with, I’m sure, some honorable exceptions).

Nevertheless, we have the historical precedent of Germany, brief though it was. The Nuremberg Laws may have been too lenient, but SS requirements were much stricter. The German model was strongly informed by American laws and social norms prohibiting White-Black admixture. Something like that would stabilize our rapidly deteriorating population and provide a solid foundation for future demographic growth and progress.

Jews are more dangerous and hostile to mankind than Blacks are.

The floodgates are now open against White survival on so many fronts, not just miscegenation, that even conscious Whites are losing sight of the basic requirements of group survival. Even “racists” and “haters” are sidling up alongside Eric Kaufmann and Ron Unz: “enlightened” admixture leading to ultimate extinction in the near future.

They are going gentle into that “good” night.

* * *

Also on point was Kevin Alfred Strom’s response to the earlier comment I cited:

One that might be added to the list, along with Newton-John, of those in whom it’s difficult to see Jewishness, would be Linda Eastman, who famously was the first Jewess to marry Paul McCartney.

I’m not sure that half-Jews, no matter how much they act and look like Whites, should be regarded as a “blessing.” I suspect there may be deeper things about them that we can’t see in the public view, or that they themselves can’t see. At the very least, such people will carry sympathy for Jews with them their entire lives — and likely teach it, along with their race-blurring mixed identities, to their children.

If these part-Jews act nobly and touch the lives of others positively, even that is bad — because then many more Whites will become convinced that mixture is just fine, and that “so many of the best people are part-Jewish.” The astonishing actor Peter Sellers, who seemed to “become” whatever character he took on, and who was a half-Jew, once declared that his main motive throughout his career was the “destruction of all forms of anti-Semitism.”

* * *

Source: Author

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15 March, 2024 6:33 am

That depends on the individual itself. Thuletide has answered the question regarding the half-Jewish or quarter-Jewish individuals, and whether we should accept them as White or not in the article below:

Question on Mixed-Race Ancestry and Political Allegiances

And also about individuals with Sub-Saharan admixtures. 25% black vs 25% Jewish are not comparable as the latter still cluster within the West Eurasian admixture:

Pancake Fallacy: “All races are mixed therefore race does not exist”

Reply to  Lugubrious
15 March, 2024 11:14 pm

Who made Thuletide dictator for life and that we all must bow down to his opinion? Just because he has some kind of, possibly unsavory, infatuation with a jew by the name of ubersoy that has claimed that the right can only succeed if jews are in it, does that mean we should all be beholden to his newly developed fetish? And yours perhaps?

Shawn Green
Shawn Green
15 March, 2024 10:37 am

Wow, Olivia Newton John was Jew.
I guess I must be really cautious when talking about the JQ
with a Aryan looking person in the future.
And I need to prepare some skills to figure out
someone’s ancestry in detail without revealing my intention.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 March, 2024 1:30 pm

EVEN AMONG SOME SERIOUS students of the Jewish problem, I still see a large degree of tolerance for the admixture of our race, the White race, with Jews…The Nuremberg Laws may have been too lenient, but SS requirements were much stricter. The German model was strongly informed by American laws and social norms prohibiting White-Black admixture. Something like that would stabilize our rapidly deteriorating population and provide a solid foundation for future demographic growth and progress.Jews are more dangerous and hostile to mankind than Blacks are.The floodgates are now open against White survival on so many fronts, not just miscegenation, that even conscious Whites are losing sight of the basic requirements of group survival. Even “racists” and “haters” are sidling up alongside Eric Kaufmann and Ron Unz: “enlightened” admixture leading… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 April, 2024 12:42 am

Chairman Will, It appears that i must still be banned from posting because im a Christian…

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Confederatepatriot
21 April, 2024 1:37 am

I cut your rant short as you made some incorrect statements regarding Cosmotheism’s and the National Alliance’s founder. Dr. Pierce had examined Christianity long before the National Alliance was founded and concluded it was an alien, Jewish-originated ideology opposed to that of our own. Nearly all of us within the Alliance became and are now highly convinced that Dr. Pierce’s assessment was correct. You came here to proselytize for this ideology and its so-called truths, and this is simply unwelcome as it brings different ideologies into conflict with one another. You’re not banned, you’re just in the wrong place for fomenting ideological conflict and division and get appropriately moderated for doing so. Tell you what, there’s this forum called “Stormfront” where you can comfortably discuss your views where they’re welcome.… Read more »

Aryan Hashtrudi
Aryan Hashtrudi
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
21 April, 2024 8:41 am

The power of Whiteness Mine own people art lion hearts warriors of might for we fight until the death Thy sheeple art zion hearts worriers of fright who ist cry for comfort until their lasteth miserable breath Mighty men of giant crafts, knights of the templar and of the sky strived in their life for setting the foundation for Aryan pride yond later gaveth birth to the west So brothers art thee men of the mark are thee up to the test Proveth not to me proveth to them The spiteful mutants that art the rabble, the evil rabbi, Saracens and cannibal Moors Alloweth those folk knoweth for eternity yond thou art not the one to best fooled ’round with anymore The spirit of Faust in Parsival awaits The ideals… Read more »

Reply to  Aryan Hashtrudi
25 April, 2024 1:10 am

Aryan Hashtrudi are you Iranian? Hashtrudi is an Iranian surname. It is the name of a city in the north of Iran.

Aryan Hashtrudi
Aryan Hashtrudi
Reply to  Arian
25 April, 2024 11:38 am

Primarily yes but I think I have some distant Greek,Caucasian and Italian ancestry as well because those people settled there and intermarried with the natives Azerbaijani people who as many people mistake are not Turks but descendants of Iranian Medes. My parents moved to Britain after the revolution of 79 like most Iranian expats and migrants. I was born in Kent, England but am currently residing in London. I was a bit of a wigger and wasted potential in my teens and early twenties until I became red and black pilled pilled about around the age of 24 noticing that behind every anti white propaganda there are Jews or those servile to Jews. The amount of anti Hitler documentaries on the T.V. made me curious about whether what they are… Read more »

Reply to  Aryan Hashtrudi
29 April, 2024 3:41 am

HI.AGAIN. I have Azeri and Kurdish ancestors on my mother’s side. But in general I am Persian and Aryan. I come from a Zoroastrian family. My ancestors suffered a lot of persecution for not accepting Islam (Judaism). I started reading various books since I was a child. I was in the fifth grade when I talked about Darwinism, the fight against noise pollution and drugs in class. The students and even the teacher laughed at me. I am now 24 years old. I look so deeply into things that I feel like I’ve lost my brain. My father’s grandfather was active in SUMKA Party alongside Dariush Menshizadeh. He first befriended a Polish refugee. But they never had children and apparently separated from each other, I don’t know where that Polish… Read more »

15 March, 2024 4:17 pm

All the above is moot; unless Whites make a blood testing facility of their own.

Carl Parker
Carl Parker
16 March, 2024 4:13 am

No. White-looking jews are not White in the same way crystal clear water can contain traces of harmful substances or dangerous microbes: you have to be sure about its origin, otherwise it’s useless. To translate the matter onto the biological realm we can state that White people qualify as an endangered species: decreasing population, low birthrates, pressure on their habitats/ecosystem/ecological niche and risk of genetic erosion. We’re not ghosts, inanimated objects or mythical gods; we’re biological entities that can be affected by any disturbance put into our population and genetic pool. That’s why conservationists fight really hard to preserve pristine habitats and research new methods to aid in the reproduction of the species they protect, they want to ensure that the species remains unaltered and vigorous to ensure its future… Read more »

22 March, 2024 12:32 am

By all symptoms and effects, one can think of the Jewry as a virus on mankind. If you want to survive, by necessity you cannot have a trace of the virus in you. Sadly, many whites have been tainted and their instincts simply cannot be fully trusted. By necessity, they cannot be part of the regrouping of our surviving race. Hopefully, though, they could harbor friendly feelings and tame the virus in them. In a way, it’s our greatest sacrifice.

Augur Mayson
Augur Mayson
25 March, 2024 4:24 pm

At the risk, no, the certainty, of being accused of purity spiraling by hasbara or even by well-meaning race realists, anyone who would advocate for toleration of any degree of admixture currently, on top of the real, visible admixture already seen in some White peoples near Africa is virtue signaling to mean in this situation in which mediocrity and fence-sitting means continued White Genocide. I do not mean to exacerbate Jew-led hatred and promulgation of infighting meant to ostracize any particular White ethnicity. The Greeks, even the Portuguese, are White people. We’re not divesting ourselves of the rich culture and contributions of Ancient Greeks nor shunning an accomplished White people of skilled mariners and explorers simply to please The Jew. Jewish admixture should be looked at even more critically than any other type,… Read more »

Aryan Hashtrudi
Aryan Hashtrudi
1 April, 2024 3:40 pm

Hi, I have had some time to mature since my last posts and have written this poem! I’m now a definite white man and proud of it as my Mother had a dna test. Also thanks for the sforza map as that was a real eye opener. My comments are no longer off topic and after carefully reading this article I have written a poem which I think would be most relevant I have written something like 20 poems to date and I feel this one is most interesting. It;s entitled Semitic lies so here goes: “Jews started civilisation! don’t make me laugh Jews founded the first nations, a HUGE LIE AND A HALF For treachery created nothing not even the lowest of cultures For parasites can never be inventors… Read more »