Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver


9780946922604-ukby Revilo P. Oliver

WE ALL FEEL a certain sympathy for the cult called “British Israel” or, in this country, “Identity.” It is an attempt to make Christianity innocuous by claiming that Yahweh’s rabble of marauders, thieves, and swindlers, whose depredations are exalted in the “Old Testament,” were our Aryan and probably Anglo-Saxon ancestors. That makes it possible to claim that the Jesus of the “New Testament” was not a Jew. (1)

(1. Although highly improbable, this is not an absolute impossibility, assuming that the Jesus of the “New Testament” actually existed. I have defined the limits of improbable possibility in Christianity Today, pp. 3-15 (reprinted from Liberty Bell, November 1987).)

I therefore report the glad tidings (ex-angelium) that there is now available a new and more plausible source of inspiration for the cult.

A man named Victor Dunstan has been doing “in-depth research” (whatever that is) in the Vatican Library, the British Museum, and (oh, how appropriately!) the library of Jesus College. (2) He has presented his epochal discoveries in a book which I have not seen, but some of them are summarized in the publisher’s rather long and detailed advertisement, so I can list here for you some of the drastic revisions of Christian theology that are now requisite. I base my report on the advertisement, adding my own identifications and explanations within parentheses.

(2. Jesus College is not one of the older colleges at Oxford, since it was established as late as 1571. In prestige it ranks below Baliol, All Souls’, Magdalen, and Corpus Christi, and is about on a par with Trinity and Pembroke, and, of course, far above the even later foundations. It would be presumptuous (and hazardous) to rank the other colleges that are older than Jesus. The better Oxford colleges all have libraries of their own, which are not part of the Bodleian; for example, Baliol has one of the most important manuscripts of Cicero’s Academica posteriora, and Lincoln has another.)

The Virgin Mary’s mother (Anne) was a native of Cornwall and belonged to a wealthy and prominent family, but she made an unhappy marriage, from which she escaped by eloping to Palestine for a few years. She soon returned to merry England, however, with her (legitimate?) daughter, the Virgin Mary, who was born to wealth and culture. Her uncle (Joseph of Arimathea, who must have been either Anne’s brother or the brother of Mary’s unnamed father) was “the Onassis of his day,” a great shipowner and financier, and also “Minister of Mines in the Roman Empire.”

The Virgin Mary spent most of her life in England, where she, like her uncle, is now buried. She wasn’t a virgin very long, for “she enjoyed a very active sex life and gave birth to no less than seven children.” (The number of fathers, if known, is not stated.) While visiting her relatives, the ancestors of the British and Americans of today, in Palestine, she gave birth to her favorite son, Jesus, on whom she bestowed the name of a god that “the Druids of Britain worshipped…for hundreds of years before [the now famous] Jesus was born.” (I am sure Mr. Dunstan was clever enough to derive the later Latin form, Iesus (i.e., with consonantal I and a short ultima) from the name of the Gallic god of war, Esus or Hesus, whose sanguinary rites and blood-stained altars were compared by Lucan to those of the Tauric goddess whom we know from the Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides.)

When Mary and her favorite son, belonging to the most wealthy and fashionable society of the day, visited her British relatives and friends in Palestine, they naturally moved in the best circles and attended “‘high life’ parties in Capernaum.” (The famous miracle of changing water into wine was presumably performed at such a party when the booze ran out.)

On one such visit, Jesus was crucified and resurrected, after which he and his mother escaped from Palestine under assumed names “by boat” (doubtless a ship belonging to Mary’s uncle, “the Onassis of his day”) and returned to their native land, where the first Christian church in the world was established by Paul, “a half-brother to one of the Roman commanders in Britain” and “a friend of the British Royal Family.” That royal family, in which Mary’s uncle had “fathered a British queen” (perhaps by an unofficial intervention), supplied the first Christian Bishop.

Although Jesus has a strange taste for going slumming — he was hard on the money-changers in the Temple, but “he never whipped anyone out of a brothel” — his family belonged to the upper classes and sponsored the new religion in their interests. The real disciples were rich and influential property-owners and business men; the tale about “simple fishermen” fitted the “myth of Jesus’ poverty,” which “was a convenient way for the Church to make the poor satisfied with their lot. Good ‘sob stuff’ religion!”

I have told you enough to show you how Mr. Dunstan’s “in-depth research” can make of “Identity” a plausible and attractive cult. I am sure you are eager to learn more, but I must refer you to his epochal book, Did the Virgin Mary Live and Die in England? So rush eight pounds in British currency to the publishers, Unusual Books, 5 High Street, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands. Better add two pounds for air mail and special delivery so you won’t have to wait so long.

* * *

Source: Liberty Bell magazine, June 1989

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Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
16 September, 2016 11:27 am

The Anglo-Israel myth is still going strong in America, regardless of DNA research that shows absolutely no evidence that America and Britain are some of the “lost 10 tribes.”

The Herbert W Armstrong church has split into about 5 different churches, all of which support the Anglo-Israel belief.

The original church, curiously enough, has repudiated that doctrine, along with almost everything else that Armstrong taught.

It later came out the Herbert committed serial incest with his own daughter, and his son, Garner Ted, seduced almost 200 of the co-eds at their “Ambassador College.”

The father and son lived the high life while requiring their supporters to pay three “tithes” a year, thus ensuring poverty for them and gold-plated dinner ware for the Armstrongs.

16 September, 2016 5:42 pm

It is a tragedy that Richard Kelly Hoskins who penned the greatly insightful and important “War Cycles/Peace Cycles” is of the CI persuasion. How can anyone of that standing accept as an exemplar Moses, murderer renegade from Egyptian White justice, as depicted in the collection of stolen and inverted fables called The Holy Bible?

If I recall right, Revilo Oliver (under a pseudonym?) also wrote a small pamphlet called “The Jews Love Christianity”. Ben Klassen was of like mind in having identified the dangerous cognitive dissonance the cult engenders in Whites.

I see no reference to this linked matter at the Daily Stormer. Could that perchance be due to the Stormer’s apparent affiliation with militant Christians of the British Identity persuasion?

Thorkelson on British Israelism:

Christopher Strenta
Christopher Strenta
16 September, 2016 11:23 pm

A few years ago I was listening to Carolyn Yeager’s “Heretics Hour” and she had this guy named William Finck on her show. I liked Carolyn (I only listened to the show a handful of times) but I didn’t like this guy Finck.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Christopher Strenta
24 March, 2018 3:13 pm

Five years ago Finck was a close friend of Carolyn’s and frequent guest on her show. I was neither, but she invited me on, thinking it would be a good idea to have me and her Christian Identity friend on together. I hadn’t heard of Finck before then, or since, because we travel in very different circles. That “debate” is still online, and is still a riot, here:

A couple of days ago one of Finck’s CI rivals, Pastor Eli James, wrote to me and Kevin Strom, spouting the same CI nonsense to us as Pastor Finck did on Carolyn’s show. I answered James, and put the exchange up here:

9 October, 2016 5:54 pm

Every CI enthusiast might consider the arguments in the book remarked below from which the following is an extract: “Thomas Paine in his AGE OF REASON mentions an unknown Gentile nation from which the Hebrews supposedly borrowed the book of Job of the Bible. The Sumarian tablets solved this mystery. The motif of the book of Job is found in a Sumerian essay. But not alone this. In the unearthed rich Sumerian literature are also many tales corresponding with the Biblical reports. These tales were written down by the Sumerians thousands of years before the Hebrew people came into existence. There are Sumerian tales written on the clay tablets resembling the Bible tales about the creation of the world, the creation of man from <—— clay, the rib-woman, the divine… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
10 October, 2016 7:31 am

I would have no doubt that this “Jesus”
did not ‘inhale,’ either.

5 March, 2020 1:51 am

The myth is not now very useful for producing a new British Messiah to rule the Jewnited Europe because Britain has Brexited and a Brit cannot now become the European ruler. If Jesus existed 2000 years ago then almost every European would be his descendant. Choose a new stooge.

Phillip Keup
Phillip Keup
5 April, 2020 3:40 pm

I highly recommend you read the following book that breaks down the Biblical narative piece by piece and why it was created in the first place It is nothing like you think and was written over a 40 year span CI has been divided into a number of factions British israelism unfortunately is a perfect Jewish front to try and refight WW2 and make the Germans out to be devils when anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of history knows the English have a long rich Germanic heritage and Hitler himself saw them as his kith and kin all be it under Rothschild control I highly recommend you watch the following video to debunk this nonsense CI is obnsessed with “following the law” I heard on of these… Read more »