Bradford Hanson
Author Archive

Bradford Hanson

It's time to stop being a spectator -- so I joined the National Alliance and am doing everything I can to promote its program for the renaissance of my people.

Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver (1987) OVER THE PAST year or two, several correspondents, one of whom enclosed a copy of a published newsletter, have enlightened me about the true origin of the famous colossal statue of the goddess Eleutheria, who, most inappropriately wearing the radial crown of Apollo Helios,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THERE ARE SOME VERY naïve questions on Quora. Here’s an example which I answered: “I think we should encourage peace and harmony between White people and Black people instead of strife and hostility. Don`t you agree?” “Encouraging peace and harmony”…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro ASK ANY BOOMER and he’ll tell you how it was drilled into our heads, as teenagers, that “you can’t get anywhere without a college education.” What that actually meant was that you couldn’t get a job that paid well. When it came time to enter the workforce, we were led to believe, a college…
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David SimsEssays

And did the Jewish war on White people begin millennia ago? by David Sims I RECENTLY ADDRESSED the question, “Is it worthwhile to attend Harvard Law School despite having to take out large loans?” It depends. If you are either unaware of Jewish power and how it has corrupted our culture and…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims I’D LIKE TO LET the air out of some Republican misconceptions about the realities of living under modern capitalism — specifically, what it’s like to be a job-seeker. One important fact: It costs money to look for work. When you are out of money, then you are also out of…
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Classic Essays

FIRST STRUGGLE and then we shall see what can be done. Otherwise mankind has passed the high point of its development and the end is not the domination of any ethical idea but barbarism and consequently chaos. At this point someone or other may laugh, but this planet once moved through the ether for millions…
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THIS SERIES is based on the new Holocaust Encyclopedia by Germar Rudolf (available from Cosmotheist Books; please buy it here to support our efforts!), a massive volume (634 pages) that demolishes once and for all the myths, misunderstandings, exaggerations, and outright fabrications that surround…
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CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro IN 1961, when I was a little boy growing up on Long Island, I used to watch a science fiction horror TV show, Chiller Theatre, which aired on WPIX, a local station, on Saturday afternoons. There were episodes like Creature From the Black Lagoon, The Brain Eaters, and Attack of the Fifty
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EssaysGuest opinion

by John I. Johnson EVEN AMONG SOME SERIOUS students of the Jewish problem, I still see a large degree of tolerance for the admixture of our race, the White race, with Jews — much more tolerance than I see for admixture with Negroes, for example. Let me paraphrase a comment I saw recently on the topic:…
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