Achieving Peace and Harmony
by David Sims
THERE ARE SOME VERY naïve questions on Quora. Here’s an example which I answered: “I think we should encourage peace and harmony between White people and Black people instead of strife and hostility. Don`t you agree?”
“Encouraging peace and harmony” sounds like a good idea. Many once believed it deserved to be tried. But it has been tried, for seventy years, and it has not worked. That’s long enough. Trying to live together harmoniously has been proved to be a futile exercise.
The only remaining question that has some interest is why it didn’t work. And, looking back across the years, it looks like “encouraging peace and harmony” didn’t work because you can never get everyone on board with the program. Never mind why.
The fact is that getting Whites and Blacks, mixed in the same society, to be peaceful and harmonious is ferociously difficult (maybe impossible), and, even if you manage to do it, the peace-and-harmony situation won’t last long. While it does last, everybody will be walking on eggshells, everybody will be on the alert, looking for the least little “microaggression,” the least little offense, to be given by the other side.
Sooner or later, someone will make a mistake. Someone will say the Wrong Thing, or else be misunderstood to have said a Wrong Thing. And then all the peace and harmony will fall apart, and the racial situation will be back to violence and mutual recriminations.
Experience has proved that the idea of pursuing interracial peace and harmony won’t work. We must look for something that does work. And what probably will work is racial separation. The Blacks get their own country for them to live in by themselves, with all the laws just as they like them, with only Black police to enforce those laws, and Black judges and juries in their courts do do justice the Black way. And the Whites get their own country, too, to live in by themselves, with all the laws just as they like them, with only White police to enforce those laws, and White judges and juries in their courts to do justice the White way.
It seems to me that racial separation will have more success than striving for interracial harmony has had (which is none).
The ADL and the SPLC are big troublemakers in this regard. These are Jewish organizations, and the organized Jews don’t want racial separation. They insist on a multiracial society. They do everything in their power to prevent the real solution from happening — or even being discussed openly. Their usual weapons are lawyer’s tricks, corruption of the judicial process, and bribing, blackmailing, and threatening elected officials. These groups also use Black people as their pawns to fight a proxy war against Whites. It was also the Jews, not the Blacks, who created the pro-“integration” and anti-separatist NAACP, too.
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Source: Author