David SimsEssays

Knowing What I Know, Should I Go to Harvard Law?

And did the Jewish war on White people begin millennia ago?

by David Sims

I RECENTLY ADDRESSED the question, “Is it worthwhile to attend Harvard Law School despite having to take out large loans?”

It depends.

If you are either unaware of Jewish power and how it has corrupted our culture and our government, or you are aware of that but can keep your mouth shut, then it might be worthwhile to go into debt to get an education at Harvard Law School.

But if you are aware of — and feel a moral obligation to point out — this particular danger to the society that you undertake to serve as a lawyer, then you might be wasting your money going to Harvard Law School — because the Jews will use their power to shut you down, blacklist you, make a pariah out of you, put a stink on you, and end your career prospects. There’s no point to doing that, is there?

So many heroes of our race have already died. The masterstroke of Jewish strategy was to set the most masculine men of the White race against each other, in wars over political or religious squabbles, while the Jews looked on and smiled, made bank loans to both sides, and generally profited from the destruction of the best men we had.

What began in the French Revolution continued through the American Civil War, both world wars, the US/NATO bombings in Serbia, and is going on now in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Do you think the Jews aren’t involved in that war? Jews set it up! Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, George Soros — they’re Jews.

Now we must find our heroes, or make them, once again..

This multigenerational Jewish effort to destroy the White race probably began even before the French Revolution. I have occasionally suspected that the Jews formed a genocidal grudge against the White race when the Romans defeated the Jews, first, at Jerusalem, and subsequently at Masada two years later. In the latter of those conflicts, the Jews had been feeling all safe and smug in their fortress and had been (metaphorically) saying “Nyah! Nyah! Can’t catch me!” to the Romans for many months. Then the Romans proved them wrong with some brilliant military tactics. The Jews who survived swore revenge on all Whites, and the oath of vengeance has survived (in disguised form) to this very day.

Jews have made a largely unexamined claim of having been the victims of a genocide (“the Holocaust”), to which they continuously refer to distract us from their depredations. But they themselves have perpetrated genocide probably more times than I know — and I know of several.

How the Jews proceed with genocidal actions depends on how powerful the intended victim is.

With the Palestinians presently, the Jews carry on genocide openly.

With the Armenians in the early 20th century, the Jews hatched a complicated conspiracy to carry out the genocide of 1915.

With the White race, the Jews have been patient, methodical, careful, quick with lies and clever with propaganda. But you can see the genocidal intention in the pattern of their behavior, and in how history has unfolded as a consequence.

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Source: Author

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