Outlawing White People
by Douglas Mercer
SHEILA JACKSON LEE IS that wacky Black female that conservatives love to laugh at, but then 30, or 20, or even ten years ago, nearly all of today’s regime ideology would have been considered ridiculous. They laughed at Dead White Males, and they laughed at Political Correctness, they laughed at “institutional racism” and “the invisible knapsack,” they laughed at White fragility, and they laughed at reparations, but all the while Jews were laughing up their sleeves. Now Jackson Lee has introduced a bill which says you can be charged with a “hate crime” if you post something about White Replacement Theory and it is viewed by people who might (or might not) be susceptible to committing “hate crimes” themselves. (This is several levels down into the rabbit hole of nonexistent things, so please pay careful attention. The Red Queen is taking notes.) Of course that’s a license for Jews to kill, and the conservatives will say it’s so broad as to be silly — so they will laugh at it too. But trust me, these are the harbingers of things to come — and they exemplify exactly where the Jews’ heads are at.
The bill says that any White person who criticizes immigration or vilifies any non-White person or group, can be charged with a federal crime for “White supremacist conspiracy.” The only thing necessary to charge you with a crime, is for someone else, who read something you wrote, to commit or plot a crime. This could be something as minor as a post on social media.
This bill is the proffered kill shot to be used by the Federal Leviathan. The Feds tipped their hand against White people when Brown v. Board of Education was ramrodded through illegally and the 82nd Airborne came to Little Rock. Those bayonets ensured that simultaneously intellectually primitive and sexually mature Blacks could rub elbows with little White children in American classrooms, and turned the Equal Protection Clause into a knife to cut White throats. Remember too that Joe Biden said the reason he ran for President was Charlottesville — to quash “White supremacy” — and Merrick Garland has said that White people are the “number one terror threat” to the nation. This bill put forth by Jackson Lee is the culmination of a long line of criminal intent.
Jackson is the sole sponsor of House Bill 61 which she introduced on January 9th, 2023. She titled the bill the Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023. It calls for a new type of federal hate crime conspiracy charge, that only White people can be charged with. It says that individuals can be charged with White supremacy inspired hate crime, for crimes or plots that they had no actual knowledge of.
It is truly breathtaking in its scope. It would outlaw being White; it would outlaw any White identity; it would outlaw any racial defense on behalf of White people by White people; it would outlaw any criticism of the zealous anti-White fervor of the day; it would outlaw Whiteness itself. They say it is evil enough that we are a people in ourselves and they certainly don’t want us to be a people for ourselves. That would become illegal. The bill itself summarized its purpose:
To prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes.
Got that? This bill is the pure distillation of regime ideology. All of the “Affirmative Action,” all of the handouts, all of the vilification, all of the riots, all of the crime against us — is capstoned by this bill. It says, in effect: Don’t speak up for yourselves. Don’t have a good word for White people. Because, if you do, you’re on the hook and if someone shoots up some people at a dive bar and a Jew or a Black or other non-White gets wounded, well, maybe he read your post on Facebook about Jewish bankers or Black rioters. Or it doesn’t even need to be as blatant as that: If somebody even hints that he might do something in a response to your post, or makes a reference to it on a totally different platform, or gets roped in like those guys in the Michigan governor’s case and it turns out he read your post about the Kosher racket five years ago, you’re in the crosshairs. Even thinking about defending White people will now be a crime, and even the most tenuous link to the “crime” and you are in the dock. And if you have any doubts about what the feds are capable of, ask Randy Weaver’s family.
If passed, this law would effectively outlaw any speech by White people aimed at White solidarity. It would give the Jews the Jews’ veto.
You know, when people say we have to take our country back, it means we’ve already lost it.
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The law is riddled and festooned with legal gobbledygook, but you can be sure of one thing. The way law enforcement will work in the future is they will send out a picture of a computer-generated generic White man with the word “wanted” on it, and they will sic the snarling dogs on us. Anything other than meek subservience will raise the Federal ire — and even that won’t escape it for long. There is a reason that the show is called “Hunters.”
This Act may be cited as the Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023. A person engages in a white supremacy inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime.
“If effectuated”! Don’t even think about it! And if you think that they will stop at the letter of this law, you have another think coming. You can be sure that the goons ensconced in the Justice Department will not be super-scrupulous about what a “hate crime” is, or what “planning” is, or what “furtherance” is — Hell no, they won’t. A bill like this swings the door wide open for midnight knocks on the door, just like the Jews’ beloved NKVD.
A conspiracy to engage in white supremacy inspired hate crime shall be determined to exist between two or more persons engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime; or between two or more persons at least one of whom engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime; and at least one of whom published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on replacement theory, or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group.
Want to write that long think piece about the Great Replacement? You had better think twice about that think piece, that’s what they want you thinking. Want to expose Negro criminality, or the outrage of White statues coming down, or the disaster that is integration? Want to criticize the “Black studies” programs or the like at what laughably passes as the academy these days? Want to chronicle the sad and sordid history of immigration (legal and illegal) in this country? Want to highlight the financial and criminal depredations of the invaders? Want to discuss in a public forum the fate of White majorities? The peril of going from a 90% White country to a 60% White country? Or the vertiginous dangers of it dropping to 40%? Go right ahead, I say, but you had best watch your back if you do. You can be sure you are causing a ping in the underground Jew bunker and that the Attorney General’s goons and minions have you square on their radar. And all it takes is some alleged “hate crime” (more likely nebulous than not) — or simply whispers about one — to make you the next victim of White genocide. Do you treasure the immemorial rights of an Englishman to think and speak freely? Better luck next time in the squalid future they have planned.
…and such published material was published on a social media platform or by other means of publication with the likelihood that it would be viewed by persons who are predisposed to engaging in any action in furtherance of a white supremacy inspired hate crime, or who are susceptible to being encouraged to engage in actions in furtherance of a white supremacy inspired hate crime.
What? The latitude of this law is so wide you could drive fifty Mack trucks through it side by side, and each Mack truck will have fifty Squatemalans packed inside. But don’t complain about the dark-skinned squatters, just grin and bear it. A law like this is blank check on which they can write anything they want — and what they want is you dead and your children raped and killed.
…could, as determined by a reasonable person, motivate actions by a person predisposed to engaging in a white supremacy inspired hate crime or by a person who is susceptible to being encouraged to engage in actions relating to a white supremacy inspired hate crime; and was read, heard, or viewed by a person who engaged in the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of a white supremacy inspired hate crime.
The storied “reasonable person” approach — you can be sure the people interpreting and enforcing this law won’t be reasonable. They will have blood dripping from their mouths and, like ghouls, will hound and harry us without end, destroying individuals, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, entire families without remorse. Destroying the best among us.
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Joe Biden has celebrated the looming demographic prophecy that Europeans are going to become an absolute minority in this country; this bill is the seedy groundwork for the day when that most momentous event happens, and the savage and unthinking new majority will support any outrage on the newest of minorities: White people. To get a picture of this future, one need only think of the massive scale of anti-White animus that exists today and multiply it by several orders of magnitude.
And will there be Jewish “civil libertarians” crying foul when the total power of the state comes down on White people? Hell no, there won’t be; that was the plan all along. Now they have the blueprint; it may seem like a wishful fantasy at the moment, the number one item on a wacky Black female’s bucket list, but the only true test is the test of time.
And time hurries on.
Department of Justice Authority, Enforcement, Monitoring, and Reporting — The Department shall have authority to conduct operations and activities pursuant to this section, specifically with regard to information or evidence obtained by the Department of any action cited in this section, the Department shall have the authority to investigate, intercede, and undertake other actions that it deems necessary and appropriate to interdict, mitigate, or prevent such action from culminating in violent activity.
As stated: a license to kill. The future is the fabled knock on your door forever; the boot in the face; the kangaroo court and the show trial; and the gulag.
The Department shall have the authority to prosecute persons who engaged in actions cited in this section and the Uniform Crime Reporting Program in the Department of Justice shall maintain records of white supremacy inspired hate crimes and related actions cited in this section, and enforcement actions in response thereto. The Department shall provide annual reports to the appropriate committees in Congress that shall include information cited in this paragraph.
This will go down on your permanent record, slave!
Remember when they didn’t want that Muslim registry? A registry? Why, that sounds like a Hitlerite fever dream. No registries for us, they said. The ACLU was all over it like flies on San Fran homeless droppings. But now, you make one post that says MLK was a rapist — and it will be indelibly marked on some supercomputer in the bowels of some building in Virginia manned by Indian or Chinese immigrants. Those barracudas aren’t just selling Slurpees and running laundries anymore.
In the matter of the preceding subparagraph alter by inserting after ‘race, color, religion, or national origin of any person’ the following: ‘or because of a white supremacy based motivation against any person and the offense was in furtherance of a white supremacy based motivation.’
Really, that’s redundant; the only ones who ever get targeted for transgressing the by now infamous litany of “race, color, etc.” are White people; White people are not a protected class — we are a proscribed class. But now they want to make it perfectly and obviously clear what is going on; that America has declared war on its founding people. They seem to be winning, in our captured cities and capital anyway, and their terms are unconditional surrender.
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“Hate crime” is their term of art for anything that constitutes White defense, White pride, White solidarity. Effectively they have banned the truth about race, about the differences between the races, about the fact that the White race created everything of importance in the world, and about the sinister nature of the Jews. They have forbidden the truth because to them the truth (though true) is “ugly.” They have prohibited and proscribed the truth because they know that if enough people learn, accept, and act on it their ideological Potemkin village comes crashing down like a house of cards.
Section 4702 of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act is amended by adding at the end the following: Mass shootings and other hate crimes motivated by white supremacy have been increasing in frequency and intensity. These heinous and virulent crimes are inspired by conspiracy theories, blatant bigotry, and mythical falsehoods such as ‘replacement theory.’ All instances must be prevented and severe criminal penalties must be applied to their perpetrators.
Shepard and Byrd are their martyrs. Byrd was a drunk and a small-time thief. Shepard is the most ridiculous, as he was a meth-addled deviant prostitute who tried to swindle his partner. That didn’t stop them from interring his remains in the National Cathedral, thus conferring on the degenerate the additional stink of regime endorsement and adulation. Their martyrs are the lowest of the low. Our martyrs are patriots, inventors, discoverers, conquerors, great philosophers, and founders of great nations. Our martyrs are the highest of the high.
Sheila Jackson Lee is a crazed and not-so-smart Negress who it’s easy to laugh at; she is a walking parody of herself, after all. But it’s best to hold the mirth in this case, because she is the front-creature for the regime’s plan, now laid out in stark detail, and whose actualization is right around the corner.
Unless, that is, we vindicate our martyrs.
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Source: Author
Don’t be triggered by the Niggurd!
At least, not yet.
If the reparations thing passes, then I might start getting worried.
Waiting until things have degenerated too far isn’t wise, TTIOT. Let’s put a more pro-active plan in place by getting on board with it today.
Agreed Jim,
If some one says they want to kill you, take it serious. No matter what stage they are at in the attempt.
Get them all out of government also including dual citizenship. These social justice laws don’t apply to minorities just whites & look at who does the vast majority of so called civil rights violations or hate crimes. Look at some of the statements made by these zio-marxists Libtards. Look at the gang violence committed by minorities against whites, but it’s not prosecuted as hate crimes if even charged with a crime. As whites, we have no protections from any of these laws, talk about discrimination… I also don’t like the fact if the victim is a minority or Jewish there is an uproar but not when it’s a white victim including children murdered for no reason except being white and not being charged with their so-called hate crime. The real… Read more »
sdfs, you said.. “The real problem is the bigotry of minorities and allowing them to get away with it.” Non-Whites do what they do among us because we allow it, yes.
Isn’t it time we Whites get our act together collectively rather than sit around, watch it all unfold, then do nothing?
If you agree it is time we Whites begin to implement a solution, then join us.
If any white person called for the same type of law against minorities, can you imagine the uproar it would cause ?
I’m already here.
How does the old saying go?
It’s Not illegal to be White …..yet.
Well it sure looks like it’s closer than ever.
Let’s do something about it.
Thats funny Donnie
I have a bumper sticker on my car that says ” It’s not illegal to be white…yet?”
They are closing in and seem as invincible as the 82nd Airborne, but there is an Achille’s Heel; money. They need money and lots of it to sustain the war. And all the American white people need to do is to understand that the Jew’s money comes from charging the American people a fee for issuing their own money. Money is labor so all money comes from the people’s labor. To charge people to issue them their own money is so absurd that it never should have gotten off the ground. But it did, through chicanery and bribery. If enough white Americans understood the absurdity they are paying for, as Henry Ford said, there would be blood in the streets. The whole Jewish charade depends upon the American people not… Read more »
A determined and intelligent minority of the population have been able to make what you’ve described happen. By having a high amount of in-group cohesiveness along with a plan, much has been acccomplished. On the other hand, the vast masses have been successfully manipulated by these minority groups. This has been repeated over and again through time.
My question to you is: which party are you a part of?
We in the National Alliance seek to become our own powerful minority with a superior amount of will and we do have a plan.
It literally is the plot of “The Planet Of The Apes” come to fruition. But, those “apes” can never hold anything like a civilization together for long, so there is some consolation in that fact.
I find no consolation in seeing Whites give up control of their destiny and wait to die, feeling guilty. A few of us do want to take our destiny back and put it on track–and we’re doing it now. Others should catch on and help us.
JUK now considers Shakespeare as “Far Right Extremism” – filthy jews never stop pushing whitey into the corner.
Why conflate “far right” with the White race, Jim? The political “right” disavows being a racial group with White interests at heart. From what I can see, the Whites involved in “right” political matters are often anti-White in many ways, including their choice of leadership and membership. Remember the “far right” group Proud Boys? They’ve chosen this non-White to represent them — Enrique Tarrio, an “Afro-Cuban” as an example. Many other “right” groups, often led by Jews, openly condemn Whites organizing on the basis of our race. The National Alliance, owner of National Vanguard, does not align itself with “right” nor “left” politics, but rather of White values, our progress in the path of life, and a vision of our destiny going into eternity. Check us out by reading and… Read more »
.. dont laugh too hard and say ‘it’ll never happen’ .. here’s a few ‘never happens’ georgia style .. ‘they’ll never remove the stars and bars from our state flag’ .. yeah well they did (and the White taxpayers got to foot the bill for a change they didn’t even want) .. ‘they’ll never let queers marry in the US’ .. well they can (although marriage is a state regulated procedure and dozens of states passed laws like georgia making it exclusively between a man and a woman the supreme court decided that wasn’t what we really wanted (and voted for and codified) and forced their perversions on the country nonetheless) .. ‘they’ll never be a black president .. yeah well , there was (sort of if you use the… Read more »
A large thank to the Author and Mr Strom for bring this front and center. The fact that the Daily Stormer and Andrew A. did not cover this, makes him and his site suspect to me on core motives. Correct me if I am wrong and if Andrew did, I could’t find anything. I suppose if your core issue is “mahhhh Christian culture”, then white survival takes a back seat. Our folk should always be the core of anything any one is saying or doing, other wise they are suspect to me. This is more important than any other issue in the U.S. It would force us to go 1776 if we are a minority(no political power) or die a slow death from immigration and invasion into what is left… Read more »
Whites, MOVE AWAY from Blacks. SIMPLE.
White people will never be defeated. A race that was able soar into the skies, rest assured, can rise to the top again. White people have been created for such difficult days; in fact, the hardship endured by white people only makes them stronger and stronger, like muscles. So, the genetics of white people evolve and they will transform into mutated beings. Just be strong, work hard, be active, sweat, smile at difficulties, look at them as the bitter medicine that empowers you.
Our enemies will make us victorious
No hand will come from the sky, it’s just us and ourselves…