Don’t Believe Crazy Things
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 April, 2024
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHEN YOU FIRST REALIZE you’ve been lied to for your entire life about race and Jewish power — lied to by your church, by your schools, and by the media — it’s a natural overreaction for some of us to start thinking that everything you were ever told was a lie. Pretty soon some of us are believing every kind of kooky theory under the sun, just because we assume that those who question any established fact are truth-seekers just like us. And that’s a huge mistake.
Here’s an extreme example of what I am talking about, in this case a video widely distributed on TikTok and other similar platforms. It purports to be from an anti-vaccine activist (and I myself believe that vaccines are highly questionable), but this video also seems to be perfectly formulated to dissuade educated people from ever questioning the wisdom of vaccines — because, a rational person might conclude, if substantial numbers of anti-vaccine advocates are as much of a liar or a loon as this woman, better to stay as far away as possible from all of them.
I apologize for the small size of the video, but I can’t find a higher-resolution version. The important part is in the audio, though. I’ll embed it so that readers of the text version of this broadcast on can see it for themselves.
She says:
Hey guys, I have new followers, so this one’s for you.
Your DNA is made up of 72,000 genome from your mom, 72,000 genome from your dad, equaling 144,000 — God’s perfect image, a very prominent number in the Bible.
Now these mRNA jibby-jabs have the ability to go into the cell and break through its nucleus and reverse-transcribe DNA into your cells.
Okay, they are creating cDNA, complementary DNA, which is owned and patentable by these pharmaceutical companies. This mRNA carries instructions, a payload, and it is adding an additional 72,000 genome to your DNA, which would make it 216,000 or six hundred threescore and six, which is 600 times 60 times six. There’s your 666.
Now, the initial hokey-pokey works as hardware; secondary hokey-pokeys work as software. And the graphene oxide works as a conductor for, you know, these toxic lipid nanoparticles and the nanotechnology to self-assemble into devices. And they are self-assembling into new medical devices inside the body that will read your biometric data and also create nanochips that are receiving and outputting information and generating a MAC address. Anyone who has these jibby-jabs, you have a MAC address. You show up marked as a network on Bluetooth. You can test this for yourself. They also contain DARPA hydrogels, which contain fractal antenna and move in a fractal manner through your brain, making its way to your pineal gland. That same DARPA hydrogel is on the tip of every PCR test. And when you shove that up your nose, it breaks the mucosa all the way up at the top of your nose where it meets your brain, and the DARPA hydrogel goes into your brain, and it also has a payload. And people who took a PCR test also show up with a MAC address.
Now here’s the really scary part. All of these structures which have been found in these vials under a microscope — the graphene nano-ribbons, the DARPA hydrogels, the self-assembled nanochips — all of that, those same structures are now being found in literally every single kind of injectable that you can think of — the flu shot, HEPrn [?], monkey pox. polio, you name it, it’s in there. They are creating human hybrids with chimeric DNA. We are in the Days of Noah!
The “Days of Noah” — give me a break!
Right at the start of the video, the speaker (I don’t know her name) shows she knows nothing about genetics by saying “your DNA is made up of 72,000 genome from your mother and 72,000 genome from your father,” which doesn’t even make sense grammatically. Humans have one genome, not 72,000 or 144,000.
Maybe she means base pairs? If so, she’s off by tens of thousands of per cent., since we have billions of base pairs in our genome. Does she mean protein-coding genes? If so, she’s off by 67 per cent., since there are around 25,000 of those in the human genome. Nowhere in the genetics literature do the numbers 72,000 or 144,000 appear as even an estimate of the number of human genes.
It’s important to check assertions like this. (She also says a lot of other nonsensical things, but I don’t have time to discuss them all — it would take days of work. And, of course, it’s not a sin to know nothing about genetics or grammar or any other topic. No one can know everything. But it is a sin to make important allegations about such fields when you know little or nothing.)
So, you have to ask yourself, why did she make these totally wrong statements?
There are only a few possible reasons:
1. She’s nuts and literally believes the things that she imagines. If so, it’s obvious why we shouldn’t believe anything she says.
2. She simply wants to attract followers and make money thereby, so she says things that will get people as excited, outraged, and afraid as possible. Again, if so, it’s obvious why we shouldn’t believe her.
3. She’s paid by some third party to say such things. This, I think, is the most likely explanation. Some possible paymasters could include the pharmaceutical companies, the CIA, the Mossad, or some other three-letter agency or Jewish entity. The goals would be to confuse anti-vaccine people with wild, false theories and waste their time and efforts, and also to make anti-vaccine people lose all credibility in the eyes of those who know something about science and genetics. If she is being paid by someone to say these nutty things, then, once again, it’s obvious why we shouldn’t believe the things she says.
4. She’s simply repeating what some other person has said without checking it. If so, she has just ruined her own credibility — when she could have avoided that by doing a half hour’s worth of reading. If she she did repeat without checking, then, once again, it’s obvious why we shouldn’t use her as a source. Yet dozens or hundreds of people probably will use her as an authority — after all, she uses big words so she must know what she’s talking about, right? — and she quotes from the Bible, so she must be a good person, right? And, using her as an authority, they will damage their own credibility — just like the boys down at the agency planned all along.
I don’t think there is any other possible explanation for this woman’s blatant pushing of crazy misinformation except those four. Pure logic tells us that one of those four must be the real explanation. So, no matter which of the four is true, you can save yourself a lot of time and grief and embarrassment by just unfollowing and ignoring her, whoever she is.
A lot of good people tend to get excited when a big TikTok influencer or other person with a following seems to be taking our side. But a lot of what we read or see on such platforms is not what it appears to be at first glance.
I think the best policy is to ignore 99 per cent. of all “viral” videos and posts. Many, many of them are fake. Instead, I prefer to stick with known sources whose names I’ve known for years and who have proven themselves to be knowledgeable and honest over the very long term. (Some examples of these would be Hadding Scott, the Institute for Historical Review, and historically Revilo P. Oliver and especially Dr. William Pierce — and many, many other good sources can be found in a search engine I created which taps into Google’s database in a way that cancels out their “woke” bias; check it out at
I believe in being very skeptical of all new sources and all “amazing” and “outraging” allegations. If such allegations involve a field (like, say, genetics, or astronomy, or history, or physics) in which I have limited knowledge, I do some deep reading on the topic in the professional literature before going out on a limb and endorsing or sharing the latest “exciting” claim.
Now the jibby-jab woman is an extreme example. No educated person could take her seriously, nor even most of the half-educated. But a lot of good people in our dysfunctional society are poorly educated, so she and her kind do real harm.
And not all fakers are so obvious or blatant. Some are quite subtle, yet get you to believe — and spread — quite false, even crazy ideas or untruths.
I’ve been fooled by people who manufactured false quotes. “Israel Cohen” and the nonexistent book “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” — the “secret speech” at the “Budapest conference of rabbis” — both captured my attention for a moment, before I looked more closely. The first one even briefly had Dr. William Pierce convinced. People who make things up like this may think they are helping our cause by “convincing more people” of the perfidy of the Jewish power structure, but in fact they hurt us. They cast disrepute on everything we say. They make more and more of the best kind of people — people we need — people who should be joining and helping us — thoughtful people, people who carefully check sources — see us as, at best, careless, and at worst, liars. In either case, hoaxers like these quote-manufacturers cause the best people to steer clear of us — exactly what our enemies want.
One almost endless, apparently inexhaustible source of crazy-making articles, Web sites, social media posts, and videos is the “Christian Identity” movement, which is perennially trying to claim that “today’s Jews are not the true Jews, since we are the real Hebrews/Israelites.” All such claims are nonsense, of course, but they are like catnip to some otherwise rational members of our race.
The reason such Christians want to make claims like this is because:
1) They know that Jews are a lying enemy. For recognizing this truth they deserve credit.
2) Knowing that (1) is true, if they were logical and reasonable they would also have to conclude that the Bible was written by a lying enemy, so is probably mostly lies designed to deceive us.
3) But, having been raised to believe that the Bible is the word of God (which it isn’t), they simply can’t emotionally allow themselves to come to the correct conclusion (2).
4) So they devise a convoluted tale in which some other tribe has “impersonated” the Jews and calls themselves Jews today. That tale is totally false, but it allows these believers to keep the Bible and continue believing that it was written by supposedly pure and holy “true Jews” and not the nasty Jews they see around them every day. They also believe that White people, or some subset of White people, are “the true Jews” or “Biblical Israel” or “God’s Covenant People.” (They use various terms.)
Every essential bit of this “Christian Identity” story is fake.
The Jews of today, though mixed racially, are the lineal descendants of the Jews who wrote and compiled the Bible. They are not “fake Jews” or “imposters” or any such thing.
And Whites are not in even the slightest way “true Israel” or anything even remotely like that.
All self-styled “leaders” who try to convince you using characters like “Shem” or “Abraham” or “Isaac” or “Jacob” or “Esau” or the like are spouting nonsense. Neither Shem nor Abraham nor Isaac nor Jacob nor Esau or the like ever existed. As soon as you hear someone referring to such characters as anything but myths, you can safely move on. The speaker is either ignorant or lying.
I have spent most of a lifetime studying this issue, and I want my friends to be saved the trouble of going down a years-long or decades-long dead end, which is what “Christian Identity” and all its related sects are.
And it’s not just Christian Identity and sham anti-vaxxers. There are growing numbers of “Trad Catholics” with crazy ideas too, infecting the movement to throw off our misrulers. I have heard some of them literally say that “all science is a hoax” because it denies the authority of the church and of God, not all that different from the irrational statements of fundamentalist Protestants, with some even embracing loony “flat Earth” beliefs. And there are plenty of other nutty theories — there were no planes on 9/11; the Rothschilds are seeding the clouds with chemtrails; it’s impossible to send men to the Moon, etc. — some of them probably authored in CIA or Mossad conference rooms with the specific intent of making us look like fools.
In short: Stop believing comforting fairy tales. Stop believing crazy things. Don’t silently tolerate crazy talk. Use logic and reason and objective observation — and the wisdom of our race’s greatest men — to ascertain the facts of existence.
Read the works of William Pierce, Andrew Hamilton, Douglas Mercer, Revilo Oliver, William Simpson, Hadding Scott, David Sims, Thomas Dalton, and others we feature here on National Vanguard and offer in our Cosmotheist bookstore. Learn how a science-based understanding of biological evolution is absolutely necessary if you want to understand our racial problem. Learn how a science-based understanding of cosmic evolution is absolutely necessary in order to understand the true nature of reality, and of the Divine. Take advantage of the education of a lifetime we offer for free here on And then, when you have at last gained an understanding of who we are and what we face, join us.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Shortly after the covid vaccines were rolled out, there were numerous videos claiming the vaccines scavenged iron from the body and concentrated it in a magnetized state near the injection site.This was supposed to make it easy to identify those who received the vaccine. The videos “proved” their claim by showing people able to hold up a spoon by placing it next to their upper arm. I looked into this and found that there are only about 3-4 grams of iron in the human body which if collected, would form a volume of roughly half a cubic cm. Having a similar sized refrigerator magnet, I was unable to hold up any of the various tableware in the kitchen drawer, most of which were completely non-magnetic. Further, if all the iron… Read more »
It’s important to understand that pretty much EVERY social media influencer is a Jewish psychological operation. At least the ones that White people would be watching. They cater to all different types of White people, and they are all intended to harm us in some way. Just like every personality in the Jewish controlled mass media. Don’t trust any of them. I am very educated and have a very high IQ. I used to idolized Elon Musk, like millions of other White people like me. Now I understand the Elon Musk is a FRAUD. You don’t get to be the richest man on Planet Jew without working for the Jews. His only STEM education is a shared Bachelor of Arts in Physics. He payed for college running an illicit nightclub.… Read more »
The analysis of Christian Identity’s ignorant supporters is spot-on. I’ve spent a lot of time engaging with Trump supporters and it’s a hard thing for them to let go of even when they learn, mostly, what’s at stake. But I think the other side (the liars) is worth mentioning as well. Most of those who actively promote it do so with the typically Jewish style of deceit. It’s apparent right away that they don’t care about the Bible or the religion. Their only concern is convincing people that: A) Jews don’t want you to be Christian B) The Jewish question is religious in nature If you challenge any of their claims about “anti-semitic Jesus”, they’ll carry on an hours-long diatribe of pedantry to exhaust you, and even if you somehow… Read more »
Mr Strom gives a good example of a prominent type of Jewish disinformation we see online. Some of us call this sort of scripted distraction a rabbit hole, which in this instance this female TikToker encourages her viewership to jump down, specifically because it leads nowhere. If you look at the type of gibberish she spouts, the specific type of thought process going on that she wants you to buy into, it’s essentially kabbalistic, a sort of watered down and broadened gematria. Gematria is Jewish gibberish. It’s a type of “analysis” in which a person takes a number or series of numbers, ascribes letters to the numbers, and then claims that some hidden esoteric knowledge has been uncovered. Typically it involves a series of mathematical operations meant to manipulate these… Read more »
Great comment. I do think somewhat larger numbers are forevermore more-or-less fully Jew-pilled, though. You posit 0.00001%, which is a factor of 0.0000001.
The White population of the US is maybe 200,000,000 if we’re lucky. Let’s say it’s 150,000,000.
150,000,000 times 0.0000001 is fifteen people.
I am sure there are hundreds of times that number who have actually joined the Alliance, and thousands of times that number who seem quite well aware of the presence and stinking bloody toxicity of Jewish power who post on social media alone. Take heart! One of their main goals is convincing you that you’re alone.
Be seeing you.
Mr. Kevin Alfred strong everyone appreciates the work that you do I want to give you a small suggestion maybe you should start doing TickTock videos making it easy for the average uninformed and ignorant but good all American whites people we need the help out there we have been poisoned and brainwashed and indoctrinated since the moment we come to this world please consider making your presence more known more seen and heard while we can on some of these open platform sir
Thank you
I would like almost nothing better (it’s right up there between a wheelbarrow full of Krugerrands and a race-wide Jewish mission to Alpha Centauri) than an excellent videographer who would be able to turn all our great text-based and audio materials into powerful videos and post them relentlessly. Any volunteers?
Kevin I suggest you read a book that was published a very long time ago and I think I’m not sure that the national alliance used to sell it on their website it’s called death by injection by Eustace Mullins. He was way ahead of the curve years ago. My opinion I think you should stick to what you’ve been doing for the last 30 years informing our people and who the real enemy is you’ve done an excellent job and you still do.
Okay, I’ll take your advice and read that book. Mullins, who for many years lived just down the road from me in Staunton, Virginia, was sometimes a bit fast and loose with facts, but he was basically a good man — and could be an extremely engaging, entertaining, and even hilarious writer. His book on Ezra Pound is very good indeed.
Don’t think that, just because I criticized that nutty video, that I favor the Covid jabs or any vaccine. I don’t. I am just suggesting that we be very, very, very careful to stay in the realm of facts and reality. There are so many phony theories out there, many from sources claiming to be on “our side.” We need to reject them.
Kevin thanks for the reply it was very good of you. I am a former member when Dr Pierce was leading the na. I remember listening to you and shortwave I believe it was 1991 or 1993. Then after he passed away the organization went off the rails with Eric Gliebe. Donated a box full of books to you guys maybe last year and I never heard anything back was kind of wondering why. I’ll keep up the good work I’m thinking of joining again. Or maybe even moving to Tennessee.
Mr white:...I am a former member when Dr Pierce was leading the na…Then after he passed away the organization went off the rails with Eric Gliebe. Donated a box full of books to you guys maybe last year and I never heard anything back was kind of wondering why. I’ll keep up the good work I’m thinking of joining again. Or maybe even moving to Tennessee.
Mr. white, if you donated a box to our Alliance “maybe last year,” we “guys” would have known about it and acknowledged the gift. The reason you never heard anything back is because you likely donated that box of books to someone besides NA.
Why not rejoin NA now that we’re back on the rails instead of simply thinking about it?
I was a student at L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts when a professor recommended Mullins’s books. Many artists are into Mullins.
You hit on an important topic that I feel many are beginning to understand. It’s a psychological tactic I call “poisoning the well”.. maybe I heard it somewhere else. Anyways, the flat-earth dweebs are a good example.. some might be misled and without logic skills but many are certainly plants designed to make truth seekers look like twits to your average Joe. I can shed light on the topic of the anti-vaccine, antigens are proteins or killed/inactivated virus (with its proteins)… PERIOD. My undergrad prof way back in the day stressed over and over you MUST remove all nucleic acid when purifying your antigen or the sheep will get all kinds of autoimmune diseases, cancers, and neurological problems down the road… all I’m gonna say but I know much more… Read more »
My theory on the Jews is that they have just been bad wayward people, and even the Bible lays this out, in sometimes excruciatingly boring detail. I’m not sure why they would write a book so replete with damning historical record against themselves.
The problem with most Christians is they can’t see this, or explain it away somehow. Muh Chosen People and all that. I’m not ready to throw Jesus into the same pot as the rest of the Jews either. Time will tell for me. But yes, I’ve been “un learning” a great number of things since becoming Jew pilled over the years. It’s a process I think. I get more Jew pilled every day, too.
Best of good fortune in your quest for truth. My position on Jesus seeming vastly different from other Jews is that, as a fictional or fictionalized character, his creators could make him be whatever they wanted him to be. And they wanted him to be very emotionally compelling, morally superior to the rest of his Tribe (and everyone else) in a kind of magical, mysterious way, and noble and self-sacrificing (not exactly Jewish traits) far beyond any man who ever lived. And so they wrote the stories that way — or embellished them, if you believe there really was a core historical figure underneath all the claptrap.
Your article is entitled “Don’t Believe Crazy Things” and has a picture of a hat wrapped in foil. Years ago in when I was in college, there was a story going around campus about a technician who worked in one of the science labs. He had started showing up to work wearing a hat he had made out of aluminum foil. He explained to people that he needed the foil hat because hostile aliens were trying to control his mind with electronic beams they were projecting from outer space. Totally crazy, right? This is the classic presentation of the paranoid schizophrenic. It really is a stereotype. The thing is, people like this are, essentially, correct. His brain WAS being electronically controlled by hostile aliens. The hostile aliens were not space… Read more »
Regarding television, its use depends on who is creating and broadcasting the content as you know. Jews create garbage, and lots of it, for gullible minds to absorb. In computer-speak, we have garbage going in and thus get garbage coming out of the minds absorbing their swill. This is at the heart of many ills of our degenerated society. To separate Jews and their content from our White minds is an important task, and our need for our own content creators and supporters to do this is great. It’s why I and other Alliance members and supporterss often call to duty serious and sincere Whites to join us and help implement our program.