Posts Tagged
Mental illness

Don’t Believe Crazy Things
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 April, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom WHEN YOU FIRST REALIZE you’ve been lied to for your entire life about race and Jewish power — lied to by your church, by your schools, and by the media — it’s a natural overreaction for some of us to start…

One Pill Makes You Love Jews; Another Makes You Fall
And the ones that Greenblatt gives you make you get on your knees and crawl. by Douglas Mercer NO STORY FILLS THE Jews with more unabashed glee than the infamous “brush with hate.” When the White man who dabbled in White pride; who dipped his toes in “xenophobia”; or who was head…

Is the Anglosphere Ripe for the Taking? Moscow, Geopolitics, and the Anglobitch Thesis
Below is a post I’ve edited by a non-White author who strikes at the root of the mental illness and social dysfunction underlying the phenomenon of today’s mass shootings by pointing to the sexual disenfranchisement (aka “inceldom”) of today’s young men and the horrid…

Homosexuality: Being Mentally Sick in One Way Often Means Being Mentally Sick in Multiple Ways
Jennifer Hart drove her “wife” and foster children into the Pacific Ocean last year. Now only one child’s remains are unaccounted for. by David Sims STATISTICALLY speaking, homosexual relationships are among the most violent of human pairings. Lesbians fight with their domestic…

Diversity is Our Strength Part IV: The Great Dump of California
For previous installments of this series, see Parts I, II, and III Managed Obsolescence: Homelessness in America’s Gilded Cities
by Jacob Siegel I STARTED READING about the homeless camps spreading across the western United States around 2014. My initial impression was that the stories were paranoid…
by Jacob Siegel I STARTED READING about the homeless camps spreading across the western United States around 2014. My initial impression was that the stories were paranoid…

Orwell Alert — L.A. Times: White Progressives Should Sacrifice Their Kids to End White Privilege
White progressive parents and the conundrum of privilege by Margaret A. Hagerman
Greg and Sarah live in a predominantly white neighborhood and send their children to a predominantly white private school. “I don’t want to believe we are hypocrites,” Greg tells me. “But if we say diversity is important…

“Transgenderism”: Normalizing Mental Illness
The Jewish media and power structure promote this and other kinds of sexual perversion because it makes us weaker, divides us — and suppresses the birth of White children, which is their primary goal. by David Sims THE SIMPLE FACT is that Bruce Jenner is not a woman. He’s a mentally sick man…