EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

The World War Is Coming

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent

RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces.

In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of Putin’s regime. I was always against this neo-Bolshevik system. But in real life it is rarely possible to have precise definitions and unchanging attitudes. Life requires flexibility and mental nimbleness. Our mind must always react to ever-changing circumstances and find new ways forward. Life is never going to be simple. We must learn, and be able to change our opinions if new facts require it.

History teaches us that events can flow into the most unpredictable channels. We must be ready for such surprises.

I had always had a positive opinion about Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, for the simple reason that they are the only real opponents of the main destructive force on this planet.

Yes, they are non-Whites, are cruel, and are driven by a dogmatic, bloodthirsty religion. But history teaches us that it is seldom possible to choose “perfect” allies. In most cases, you simply have what you have. And it is the best possible “deal.” These people do what is needed. Nothing else matters. If a horse carries its load, the horse is a good one; all other aspects are irrelevant.

Certainly, Palestinians and Persians are fighting their own war, for their own ethnic interests. But, at this moment and in these circumstances, their interests happen to fully coincide with ours — at least concerning the US-Israel Axis of Evil.

Putin’s Russia is ever more being sucked into this global conflict, contrary to its initial intentions. Putin’s system, with all its corrupt officials and oligarchs, only wanted to have a share in the overall global economic system. They hoped to fight a brief glorious war and then to continue enjoying a happy life. But it turned out otherwise. The logic of events often compels nations to do things that their leaders didn’t initially intend to do.

It’ is impossible to believe, for example, that any of the statesmen who plunged their countries into World War 1 ever supposed that it would turn out the way it did. Surely all of them envisioned a completely different outcome.

Today, there is really no way out for Russia. It must take its place in its dug-out and face the reality of world war against the globalist System. It must side with Iran, China, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and other forces that crave to destroy the power of the US, the EU, and their puppets.

Yet, just 15 years ago such turn of events seemed almost impossible. The Russian ruling class was fully immersed in a decadent Western lifestyle; children of the elite studied in the US and western Europe; they kept their money in Western banks. There seemed to be no indications that this would ever change.

The first harbinger of the coming fundamental shift came in the form of Putin’s speech at the Munich security conference in 2007. It was a surprise to everyone. All the participants there freshly remembered Putin’s amicable stroll, his fraternizing with George W. Bush, and his support for the US military operation in Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002. But in Munich he spoke out against the eastward expansion of the NATO military alliance, as it encroached on states near Russia.

Back then, most people perceived Putin’s Munich speech as mere rhetoric directed mostly toward his internal Russian audience and Russia’s Third World allies. That was partly true. But, as future events have shown, there were real intentions behind his words. Putin and his inner circle really planned to engage in a struggle for the reestablishment of the Soviet Union’s former large sphere of influence. Most probably, they themselves had but a vague idea what it would look like. But it is not relevant whether they planned what they did with precision, or if it was done mostly opportunistically, wherever and whenever circumstances allowed. What matters is that they were ready to act; to put deeds behind their words.

They first struck in 2008 against Georgia. It was a success. Not so much a military success (the Georgian army is hardly a force to reckon with) as a diplomatic one — because the West decided not to act. The US was preoccupied with its own problems in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Kremlin took note. It successfully tested the Western will — actually, lack of will — to fight for its interests.

When Putin struck in 2014 and took Crimea, the West showed again its unwillingness to use force. Yes, there were more hostile words, and more condemnations — but no actions. So the Russian leadership were now fully assured that America and NATO were in sharp decline and unwilling to fight. He pushed further and invaded Eastern Ukraine using proxy forces. They had limited success. It was enough for now. The task was not so much to occupy the whole of Ukraine as to keep it in a state of permanent chaos in order to prevent it from joining the EU and NATO. But even this invasion didn’t compel the West to act. If Russia had had enough forces for a full-scale invasion back in 2014, it would have probably been the best opportunity for a quick victory. But the problem was that Russian army was strong only on paper. From its 1 million troops, only about 50,000 were proficient and battle-ready. And that was far short of the number needed for a successful invasion of such a big country. Therefore it had to be postponed.

The years 2014-2022 were spent in active military preparations. The Russian Ministry of Defense was pumped with money; the army received an ever-growing supply of new hardware; new military bases were constructed along the western border.

The chaotic American withdrawal from Afghanistan was a trigger event that convinced the Kremlin that the time was ripe for decisive action. America had shown its inability to preserve its world-power status.

These facts are well-known and spoken about even in some Western media; they hardly need to be belabored.

But, despite all those extensive military preparations, and despite their desire to reestablish some kind of “Soviet Union” redux, the Kremlin’s rulers never intended to engage in a mortal existential struggle against the West. For one thing, they had no fundamental ideological differences with Western rulers. All they wanted was redistribution of geopolitical influence on a fair basis — at least one that seemed fair to them.

But what really happened went far beyond their initial intentions. The internal logic of events sucked Russia into a process which it can’t control, or even fully understand. The Russian propaganda machine tries to rationalize Russian actions, constantly inventing new justifications. Russians see that their country is sliding into an abyss but no one can do anything about it. (Although I am an ethnic Russian, I care little about the Russian mainstream public and their worries. They have what they deserve. A people whose main “holy” day is dedicated to the destruction of European civilization hardly deserves anything better. The vast majority of the Russian people need to be thoroughly re-educated before they can claim to be members of a decent White nation. For the moment, though, I will leave this topic aside.)

What I want to accentuate now is the new role of Russia as a member of an anti-Western coalition. Despite the initial reluctance of the Kremlin to engage in full-blown cooperation and alliance with Iran and North Korea, it was compelled by circumstances to do so. Even the Taliban is now welcome in Moscow — for good reason. When you are engaged in a mortal struggle against the dominant power in the world, you need to befriend those who have similar geopolitical aims.

The rag-tag anti-American coalition is gaining ground. The majority of non-White nations see it as a counterweight to the hated West — and they consider the West to be the cause of all their suffering.

By the way: Wrong-headed as this is, Jews are perceived as White by most non-Whites. They rarely make any distinction. Therefore, all Jewish atrocities are automatically ascribed to Whites. The monomaniacal stupidity of the White American conservative crowd’s support for Israel greatly facilitates this misperception. How on Earth can we expect that Palestinians would see much of a difference between Jews and Whites while millions of brainwashed Whites clamor for unending, unthinking, no-questions asked, essentially infinite support of Israel, and apparently willingly send their sons to die for the Jewish state?

Look, for example, on Shabbos goys General Jack Keane and Mike Pompeo, who regularly appear on Fox News. It’s hardly an exaggeration to say that they are ready to tear to pieces anyone who even dislikes Israel. These White dogs greatly facilitate the Jews’ trick of hiding behind Whites when faced with the wrath of non-Whites.

Russia is seen by non-Whites as a counterweight to their main enemy. They care little about any of the aspects and intricacies of the Russian political system. They don’t need to. They have what they need: Russian weapons, economic assistance, and political weight on the global stage. Russia is happy to provide it. It has no other choice now.

* * *

What should be the position of racially-conscious White people in this global theatre of the absurd, wherein these two competing forces struggle for dominance? Both sides are very unsavory, even disgusting. But we hardly can remain neutral in this global struggle. We can’t escape to other planets. In any case we will have to live with the consequences of the outcome of this struggle. Therefore, we need to decide which side is more helpful for — or least dangerous to — our long-term goals.

This question could be considered from many possible angles. But whatever the arguments, we must proceed from this basic axiom: Any alternative to Jewish global dominance is preferable. Any country, any nation, any tribe is less dangerous and less toxic for the long-term interests of the White race than Jews. This simple axiom can be proved by looking at the last 2,000 years of history. Each time and each place where Jews gained too much influence or state power, a disaster for the local population ensued. Little wonder that now their power creates a global disaster; because, now, Jews are the most influential force in the world. They have been in charge of this planet since 1945 — and look what they did with it. What other proof needs to be presented in order to show the innate qualities of this Tribe and their programmed drive to destroy everything around them? They are the ultimate haters of humanity, even as they try to present all other nations as haters of Jews.

They destroyed all the social foundations of traditional society; they subverted all values, including the most basic family values. Nothing was safe from their pernicious influence. All aspects of European life were damaged; damaged beyond repair. The traditional European civilization is dead. Jews destroyed it. Modern Europe is a corpse. Modern European civilization is but dead remnants of a once-great spirit.

It would be unwise to blame non-White savages for this. They simply tear and gnaw this dead body, as is natural for them. Anyone in their place would do the same. But it was not they who killed this civilization.

The crafty minority now skulks behind the Brown and Black crowds, making them the scapegoats for what they themselves did. Stupid White conservatives and “alt-righters” happily swallow this cheap bait, and blame the Browns and Blacks for all our tribulations (if they even dare to do that much).

Jews, once again, have succeeded in their usual game of pitting one nation against another, as this bizarre war in Ukraine grinds on. Poles, Finns, and the Baltic nations on the one side, and Russians on the other, once again hate each other more than anyone else. Jews once again look innocent (as far as the fools and rubes are concerned) and reap hefty rewards. They reap them in the overt political and economic sense in the form of endless “aid” — but also in the semi-covert economic sense as Jews and Jewish gangs proffer all kinds of schemes to circumvent sanctions on both sides. Everyone becomes poorer — except the Jewish dealers.

We must never allow our eyes to be diverted from the main problem: However great the danger of aggressive Negroes roaming city streets with guns, or of Mexican gangs or of Chinese spies in the USA, the root cause of all these problems is the organized Jews. They intentionally allowed all those factors to emerge in order to undermine and destroy their main competitor on Earth — the White race.

But this time they greatly miscalculated. Global rule is a much more complicated business than running a pawn shop, a porn operation, a con game, or a murder-for-hire racket.

Everything has started to disintegrate. Instead of the regulated chaos that the Jews intended to create, total chaos starts to engulf the planet. And global war will surely be a part of this chaos. No one can direct events now. No one is in a position now to decide the destinies of nations at will, like the unholy Yalta trio did in 1945. Those times are gone forever. A great purifying chaos is on the horizon. A chaos that is sure to sweep aside all globalist projects, together with the Jews’ insane dream of ruling the world.

But, before they are dethroned, they are sure to inflict much pain on this planet. When faced with annihilation, they will start a nuclear war and will kill as many people as possible. Their mentality is the same as that of the fictional “Nazis” that they portray in Hollywood movies. They depict their own mirror image: They hate everything and everyone.

Therefore, faced with the question of which side is more acceptable, the only possible answer is: anyone but Jews. Any state, any nation, any tribe would be less damaging than Jews. Even if the world were to be governed for 80 years by aboriginal Australoids, it would be less damaging than another 80 years of Jewish hate, violence, and genocidal insanity.

Jewish rule can be compared only with a hypothetical invasion of extremely hostile aliens — or a collision with a world-destroying asteroid.

This understanding helps us greatly to make the right choice.

Yes, the North Korean leader is not the most attractive chap; the Afghan Taliban war-lords are far from an avuncular European ideal; China is surely not Germany. But, given power, all those nations put together would be far less destructive to the White race than the continued rule of the Jews.

Therefore, it is not even a choice that we are talking about, but an inevitable logical conclusion. We have to accept this conclusion and then proceed accordingly.

In the coming global war, the decadent West, ruled by Jews, will try to annihilate all opposing forces and to impose its iron grip on this planet. Using their proxies, the Jews will try to implement their insane Biblical vision at whatever cost. They will use all means at their disposal, including nuclear weapons. The Jewish media have already started preparatory work. They persuade the gullible mainstream public that it is in our nations’ best interest to support Israel. They incite hatred against Arabs, Persians, and Chinese. They do it in the same way they vilified Germans 80 years ago, and incited the horrific war-frenzy of that time.

Faced with this coming Jew-made catastrophe, we must put aside all other considerations and contradictions that have plagued White nations. We must all unite against this main existential threat. There was never a greater threat. Neither in 732 in the Battle of Tours, nor in 1242 when the Mongols came to Europe, nor in 1683 at the Battle of Vienna. All those calamitous events were temporary and local, even if encompassing great territories. But the Jewish threat is constant and global. There is no place to hide from it, and it will not abate with time. It will kill humankind if not cured.

In such circumstances, anyone who takes the wrong side automatically becomes an enemy. That is a hard truth. But we must clearly understand it. The most tragic thing in this situation is that the majority of White nations are under full Jewish control and will be employed on the Jews’ side in this war. And there will be no other option for fighters in this war except eliminating as many as possible who are fighting for Jewish interests.

The greater part of White race is sure to die in this war; the war to save Jews. They will surely fail and die. They are like the trustworthy dogs of a criminal owner who incited them to attack innocent people.

The only way out for the White people living in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand is to rise up against Jewish dictatorship. Rise now because there is no time to procrastinate. The globalists are ready to start the carnage. Jews are already crying about new Pearl Harbors and Holocausts. They press the same World War 2 button of public consciousness. There is no time to lose. Either White society rises up and thwarts this insane Jewish drive to global war, or it obediently dies.

I have little hopes for modern Whites rising. The post-WW2 generations were nurtured in such a way as to never fight for their collective interests. Everyone tries to survive individually, but only individually. All collective action is for Jews and their illusory agendas, never for the nation itself. Such a society is sure to die.

Jews will succeed in pushing the West into this war — the last war of European civilization.

In this situation, the only way for the sane few is to disengage and to survive as independent communities.

Nuclear war is inevitable. Jews are trigger-happy in general, and there is no reason to suppose they will not be so about nuclear bombs. They pushed for the bomb; they bombed Japan in 1945 (Jews were in charge in the Roosevelt administration); and they will bomb Iran. Now they have gained a convenient pretext for this. Now they are again “poor victims” that must be avenged — avenged with the force of almighty America and God’s wrath. Everyone must die for Jews. One million goyim for each Jew. Jehovah cries for blood.

I don’t think that there is any way to prevent this. And I don’t think that we need to prevent it. The logic of events must complete its circle. Jews will destroy themselves.

Our task is to survive in this chaos and to preserve enough people and social structure in order that we may re-establish White civilization after the nuclear ash settles.

China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan constitute the axis of resistance to this Jewish dominance. Russia is now sucked into this coalition too, against its will and despite the initial pro-Western orientation of its ruling elite. Such strange things happen in history. It is called Providence. The anti-Jewish coalition needed additional strength, and now it has it.

The battle for Russia is not yet completed. Jews will try to tear it over to their side. They have a fair chance of success in that; there are too many Jews in key positions in Russia. But, considering the overall dynamic of events, I believe that Russia will be even more strongly pushed into the fold of the anti-Western coalition.

One hint is the fact that Jews have started to flee Russia; a sure sign that Russia is now considered by world Jewry to be an enemy state. The overall situation is highly volatile and unpredictable, as it was before World War 2. Anything can happen. But one thing is sure: This war will be much more violent and destructive. Not tens of millions, but billions, will die.

This war will shatter all existing political structures. Those who start this war will be gone when the war ends. The world will change completely.

For me personally, the most difficult thing was to overcome my disgust with Putin’s system to the point that I could acknowledge the fact that Russia, due to current extraordinary circumstances, this time happens to be on the right side.

On the other hand, Ukraine, which I initially supported and where many nationalist groups operate that share our worldview, has become a bulwark of Jewish interests.

The reaction of the Ukrainian media to events in Palestine is a good indicator. All Ukrainian TV channels cry in one voice about innocent Jews and evil Arabs and Persians. The Jew Zelensky, predictably, officially supported his tribal state. But what is most disgusting is that the majority of the mainstream Ukrainian population parrot this narrative. The comments sections of Ukrainian media outlets are overflowing with “just indignation” and calls to destroy Gaza. Very disgusting. This simplifies the situation.

Before, I was in a quandary about this geopolitical dichotomy. On the one side there was a nationalist Ukraine with Europe on its side. On the other side, bloodthirsty neo-Bolshevik Russia with its crazy ideas about restoring a kind of “Soviet Union.” Any mentally healthy European man would side with his kin and against a brutal invasion by a semi-Asian would-be empire. It is so obvious, seen in its local dimension. But the global dimension of this struggle shows a completely different picture. Europe, infested with the Jewish virus, is used as a tool for the Jewish globalist agenda. Jews are even ready to play on the nationalist feelings of some European nations in order to goad them into war.

And, however hard it is, we must make this painful choice and side with those who fight against the Jewish globalist System. Whoever they are, for whatever reasons they fight, and whichever methods they use.

* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
24 October, 2023 1:02 pm

Wolf Stoner take the lead in projecting the
path of destruction laid out for us by the
Jews. What about all these damned
Christians? They are everywhere!
They have even infected the proposed
homeland for the NA’s new White
ethnostate in the redoubt of East
Tennessee’s mountains!

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Walt Hampton
24 October, 2023 8:30 pm

Walt Hampton: Wolf Stoner take the lead in projecting the path of destruction laid out for us by the Jews. What about all these damned Christians? They are everywhere! They have even infected the proposed homeland for the NA’s new White ethnostate in the redoubt of East Tennessee’s mountains! — Heysus F. Christos, Walt! WTF are you talking about? You were a loyal, dedicated Alliance member for nearly three decades, then gave up your membership in a huff and become a mere supporter so you could still receive the membership BULLETIN in your mailbox each month — the BULLETIN in which Wolf Stoner’s writing is often featured for good reason, not for just for predicting what Jews have planned.  Wolf Stoner is not a mere NA supporter nor a mere Russian… Read more »

24 October, 2023 1:25 pm

Totally agree with this line of thinking. I visited Iran to set up a document imaging center for a University there. I enjoyed my stay there and most people I spoke to there are far more aware of the JQ than the average American or European. Granted I was interacting with the more intelligent people in their society but it was practically an inversion of American academic circles and I’ve never felt as comfortable to speak my mind openly as I did there. The jew media version of Iran is far from the truth. I’d argue living in Iran is far preferable to America for whites today and if whites become a minority in America I’d bet my childrens lives on being treated better there than a possible future America… Read more »

24 October, 2023 1:40 pm

Just wanted to add to my other comment while working in Iran a university official with connections to the iranian government invited us all to dinner and offered us permanent employment with iranian citizenship. He was fairly open about their desire to brain drain America by offering white americans well paid positions and their negative experiences when they tried this with black americans.If I didn’t have a large family that deserves my loyalty and needs my protection and guidance during the ongoing decline I would have very seriously considered the proposal.

24 October, 2023 7:29 pm

How do you know China is free of Jewish influence? They were the ones who took the very bizarre and clearly extremely exaggerated “covid pandemic” perhaps the furthest in terms of restricting civil liberties. A few links for your consideration, all these are from 2023, so no old stuff: Minister Wang Wentao met with Pfizer chairman and and CEO Albert Bourla Healthy China 2030: Pfizer signs on to initiative aimed at improving health sector in China Xi meets Bill Gates China says it will always firmly support the cause of the UN and is “…is ready to strengthen collaboration with all UN agencies and work for the realization of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on time”: Exclusive: Moderna inks new deals for business expansion… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Denethor
26 October, 2023 10:18 am

What Chinese say means little. They are born deceivers. Matters only what they do. Whatever cooperation could be between China on the one hand and Israel, Europe and USA on the other hand, it goes on only as long as it suits Chinese interests. Yes, back in 1920es-30es Jewish communists were instrumental in helping to create Chinese communist party and to incite civil war there. But it is all in the past. Chinese nation is too big to infiltrate it. Even if all Jews of the world would intermarry with Chinese, it would hardly make in impact on the overall Chinese racial composition. I think that China will be the main force that eventually destroys Jewish globalist system. What comes next is very difficult to say. At present the supreme… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
24 October, 2023 9:12 pm

“Not tens of millions but billions.”
This would be true without nuclear exchange of any scale. The vast majority of the world’s billions are non-Whites. Their numbers are grossly increased above the Malthusian limits normally imposed by their nature in the environment about them. When Western aid evaporates as the West dies, these billions will perish slowly and painfully to starvation, disease, and the barbaric internecine tribal struggles such will provoke.
Perhaps nuclear fire would be kinder. Unfortunately, most of THEM live far from any targets. Our own people have more to fear.

25 October, 2023 6:52 am

Please be careful, stoner. I have always liked and agreed with your views on the conflict, in the past, and I must say that even most of what you write here is true, strictly speaking. That said, please don’t let the alliance turn into just one more strasserist organization, howling for white blood over the war in Ukraine, before I even have a chance to join.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Nathaniel
25 October, 2023 5:13 pm

The National Alliance, like most organizations, are hierarchical in structure, one at the top leads by setting and moving towards accomplishing the goals of said organization. We have our principles and goals clearly delineated here at our program of the National Alliance, which Chairman Will Williams understands and executes with the utmost faithfulness. If anyone can ruin our organization, it would be him to decide to change our course. Our members are well disciplined to conduct themselves according to our program; those who cannot or will not are weeded out.

Nowhere have we “howled for White blood” in Ukraine, but if you believe otherwise, show us who and how. Do you believe we’re some sort of Strasserist organization? Without doubt, I say you’re mistaken or are trolling us.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 October, 2023 7:51 pm

Jim – National Alliance Staff: Reply to Nathaniel …Nowhere have we “howled for White blood” in Ukraine, but if you believe otherwise, show us who and how…

He can’t, Jim — “stoner’s” position on the Ukraine/Russia dispute is NA’s position: don’t back either side in the brothers’ war; disengage from global politics that we cannot control; lay low and let these Jew-spawned anti-White conflicts play out and survive as independent communities. that we can control.

Do you believe we’re some sort of Strasserist organization? Without doubt, I say you’re mistaken or are trolling us.

Hope he’s mistaken. The National Alliance can no more be compromised by a Strasser-like loser faction than it can be compromised by Christians as Mr. Hampton mistakenly stated in his stupid comment above.

Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
28 November, 2023 9:11 am

❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.”

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
28 November, 2023 2:58 pm

Also from the NRM article you quoted: “Furthermore, it is not strange for a National Socialist to feel concerned when Putin states that one of the official reasons for Russia going to war is to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.” and… “Rather, the conclusion is that none of the conflicting sides are worth our official support. As a Nordic National Socialist, neither side is worth fighting and dying for. We will never stand behind Putin or Biden, or any of the puppets of big finance. This is also the conclusion Marcus Hansson drew in his fantastic article on Nordfront recently. Instead, we always stand on the side of the people – primarily our own Nordic people, but, by extension, all White people on the planet.” This stance is one we in the National… Read more »

Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
1 December, 2023 9:02 am

no more jews = no more war

There is no “free market,” there never has been . . . it is Jewish Mammonism . . . Every year the USA gives away an $8,000.00 health insurance deductible for every natural born U.S. man, woman, and child, just to Israel alone . . . Israel was just given $20 billion . . . It would cost $20 billion to build apartments for every homeless person in America to live in until they died, and the traitors in Washington D.C. sent ten times that to the cross-dressing gay satanist Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine . . .

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
1 December, 2023 7:51 pm

Ok, Mr. Spangle. So what that the US cabal of Jews and their cronies eat of our substance for their benefit? We cannot control that. What we can control is what is within our reach within the National Alliance and then there’s what you personally control. My point had to do with growing resources and resourceful men and women to contribute to our goals of Alliance building. What is it that you are doing besides repeating that Volodymyr Zelensky is a Jew and a degenerate?

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Nathaniel
27 October, 2023 2:46 am

 Both sides are espousing universalist ideologies that are incompatible with true European values. Yes, there are plenty of genuine racial nationalists in Ukraine but they have very limited influence on wider society. The problem is that Jews in Ukraine fully control all major media. The state censorship that was imposed because of war greatly simplifies unification of propaganda. We simply cannot have positive attitude toward the country run by Jews and spreading virulent Jewish lies on all issues. The war in Gaza has exposed the extent of Jewish infiltration of Ukrainian society. Ukraine could remain neutral on this issue (it must have remained neutral; it has no reason to express support or hostility to anyone). Instead, it chose to ardently affiliate itself with Jewish cause. And there is no pushback… Read more »

25 October, 2023 5:06 pm

Also worth considering (auto-translates into English):

26 October, 2023 8:05 pm

“I don’t think that there is any way to prevent this. And I don’t think that we need to prevent it. The logic of events must complete its circle. Jews will destroy themselves.
Our task is to survive in this chaos and to preserve enough people and social structure in order that we may re-establish White civilization after the nuclear ash settles.”

It may sound strange, but I found this article very reassuring. It’s a pleasant change of pace from all the typical doom & gloom I’ve been reading from various other JP-savvy sources.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  KB
27 October, 2023 3:05 am

Yes, it is better now when all those problems that were accumulated for decades start to surface. No one can ignore them anymore. Mass migration, Chinese drive for global dominance, Jewish insane anti-human agenda, the key importance of racial and ethnic identities. All those issues yet 20 years ago were non-existent among wider public. Now, the reality starts to regain its place. The delusions of “happy” 1950es-60es are gone. Back then people thought that everything would become progressively better; that the whole planet will become some kind of paradise where everyone is free, equal and rich. Hardly anyone believes this nonsense now. But, certainly, the price for this lesson is high. The whole European civilization had to be destroyed before mainstream simpletons started to understand something. Definitely, we live in… Read more »

Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
28 November, 2023 9:09 am

Judeo-Messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for almost two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only reinforced the old Jewish narrative. They are the same ideals. The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, in our universities, and above us the streets have ended up reducing our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride to its minimal expression. Jewish bankers have flooded Europe with Muslims and America with third world scum. . . Exile as a punishment for those who preach sedition should be reinstated within the legal framework of the West. . . Judaism, Christianity and Islam… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
29 November, 2023 3:38 am

Yes, it is the key fact. Communism and liberalism are mental offshoots of Christianity. What we now have is the long-term result of Christian domination.

Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Reply to  KB
28 November, 2023 9:00 am

Eine Sturm kommt . . . Aus der Asche der alten Welt, entzündet sich eine neue Flamme . . . Unsere Welt wird brennen, die Angst und Zweifel werden im Feuer untergehen.

Leute dummerweise denken, dass die Germanen nur in Deutschland zu finden sind . . . Ich habe Neuigkeiten für Sie . . . Sobald die NATO Besatzer vertrieben werden, wir eine weitere Nacht der langen Messer haben . . .

ϟϟ Meine Ehre heißt Treue ϟϟ

27 October, 2023 11:59 pm

As I said at the beginning of Putin’s folly:  He could open the archives and destroy the Holy Hoax and the myth of German villainy overnight.   That would shake Jewish power off its foundations and give the white race, the other “goyim”, and even spiritually long lost Russia a good chance to win freedom without the full horror you envision.   Instead he strives to enforce Jew lies even harder — pausing only to whine how whites and jews don’t appreciate how Russia “saved” humanity from those “ebil notsees”. I appreciate the slender hope embodied in your article but believe there is no hope at all in following, or siding with proven anti-white liars. Nothing from nothing will leave less than nothing. The gods are sick of lies, lies… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  b.smith
28 October, 2023 8:25 pm

I agree with your sentiments. Some differences in how we see the events are inevitable. We don’t need to have uniform ideas on everything. I don’t advocate for necessity of nuclear war but I suppose that it is inevitable. All indicators point in this direction. In any case, it is better to prepare for the worst case. Everyone of our people must have some land property in remote areas (as far as possible from urban centers and military bases) where to go if the big war starts. Certainly, all such preparations are better to do with a group of likeminded people. There is no way to survive alone. There is no one state now that in any way defends the interests of the White race. We must altogether withdraw our… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
29 October, 2023 2:07 pm

Wolf, I agree that: “…the Jewish globalist system, if not destroyed, will destroy everything.” I believe that without the global nuclear war, and without the destruction of the “West” (and all the white people of various qualities residing there), we will survive and ultimately secure the 14 words — for sure. With the “tossup” (or flipping the game table), of allowing the Jews to realize their long held fantasy of a “Goyim East” vs. “Goyim West” mutual destruction nuclear third world war. There is some chance that we will survive and secure the 14 words, but also a real chance that the “tide of color” will wipe us out — or even that the Jews might even get their imagined outcome of they alone ruling the wreckage of the world.… Read more »

Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle
Reply to  b.smith
28 November, 2023 9:14 am

❝From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!❞

Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
29 October, 2023 2:18 pm

comment image

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Douglas Mercer
30 October, 2023 2:01 am

Good picture; I will upload it to my vk page

Douglas Mercer
Douglas Mercer
29 October, 2023 10:18 pm

comment image

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Douglas Mercer
1 November, 2023 3:02 am

The best illustration of the true hierarchy in America

9 November, 2023 12:51 am

I don’t think we should worry about the war between Palestine and Israel, that is between them and nothing to do with us, for both parties are against us all. This conflict is just that, a conflict, just like the Ukraine conflict. If we are truly kinsman than we should be for our kin, not Palestinians or Israel. You are all my beloved people, but this inner fighting amongst is as bad as the Palestinians and jews, they are all brothers and look how they fight. They are not my brothers, you are all my brothers, don’t take neither side, let them fight if that’s what they want.

16 November, 2023 8:08 pm

Blood thirsty neo Bolshevik Russia? Seriously. Other than that the author stays on the right course

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Shadwell
16 November, 2023 10:36 pm

It appears you’ve never been educated in how the Putin regime is trying his hand at reviving the Soviet Union. Wolf Stoner is an actual eyewitness there in Russia and knows a considerable amount about what is actually going on. His reports from that area aren’t exaggerated, especially the hostility that regime has for pro-Whites of any variety, including imprisonment for our views. Take Mr. Stoner seriously, even the neo-Bolshevist part.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
17 November, 2023 1:00 am

Thank you, Jim. You put it perfectly well.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Shadwell
17 November, 2023 1:04 am

Yes it is it. I understand that you would like to have an ideal on the shining hill but it is not the case. Putin’s Russia is the continuation of the Soviet Union with all its worst traits. I would put it even this way: Putin’s Russia is the Soviet Union minus industry. Putin’s system was wonderfully capable of stripping all real industrial potential of this country and to transform it into a raw-materials adjunct of China.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Shadwell
17 November, 2023 1:38 am

Here is one example of Putin’s ideas:
He could enroll for BLM press-secretary position after he loses his current job.

Reply to  Shadwell
26 November, 2023 7:59 pm

yes.. putin is a zio shill schekelstein,. he destroyed the far-right in Russia.. and has let 30% muslims in Russia.. shows that putins is not on our side..

25 April, 2024 3:53 am

I was a strong supporter of Zelensky during the first years of the Ukrainian war, even though I knew he was a Jewish impostor. I loved Azov battalion and I was ready to go from Iran to Ukraine. But now I understand that Putin and Zelensky conspired to start a show war.
How many Jews were killed in the war in Ukraine??!
The majority of victims were definitely white.