Israel and US Zionists Want US-Iran War
ACCORDING TO Robert Creamer, writing in the Huffington Post, Netanyahu’s recent speech before Congress was one facet of a plan to foment a war between the US and Iran:
The plan for the speech was hatched by Boehner and the Israeli ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer — a former Republican political operative. (ILLUSTRATION: Benjamin Netanyahu and Ron Dermer)
Boehner apparently hoped to score partisan political points by undercutting support for President Obama and Democrats among pro-Israeli Americans….
But Boehner, Dermer and Netanyahu also have another, even more destructive goal. They hope to tube the negotiations and prevent the potential agreement with Iran — and with it, the hope that Iran can be prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon without a war.
In fact, precisely the same crowd of neocon foreign policy hawks that led America into the tragic War in Iraq is behind the current attempt to launch a war with Iran.
The fact is that if America and the rest of the world cannot negotiate an agreement with Iran that prevents that country from obtaining a nuclear weapon, it will be left with two bad options: either accept a nuclear Iran, or launch another war in the Middle East.
The neocon crowd — including Netanyahu — claims that they want us to impose even tougher sanctions. And they insist that Iran agree to terms that they know would never be accepted by the Tehran government. That’s because they don’t want a negotiated deal; they want the U.S. to launch a military strike against Iran that would effect “regime change.” This is exactly the same line of argument that led the U.S. into the Iraq quagmire.
The Iraq War kicked over the sectarian hornet’s nest in the Middle East and created the conditions that ultimately spawned al-Qaeda in Iraq — which didn’t exist before the U.S. invasion. And al-Qaeda in Iraq subsequently morphed into the Islamic State, which is now terrorizing millions of Iraqis and Syrians.
The War in Iraq killed and maimed thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. It created millions of refugees, cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars, and sullied America’s reputation around the world.
Finally, the War in Iraq massively strengthened the strategic position of Iran.
The War in Iraq was the worst foreign policy disaster in half a century. Yet unbelievably, the neocons who promoted it are back….
In fact, of course, they were not only dead wrong about the policy, and dead wrong when they argued that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and an ongoing nuclear program.
When Americans listen to Netanyahu… they should remember another round of testimony that he made to a congressional committee in 2002. The testimony took place in between his stints as Israeli Prime Minister. He was billed to the committee as a “foreign policy expert.”
Netanyahu testified that “there is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing toward the development of nuclear weapons — no question whatsoever.”
He went on to say, “Saddam is hell-bent on achieving nuclear capabilities as soon as he can.”
He advocated a preemptive strike against Iraq, arguing that the only way to prevent Iraq from developing a nuclear weapon — and other weapons of mass destruction — was regime change.
His position mirrored Bush’s National Security Advisor Condi Rice’s famous statement that if we wait for a “smoking gun,” it may be a mushroom cloud.
Of course, Netanyahu and Rice — as well as Bush and Cheney and the whole neocon chorus – were wrong. After the invasion of Iraq, the U.S. never found weapons of mass destruction of any sort, nor did we find an active nuclear weapons program.
American troops were not welcomed as “liberators” as Cheney had predicted. The war did not, as Bush advisor Paul Wolfowitz claimed it would, end in months. And reconstruction was not, as they argued, paid for entirely by oil revenues from Iraq.
The Bush administration was irate when its own treasury secretary testified that the war would cost as much as $200 billion. Oh, no, much, much less, they said. In fact, according to a 2013 study released by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, the total cost as of that date was $1.7 trillion. The study also found that counting an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades, counting interest. Astounding.
Everything about their predictions and the policy they supported were proven empirically wrong — and now they have the audacity to propose doing it all over again.
Sitting behind Netanyahu at his 2002 testimony to Congress was the young Ron Dermer, now the Israeli ambassador.
And it is worth noting that one of the top foreign policy staff for the House Republican leadership is Robert Story Karem, who worked for Dick Cheney when he was Vice President and the chief architect of the War in Iraq.
Netanyahu has always opposed a nuclear deal with Iran. In November 2013, when the U.S. and other powers signed the interim deal freezing Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for the elimination of a few selected sanctions, Netanyahu said the deal was the “deal of the century for Iran” — and would not stop Iran’s nuclear program.
In fact, the agreement has led to massive increases in transparency about the Iran civilian nuclear program, and its terms appear to have been strictly adhered to.
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News Article Source: Huffington Post