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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

The state is a means, not an end. And even your own state, if it defective or unnatural, can be a deadly enemy. by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent MAINSTREAM PEOPLE TEND to overestimate the role of the state. This is especially the case in societies with centuries-long totalitarian…
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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

Understanding today’s state of chaos; and finding a way forward for our race in the midst of state-destroying war by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural…
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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…
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EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces. In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of…
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EssaysGuest opinionNewsWolf Stoner

by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent LET US NOW consider some of Vladimir Putin’s remarks in his recent speech dedicated to the annexation of the new territories. The Kremlin’s strategists are more capable than their military colleagues. Putin’s use of historical examples of America’s…
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EssaysGuest opinionNewsWolf Stoner

Russian Army vehicles still have that 1940s-1960s look. by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent EVENTS OF THE LAST month show signs of an acceleration in the developing situation in Ukraine. It is as yet difficult to say exactly where we are headed, but it is clear that some major geopolitical rearrangement…
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Andrew HamiltonEssays

by Andrew Hamilton MY INTEREST in events in Russia and Ukraine centers on their impact on White survival and Jewish power. By “Jewish power” I mean the totalitarian Left generally, including the US and other governments of the ex-West. In other words, the term encompasses cooperative and loyal goyim
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