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“Anti-Fascist” Russia: No Way Out
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent ALL THE NEGATIVE tendencies in Russia that I wrote about in my previous articles continue to get worse. The Kremlin gang has made its principle policy the re-establishment of a Stalinist-like system. No criticism of its actions is allowed. Speaking…
The World War Is Coming
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces. In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces. In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of…
War in Europe: A Call for Neutrality
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent FIRST LET ME STATE the main guiding principle from which all my deliberations here follow: Racial identity is supreme factor that defines everything else; ethnic and cultural identity are secondary factors. That means that narrow national…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent FIRST LET ME STATE the main guiding principle from which all my deliberations here follow: Racial identity is supreme factor that defines everything else; ethnic and cultural identity are secondary factors. That means that narrow national…
Russia: the Bloody Insanity of “We Can Repeat” — part 2
Soviet Field Marshal Zhukov, who once said of sending large numbers of his own troops to certain death, “Why spare them? Russian women will give birth to yet more.” by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 1 HAVING LEARNED ABOUT Soviet methods of warfare, one can’t…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 1 HAVING LEARNED ABOUT Soviet methods of warfare, one can’t…
Russia: the Bloody Insanity of “We Can Repeat” — part 1
You say that a good cause will even sanctify war! I tell you, it is the good war that sanctifies every cause!
– Nietzsche by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 2 HUMAN NATURE presupposes conflict. The phenomenon of life itself is impossible without conflict and constant realignment…
– Nietzsche by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 2 HUMAN NATURE presupposes conflict. The phenomenon of life itself is impossible without conflict and constant realignment…
Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’
A DELEGATION FROM Ukraine’s Azov Regiment visited Israel in recent days, meeting with officials and IDF reservists and speaking about the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. The delegation arrived in Israel on Thursday and was led by Azov officer Ilya Samoilenko, one of the soldiers who…
“Fighting Nazis” on Both Sides
The influential “Russian” media figure, Vladimir Solovyov, is actually a Jew. The Jewish media’s role in shaping public perception of the war in Ukraine by Wolf Stoner THE ONGOING WAR IN Ukraine has yet again clearly exposed the Jewish minority’s malicious influence in…
The Jewish Hand in World War Three
Despite the trappings, Zelensky is no more Ukrainian than my cat. Free speech versus catastrophe by Thomas Dalton, PhD. THANKS TO THE ONGOING conflict in Ukraine, we indeed seem to be rushing headlong into a major war—possibly a World War Three, possibly the world’s first (and perhaps last) nuclear…
Tony Blair’s Favorite Oligarch Hit by Sanctions
Vladimir Putin and Moshe Kantor during an ‘international forum’ that Kantor sponsored on the 60th anniversary of the Soviet ‘liberation’ of Auschwitz Britain’s corrupt ex-PM and ‘Holocaust’ lobby under scrutiny AS FAR BACK as 27th February we raised questions about former UK Prime Minister…
Jew Businessman Paid for Swastika Graffiti in Ukraine Before Russia Invaded
An oligarch with Russian ties reportedly paid Ukrainian locals to spray-paint swastikas around the city of Kharkiv in the months leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. IN A REPORT, Rolling Stone cited multiple sources that identify the oligarch behind the alleged plot as Pavel Fuks, a Jewish-Ukrainian…