EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

Russia: the Bloody Insanity of “We Can Repeat” — part 1

You say that a good cause will even sanctify war! I tell you, it is the good war that sanctifies every cause!
– Nietzsche

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent
read part 2

HUMAN NATURE presupposes conflict. The phenomenon of life itself is impossible without conflict and constant realignment of forces. Even from his cradle, a baby cries and asserts his demands to the outside world. Having learned to crawl, he starts to pick fights with other toddlers. The urge to compete with peers is an inbuilt quality. Growing children become more competitive as they age. In adulthood, that spirit is realized in all kinds of activities, starting from business and professional rivalry between individuals and going all the way up to wars between states.

If competition is normal, then when do those conflicts cross the line and become something counterproductive and abnormal? On an individual level it is obvious: If a child mercilessly kicks his siblings because of some trifling dispute about toys, that is abnormal. The parents need to pay close attention and rectify the behavior of their child.

In international relations, the same rules apply. The only difference is that there is no supreme authority that can adjudicate the dispute. Therefore, the leaders themselves must exercise the supreme responsibility in arranging their affairs according to the true long-term needs of their nations.

The greatest catastrophe of the last century happened when the ruling classes of Europe failed to evaluate correctly the true long-term interests of their respective nations and started a bloody fight for petty reasons.

Since then, the situation has become much worse. Now, none of the ruling classes in White countries represent the interests of their nations. And if the ruling class doesn’t care about the people it governs, it is sure to look upon them as expendable cattle, or as inanimate economic units which can easily be replaced by any other units.

The first state to adopt this attitude was the USSR. From the very start, the Bolsheviks were ready to kill as many people as necessary to achieve their political ends. This strategy brought some short-term successes, but in the long run it exhausted the Russian population so much that its vital forces couldn’t be restored. That is the main problem with cannibalistic ideas like Marxism. By ruse and threat they can accelerate the exploitation of the productive forces of a society, but they abuse the people so much that their powers are rapidly dissipated and the whole society becomes an empty shell; only the wily sycophants remain, together with the lowly drunken creatures at the very bottom, who are so useless and non-threatening to any political system that they always survive social tsunamis. The socioeconomic decline of the USSR from the 1960s through the 1980s can be explained by this process of social exhaustion. The most valuable people were simply expended in wars and insane industrial projects; the most creative and independent-minded were intentionally annihilated as potentially dangerous to the system.

This is one of the main traits of any tyrannical system. At the very start, it can achieve greater results than traditional society, but soon it exhausts its human potential and slumps down in disgrace. The situation is even more aggravated when the tyranny is exercised by a small alien ethnic group over an ethnic majority. In that case, the rulers have even less incentive to preserve the human capital of the subjugated population. On the contrary: Such a tyranny wants to extract maximum gains in the shortest time because later the power dynamics of the situation could change.

It must be acknowledged that the Bolsheviks were very successful in creating a system enabling the most efficient extraction of value combined with annihilation of masses of people deemed a threat to the state’s alien overlords. The social mechanism started by them was unique in many ways. Its main feature was that the immediate executors of this cannibalistic program were part of the ethnic majority, too. The worst elements of society were picked up, empowered, and used against the better part of society. This thorough transformation of Russian society essentially annihilated its traditional ethnic identity. It was replaced by an artificial set of attributes. The natural urges of men were redirected into different channels better suiting the needs of the rulers. The basic urge of asserting ethnic identity was replaced with “Soviet patriotism”; the lack of substance was compensated for by an aggressive emotional exultation, stoked by ubiquitous propaganda.

This substitution was very effective. The majority of Russians accepted this fake Soviet patriotism as a replacement for true ethnic loyalty. This helped the Soviets win the Second World War. Afterward, the Soviet system continued to exploit natural social forces by redirecting them into perverted channels, but it didn’t last long. Such false systems are doomed. They are not self-sustainable; they annihilate the very foundation on which they try to erect their “eternal” structure. By denying the people their true identity and by denying biological reality itself, these systems smother the main sources of prosperity in any society. Men can’t be creative and productive if the satisfaction of their most basic spiritual needs is denied. And the need to have an ethnic community with its distinct identity is the most basic spiritual need of all; all else becomes useless if this is denied.

The successor state to the USSR, the Russian Federation, has inherited the whole set of ideological dogmas of its predecessor. And even though, in the first decade after the Soviet collapse, the Kremlin was compelled to lay low and diminish its pressure on society, Putin’s ascent to power signified a restoration of the ruling class. Everyone at the top wanted to return to the “old good days” when the USSR dictated its will to half of the world. This supposed “greatness” had nothing at all to do with Russian ethnic interests. Quite the contrary; it was based on the most brutal enslavement of ethnic Russians. Russians were supposed to work, fight, and die for the sake of a privileged and largely alien minority.

In order to make the Russian masses obey the system, the most intricate and devious brainwashing was employed. The idea of “Soviet patriotism” was at the core of this brainwashing. The trick was to invoke the people’s innate ethnic feelings, but redirect them into completely different channels. The best example of this trick is the Eisenstein movie Alexander Nevsky in which the whole setting is made in such a way as to appeal to Russian identity. But after that is done, the image of the main enemy is shown in all its “Satanic” glory — the image of Germans “who want to annihilate Russians” and “devour their lands.” That is the main trick: to evoke true ethnic feelings, but at the suitable moment present a totally false image of the enemy. This psychological mechanism is very simple, but effective. Almost all Soviet propaganda was built on this method. So, the ethnic Russians were inculcated with this kind of “patriotism” for more than half a century. It has become a part of their collective identity.

In the late Soviet Union, Soviet patriotism markedly eroded; its obvious falsehoods becoming too apparent to all. At the end of the 1980s, the prevalent attitude about the Soviet “patriotic” narrative was a sarcastic smile. But after a decade of economic depredations of alien oligarchs under the new “democracy,” people in Russia started to perceive the very idea of political pluralism as something inherently bad. In comparison to the chaos of the 1990s, the Brezhnev-era Soviet Union started to seem like a paradise lost. The new rulers in the Kremlin played on those feelings when they started their restoration drive in the early 2000s. The gullible masses couldn’t see that, under the trademark of Brezhnev’s “cheap sausages,” the most atrocious form of Stalinism was smuggled into power. And Soviet-style “patriotism” was at the core of this restoration.

One of the defining features of Putin’s Russia is its ever-growing patriotic frenzy. State propaganda has done its utmost to inflame the general public with the idea of “restoring our greatness.” All means have been used to this end. It is one of the few fields in which the Russian state has been really successful and efficient. (Everything else turned out to be a sham.) The modern Russian propaganda machine is even more effective and multifaceted than it was in Soviet times. And it is definitely much more diverse and flexible. In contrast to Soviet propaganda, modern Russian propaganda is not constrained by any fixed ideology. It tries to use all ideological strains to its advantage. The secret services actively co-opt people from all political movements. Anyone is acceptable to the FSB — be it communists, anarchists, liberals, monarchists, or even some Hollywood “nazis” — but only so long as they are useful.

The main distinctive trait of the Putinist state is its practicality, which has been refined to the level of a high art. The system doesn’t actually care at all about any kind of moral considerations, yet always plays the role of the supreme moral authority of the world. This mentality allows the system to lie on any issue, to pretend innocence after committing any crime, and to assert that the blood on its hands is nothing more than cranberry juice. Maria Zakharova and Sergei Lavrov are the most prominent actors in this theater. The art of being a virgin-prostitute is something very special, psychologically. It requires one to earn money by prostitution, while at the same time honestly believing and actively asserting that one is a true virgin. No one in the world can compare in this regard to modern Russian statesmen. Even weathered Washington political scoundrels blush when faced with yet another spate of the Kremlin’s nonsense.

Some people even assert that the Kremlin’s rulers have gone mad. But that is not the case. They know their trade well. They understood long ago that what really matters is perception of reality, not reality itself. They act like a Michael Corleone-type character in a restaurant. It doesn’t matter whether everyone saw him shoot two men; what really matters is the manipulation of perception afterward. The Kremlin’s denial of the MH-17 episode is almost an exact analogy. It is the same tactic, but applied on a different level.

They play this game constantly. They know that, even when exposed, there are enough buffoons or fellow-criminals to vociferously parrot the Kremlin’s version of events. And in some cases it is enough to present the whole affair as a controversy, instead of an obvious crime. “Everyone has his own opinion,” “it is a murky business,” “each side has its own truth.” They even encourage all kinds of insane theories about extraterrestrials, evil spirits, and paranormal phenomena that purport to explain such events. Anything will do if it helps to distract the public’s attention and to muddy the waters. It is not a coincidence that Putin and his inner circle have an organized crime background. They are experts in evading public scrutiny and investigations.

I mentioned these facts in order to set the scene; to show the extent to which the perception of reality is skewed in Russia. The people have lost sight of any true beacons of truth, any measuring scales that would allow them to correctly evaluate ongoing events. It is an Alice in Wonderland world where everything is possible and everything can be justified. Even smashing a man’s head with a hammer on camera is officially lauded as a “triumph of justice.” Any atrocities are allowed here as long as they serve the interests of the ruling gang. The whole country has been transformed into one huge prison camp. To tell the truth, this transformation happened a hundred years ago — but three decades ago the fence of this prison was partially destroyed, some gates were opened, and the regime weakened. Now, though, the old-school bosses are again in the saddle and the system is restored.

In this article, I want to touch on one particular aspect of this system: its total insensitivity to human life — or, to be more precise, to life itself in any form. The only lives that matter to the ruling gang are their own. Everyone else is considered a disposable commodity. This is a continuation of the same mentality that was established when Marxism became the regime’s official ideology. Such a vision of the world emerges naturally from communist ideology. If all bipedal creatures are equal, and any of them can easily be replaced by other such creatures, then there is no need to value any of them. The famous phrase of Soviet Soviet Marshal Zhukov — “Why spare them? Russian women will give birth to yet more” — perfectly encapsulates this outlook. To Zhukov, everyone around him was expendable.

The Soviet Union waged its wars according to this underlying mentality. The human cost was never an issue. The leadership’s only worry was how to conceal the true number of deaths from foreign observers in order to avoid spoiling the holy image of the “worker’s state.” The level to which human life was devalued in the USSR is unprecedented in history. Even the Aztecs valued it more. Little wonder that now, with the state run by former KGB operatives, this mentality is bearing all its evil fruits. The only difference today is that, in the age of information and instant communication, the concealment of facts has become more difficult. The heaps of corpses of Russian soldiers strewn on the battlefield today can be seen by anyone who cares to look on the Internet. Yes, the Kremlin denies everything (as usual), but these denials can’t disprove real images.

Those who are interested in military history are well aware of the Soviet methods of conducting a war. There are many eyewitness testimonies of what really happened in those days, but those testimonies are rarely buttressed by photos or films. This allows the system to deny all such information as lies and “distortion of history.” Everything that contradicts the official Russian fairy tale about World War 2 is proclaimed a “distortion of history” nowadays. They have even started to deny, once again, the mass killings of Polish officers at Katyn. Nearly the whole of Russian society now is in denial, both of the past and of the present. Everyone who dares to speak about it is automatically designated as an enemy.

To be continued

read part 2

* * *

Source: Author

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Adolf Hitler on the Woman’s World

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9 March, 2023 6:54 am

My Cyrilic keyboard didn’t make the transition to the new ‘puter, so I have to use transliteration for now:
‘Zaxher’ means sugar in Russian, ‘lavrov’ means laurel.
Putin’s mother’s maiden name was Shalomov.
No one has gotten into any kind of power position in the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, Ukraine or any of the former Soviet republics who doesn’t either belong or at least kowtow to the Jewish-Georgian-Armenian mafia.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Wolfgang
13 March, 2023 4:50 am

Yes, essentially, it is true. Jews and Armenians are disproportionately overrepresented in governmental agencies and in privileged social positions. But the main problem is even deeper. The bulk of ethnic Russians were reprogrammed and made in the image of their masters. Therefore, now the main problem not even those real Jews and other non-Russians but these proselytes who are even more eager to serve alien interests than aliens themselves. It is similar with what is going on in other White countries.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
14 March, 2023 7:04 am

Meanwhile, in what we thought was the free world, Civicucks continue to cling to their belief in muhRussia as some kind of ‘White Nationalist Homeland’ and Putin as the ‘savior of Europe’…….

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
15 March, 2023 3:14 pm

You guys, Wolf and Wolfgang, you must be twins. You are singing here in perfect duet. Why don’t you guys wake up and leave the Russians to live in a country of their own design, and choosing (for a while at least, huh)? Whatever the Russians are doing, it must be 100x better than your compatriots have done in the last 50 years with the United States, and Western Europe where miscegenation is running rampant, and the collective IQ & physical attractiveness of both sexes are plunging down like falling bricks…. Don’t believe me – you are intelligent dudes, you have for sure walked the streets of Saint Petersburg, and Moscow, can you compare them with the streets of New York, Philadelphia or Hamburg, Germany (Stadtmitte)? Where can you see more… Read more »

Reply to  Wolfgang
13 March, 2023 4:55 pm

“transliteration”? Wow….. Wolfgang, let’s assume that you are German and I am Russian. You posses brilliant technical mind & skills and I am in possession of all elements of the Periodic table in limitless quantities. We both have beautiful, blue eyed wifes and children. We have about 50 years ahead before both of our countries are runned over, and ruined by immigrants from the so called “global south”. Afterwards our countries would be taken over by multiracial chaos. The dream for Space exploration, and eventually leaving this planet will be lost forever for the average IQ in both of our countries will dive down to 85 while the minimum to only maintain Civilization is 95. Question: What would be better for you and your family, to be my friend or… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
9 March, 2023 3:46 pm

That is the main trick: to evoke true ethnic feelings, but at the suitable moment present a totally false image of the enemy.

This was done very shortly after in America as well, in order to whip up war fury in the population that had, at the start, been very reluctant to even consider another “Great War”. “Save the Jews!” was at best a tertiary concern; most recruits were roped in with promises that Hitler planned to invade New York, take over the world, and if we didn’t stop him then all good red-blooded Americans would be forced to do Hitler salutes and speak German.
You still run into this thinking in some of the older generations.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Art Thief
13 March, 2023 4:42 am

Yes, this vile scoundrel Roosevelt lied to America by saying that Germany had a plan to invade USA. Mark Weber spoke on this issue on many occasions.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
14 March, 2023 7:29 am

Even an invasion of Britain (‘Operation Sea Lion’) was never really on the table, they knew perfectly well that the massively underpowered Kriegsmarine didn’t stand a chance against the Rothschild, erm, ‘Royal’ Navy. They also didn’t force anyone else to learn German, why would they have forced the Brits ? Hitler’s fondest wish was an ALLIANCE with Britain, a united Europe against Bolshevism. Imagine that: All the Germanic and Celtic countries – Germany, Britain, Netherlands, Ireland, Scandinavia as one: the highest concentration of the most capable people on the planet. I often wonder what might have happened if little Ireland had taken advantage of the golden opportunity to finally get out from under the Rothschild empire for good and sided with Germany. That would have made bombing civilians in the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Wolfgang
14 March, 2023 9:12 am

To establish an ALLIANCE among the White tribes and nations in the past is now beyond our capabilities, obviously. What we do with the future, building a new order, consciousness, and people is within our grasp now. Let’s not waste opportunity or our lives on the plans of Jews and their cronies.

13 March, 2023 4:34 pm

The Autor didn’t bother to explain the REASONS for the current conflict between NATO and Russia. What did the ONLY country of the white people on this planet do to the USA to so gravely offend it to warrant a “war to the end”. Only don’t start babbling about “freedom” and “democracy” and “Ukraine”. For the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs are one and the same – Russians. What does the Autor have against the Russians? Or perhaps the Author himself belong to the permanently offended tribe of Victoria Nuland?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Edelweiss
13 March, 2023 10:38 pm

Patience, Mr. Edelweiss. Part 2, as the author has mentioned, is coming soon.

As what has already been said on the topic of the racially fratricidal war between Russia and Ukraine, the fruits of that slaughter are the proof of its intent: killing White men in large numbers in a short period of time.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
14 March, 2023 7:31 am

…and driving White women towards non-White men, such as the ‘migrant’ hordes present in western Europe and even Ukraine itself, because Hungary and Poland won’t let them in (yet).

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Edelweiss
14 March, 2023 2:06 am

There is no Russia. There is USSR. Come here, if you like, and look yourself. The problem is that RT propaganda was very effective. Millions of gullible conservatives in the West believe this whole nonsense about “traditional values” resurgent Russia. It is all fake; even more fake than “American democracy”. Nothing has changed of substance in this country since 1991. Yet one very important point: Russia is half non-White and rapidly becomes Asian-majority. And Putin’s rule was instrumental in this transformation. Jews dominate Russian finance, media and culture; they have disproportionately high presence in governmental agencies. Therefore, leave out your delusions about Russia and be realistic. We need to dismantle the whole post-WW2 system. The two principal blocks on which it is held are USA and Russia/USSR. The sooner they… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
15 March, 2023 2:36 pm

Dear Wolf Stoner, your articles seem obsessed with USSR and, please forgive me, but that is leading you, and your readers on a completely erroneous path. It would be a good idea to step back and re-examine the issue. Your view seems to be that National Socialist Germany-good; USSR – bad. That view was and it continues to be deadly for the white race. Would you be so kind to research the following possibility: USSR – good (for the Russian people for a period of time) Nazi Germany – BETTER, much better (for all white people for a long time). You do appreciate the difference, right? Hitler and Stalin should have NEVER EVER FOUGHT EACH OTHER. There are many reasons for that but please research one reason only – both… Read more »

Reply to  Edelweiss
16 March, 2023 2:45 pm

Dear Edelweiss, in my humble opinion Mr. Stoner concluded from the tragic history of Russia that our White Christian Russian people have turned into a cartoon gathering of zombies with a death cult. Yes, we will never forget that more than 20 million Russians died during the war with Germany. And most of them were civilians. In the West, in America and Europe, traditional values are being taken away from millions of white people. They have no one to hope except for white Christian Russia. Ethnic Russian majority tragedy in the USSR was that the ruling class in the USSR was not Russian and it is mainly so in the current Russian Federation. They were not and are not Russians either ethnically, psychologically, or culturally. I would like the author… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Victor
17 March, 2023 4:14 am

If you want to be taken seriously, answer the 10 questions. If you don’t agree with those facts, you have nothing to do here; go to Alex Jones or Breitbart; there you will find your mental brethren that loves Putin and vilifies Hitler. 

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Edelweiss
17 March, 2023 4:19 am

First of all, speaking about how it is bad that whites kill whites in Ukraine, don’t forget who started the war. There was no immediate justification to invade Ukraine in the first place. Ukrainian military was not ready for war. This war is of Kremlin’s choosing (even if clandestinely urged by China), therefore, the whole weight of responsibility lays with RF leadership. Let’s operate with hard facts, not figments of imagination and RT propaganda. If you pity so much the killed white people, look at what Putin’s thugs did with tens of cities and hundreds of villages. It is a rerun of what their ancestors did 78 years ago.   The second point: any notions about Stalin being “anti-Semite” or “pro-Russian” or even some kind of “Russian nationalist” are unacceptable.… Read more »

Reply to  Edelweiss
15 March, 2023 11:40 am

Don’t listen to Mr.Stoner, Edelweiss, we are Russia, not the USSR. Maybe the political elite are the old commies, but not the people. A great wave of awakening has struck the entire world, it is a sign of an end of the Kali Yuga, the dark ages. People all over the world dropping alcohol and nicotine addictions, and choose popular nowadays healthy way of life, including Russia. All of my friends aren’t drinking alcohol or smoke. One of them is even doing sports: snowboard, swimming, running e.t.c. I do a lot of sports myself. These type of people are easier to be seduced into essoteric Hitlerism or National-Socialism. But it must be russophilic National-Socialism, because we have to have a faith in our own people not in pure, loaf doctrines.… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
16 March, 2023 3:22 am

I propose to all those supposed national-socialists from Russia who praise Putin and support his war against Ukraine the following questions. They must answer each of the questions one way or another, yes or no, without hair-splitting. 1.      Adolf Hitler was the only political leader in known history who openly stated racial priorities; therefore, by default, he is the symbol of the whole White racial movement from then onwards. YES or NO? 2.      USSR was preparing to invade Europe and had established greatest military force in the world for this task. German strike in June 1941 was a preventive measure in order to save Europe. YES or NO? 3.      Soviet troops committed countless number of war crimes in Europe. Millions of rapes and murders of civilians, wholesale plunder and ethnic cleansing of some… Read more »

David Cavall
David Cavall
18 March, 2023 10:32 pm

The bottom line is this: Does Ukraine continue to resist until it becomes rubble and its jew leader leaves his bunker and the country with hundreds of millions stashed overseas?

19 March, 2023 1:41 pm

As a Russian nationalist/patriot, I can only answer YES to Mr. Stoner’s 6th question. I should note that, unfortunately, ALL ethnic political organizations are banned in Russia. The answers to other questions, especially those related to the personality of Hitler, the USSR and Ukraine – NO.
In my humble opinion, Mr. Stoner can be classified as one of the few pro-Ukrainian Russophobe liberals, and not as Russian nationalists/patriots living in Russia. Maybe Jew or another non-Russian person. I think it’s not easy for them to live in internal emigration. After all, no one prevents them from leaving our country. Similar endangered species are now accumulating in Ukraine, Europe or Israel. I just feel sorry for them.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Victor
20 March, 2023 2:07 pm

Victor: As a Russian nationalist/patriot, I can only answer YES to Mr. Stoner’s 6th question… The answers to other questions, especially those related to the personality of Hitler, the USSR and Ukraine – NO. In my humble opinion, Mr. Stoner can be classified as one of the few pro-Ukrainian Russophobe liberals, and not as Russian nationalists/patriots living in Russia. Maybe Jew or another non-Russian person… —  As one who styles himself s Russian nationalist/patriot you fail Mr. Stoner’s test with a score of 10% out of 100. Victor, you are new to National Vanguard, or you wouldn’t be speculating that Wolf may be a Jew or not even an ethnic Russian. He has made clear repeatedly, while disabusing Americans of their thinking Putin is a friend of White nationalists, that… Read more »