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A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 3
part 1
part 2 by Wolf Stoner Putin restored Russian greatness, he restored the Russian army, and he kicked out Jewish oligarchs. THIS PART OF David Duke’s claim, above, is ostensibly plausible to outsiders, but it too turns out to be defective upon closer examination. If someone were to judge Putin’s…
part 2 by Wolf Stoner Putin restored Russian greatness, he restored the Russian army, and he kicked out Jewish oligarchs. THIS PART OF David Duke’s claim, above, is ostensibly plausible to outsiders, but it too turns out to be defective upon closer examination. If someone were to judge Putin’s…

A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 2
part 1 by Wolf Stoner AS I ALREADY STATED, the main qualification of Putin’s Russia in the eyes of honest White people is its struggle against globalism. The immediate military aid to Assad in Syria and the supply of arms to Iran are the obvious facts in support of this perception. I fully concede on these…

Ukraine: National Police Demand Names of City’s Jews
The “offending” letter: Apparently, Jews should be immune from investigation, whether they are engaged in organized crime or not. Police officials, who always seem to know everyone’s address, should not, however, be allowed to know where Jews live. Very interesting. Demand…

It’s Mitzvah
David Frum by Douglas Mercer TUCKER CARLSON said he didn’t care about Ukraine, that if it came to it he’d root for Russia. And so he let slip the dogs of war. The American establishment lost its collective mind. Jewish David Frum had already said that Carlson’s nationalism did not…

The Death of Dov Eitan
by Robert Morgan IN FEBRUARY 2002, Eli M. Rosenbaum, boss of the witch-hunting Office of Special Investigations (OSI), a unit within the U.S. “Justice” Department’s Criminal Division, easily persuaded a pliant federal judge, Paul Ramon Matia (an appointee of the first President Bush), to once again…

The Genocide at Vinnitsa
by Dr. William L. Pierce IN THE MAY ISSUE of Free Speech, I discussed the mass murder of the leadership stratum of the Polish nation by the Soviet secret police in the Katyn Forest in April 1940. We discussed that genocidal atrocity in the light of the ongoing Jewish campaign to portray Jews as the principal…

Ukraine’s Largest Social Network and Email Providers Banned by Kiev, Along With 400 Other Companies
Massive ban by Jewish-dominated regime is supposedly to counter “Russian influence” UKRAINE is blacklisting the country’s most popular social network VKontakte, email provider Mail.Ru and a host of other companies — all because they’re Russian businesses.…

False Flags Abound
Those massive CIA and other “intelligence” agency budgets aren’t spent entirely on porn and prostitutes; expect more false flags in order to manipulate us into supporting the Jewish oligarchs’ wars. by Michael Walsh THE DOWNING of the Malaysian airliner MH17 over Ukraine…

The Genocide at Vinnitsa
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE SPOKE a few weeks ago about the mass murder of the leadership stratum of the Polish nation by the Soviet secret police in the Katyn Forest in April 1940. We discussed that genocidal atrocity in the light of the ongoing Jewish campaign to portray Jews as the principal victims…

Ukraine: US Snipers Now Operating in Donsetsk, Citizens Terrorized by Bombs, OSCE Observers Look the Other Way
LAST NIGHT was once more a night of terror for the civilian population of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk, and especially for those at the edge of the capital. (ILLUSTRATION: The flag of the Peoples Republic of Donetsk) “From 18:00 till midnight the Ukrainian side was shelling the localitites…