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Crisis in Ukraine: A Win for Putin’s Russia, or a Catastrophe for Us All?
It’s truly a crazy world these days. The pandemic. Runaway debt. The culture wars. Constant media lying. Institutional corruption. The war on Whites. Lawlessness, inflation, chaos. Systemic instability on a global scale. And now Cold War II? While I am no foreign policy or geopolitical expert…

by Wolf Stoner
Russian correspondent Introduction: Mr. Stoner, a Russian racial-nationalist and National Alliance member, has a unique perspective on eastern European affairs. In his recent series on Russia and Ukraine, he has shown us clearly that the Putin government is no friend of racial-nationalists,…
Russian correspondent Introduction: Mr. Stoner, a Russian racial-nationalist and National Alliance member, has a unique perspective on eastern European affairs. In his recent series on Russia and Ukraine, he has shown us clearly that the Putin government is no friend of racial-nationalists,…

Who Was Ukraine’s Stepan Bandera?
A report from Washington’s and London’s secret files by Peter Rushton Introduction: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted much ill-informed comment in nationalist circles. Many nationalists have chosen to believe an online fantasy world in which Vladimir Putin is really an…

Breaking the Stasis
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 March, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE were mostly sleeping during the last century, we’ve let our worst enemies turn our country…

Race Above All
Ukrainian folk dress by Douglas Mercer THE CONFUSING SITUATION IN Ukraine reminds us that ideologies, nations, borders, languages, empires and alliances can all shift like the sand. You can put them on or take them off like a mask, or change them at a moment’s notice, but the only enduring value, which…

Ukraine and Russia: Jewish Oligarchs Behind the Scenes
Zelensky and Putin: Apparent opponents, both have ties to Jewish oligarchs. IN A MOVE calculated to blur their ties to Russia amid rising anti-Russian mania, three Jewish oligarchs based in Russia have sent a small (for them) $10 million gift to Ukraine via a “charitable organization”…

NRM: Swedish National Council Member on the Ukraine War
Swedish National Council member Robert Eklund comments on the war in Ukraine. by Robert Eklund ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, we heard the news that Russia had launched a full-scale military attack against its neighbour Ukraine. The Russian President stated during the night that Russia is conducting military…

Instead of This
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 February, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom YOU KNOW, it’s hard not to be excited and braced by this war, a war in which the Victoria Neulands and Vlodimir Zelenskys…

A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 5
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part 4 by Wolf Stoner A FEW WORDS SHOULD be said about the supposed revival of morals and spiritual values in Russia under Putin’s rule. This idea has the same double-faceted nature as almost everything in Putin’s Russia. I can’t say that Putin’s state didn’t try to improve the…
part 2
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part 4 by Wolf Stoner A FEW WORDS SHOULD be said about the supposed revival of morals and spiritual values in Russia under Putin’s rule. This idea has the same double-faceted nature as almost everything in Putin’s Russia. I can’t say that Putin’s state didn’t try to improve the…

A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 4
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part 3 by Wolf Stoner NOW WE UNDERSTAND THE truth about these arguments: The idea that Putin is a glorious fighter against globalism is only partly true, while the second notion about Putin being a great savior of Russia is utterly false. Nevertheless, the Putinist system was very successful…
part 2
part 3 by Wolf Stoner NOW WE UNDERSTAND THE truth about these arguments: The idea that Putin is a glorious fighter against globalism is only partly true, while the second notion about Putin being a great savior of Russia is utterly false. Nevertheless, the Putinist system was very successful…