EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

War in Europe: A Call for Neutrality

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent

FIRST LET ME STATE the main guiding principle from which all my deliberations here follow: Racial identity is supreme factor that defines everything else; ethnic and cultural identity are secondary factors. That means that narrow national interests must never dominate our thinking, especially when these interests come into conflict with wider racial interests. This is the main lesson of both world wars. The inability of White people to see and understand their common racial interests led to civilizational disaster, the results of which we can see right now.

For most, this basic principle — the priority of racial interests over everything else — requires a thorough re-evaluation of all aspects of life, of all mental patterns and dogmas. Therefore, it inevitably leads to many conflicts — with other people, and also with your own long-established ideas and opinions. Such re-evaluation is a difficult task, yet it must be accomplished on the individual level by all those who choose to follow the path of Cosmotheist truth.

Race is the supreme and most obvious manifestation of Nature’s grand design — the Creator’s design; it is the codified blueprint of this design. All other aspects of life, all civilizational patterns, follow from this primary source: race. Therefore, the shortest and surest way to ultimate truth is through adoption of a Cosmotheist, racialist worldview. This automatically chops off all unnecessary and superficial trappings, and removes all the remaining mists and clouds of your old “mainstream” mentality.

But such a worldview is possible only for intellectually courageous people; for those who aren’t afraid to see reality in all its nakedness; for those who don’t fear being a minority among the vast unseeing crowds. Very few will dare to follow such a path. One advantage we have gained now, though, is that we no longer need to blaze this path by ourselves, utterly alone. We have been shown the path; it has been blazed for us; we have an example, an established pattern. The main achievement of Dr. William Luther Pierce was the discovery and development of this path, this mental pattern. He was the first to clearly and unambiguously define our racial and spiritual truths in their pure scientific form.

Therefore, our task is greatly simplified. We can build our work on his strong foundation. The whole blueprint has been created and given to us. The necessary ground for a new White civilization has been staked out and shown to us. Our task now consists in following this blueprint, correctly interpreting its precepts, and guarding all his staked-out landmarks, not allowing anyone to move them.

In part, this means always following our supreme racial interests, never deviating into a narrow ethnic interpretation of events. This approach is bound to put us in conflict with many ethnic nationalists who think according to more primitive, shortsighted patterns.

The path of truth is never an easy one. We must never be afraid to oppose the majority. Neither Bruno nor Copernicus were public favorites. The more elevated the truth you preach, the more opposition you will meet, both from the ignorant who see nothing — and from the enemy who knows we are right and hates us for it.

The majority of humans are too shortsighted and too lazy to accept or even understand deeper truths. Such truths lie beyond their mental scope. The hostility toward our views from our enemies, on the other hand, must be perceived as a sign of honor; as confirmation of our truth. If we were wrong, they would not bother to vilify us so virulently and obsessively.

You can engage in almost any insanity, and society would forgive you and look at you with understanding and compassion. But if you dare to go along the path of truth, and understand far more than the “mainstream” crowd and its herders, the System that employs the herders will never forgive or make any concessions to you. You instantly become the main enemy; you are someone who knows the main secret, and you are also someone who also possesses the supreme power; because knowledge is power.

Those who know the key idea in any situation automatically rise above all others. Ours is a pure power struggle. Our true understanding of Nature and of the true moving forces of society puts us in a superior position; and the System sees this — and hates it. That is why we are called, again and again, the “greatest danger” to the System. And that is true. That is why they do their utmost to vilify us and silence us.

The non-White masses and the masses of deluded, shortsighted Whites are not the main enemies for us; because to us they are nothing more than natural factors in the overall equation of Life. We don’t hate anyone, because we understand the natural place of all those people and social forces. That is why they are powerless against us. Their hatred breaks against our cold indifference. We cannot hate flies or mosquitos or even rats. We study them and find ways to negate their pernicious influence. But it would be unnatural for any higher being to hate more primitive life forms. When they call us “haters”, they project their own feelings; they suppose that we feel for them the same that they feel for us. They can’t even imagine our true attitude toward them. And that is only natural. It must be so. We can understand their motives, but they can never understand our motives. It is simply natural evolutionary hierarchy that makes it this way. Whatever their numbers and their overall biomass, they will always remain what they are. They will never become anything even remotely resembling us. Their subconscious sensing of this fact makes them even more angry; feeling their powerlessness before this supreme law of Nature.

Hierarchy is the supreme principle of Nature. No one can reject it, or bypass it. Some people understand more of reality, others understand less. In itself, that isn’t a problem, as long as those with lesser understanding are ready to follow those with greater understanding. But problems start to emerge when people with very limited understanding try to command everyone else, and even try to silence those who have much greater understanding. This conflict has been the main reason for many social problems. Its mechanism is very complicated and can’t be discussed within the framework and space constraints of this article. I mention it here in order to show you that truth is never in a direct correlation with public support. Much more frequently there is a reverse correlation.

That is why the level of public approval of our ideas must never bother us. Such approval can never be a true gauge of the validity of anything. People tend to believe almost any nonsense that comes their way, and they tend to reject the most precious truths of all. The triumph of Christianity is the best testimony to this fact. Belief in such nonsense is the most obvious manifestation of the lack of independent thinking among the greater part of the people; or, at least, a testimony to the cowardly conformism of the crowd. In either case, such a mob can never be perceived as a knowledgeable jury that can competently decide the validity of our ideas, or any ideas. We must completely free ourselves from the shackles of public opinion. They think what what they have been ordered to think, or whatever was inserted into their minds. Only a tiny minority have the ability to think independently and logically. All the others are simply not made that way. They were never supposed to understand much beyond their immediate material needs. And this is natural; it is how Nature has ordered all things. It is how the hierarchical principle works among humans.

I never try to be “acceptable” to the crowd. It doesn’t matter to me whether someone likes my ideas. The only thing that matters is whether my ideas are logical or not. The only kind of conformity that we must bother with is conformity to logic and natural law. If we conform to these things, nothing else matters. Even if all modern social conventions contradict our ideas and values, it simply doesn’t matter. We live in a society that has built its entire structure on false premises.

* * *

The events of the last year are the start of a long-awaited catastrophic change, a change that was inevitable. The whole of European society has gone mad. By this term “European society” I mean all Europeans; Americans, Russians, and all others in between. Everything that the leaders of these societies do, say, and profess now is outside of all logic and reason. We need not, and should not even bother to, analyze all the aspects of this illness. Be it Russian victory frenzy, or American “gay pride” parades, or Swedish “refugees welcome” demonstrations, all are sure signs of collective insanity. Maybe there could be a debate about the exact diagnosis and severity of the illness — but not about the fact that these people are mentally ill. I would even argue that this illness is incurable. The affected beings can’t be saved; the only possibility is that new generations could be brought up in a more healthy environment and spared the pitiful fate of their predecessors.

For now we can only observe how this planetary insanity unfolds and what will immediately follow from it.

It is all quite natural: We, as a civilization, are paying the high price of rejecting the true path of our higher destiny. The current European insanity is a plague sent by Nature herself; a just punishment for disobeying the fundamental existential laws; for vilifying, instead of following, the best people of our race; for taking an indulgent, tolerant attitude toward vices and an intolerant attitude toward superiority. The time has come to atone for all this; to pay the price for choosing degeneracy and killing greatness.

It is likely that we are witnessing the first stage of the catastrophic demise of European civilization as we know it. But we must not feel pity for this civilization, or try to preserve it. We must not look backward, but always forward. Our task is to think about what is to come, not cry about what is lost. That is the main difference between us and the usual conservative-nationalist crowds. We operate according to penetrating observation and logic; they operate according to their emotional drives. That is why they, in many cases, simply can’t understand us — and why we can’t accept their hopelessly childish views.

The higher the observation point, the wider the perspective — but, at the same time, the smaller the number of those who can reach the summit and understand and accept that vision. That is predictable and inevitable.

My harsh judgements are sure to irritate some, even among those who consider themselves as sharing our vision. I don’t claim to possess “ultimate truth.” Any idea or theory is relative and has its boundaries of applicability. But everything that I write or say proceeds from my understanding of White racial interests. That is the origin of my coordinate system. I believe that we must always measure everything by its position in this racial coordinate system. Nothing else can provide a truly meaningful reference frame that will allow us to arrange all social phenomena in their true natural order. As such, I believe my works have value.

* * *

This lengthy introduction was needed in order to set the framework for what I am going to say about current events — particularly about the war in Europe.

Putin’s neo-Bolshevik system is by definition anti-White. Therefore, anyone who tries to portray it as some kind of “conservative” bulwark or “traditional values” defender is either profoundly ignorant or stupid, or is playing dirty games — trying to use some aspect of the Kremlin’s power for their own local purposes. Trump and Orban are typical examples of the second case. In contrast, the millions of ordinary Putin supporters in the West are simply blockheads, knowing nothing, neither about history nor about politics nor about recent events. No well-informed person in his senses would support Putin’s Russia and its insane actions.

But the situation is not an easy one. Although Putin’s Russia is an obviously evil entity, the globalist West that opposes it isn’t any better. It is even worse in the sense that it is stronger and more efficient. Russia, whatever its cannibalistic intentions, is unable to achieve its goals for the simple reason of its profound inefficiency.

In contrast, the Western bloc, despite its decline, is still a very capable and potent force that can dictate its will to the whole world. It is an evil hybrid that combines European intellectual achievements with malicious Jewish globalist plans.

This fact puts us in a very difficult position. There is no easy solution; no magic bullet to solve our dilemma. As frequently happens in the computation of differential equations, you can’t find a precise solution, but can only evaluate the given expression and define its limits. In politics it is similar: You can’t find a precise solution for a very complicated situation. There are too many unknown quantities and parameters.

Therefore, the only way forward is to define the overall equation and find its limits.

First of all, we need to exclude variants that are unacceptable in all situations.

What is unacceptable for us is creation of a Jewish globalist state that would control the whole world. That means that any force that opposes such a state, for whatever reason, must be considered as a positive factor, whatever its other qualities (that is why Iran and various Arab/Islamist groups must be considered positive forces).

Both Soviet and post-Soviet Russia, and the USA, together with the whole Western establishment, are parts of the overall globalist force that rose to the pinnacle of power after victory in the Second World War. They are the real Axis of Evil that has held the whole world in subjugation for the last 78 years. It is pointless to try to decide who is better and who is worse in terms of their pernicious ideologies: As I already said, the West is worse because it is stronger.

But despite their victory over Europe in 1945, these anti-White monsters were not able to enjoy in full the fruits of their victory. The decades immediately following the end of WW2 were consumed by intense rivalry between these two globalist predators. They both had similar ideologies — but each wanted to achieve absolute global supremacy on its own. The whole Cold War was a turf war between these rival gangs. By around 1990, the Western gang had won. The Eastern gang was temporarily put out of action. But after three decades it was able to partially reconstitute itself and resume the old rivalry.

It must be repeated again and again: the victory of one of these two competing globalist anti-White gangs over the other would not advance our racial interests. The victory of either one of them would only worsen our situation.

The perfect outcome would be if, as a result of this struggle, both sides were destroyed — or at least weakened to such an extent as to be unable to exercise any decisive influence on world events.

Yes, neo-Bolshevik Russia must be destroyed, no question about it. But the anti-White Western system must be destroyed, too. No question about that, either. Both sides must suffer a decisive defeat. Not a simple local military defeat, but the overwhelming destruction of their military-political systems. Nothing less will do. The whole post-WW2 system must be destroyed; by whatever means and at whatever cost.

The good news is that our enemies themselves are ready to do this job for us. Being so consumed with their rivalry, they are ever more closely sliding toward an all-out war. We must not fear that. Actually, such a war might be the only thing that can free the world from the monstrous globalist dragon with its eastern and western heads. If that is the case, then most any price would be acceptable.

Nothing could be worse than a continuation of this post-WW2 system. If the White race is to survive, the globalist system must be eliminated. There is no way around it.

For those who doubt the validity of my conclusion, please, re-read The Turner Diaries. In the form of a novel, William Luther Pierce bequeathed to us a logical worldview; signposts and landmarks according to which we must measure the world and evaluate any situation. Don’t fear extreme conclusions. If they are true, they must be accepted, even if they seem unusual and frightening — because to follow falsehoods is a much worse option. The hard truth is far preferable to the sweet lie.

Someone could argue that, if both centers of global power are destroyed, other centers would emerge that would take the world. China first of all. Yes, when both America and Russia effectively cease to exist, China will remain the only superpower. But it will have many troubles on its hands. It will not be able to effectively take control of the whole planet. There will be many other competing forces. India, Iran, Arabs, and many others. In this chaotic situation, remnants of the White race, some quite sizable, will be able to reconstitute themselves and carve out some lands for their own states. New opportunities will open up for a White re-emergence as the only viable self-organizing force on the planet. In the meantime, many non-White nations would create such a mess that civilization as such could come to a standstill. Constant wars of extermination, destruction of the environment, depletion of mineral resources, a slump in food production — all of these and more would, essentially, destroy civilization as it now exists. As a result, human life on much of the globe would naturally reset to its “default settings.”

This is bound to be an exceptionally bloody process; very few would survive. But who said that the struggle for Life would be otherwise? That is the way Nature works. It has always been so.

We stand on a threshold of a new era. To cross this threshold requires that we throw away all the worn-out vestiges of the bygone era. Varg Vikernes was absolutely right when he declared that the human population of the Earth is now at a bottleneck through which only a few will pass. The period of peaceful life is at an end.

But how are all these theoretical ideas related to today’s immediate events? It is one thing to read The Turner Diaries and quite another to implement its philosophical ideas in real life. That’s the case with any philosophical work. Many people fail in this task. They understand and accept the abstract propositions and ideas, but refuse to implement those ideas in real life.

Our first task is to see the world always through the prism of racial struggle. Anything that serves the long-term interests of the White race is good, and everything that harms the long-term interests of the White race is bad. That is a very simple prescription, and it must be stringently adhered to.

The Russian state, since it was taken by Jews in 1917, became the chief center of the anti-White globalist forces; and it still is a major center, though not the chief one, today. Therefore, it must be destroyed. All other considerations are secondary.

After WW2 another new anti-White center emerged in the shape of the US and its satellites in western Europe and elsewhere. It gained supremacy over the original anti-White center in Moscow and its Communist International.

No one can dispute the obvious fact that, now, the Jewish-controlled USA is the main driving force behind the hybrid war against the White race. It means that the US power system, too, must be destroyed. It can’t be reformed or even restructured by revolutionary means. America must cease to exist. The whole notion of America, all its symbols and founding ideas, anything that in any way is connected to it and sanctifies it, must be destroyed. America has failed as a White country. It has become an anti-White global entity. Therefore, the only way to negate its pernicious influence is to eliminate it completely.

The remaining Whites must establish new states that will be organized entirely on racial principles. Useless Christian vestiges must not be incorporated into the new states; because there is no other way of freeing the White race from the Jewish plague. As long as Whites believe in a Jew-savior, there will be no hope for any real, long-lasting racial salvation.

That is what our Piercian principles tell us must be done in the medium term.

In the short term, these principles tell us to remain neutral in the ongoing war between the two globalist rivals. Both sides are our enemies.

Yes, rank and file Ukrainians fight for their ethnic identity, but their struggle is used by the Western Jewish system for advancing its agenda. Ukrainian society is more and more incorporated into the overall Jewish-dominated “Western” mental sphere. Using the soft power of media and money, and as a part of their “assistance packages,” the West compels Ukrainian society to accept “Western values,” ny which they mean all the moral, sexual, and spiritual abominations that we can see in the USA. Therefore, even while we understand and appreciate Ukraine’s struggle, and acknowledge its legitimate desire to escape the grasp of Putin’s system, we cannot take sides in this conflict. Because that would mean supporting the Biden administration, the European Union, and the forces behind them that do their utmost to exterminate the White race.

That means that the only available option is to remain neutral in this war; hostile to both globalist monsters which are equally alien and unacceptable to us, but friendly to Ukrainians and Russians as we are to all fellow White people who struggle to be free.

One question must be clarified: There are racially aware people who fight on the Ukrainian side. Their position is understandable. But I would advise them to spare themselves for a much more important future struggle. I don’t think that it is a worthy aim to fight for a slice of land, which in any outcome would belong either to Moscow’s Jews or to Kiev’s Jews. Jews are laughing at us when seeing how easily we are triggered into hostility against each other. We must break this vicious pattern that has repeated itself for more than a century. At the very least, all racially conscious people must stop participating in any kind of hostilities that benefit our main racial enemy.

The only war that can be justified is a war to secure the future of our race. All other wars are useless and harmful because they do not lead to the achievement of higher racial goals.

I call for all racially aware White people to stop supporting any of the forces in this conflict, and to stop advancing the propagandist lines of either side. It is not our war. It is not a war that advances White racial interests.

The position of the National Alliance leadership on this issue from the very start was consistent and logical. National Alliance leaders didn’t support either side in this war; because heavy Jewish influence is obvious on both sides. And this influence, to a great extent, defines the war aims and official ideology of both sides. Both sides “fight Nazis.”

Let them do that, or imagine that they are doing that, for the time being. We have nothing in common with them or their despicable goals.

But let us realize at the same time that this war may well lead to great global changes that will open up new opportunities for us; opportunities for the creation of real White ethnic and racial states.

Let us keenly observe. Let us draw the right conclusions. Let us prepare for the truly important events which are sure to come.

* * *

Source: Author

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Paul Bearer
Paul Bearer
6 June, 2023 1:36 pm

America could have been what it has always failed to be. Consumptive societies, engineered by Talmudic Jews, will only ever be consumptive societies engineered by Talmudic Jews . Until we willfully free ourselves from these unhinged, barely- human Rat-People…..we will always be their witting or unwitting slaves. What’s the difference?

6 June, 2023 6:14 pm

The ukiaine + NATO is clearly the more globo-homo side, also the more Jewish. Wolf, I have read all of your writing on the war here, appreciated and much makes sense, though am not in a position to judge specifics on Russian military internals. The Ukraine, as fighting as a parasite on the U.S., NATO, and to a smaller extent a few (not all) other U.S.-base states is hardly worth neutrality. Both the President and P.M. of the Ukraine are Jewish. Almost half the population has left, almost half of that to Russia, the rest to E.U. and other U.S.-orbit places. Russophones and ethnic Hungarians are particular targets of press-gang recruitment. Zelensky has, on occasion, spoken of a desire to make much of the place into Israel mark II, a… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Antony
13 June, 2023 3:58 am

Yes, Ukraine is under substantial Jewish influence. It is the case for the last few hundred years. Jews exercised their parasitic influence in those lands yet in 16-17 centuries. They were the main cause of Cossack rebellion of 1647 under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Polish noblemen employed Jews as tax-gatherers and managers and Jews, predictably, abused their authority to such an extent that people revolted. Therefore, it is a very long story; far longer than the history of Jews in America. But, we must remember that the Jewish influence in Russia at least as great as in Ukraine. Russian prime-minister is a Jew; many other high state officials and Duma deputies are Jews. More than a half of Putin’s oligarchs are Jews; countless media celebrities are Jews. The whole… Read more »

6 June, 2023 7:00 pm

I think one of the truths that must be accepted is that Whites are not superior beings, at least not in any sense that we’ve been granted any kind of special, cosmic leave to declare ourselves so. Superiority can only be earned through blood, sweat, and tears and if we fail in our task the Cosmic Mind would regard it, in passing, as a mere shame and move on to trying again, somewhere else, with a different people. We are truly candle flames against the vast expanse of the universe, a mere breath away from being extinguished at any time. I love my race but I stomped on my rose colored glasses and it was the best decision ever. Russia may have taken things to the next level, whether we… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
6 June, 2023 7:06 pm

Wolf Stoner is a young ethnic Russian nationalist who understands and rejects the current brothers war between what is left of his nation and his cousins in Ukraine better than do all the pundits and talking heads in American media. As a National Alliance member, he has come to embrace and promote William Pierce’s Cosmotheism more so do than most European and American Whites, though English is not his first language. Every Alliance member must read this latest essay by Wolf. I’ll see to that by quoting portions of it in the June NA BULLETIN. … For most, this basic principle — the priority of racial interests over everything else — requires a thorough re-evaluation of all aspects of life, of all mental patterns and dogmas. Therefore, it inevitably leads… Read more »

Krishnan Kumar
Krishnan Kumar
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
7 June, 2023 11:05 am

Where can I find this essay by Mr. Stoner?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Krishnan Kumar
7 June, 2023 12:41 pm

It is this article that I quoted from above and that you just placed this comment under. I also put it up on the Alliance’s small forum, here, where a number of NA members and Cosmotheists gather to share ideas and enjoy fellowship: (146) Wolf Stoner on Cosmotheism and brother wars – White Biocentrism


Mr. Williams,
Please see the Slavland Chronicles:
Mr. Rolo Slavskiy is perhaps the most informed young American nationalist with personal connections among Russian nationalists and patriots. He speaks Russian and has lived in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Victor
10 June, 2023 7:51 am

Thanks, Victor. Rolo wants $50 to subscribe to his site. I’ll pass, thanks, but have the feeling he may be influenced by Wolf already.

See Wolf’s National Alliance video here on Odyssee he put up that exposes Putin’s Jewish mouthpiece, Prigozhin, on 4 June, two days before Rolo put up the article below on his site: and the day before Prigozhin released his new hour-long video.

It’s interesting listening to Wolf narrating in English.

Prigozhin Demands 200k Men to Form New Army, Accuses Shoigu of Organizing the Active Genocide of the Russian People, Lays Out Ultimatum to MoD, Threatens to March on Moscow!

Kiev will be fooled this time for sure!


JUN 6, 2023


Prigozhin released another hour-long video on June 5th. In it, he was his usual apoplectic self….

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 June, 2023 10:00 am

It’s interesting listening to Wolf narrating in English…

Wolfs videos are not just interesting, but formidable. The evidence he provides that the neo-Soviet Putinist regime is as anti-ethnic Russian nationalist as is the American Establishment anti-White nationalist. Both are pro-multiracialist and anti-nationalist..

USSR-2 (

Note that Alliance member Wolf, with my approval, presents his odysee videos as National Alliance productions at the beginning of each, and gives this site’s Web address at the end of each.

Those Americans who choose the Kremlin side in the conflict with Ukraine should listen closely to what Wolf says in this video and heed his oft-repeated advice to support neither side in the brothers war.

Stand aside and support the National Alliance instead.

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
14 June, 2023 9:38 am

Thanks for bringing Wolf’s Odysee site to my attention. Watched a couple things on it last night, and am duly impressed. He puts a lot of effort into making all those vids.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  YT
16 June, 2023 8:51 am

YT: Thanks for bringing Wolf’s Odysee site to my attention. Watched a couple things on it last night, and am duly impressed. He puts a lot of effort into making all those vids. — You’re welcome, YT. Yes, Wolf is the “real thing” when it comes to viewing the Russian/Ukraine conflict from a serious race-thinking White nationalist perspective. Another of his National Alliance videos on Odysee: USSR-2 ( — Victor: Mr. Williams,Please see the SlavlandChronicles: Mr. Rolo Slavskiy is perhaps the most informed young American nationalist with personal connections among Russian nationalists and patriots. He speaks Russian and has lived in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. — I checked out Rolo’s SlavlandChronicles, Victor. He started sending me his articles even though I’d declined to subscribe to his paywall. I have… Read more »

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Victor
26 October, 2024 5:26 pm

Wolf, look what I just found:

Victor: 8 June, 2023 Mr. Williams,Please see the Slavland Chronicles: Mr. Rolo Slavskiy is perhaps the most informed young American nationalist with personal connections among Russian nationalists and patriots. He speaks Russian and has lived in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

This is the same Putinist infiltrator of Western Websites, “Victor,” who has been actively spreading this same crap about his fellow Putinist Rolo Slavskiy and others over at Counter-Currents while attacking you as a “fraud.” See multiple comments there by “Victor,”

He’s not even smart enough to use a different sock puppet there with his nearly identical neo-Bolshevik propaganda and attacks on you on me and NA.

7 June, 2023 4:04 pm

The text reads like a sprawling, self-righteous lecture. Too preachy. It reminds me of a beginner who is trying too hard. Insulting the White multitude is not a good move.

White racialism is not rocket science, nor is it an intellectual effort. The laws of nature require White separation.

Natural Selection decides who stays and who goes. Crazy idealists will play no part thereof.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  ted
7 June, 2023 6:15 pm

Normally, ill-considered comments such as this one above wouldn’t be published by National Vanguard as it contains insulting content, However, Mr. Stoner wants as much feedback as will come and it is with respect to his wishes that I’ve allowed this to be approved — for now. Ted, you may wish to be more respectful when offering your opinion in the future. There is no “right” to have your opinions heard here, it is a privilege that can be revoked at any time. Please speak to others as though addressing your father or mother.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  ted
7 June, 2023 7:41 pm

ted: The text reads like a sprawling, self-righteous lecture. Too preachy. It reminds me of a beginner who is trying too hard. Insulting the White multitude is not a good move. — What’s a good move for your White multitude, ted? They are lost and desperately need sober direction. Who is giving it to them. I’d like for you to tell us. — White racialism is not rocket science, nor is it an intellectual effort. The laws of nature require White separation. — William Pierce was a bona fide rocket scientist and an intellect of the top rank. His Cosmotheism looks at Nature’s laws scientifically. The bottom line is strict geographical separation of the best of our race from Jews, other non-Whites, the racially mixed and those in your White… Read more »

Theodore Alexander Vegh
Theodore Alexander Vegh
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 June, 2023 12:37 pm

Chairman William W. Williams, I hope to help you in any way that I can to separate the Good people from the Bad people. Sincerely, Theodore A. Vegh ♥️

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Theodore Alexander Vegh
8 June, 2023 4:35 pm

One way you can begin to help is to join the National Alliance. This commitment, above others, shows you’re willing to take action rather than just say the words.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Theodore Alexander Vegh
9 June, 2023 12:15 pm

You were getting a little too exuberant here, and flattering, TAV, so Jim sent me a comment of yours that he held back instead of publishing. I’ve decided to reply to it here. It’s your reply ted: — “Crazy idealist” is a term that could mean you have big ideas that you can not sell to the other members of your “Master Mind Alliance,” family, company, school, church, team, club, army, band, political party, Race, etc.! This label covers Henry Ford, Christopher Columbus, Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, William the Conqueror, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Abraham Lincoln, MLK, George Washington, Patrick Henry, King-Pope Arpad of Hungary, Kussuth Lajos of Hungary, King and Saint Steven of Hungary, Martin Luther.of Germany, George Lincoln Rockwell, William Pierce, David Duke,… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
9 June, 2023 10:29 pm

An excellent reply here, Will. It is hoped that Mr. Vegh will check your facts and see for himself that they have substance.

Theodore Alexander Vegh
Theodore Alexander Vegh
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
10 June, 2023 6:14 am

Chairman William W. Williams, Thank you for responding to my comment. I believe we have many things in common, but I could never support having a Black President. I hope you will reconsider your opinion on getting involved in politics. Please run for President of the USA in 2024 with Kevin Alfred Strom as your Vice President. I believe that with me as your campaign manager you could be the next President of the USA. I know it looks hopeless from the objective point of view for any success in the political field for our people to achieve success in politics today in the USA, but that’s what they said about Patrick Henry in 1775 after he made his famous “Liberty or Death” Speech in Virginia Colony of England. Please… Read more »

Reply to  Theodore Alexander Vegh
10 June, 2023 10:20 am

Oh my God. This is getting to be too much from this fellow.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  YT
10 June, 2023 4:55 pm

TAV is a laugh a minute. Now he suggests to me:  I hope you will reconsider your opinion on getting involved in politics. Please run for President of the USA in 2024  He’s should sit down, shut up and learn a little more about me and our Alliance before spouting off like that. He’s embarrassing himself. Didn’t I write here the other day that we need honest statesmen as leaders, not your typical American politicians? Like many Americans I’ve had an interest in politics most of my life, but serious racial politics, radical, revolutionary politics, not the democratic electoral game he’s talking about, has been my focus and involvement for the past forty years. I’m of the General Sherman school when it was suggested he become POTUS in 1884; he… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  ted
13 June, 2023 3:20 am

Any criticism is welcome if it is motivated by desire to make things better. All people are different and it would be wrong to try to impose total uniformity of views. But when anyone expresses his disapproval of someone or something, he automatically takes on himself an obligation of being better and more effective on those very points. You accuse me of being “crazy idealist”. It could be translated as meaning a dreamer who only imagines fairy-tale kingdoms but is unable for practical work. How much practical work have you done for the National Alliance? Did you participate in construction works or in any other real-world activities? If you did, then, you have the moral right to criticize those who didn’t. It is impossible to decide who is who without… Read more »

James Blake Taylor
James Blake Taylor
8 June, 2023 1:00 am

I agree with most everything in this article, I disagree that we should not hate our enemies, the countless years of millions of our women being raped and sold into slavery to non white Nations and the Islamic invasion of our lands the rape gangs and even the consensual race mixing of our women and their subhuman males is enough to make me despise non whites and unlike rats these evil ugly repulsive non whites have greatly harmed us. I am glad when Arabs blow Jews to smithereens and vice versa as they are all evil and anti white. Jews are at the top of this however these non whites will never voluntarily leave our Nations and leave our women alone.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  James Blake Taylor
8 June, 2023 2:46 pm

James Blake Taylor: I agree with most everything in this article, I disagree that we should not hate our enemies…  — It’s good that you agree with “most everything” in Wolf’s article, James. As an Alliance supporter I would hope you do. We Cosmotheists are not haters, those opposed to us, including many Whites, are. We can despise those who violate our females, sure, but ours is a positive message for our own of love for our own that will resonate and attract others that we want on our side. At this point those Whites are rare. Try to take Wolf’s We don’t hate anyone in context. The non-White masses and the masses of deluded, shortsighted Whites are not the main enemies for us; because to us they are nothing… Read more »

Reply to  James Blake Taylor
11 June, 2023 3:27 am

I agree with you on that. If you’ve never hated, you’ve never loved and vise versa. It’s a natural thing that so many wish to destroy and in so doing you lie to yourself. You’re not a superior being because you pretend that you don’t hate, you’re only suppressing it. You’re lying to yourself and getting others to live the same lie. Eventually, it’ll blow. People, in reality, fear their hate, anger, and rage because it can so often lead to poor decisions. The true test of a man is to take hold of it and utilize it. You can use this energy and, for lack of a better term, transmute it into other lines and activities. It’s a very powerful force and with a hold on it, it’s invaluable… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  James Blake Taylor
13 June, 2023 2:47 am

Yes, the intense feelings of indignation and hate are normal when we encounter the most flagrant examples of vile behavior. It is a normal reaction. When we learn about how Jewish commissars tortured and exterminated millions of White people, we are bound to have intense feelings about it. But when I wrote that we have no hate to anyone I meant something else. Certainly, all White people who start to understand what really happens, tend to be inflamed and to be indignant. But the more you understand the less the intensity of those superficial feelings. In an advanced stage of understanding you are surely to become much more calm. Not because you succumb to the enemy but because you know what must be done. We must convert the initial intense… Read more »

8 June, 2023 1:37 pm

Williams: I read your response: I have never called anyone who subscribes to the NA ‘a crazy idealists.’ It’s an expression that Hitler used for those who get off course. It is a big true that White separation is a law of nature. It is also true that Natural Selection decides who stays and who goes. That Natural Selection is being artificially trumped by White technology is only temporary. When the colored hordes lose access to White technology, and they will, the eternal laws of nature will do its work. Big government can only fake it for so long. I don’t think it is a good idea to insult the White masses by calling them lazy, lost etc. My reference to ‘rocket science’ was used to reinforce that White racialism… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  ted
10 June, 2023 8:41 am

ted: Williams: I read your response… It is a big true that White separation is a law of nature…. — To agree on that much is a good start. — I don’t think it is a good idea to insult the White masses by calling them lazy, lost etc.. — You are insulted, ted, because you still count yourself among the White masses, except that you agree with NA that White separatism is a law, actually the highest law, of Nature, and that most Whites have come to accept multi-racialism. It should not be taken as an the deluded White masses when they are told the truth about how to preserve their own kind. They need the hard truth, not more sweet lies like “all individuals and all races… Read more »

30 June, 2023 6:06 pm

Great article. I think the Cold War was for the most part at least a scam, both the US and USSR were of course controlled by the Hebrew corrupters of the people as the greatest man in history so accurately called them, and they never seem to fight amongst themselves. And really capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Joshua
23 November, 2023 5:15 pm

Joshua: Great article. I think the Cold War was for the most part at least a scam, both the US and USSR were of course controlled by the Hebrew corrupters of the people as the greatest man in history so accurately called them, and they never seem to fight amongst themselves. And really capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel. — Excellent comment, Joshua. This piece calls for a bump because we should also remain neutral in the present military conflict in the Middle East that has erupted after Wolf wrote “War in Europe: A Call for Neutrality.” — at least not support Yehoshua’s tribe.. One of these days our people will cease naming their White children after Hebrew patriarchs. If not this generation, certainly the next.… Read more »