Proposition Nation
by Douglas Mercer
AMERICA IS NOW a doddering senile nation sans everything; at one so-called White nationalist Web site they are exclaiming that America is only being held together by Donald’s Trump’s life, which is as slender a reed as any I’ve heard of. Any country held together by that buffoon’s miserable existence deserves to be blown apart; and so it will. You once more hear the heady talk of 2016 of the “God Emperor” returning, and one Tucker Carlson said Trump is now the legitimate leader of America, as its bravest man. I too believe in the Führer principle — but we had our leader and our chance, and America killed him. No, the current apotheosis of Trump by our so-called friends is a case of will they never learn? The answer is up in the air, but there is no evidence they will. But once-bitten twice-hysterical they are, and this time it shall be a lot more than their hearts that get broken.
That race mixing slime J.D. Vance is putting out dog-and-pony statements now; it’s real red meat for the rubes — and for the intellectual rubes as well as the common rubes, the ones in Uncle Sam hats who wouldn’t know the concept of a “proposition nation” any more than they can tell their backside from their elbow or a hole in the ground, whichever comes first. But a man dressed in red-white-and-blue bunting is just a moron, but a site supposedly of and for those “in the know” and who pay their writers to churn out mediocre tripe and who make people pay to read the “choicest” of that tripe really ought to know better. But they do not. They are the weak-minded and they are falling all over themselves in joy, cautious joy in some cases, but then cautious joy is still joy and there should be no joy at anything Vance says as we now live in Mudville with the mud people. Vance and his handlers know what they are doing, giving out the dog-whistle on the semi-refined frequencies so the cognoscenti of influencers will forget all about Donald Trump’s signal sellouts and re-embrace him. If there is a more ignorant group of people I for one have never seen them.
What Vance said is as follows:
America is not just an idea. It is a group of people with a shared history and a common future. It is in short, a nation. Now it is part of that tradition, of course, that we welcome newcomers. But when we allow newcomers into our American family, we allow them on our terms. That’s the way we preserve the continuity of this project from 250 [years] past to, hopefully, 250 years in the future. Let me illustrate this with a story, if I may. I’m, of course, married to the daughter of South Asian immigrants to this country. Incredible people, people who genuinely have enriched this country in so many ways.
Now that cemetery plot in Eastern Kentucky is near my family’s ancestral home. Now in that cemetery, there are people who were born around the time of the Civil War. And if, as I hope, my wife and I are eventually laid to rest there and our kids follow us, there will be seven generations just in that small mountain cemetery plot in Eastern Kentucky.
The idea that he would put that wog who is his wife in that ground surely has its current denizens’ heads spinning in horror; as for the ill-thought-out first part of his statement, naturally this sent the Jewish-controlled media into convulsions and conniption fits. The very notion that a nation ( the word comes from the same root as natal as in birth) could be something deeper than a multicolored cesspit of mystery meat mongrels is beyond their ken — or, more truly, scared the daylights out of them. That the statement was hedged about saying it’s not just an idea (which means it is an idea as well), and that he gave a big drooling wet kiss to multiracialism in the form of his dot-headed ugly wife and the “good folk” of her family is lost on them — or, more truly, is something they can’t acknowledge in their mad pursuit of erasing all forms of Whiteness. CNN’s half-Burmese Alex Wagner took the lead in equating that rather mealy-mouthed statement with “White supremacy” and implied that Vance had got on a Hate Bus and said it was time to “gas all the niggers.”
MSNBC’s Alex Wagner accused Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance of dropping an easter egg of white nationalism by mentioning that he hoped to be buried in his family’s plot in Kentucky during his speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night.
Ah, to be buried among one’s kin and blood in the soil — and blood and soil, they’ve all been taught, led Morty Sheinbaum to be turned into a paperweight that once sat on top of a pile of papers being pored over by the immortal Heydrich in his passionate pursuit of paradise. No, the Alex Wagners of the world want our nation to be a paper nation, and for the weight of Whiteness to be cast from the world. Press 73 for English if you have yet to figure that out.
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The niceties of the argument on the subject of the “proposition nation” are swiftly dispensed with, but it flies over the head of all the squawking squawkers currently squawking about it.
Lincoln was a hijacking revisionist when he said:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
The founders knew better, having said that they created this nation “for ourselves and our posterity.” The nation at its inception was dedicated to blood lineage; that is, to our people and none other.
John Jay was a squared-away man:
With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion.
Back to the Gettysburg Address:
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
So said Lincoln. As to his query, the verdict is in: It cannot.
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Of course all of this is moot. Vance will give his lukewarm (at best) endorsement of us being a people, they will stop a few stragglers from getting in, perhaps a law here or there will be changed, and a lot of hot air about America will be dispensed into the atmosphere. The left will feign, or not feign, going insane and the name Hitler will make its appearance again and again. But meanwhile, none of it matters. Were they to embark on a 50-million-person deportation splurge I would doff my hat; but if they do I will eat my hat. But they won’t. They will give us a song and dance but leave us hanging. And the putative “God Emperor” will continue to worship Jews and defend Israel to the last man. You see, all this talk about us being a nation and not an idea might have made a difference 50 years or so ago. But now they are just in the position of walking through a home that has collapsed due to termites and summarily announcing that they are going to call Pest Control. But the time for the gas has passed, as tempting as that metaphor is. The only thing now to do is head for the proverbial hills. That J.D. Vance is a corporate stooge and a traitor is obvious. That Donald Trump is a buffoon who will accomplish precious little if anything at all for us is clear.
That the Jewish left is up in arms is only to be expected; that self-styled White nationalists are ecstatically eating up this doggerel from Vance is a revolting spectacle, and shows us that they are sob-sisters and weak-sisters and don’t even rise to the level of fellow travelers with us in the National Alliance, who are the only true bearers of the Eternal Flame of our people. We have been keeping our thought pure all along and there is no quit in us; we are the only inheritors of the greatness of our White past. And when those cretins laying claim to our mantle are disillusioned for the umpteenth time, I for one will be here to tell them I told you so; for if anything is true about me it’s that I like to bear a grudge. And just so you know, the best way to prepare it is cold.
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Source: Author
Beautiful! That photo up top with the dot on Vance’s forehead says all one needs to know about the traitor who promotes a multiracial America.
They call them “dot Indians” as in “dot not feather.” I also suppose it is because Indians are so prominent at evil Google, etc., so a reference to “” as well. I am including the article I referenced, it seems that many White Nationalists see Trump as the “man on horseback” rather than what he is: a rank opportunist, buffoon, and traitor. Thank you for posting this article Kevin, and for your always stellar editing.
Thanks, for the tip to that Counter-Currents article, Douglas. I went there and commented under it. I have been commenting at C-C for some time now, promoting our Alliance, because I can. I always repost my C-C comments to NA’s forum,, in a dedicated topic there. This one: — Typical discussion of electoral politics, featuring Donald Trump and other “solutions”: I promote racial separation as the only solution and the National Alliance’s program as the best plan for accomplishing that. Will Williams: July 21, 2024 White American:July 20, 2024 White Americans can win for ourselves and our posterity by joining a pro-white [sic] group to spread the message… Join the American Freedom Party …You are right that all White Americans should join a pro-White group, White American. That… Read more »
Does it stand to reason then, Mr. Gruber, that we must work towards ruling ourselves? Those that answer in the negative or who keep allowing fear of Jew rule to guide their lives are lost. Those who answer affirmatively should definitely read about the program of the National Alliance and then join us to add their personal strengths to ours as a whole. That latter option is only for those who have the moral courage to make their own lives count towards the higher purpose we in the National Alliance espouse.
I have seen no indication whatsoever that the National Alliance nor its members are of a cult, and any “occult” activities are unknown. Perhaps you’ve been watching too many Hollyweird “nazi” propaganda to get the impression that National Socialists were some sort of weird practitioners of some superstitious belief system. Jews call National Socialists “nazis” to evoke false and badly distorted images of their creation in the brains of the consumers, we do not do so here. That’s not to say that many of us have no life-philosophy, or religion if you like. We do in fact have a set of values, ethics, goals, and so on that aspire towards that racially-based higher purpose I mentioned earlier. Here on National Vanguard is a search engine that covers a huge array… Read more »
Jim, don’t waste any more of your valuable time answering the stupid questions of Mr. Gruber. He claims to not be a Jew, but he sure acts like one. Block all further comments from him.