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The Hot Jewish War on Everyone
Situations always get a lot more interesting when you add Yemeni drones to them. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 3 August, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom WITH ISRAELI ATTACKS on Syria, on Iran, and on Lebanon in recent days, and a few counter-strikes, the Hot Jewish War on Everyone is ramping up. There…
The World War Is Coming
by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces. In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of…
National Vanguard Russian correspondent RECENT EVENTS indicate that global war is becoming inevitable. All the major conflicts of the world have begun to coalesce into a larger struggle between two opposing forces. In my previous articles I described the evil anti-White nature of…
Journey to a Politically Incorrect Land
by John Massaro (2016) “Boy, you really do like danger, don’t you?” “Better not bring any bibles with you.” “What are you going there for? They hate us.” I TURNED A DEAF EAR to all the nonsense. People whose horizon is no wider than a television screen, who wouldn’t know a visa from a lottery ticket, are…
UK: Yet Another Heavily Funded Neocon Network Controls, Grooms Political “Leaders”
IN JUNE 2021 a neocon propaganda outfit (based in London but named after a notoriously pro-Zionist US Senator) published an alarmist “analysis” of “Iranian Influence Networks in the United Kingdom”. The report was issued by the Henry Jackson Society, named after Sen. Henry Jackson (1912-1983)…
The World’s Affliction
by Revilo P. Oliver (1987) THERE IS A neatly ironic symmetry behind the current scandal, which was precipitated by the disclosure that the Jews were using their American subjects to supply and subsidize the Iranians in their war against Iraq, a nation whose territory the Jews intend eventually to occupy…
What Is Next?
by Revilo P. Oliver RATIONAL predictions of the future can be made only by dispassionately reasoning from available information that, on critical examination, appears to be reliable. Obviously, any deficiency in the accuracy or adequacy of the information will produce a great deviation in the inferences…
Why Zionists Who Know the Situation are Afraid to Attack Iran
by Hadding Scott E. MICHAEL JONES makes a lot of sense, not in every subject, but certainly when he talks about U.S. foreign relations. It is puzzling, how much publicly available information Zionist warmongering seems to ignore. For example, how could they not have known that the elimination of Saddam…
Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran
The neocons, are, of course almost 100 per cent. Jewish — the key factor in understanding why they (and their neoliberal “opponents”) have so much blood on their hands. — Ed. by Ron Paul PRESIDENT TRUMP and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate…
Confirmed: Israel Has 90 Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction
Yet the Jewish state has been continuously whining about Iran allegedly owning or making one such weapon (a false charge) since 1979. ISRAEL, which has been regularly accusing Iran of building one atom bomb since at least 1979, has at least 90 nukes of its own, according to the latest released yearbook…
Public Says “No Way” When Zionist Dwarf Ben Shapiro Exhorts Americans to Attack Iran
An interesting straw poll of how attitudes are changing in America. IT IS A MYSTERY why Shapiro has any audience at all, considering his highly irritating way of speaking, jabbering away like an angry chipmunk, but some powerful people really want these views out there, so they push him hard, ……