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An Ever Green and Ever Living Yuletide
THERE has been and can be again a better way to live — a path forward which will allow us to transcend and defeat the Winter of Jewish Evil in our nations and in our souls. Look at the Yule season, and Yule traditions of the evergreen or ever-living tree in that light, and take hope. Spring is coming,…
WLP91: Cosmotheism Is the Meaning of Life
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present a video production based on his great work Our Cause, one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century. Introduction by Kevin…
“We Rise”: A Little Bit of Inspiration
by Chris Rossetti I AM NOT SURE who the video artist is (this is making the rounds on the less censored parts of the Internet), but someone has taken Laibach’s catchy old song, 2016’s “The Whistleblowers” (with its lyrics-that-can’t-possibly-be-ironic), and added…
What Liberals Don’t Understand
by Dr. William L. Pierce (1996) I WAS WATCHING THE television news one evening several weeks ago, and Bill Clinton came on and made a few comments about the rash of burnings of Black churches across the South. Mr. Clinton announced that he knew that White racism was responsible for the burnings. Organized…
Jews and the USS Liberty: Violent, Hateful, Deceptive
by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY marks the anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, something we’ve covered extensively. 171 Americans were wounded or maimed. 34 were killed. The Jews believed that the American intelligence ship had intercepted some of their war plans during the height…
Erasing the USS Liberty
THE USS Liberty (AGTR-5) has been called the most decorated United States Naval ship for a single action. But if this is true, why have so few Americans ever heard of the Liberty? The reasons are many, but have everything to do with who attacked the Liberty and who covered up the attack, an ongoing and disgraceful…
A Massive Percentage of Lex Fridman’s Guests Have This in Common
HERE’S ANOTHER VIDEO in the media representation series produced by the Leather Apron Club. What is the common thread that runs through the selection of guests on popular video interviewer Lex Fridman’s program? Does that common thread have any connection to Fridman’s sudden…
What Was Wrong with Rhodesia and South Africa?
by Karl Dresden AS YOU WATCH THIS video showing training for the military men of Rhodesia, one of the most recent (not “last”!) racially-conscious White states, and listen to the soundtrack, “One Fire” by the group Rome, you will probably be by turns both inspired and saddened.…
High Jewish IQ Debunked — Joe Rogan Follow-Up
HERE’S A follow-up to my last video, where many tried to excuse the level of Jewish over-representation on Joe Rogan’s podcast by claiming that Jews are simply more intelligent than non-Jews. I did the research, as you will see in the video and can confirm by studying my bibliographical…
Vaccine on Tuesday; Buried on Saturday
Introduced by David Sims COVID on Monday. Vaccine on Tuesday. Spike proteins on Wednesday. Aorta filling up with fibrin on Thursday. Dead on Friday. Buried on Saturday. If covid is biohazard level 3, then the vaccine is biohazard level 4. Well, well, what do you know? It turns out that the vaccine skeptics…