What Was Wrong with Rhodesia and South Africa?
by Karl Dresden
AS YOU WATCH THIS video showing training for the military men of Rhodesia, one of the most recent (not “last”!) racially-conscious White states, and listen to the soundtrack, “One Fire” by the group Rome, you will probably be by turns both inspired and saddened.
One observer commented:
To the best of my knowledge, the Rhodesians were the best counter-insurgency troops in history. For the entirety of the war, they maintained a 25 to 1 kill ratio against the terrorists. That ratio was spread through the entire force, it included the standard-issue Rhodesian grunt, not just the kill ratios that the SpecOp guys like the RLI, SAS, and Selous Scouts attained.
All true. But in recent months, I’ve been thinking about Rhodesia and South Africa, and why the White man was defeated there, despite their crack troops. The problem with Rhodesia and even South Africa was not that they were racist, but that they weren’t racist enough. They were not actual racial separatists.
They were paternalists. They believed that Whites had a duty to live with and guide Blacks like parents raising a child. So they worked with Blacks to try to help them. This only brought about the inevitable destruction of the Whites at the hands of those Blacks.
Look where that got Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) — and where it’s getting South Africa, a country that was a few decades ago a thriving First-World-level nation like any in Europe at the time.
We cannot make the same mistakes. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children. Not the non-Whites. They must take care of their own, on their own.
Let’s conclude with what another observer added to the discussion:
Look at those young men, they have their brothers and something to believe in. Something to fight for. Rhodesia was their dream. They fought against insurmountable odds and won incredible battles. I admire them. They might have lost, but their valor is not forgotten. One day we will avenge these men, and raise statues in their honor. The heroism these men showed will not be forgotten.
* * *
Source: Author
White man’s burden. Just as Kipling stated.
For anyone: can you recommend any books about the history of Rhodesia and its fall? Thus far, I am only aware of Ian Smith’s book, The Great Betrayal.
Uncle Krüger Ohm Krüger Tobis Film (1941) – YouTube
Very good movie, and Emil Jannings was one of the giants of early German cinema. I’m surprised JewTube haven’t banned it (yet).
Also on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DCPyltYAs74w/
Available for purchase here: http://www.rarefilmsandmore.com
or here http://www.ihffilms.com
Related: Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika (the riders of German East Afrika, 1934, no subtitles)
Not as epic as Ohm Krüger , but a decent adventure yarn around the start of WWI.
Jan Lamprecht’s website is a good source.
“Extermination or expulsion. ”
That’s what Dr Pierce said regarding the issue of colonization and race.
America was successfully colonized because the indians were thoroughly exterminated to a number from which they will never recover.
The problem with the white man is that he often forgets his will to live. There is no possible future in the long term for him and his children while more profilic dark races live around.
There is also the fact that the English and USA government boycotted Rhodesia to the point of submission.
That was precisely the problem. Because of their paternalism the black populations of Rhodesia and South Africa exploded. It was inevitable that they would be swamped eventually. When the Whites first began to settle what became Rhodesia in the late 19th century there were about 300,000 blacks spread between several tribes between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. When I was there in the 1970s it had increased to 6 million, and now it is roughly 15 million. A similar result occurred in South Africa. The South Africans had an insipid type of apartheid. They needed total separation if they were to have a chance of survival.
That’s very interesting. Do you know where I can find out more about this information on Rhodesia and even South Africa?
National Vanguard has covered these two countries and the lessons they and we have learned from experience. To access this, use this website’s search feature located at the top of the webpage. Also, take a thoughtful look at NV’s parent, the National Alliance and what we’re about here.
“… why the White man was defeated there….”
They did not concentrate on, or even understand, problem one: the Jew.
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence
The reason S Africa and Rhodesia fell is that white women got the vote and an equal say in society. When men were in charge there was no talk of turning the country over to the natives. Same thing is going on now in the USA and Western Europe for the same reason.
Local churches preaching their dogma, an intense pressure campaign by foreign countries such as the US and the UK, and Talmudvision had much to do with swaying the Rhodesian and South African Whites of both sexes to buckle under, Mr. Smith. Blaming White women alone is unfair and doesn’t help matters as they stood then or now.
It’s only my opinion, but I believe there are many White women who would help our cause if they would see how they’ve been manipulated by organized Jewry into doing their bidding. We have as members and suppporters a number of women already in the National Alliance and follow National Vanguard to disabuse themselves of that manipulation.
Whites should have never gone to Africa as Whites evolved mostly under harsh winter conditions, warm African climate eventually would degrade their human quality as sunny conditions provide most of the energy needed for survival and less protein and constant muscular activity is required, going to Africa was a display of pursuit for easyness.
Our innate compulsion to see, know, and experience the unknown or undiscovered has taken the White race everywhere on this planet–and off of it as well. We learn from our adventures, and so long as we continue to do so, we’ll live on.
Karl answers his own question in six words: They were not actual racial separatists. It’s really that simple. Jim is also right that the introduction of Talmudism in the late 1970s was a major factor, as was feminization as someone else says, Dr. Pierce named the Dutch Refprmed Church as the downfall of the Afrikaners and the Anglican Church for the Brits: The Lesson of South Africa | National Vanguard And the Dutch Reformed Church had sapped the moral strength of the Boers to the point that they just couldn’t bring themselves to do what needed to be done. For at least 11 years before 1993 the Church had been back-pedaling on its racial doctrine. The Church would have made the Boers feel guilty if they had taken the hard… Read more »
Perhaps if H.F. Verwoerd has not been assassinated things would have been different. Your thoughts upon Orania?
Karl Austin: Perhaps if H.F. Verwoerd has not been assassinated things would have been different.
Perhaps. He was assassinated in 1966 and SA was already headed down the slippery slope. From what I’ve read he was a proponent of the Dutch Reformed Church that has been a built-in self destruct mechanism for Whites there. He came to be known as the “Father of Apartheid,” which, as you indicated, was a half measure like segregation was here in the U.S.
https://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/people.php?kid=163-574-649 and here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/05/hendrik-verwoerd-architect-of-apartheid/
Your thoughts upon Orania?
I’m hopeful, but have a feeling the deck is stacked against that colony.
Teaching non-Whites White languages and ways was the second biggest mistake we ever made.
Means they now understand what we’re saying, while most of us have no clue what they’re saying.
Means they can now at least pretend to fit into White society, making White women think that they are somehow ‘equal’ to us.
Big, BIG, BIG mistake…..
It’s up to present (and if we fail, future) generations to correct the mistake, Wolfgang. http://www.natall.com/join-us/
The mistake you say is that the Rhodesian’s and South African’s tried to live with the black’s and treat them as children? I don’t seem to have a lot of remembrance of the situation in the beginning except of them fighting the communist guerilla’s for years. But it seems to me to have been when the United States government got involved and the news media calling them apartheid countries that Rhodesia and South Africa began to have trouble with their wars , economy, supplies , reputation etc. The United states, admit it, loves to support Jewish communism causes like we did in WW11 to keep the Jewish communists in power in the soviet Union and like we’re sloping aid to the Jewish Zelensky to keep the Jews in control of… Read more »
Dear National Vanguard:
There has been some recent controversy about the NJP (National Justice Party) and specifically Alan and Warren Balough as it pertains to their relationship with National Vanguard/National Alliance group.
Can someone please clarify this? Is/was there some malfeasance between the Baloughs and National Alliance? And to what end?
Thank you for your service, as one of the truly last bastions of truth!
What controversy, AS? Alan was a valued Alliance activist from the 1970s to the mid-1980s, even moved to Pocahontas County, WV, and was on staff with William Pierce.when he relocated the National Office there from northern Virginia. I met Alan and Warren there 30 years ago when I was on staff. I recall Warren was 12-years-old at the time. We wish them and their party well.
It was unfortunate that he and his son Warren supported the $2 million lawsuit against our Alliance in 2014-2016, but that is behind us since the lawsuit was dismissed. There’s nothing recent about that. Can you explain “recent”?
Lack of National-Socialism…it has everything and now it even has Cosmotheism. Everything else has something, which is not enough, or too much, which is Jewy.
“They were paternalists. They believed that Whites had a duty to live with and guide Blacks like parents raising a child. So they worked with Blacks to try to help them. This only brought about the inevitable destruction of the Whites at the hands of those Blacks”.
The above is the most true statement I have read about us South Africans (and the Rhodesians) in a very long time – it’s exactly as it was, we were on a purpetual help/upliftment cycle in every way – it just got us nowhere…
Matt, you said: “it’s exactly as it was, we were on a purpetual help/upliftment cycle in every way – it just got us nowhere…” We Whites now have a plan of action that will get us somewhere, and can join together to accomplish it. If we’re going to save our race, does it takes each of us getting involved, yes or no?