Vaccine on Tuesday; Buried on Saturday
Introduced by David Sims
COVID on Monday. Vaccine on Tuesday. Spike proteins on Wednesday. Aorta filling up with fibrin on Thursday. Dead on Friday. Buried on Saturday. If covid is biohazard level 3, then the vaccine is biohazard level 4.
Well, well, what do you know? It turns out that the vaccine skeptics were right all along! The “misinformation” from “right-wing conspiracy theorists” of last year has become this year’s acknowledged facts. Covid-19 is less dangerous than the mRNA vaccines that were prepared in haste to treat it. The vaccines are more likely to inflict permanent harm on you (including death) than the virus is. The much touted “science” of last year has been repudiated by almost everybody this year, which means that it wasn’t science at all, but rather a politically motivated narrative disguised as science. You can’t trust the government’s health agencies. You can’t trust Big Pharma. You can’t trust the media. What blares out at us from the biggest platforms is most likely to be a big lie.
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Source: Author
Millions of doctors have knowningly
injected their patients with these
toxins – solely for the kickbacks
from Big Pharma – and being the
disgusting cowards that they all
are – for failing to stand up against
this ongoing mass genocide. They
should all be led to the nearest
gallows. However, that is not
likely to happen until and unless
a revolutionary government is
installed in Washington. The death
toll will eventually exceed that of
the Black Death of the 1340’s. It
is nothing less that a mass extinction
The radical German resistance: “To this day there is no virus proof.”
I will ask a doctor I trust.
Apart from that: I have never believed in a pandemic. In a pandemic, people are struggling with a humanitarian disaster. In a fake pandemic, people are fighting over toilet paper.
Source: Doctors for Enlightenment (Germany) & Definitions
“Pandemic: Everyone knows victims of the pandemic in their acquaintance and family.
“Fake pandemic: victims are only known from the mass media.”
I smelled the rotten roast in the first days of Corona when the media tried to introduce new terms such as: Corona jail, Corona police, hiking ban (in the forest!!!) and kissing ban.
You know something is wrong when the “fact checkers” do not even mention the anecdotal reports of abnormally frequent deaths of fit athletes who have been vaccinated let alone trying to debunk them.
Government, media, and all other institutions of note ganged up on us to push the death stabs, and I cannot see there being any chance of reform. We need a whole new order among us to survive their full-court press that leads to our racial death. We need our people to come together and get with the National Alliance’s program of Life as a team.
The Judenrats control most everything. They refer to themselves as The Tribe. Many goyim decry “it’s not all Jews, it’s just the Ashkenazi.” I call bs on that. There is no good Jew.
Of anything that brings me to rage fueled tears is the little ones that got this crap put into them. I’ve accepted that there is a level of Darwin awards to this whole thing and that those with full agency can get this crap if they want (though the spike shedding isn’t appreciated for the ones that didn’t get this junk), however, the kids that were taken by their parents to get this and otherwise had no choice, that one just really gets me.
It’s bad enough the torment young white kids have to go through in a world that tells them to hate themselves and the issues that can come from that but the physical side effects from this are just rubbing their faces even deeper in the mud.
“The duty of a true Patriot is to protect his country from its government.”- Thomas Paine
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I have known about the evil of the Jew for decades therefore I never fell for the plandemic and certainly never took any of the poison darts. All one has to do is research who’s behind this bs and you’ll see it’s overwhelmingly the Judenrats. I will never comply. I’ve never taken a flu shot, no Pcr test and no kill shots. I will never comply with anything the Jew pushes. They can kiss my lovely white arse.
The twelve doses of Christmas:
All this discussion becomes moot when one accepts that fact that a self-replicating pathogenic agent called a virus does not exist. I have explained in a previous comment the historical basis for the development of the pseudo-science called virology. There is not a single shred of scientific evidence that proves the existence of a virus. Look no further than the ‘methodology’ section of any scientific paper in virology to see why this statement is so true. All those virion pictures they show you on TV and in newspapers are just an artist’s impression, and in this instance most likely a Jewish BS – artist. Never forget this; the only group that truly benefits form promoting a belief in the existence of viruses are Jews.
Everyone who is up to speed on this entire SCAMDEMIC of lies and madness is fully aware about how some 6 months ago the CRIMINALS behind this entire program of mass genocide actually had the ungodly nerve to say that WE the safely ‘unvaxxed’ should somehow ‘forgive them’ for their want to murder BILLIONS of human beings via their deadly KILL SHOTS…. At that time and ever since, we have never fallen for this garbage, for we all know that these monsters must never ever be able to escape the justice that they all deserve for this program of mass genocide. NOW these psychopaths are trying another twist in their ‘blame game’ by now trying to make the idiotic and outlandish claim that WE the ‘unvaxxed’ somehow had some ‘hidden… Read more »