
High Jewish IQ Debunked — Joe Rogan Follow-Up

HERE’S A follow-up to my last video, where many tried to excuse the level of Jewish over-representation on Joe Rogan’s podcast by claiming that Jews are simply more intelligent than non-Jews. I did the research, as you will see in the video and can confirm by studying my bibliographical appendix below, and find that the claims made about “ultra-high” Jewish IQ are questionable. There must be other reasons for the predominance of Jews in media, finance, and in the guest list of Joe Rogan’s podcast (among many other venues).

This video has now been shared on several platforms, and has been bringing insight even to followers (now former followers) of philo-Semitic “alternative media” figures like the increasingly unhinged Jordan Peterson. One commenter said:

Thanks for putting the time in to make this video which comprehensively debunks the myth of higher-than-average Jewish IQ. Back when I was a big fan of Jordan Peterson, I wielded the argument of higher Jewish IQ that he popularized against many more hard-line nationalists who were decrying Jewish overrepresentation. It’s interesting to hear that you’ve been receiving the same type of flak from Jordan Peterson fans in 2022. This is a great video!

Another said:

You’re telling me people who swing chickens around their heads to transfer their sins onto the chicken aren’t all geniuses?

And one observer added:

Something to consider in Levinson: Children are an unreliable source of IQ data since intelligence isn’t reliably expressed until about 13 or so, and those were elementary-aged kids in Levinson, so the stats are even worse proof for the IQ hypothesis. Genes take time to express as a person ages, and they reach mental maturity at about 18 and finish at 25. Any study of children’s IQ cannot be applied to a cohort of adults because of this. One example I have is that Black children test on average 110 IQ, but as they age, this falls off, and we get results like 85 on average. Children have more neuroplasticity than adults so they will perform better on IQ tests than you might expect for the adult statistics.


[1]: Backman, M. E. (1972) Patterns of mental abilities: ethnic, socioeconomic, and sex differences. American Educational Research Journal 9,1–12.
[2]: Levinson, B. M. (1957). The intelligence of applicants for admission to Jewish day schools.
[3]: Richard Lynn (2003), “The Intelligence of American Jews,” Personality and Individual Differences.
[4]: MacDonald, K. B. (2002). A people that shall dwell alone: Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, with Diaspora Peoples. Writers Club Press.
[5]: Storfer, M. D. (1990). Intelligence and giftedness: The contributions of heredity and early environment. Jossey-Bass.
[5.1]: Ramsden S, Richardson FM, Josse G, Thomas MS, Ellis C, Shakeshaft C, Seghier ML, Price CJ. Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain. Nature. 2011 Oct 19;479(7371):113-6. doi: 10.1038/nature10514. Erratum in: Nature. 2012 May 31;485(7400):666. PMID: 22012265; PMCID: PMC3672949.
[5.2]: Lynn, R. (2011). The chosen people: A study of jewish intelligence and achievement. Washington Summit Publishers.
[6]: Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. A. (1997). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American Life. Free Press.
[7]: Cochran G, Hardy J, Harpending H. Natural history of Ashkenazi intelligence. J Biosoc Sci. 2006 Sep;38(5):659-93. doi: 10.1017/S0021932005027069. PMID: 16867211.
[8]: Botticini, Maristella; Eckstein, Zvi (2004) : Jewish Occupational Selection :
Education, Restrictions, or Minorities?, IZA Discussion Papers, No. 1224, Institute for the Study
of Labor (IZA), Bonn
[9]: Daniel Klein, The Islamic and Jewish Laws of Usury: A Bridge to Commercial Growth and Peace in the
Middle East
, 23 Denv. J. Int’l L. & Pol’y 535 (1995)
[10]: Micceri, T. (1989). The unicorn, the normal curve, and other improbable creatures. Psychological Bulletin, 105(1), 156–166.
[11]:… (*Not citing the wikipedia page. This is not a scholarly paper, but offers a great easy to understand explanation of how test scores are normalized for IQ.)
[12]:… – GM Nakamura scores a 102 on an IQ test. Sure this is just an online test, but they do ask questions which are similar to the more “official” IQ tests out there. Surely this is enough to give us an idea of what his “true IQ” might be. I am not taking away anything from Nakamura, who is great, I’m only showing the flaw in the argument that success in chess implies high IQ.
[13]: Transcript of an interview which can be found here […]. Bobby Fischer talking about how chess has had the soul taken out of it by the over reliance on theory and opening moves.
[14]: Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod, Fernand Gobet, Does chess need intelligence? — A study with young chess players, Intelligence, Volume 35, Issue 5, 2007, Pages 457-470, ISSN 0160-2896,
[15]: DAVID, H., & LYNN, R. (2007). INTELLIGENCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL JEWS IN ISRAEL. Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(3), 465-473. doi:10.1017/S0021932006001660

* * *

Source: Leather Apron Club

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20 December, 2022 10:07 am

They’ve never created an advanced civilisation of their own (modern “Israel” doesn’t count as it is heavily subsidised by the US and Germany) and all the claims of Jewish inventions and discoveries are just nonsense (Einstein for example was a fraud). They, like Negroes, have no history, no culture and no great achievements. All they have is a remarkable talent for lies, manipulation, theft and parasitism.

Reply to  Joshua
28 December, 2022 10:38 am

All jews are frauds(freud being another) at this point.

20 December, 2022 2:24 pm

“mental illness is a Jewish issue’ and points to the findings of geneticists at John Hopkins University who have identified a high incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder among Ashkenazi Jews. Many suffer from an autosomal recessive trait that goes back thousands of years and which manifests as congenital lying, delusional behaviour and paranoia.”

20 December, 2022 6:36 pm

Everything that can be said about Jews, Dr. Pierce has written and pointed it out in his writings. What he has said in the past still holds true to this day and will always! The Jew is a cancer to any society it gets into just like a termite or a deadly disease! The Jew does not produce or create on its own! It’s very good at coming into a society and Strangling it financially and morally and socially! you do not see the Jew doing skilled labor jobs or farming or the building trades. Of course somebody will always find an exception but overall they do not go into these endeavors. why do you find the Jew in finance and law and various communications and medicine to an extent,… Read more »

21 December, 2022 10:41 am

An excellent presentation. What astonishes me is how thin, flimsy the evidence is for higher Jew IQ. If these studies are indicative of the level of science in the social “sciences”, then surely a seventh study of equal validity could be derived using an ouija board. Backman “[This study]” was restricted to to those who had responded a follow-up survey five years after graduation…” Which of many reasons might there be that would motivate one person to respond to the survey request than another? Perhaps this would be persons who went on to study successfully at university, might be the student came from a family that pushed academic achievement and was proud of their child, or from a family that was wealthy enough to have the leisure to respond to… Read more »

Leather Apron Club
Leather Apron Club
30 December, 2022 11:24 am

Thanks for the cross-post Kevin! This is the enduring myth they use most often to justify their absurd levels of representation. It needs to have more light shined on it.

2 January, 2023 11:37 am

Yes thank you for exposing the lies of Jewish supremacy! I’ve always said Einstein was overrated (Notice how Tesla is practically demonized) and the only reason Einstein had a high IQ was because of the “Ashkenaz” (GERMAN) side of him. German genes infused into his DNA made him smarter than the average Jew just like Natalie Portman’s Aryan European genes are where her relatively good looks comes from. Nothing more. She’s almost fully a white girl but identifies as Jew because of the Jew in the woodpile lol.

2 January, 2023 11:48 am

Most people know Jews are mongrels but don’t know that they originated in the Middle East by the genetic crossing of Asians with AFRICAN BLACKS. All their achievements like blacks, are because people felt sorry for them (holohoax exaggerations and lies) and allowed them to get away with stolen valor. In reality, their ‘achievement’ was just appeasement (like affirmative action and hiring quotas) and really doesn’t amount to anything more than a participation trophy.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
2 January, 2023 12:41 pm

Some commentator said: Back when I was a big fan of Jordan Peterson, I wielded the argument of higher Jewish IQ that he popularized against many more hard-line nationalists who were decrying Jewish overrepresentation. It’s interesting to hear that you’ve been receiving the same type of flak from Jordan Peterson fans in 2022. — Who in hell is Jordan Peterson and why would any “hard-line nationalists” care what he has to say about anything, especially on National Vanguard. We in the Alliance do not care what his fans think. We will build with serious fans of William Pierce. I found this about popular social media sensation Peterson on Wikipedia: In May 2017, Peterson began The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories,[96] a series of live theatre lectures, also published as podcasts, in which… Read more »

25 April, 2023 11:16 am

It’s called nepotism, nothing to do with self-appraised high IQ. Once they get there more will follow.