Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran
The neocons, are, of course almost 100 per cent. Jewish — the key factor in understanding why they (and their neoliberal “opponents”) have so much blood on their hands. — Ed.
by Ron Paul
PRESIDENT TRUMP and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani last week because he was planning “Imminent attacks” on US citizens. I don’t believe them.
Why not? Because Trump and the neocons – like Pompeo – have been lying about Iran for the past three years in an effort to whip up enough support for a US attack. From the phony justification to get out of the Iran nuclear deal, to blaming Yemen on Iran, to blaming Iran for an attack on Saudi oil facilities, the US Administration has fed us a steady stream of lies for three years because they are obsessed with Iran.
And before Trump’s obsession with attacking Iran, the past four US Administrations lied ceaselessly to bring about wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Serbia, Somalia, and the list goes on.
At some point, when we’ve been lied to constantly and consistently for decades about a “threat” that we must “take out” with a military attack, there comes a time where we must assume they are lying until they provide rock solid, irrefutable proof. Thus far they have provided nothing. So I don’t believe them.
President Trump has warned that his administration has already targeted 52 sites important to Iran and Iranian culture and the US will attack them if Iran retaliates for the assassination of Gen. Soleimani. Because Iran has no capacity to attack the United States, Iran’s retaliation if it comes will likely come against US troops or US government officials stationed or visiting the Middle East. I have a very easy solution for President Trump that will save the lives of American service members and other US officials: just come home. There is absolutely no reason for US troops to be stationed throughout the Middle East to face increased risk of death for nothing.
In our Ron Paul Liberty Report program last week we observed that the US attack on a senior Iranian military officer on Iraqi soil – over the objection of the Iraq government – would serve to finally unite the Iraqi factions against the United States. And so it has: on Sunday the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from Iraqi soil. It may have been a non-binding resolution, but there is no mistaking the sentiment. US troops are not wanted and they are increasingly in danger. So why not listen to the Iraqi parliament?
Bring our troops home, close the US Embassy in Baghdad – a symbol of our aggression — and let the people of the Middle East solve their own problems. Maintain a strong defense to protect the United States, but end this neocon pipe-dream of ruling the world from the barrel of a gun. It does not work. It makes us poorer and more vulnerable to attack. It makes the elites of Washington rich while leaving working and middle class America with the bill. It engenders hatred and a desire for revenge among those who have fallen victim to US interventionist foreign policy. And it results in millions of innocents being killed overseas.
There is no benefit to the United States to trying to run the world. Such a foreign policy brings only bankruptcy – moral and financial. Tell Congress and the Administration that for America’s sake we demand the return of US troops from the Middle East!
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Source: Ron Paul Institute
Dr. Paul, why not get to the heart of the issue? Namely, that the main reason we’re in the middle East at all is to fight Israel’s enemies and keep their countries destabilized. The irrefutable proof is in the results harvested over nearly two decades of continuing American military presence in the region. There’s no peace anywhere we have troops there, and there’s none in sight. Also note that the world is chock full of “dictators” yet our American leaders only go after those our kosher “Democratic ally” wants. Israel benefits yet America pays the price. Is this smart? A better idea for our military would be to bring them home and put them on the Mexican border with orders to shoot to kill anyone that crosses at any place… Read more »
True to form, nowhere does Paul mention that all-important (((J)))-word, or even its weaker sibling, the {{{Z}}}-word. Just more right wing blather.
First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence
A problem may be that neoconservativism was about 40% non-jewish based on my quick survey of https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Neo-conservatives/list , which is 10 years old . Neoconservativism has been discredited since by endless mid-east wars and the disdain that most arab muslims have for the jewish democratic value system, with its “Arab Spring” that would’ve accomplished little more than allowing gay porn (intended to reduce Arab population growth) and supporting Israel’s illegal jewish settlements on the West Bank. However, that 40% was more mainstream than the rest, by including Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove, as well as Colin Powell, GW Bush, and Dick Cheney who were omitted from the list. They inherantly had more say on the issue because they are not jewish.
The Jew is not Enemy Number One. It is Problem Number One.
There are no solutions until Jew influence is eliminated because any ‘success’ will be co-opted or otherwise spun against us.
Enemy Number One will present a much tougher task, but for now:
First Thing First
Bob in DC: True to form, nowhere does Paul mention that all-important (((J)))-word, or even its weaker sibling, the {{{Z}}}-word. Just more right wing blather. — It’s more like Libertarian blather, Bob. “Dr. No,” as Paul was known when he served in Congress because he was often the only vote against some irresponsible legislation. He didn’t use the “J”-word when speaking against policies that favored Jewry, but he was courageously outspoken just enough to serve as a Congressman for over 20 years without being run out of office. Take time to read his July 1993 speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, neo-CONNED: http://www.citizenreviewonline.org/july_2003/neo_conned.htm Paul doesn’t use the “J”-word in that speech, but the perceptive reader/listener can tell he was describing neo-CONs as Jews. This speech reminds… Read more »
Both Left and Right serve continual grist for the Jew media mill, and echo back to their French Revolution.
‘America’ was lost with finality in 1913 when Jews, then controlling the world’s private wealth, were given the future largess of a then burgeoning America whose infinite line of public credit, based upon the productivity of a generally duped populous, was schemed into funding over a century of warfare – a warfare without end which clearly reflects its progenitor Trotsky’s penchant for perpetual revolution.
Leaders even then were familiar with Jew evil but, just as in our time, their Ron Paul types did nothing effective to end it.
Bob in DC: Both Left and Right serve continual grist for the Jew media mill, and echo back to their French Revolution…. — How true., Bob. You have a front row seat to that built-in self-destruct mechanism there in DC. Dr. William Pierce lived and worked out of the DC area 45-50 years ago, and recognizing that truth founded the National Alliance to expose and oppose it all, refusing to have the Alliance defined as either left or right. From 1976, way ahead of his time: …I’m sure that one of the difficulties people have in trying to understand us [the National Alliance] is that they can’t figure out quite how to categorize us. They’re accustomed to putting everything they encounter in life into little, mental pigeonholes labeled right-wing, left-wing,… Read more »
Yes, I’ve read/heard this one before, and always get a kick out of: ‘“There is no good reason at all for Whites to survive,” the Jew announced… .’ He admitted to the class that Jews are not white – that they are something ‘else’!
“Paul doesn’t use the “J”-word in that speech, but the perceptive reader/listener can tell he was describing neo-CONs as Jews. ” He could not use the J-word for reasons we know. But it would also be inaccurate, considering the names I gave. Gingrich, with mouthpieces Hannity and Limbaugh, carry much weight among Republicans; none are jews. If Paul redid the speech, he’d have to add neocons in Hillary Clinton (as sec’y of State), the late John McCain, and Lindsay Graham, perhaps the most powerful neocon in congress now – as Paul himself points out at http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/neocon-watch/2019/october/25/lindsey-graham-steal-syrias-oil-to-pay-for-us-occupation/ . This is all common knowledge among people who follow politics on a tabloid level; these folks don’t act in the shadows. A large number of visitors to NV understand the JQ as a… Read more »
I voted for him when he ran in the Republican primaries. Good man but naive on some things. I was disappointed when he distanced himself from his newsletter articles (It was a Jewish, homosexual Jaimie Kirchik who pushed this “scandal”) And of course, the “Austrian School” of economics is largely Jewish.
Ron Paul was the only one in the Republican debates that said Ronald Reagan was a failure. At a debate held at the Reagan Presidential Library!
Ron Paul lost most of his supporters when he threw 911 truthers under the bus
They’re for sale!
“On Sunday the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from Iraqi soil. It may have been a non-binding resolution, but there is no mistaking the sentiment. US troops are not wanted and they are increasingly in danger.”
The US attack that killed Soleimani earlier this month was an act of state terrorism. Why wouldn’t the Iraqis want the US to leave them alone?