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The Untold Story of John Bolton’s Campaign for War With Iran
Immediately after the writing of this piece, Trump nominated Bolton as his National Security Advisor. Kevin Alfred Strom says that John Bolton “is one of the most evil, treasonous, Israel-worshipping, warmongering liars ever to walk the face of the Earth.”
JOHN BOLTON as Donald Trump’s…

Editorial: Gilad Atzmon on Judeo-Centric Pathology
Below is an honest and much appreciated reflection by a Jew on the tribe’s uniquely dangerous mendacity. — Dissident Millennial
The Jewish Timeline — From Moses to Bibi
Gilad Atzmon |
The Jewish timeline is a peculiar one-sided anti-historical narrative that…

Israeli News Outlet: Nuke Germany and Iran
Israel National News has now deleted the editorial, but not before other media outlets took note of it. This piece by The Times of Israel is one such; most Jews prefer to keep this aspect of the Jewish mentality suppressed or under wraps — other Jews can’t restrain themselves and express …

Trump’s Misuse of Intelligence on Iran
Bowing to Israeli-Saudi desires, the Trump administration is abusing the U.S. intelligence process to whip up a war fever against Iran, much like George W. Bush did on Iraq. Left nearly (but not quite) unsaid in this otherwise excellent piece is the motivation behind US warmongering: Washington’s…

Impending False Flag in Syria?
by Michael Walsh
RUSSIA, the People’s Republic of China, Iran, and Syria today are on red alert as they brace for an imminent US-inspired false flag operation in Syria. Hundreds may die, be maimed, and made homeless in a US-backed attack on Syrian civilians.
As in all such events, without evidence or…

Trump’s Not Caving, He’s Black-Holing
by David Sims
TO THE RUIN of our hopes, the once fair-spoken Donald Trump has turned out to be yet another puppet of Israel and Jewish high finance. Why does this happen, without exception, to every president we elect?
The obvious answer to the question I asked is the right answer: The Jews control US elections…

South Africa and Iran Focus of Latest IHR Meeting
THE END OF White “apartheid” rule in South Africa during the early 1990s was supposed to usher in a golden era of freedom, prosperity and happiness. It hasn’t worked out that way. For the country’s people of European origin, prospects are not bright.
Even the BBC asks: “Do white people have a future in…

Journey to a Politically Incorrect Land
by John Massaro
“BOY, you really do like danger, don’t you?” “Better not bring any Bibles with you.” “What are you going there for? They hate us.”
I turned a deaf ear to all the nonsense. People whose horizon is no wider than a television screen, who wouldn’t…

Pre-Emptive Attack Iran Bill Active in US House
One of the most foolish and dangerous aspects of the Trump presidency is its subservience to extreme Jewish-Zionist warmongers and their “bomb Iran” agenda.
YOU WILL OFTEN see potentially important pieces of legislation languish in the US House. A bill will remain active, meaning that…

The Sins of the Iranians
by Revilo P. Oliver
PERSONS WHO expect the Jews’ government in Washington to show some consistency in its operations, just to keep the boobs from thinking, were astonished when, within the space of a week, the righteous Iranians, whom we were supplying with weapons so that they could destroy…