Jewish Bankers Were the Cause of Both World War 2 and the Armenian Genocide
IT SHOULD be no secret to any educated person that wars are usually instigated for financial reasons. The Armenian Genocide (1915), often blamed on Turkish nationalism, was actually triggered by the Rothschild banking family, through their agent, a Jew named Emanuel Curasso. He was part of the group that led the Young Turks, whose membership was a mixture of Muslims and Jews.
The Rothschilds owned the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it to their refinery in Fiume on the Adriatic. The products were then sold throughout the Middle East. The Rothschilds wanted to eliminate ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschilds to get what they wanted was to eliminate the Armenians.
Likewise, the Second World War began because Germany broke away from the Jewish banking houses (including the Rothschilds). The Jewish bankers had expected Hitler to place Germany in debt with loans from their banks as his means of bringing about Germany’s economic recovery. Instead, Hitler found other means — including international barter and alternative financial systems in which the Jews didn’t have any usurious fingers in the pie.
This fact was well-understood at the time, and it was summarized by Viscount Lymington: “If we have a period of peace for only three years, the financial system of Messrs. Frankfurter, Warburg, and Baruch, and most of Wall Street, will topple of its own accord.” (Source: The New Pioneer, May 1939.)
That was the actual reason for the Second World War. Hitler was about to yank the Jewish vampire off the back of Western civilization, and that vampire did not want to be deprived of its prey. So it began a war to defend the parasitical status quo.
The invasion of Poland was a pretext. If it had been the real reason for the war, then the simultaneous invasion of Poland’s eastern half by the Soviet Union would have been just as objectionable as Germany’s invasion of Poland’s western half.
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Source: Author
It is important to note that it was England and France’s declaration of war on Germany, when Germany invaded Poland,that touched off WW-2. It is also important to note that Germany’s invasion of Poland could be justified on the grounds that Hitler’s aim, at that time, was to restore to Germany parts of Germany that had been given to Poland at the end of WW-1. And finally it is important to note that the Allies had NO problem with Jew dominated Soviet Russia invading Poland at the same time and they had NO problem with Soviet Russia’s domination of eastern Europa for the next 40 years. And, now, look at Europa today, with her peoples so soul sick that they are not producing enough children to maintain their population levels… Read more »
Wow, this is what I have been telling people all along and everyone thinks I’m nuts!!!
welcome to the club. 14/88. DAS REICH
You know whats nuts is that everybody forgot to tell Japan not to bomb Pearl Harbor, thus pitting one Christian nation against another! From what I gather, , attitudes towards Jews were similar in pre-war Germany and America. It seems likely to me that Hirohito was actually a Jew who had mastered the art of jewjitsu. I mean ninjitsu- which includes the art of disguise. (Jujitsu was actually created to combat ninjitsu, but anyway.)
Everyone here is a bona-fide genius, it amazes me to be among the few who have actually figured it all out! Gott mit uns! (cause its freakin cold in Siberia)
I’m right with you. But England and France have been under the Rothschild Central Banks compound interest scam and their literal financial enslavement since Napoleon and before. Misappropriation of territory by playing upon the open hedonistic greed and Psychotic pathology that seems to accompany every Political crook when they eventually revert to form once in possession of their true aspired condition; unbridled control freak greed and power over everything but their own appetites. These Hubristic monsters are easily purchased then to do “their’ will like the crime that was the 1938-39 Geneva convention where Crown Temple Franchise installed its strangled hold of hammer and Anvil extortion. Thanks to Cromwell and the House of Orange things have gone from bad to the House of Saxe Coburg Gotha sponsored Illuminist of Adam… Read more »
More complete information about the Rothschild oil company that instigated the Armenian Genocide:
The Rothschilds owned (since 1884) the The Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, and shipped it over the Caucasus by rail to Batumi in FSR Georgia, thence to their refinery in Fiume (a port city now called Rijeka) on the Adriatic. The products, including kerosene, were then sold throughout central Europe in competition with similar products sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil company. The Rothschilds wanted to eliminate ethnic conflict along the trade route, and since the Armenians were the weakest party in those conflicts, the cheapest way for the Rothschilds to get what they wanted was to eliminate the Armenians.
I’m not white and will never consider myself a white nationalist. But these theories about the Jews coupled with their prominence in modern media, banking, and business circles have really convinced me. It all makes way too much sense.
You’re right. What’s more, the well has been extremely well poisoned and the water clouded to create discussion when action is required. We’ve been distracted into harming friends and assisting enemies.
The oil extracted from Azerbaijan was shipped over the Caucasus Mountains by rail to a port city called Batumi, in what is today the FSU Republic of Georgia. It was shipped by sea through the Bosporus and Dardanelles waterways, to the Mediterranean Sea, and thence to Fiume. Fiume was the name of a Croatian port city that is now named Rijeka.
Errata: The petroleum products (chief among which was kerosene) that were processed at the Rothschild refineries at Fiume were only secondarily sold in the Middle East. They were primarily sold in central Europe, in competition with similar products sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company. The ethnic tension between the Turks and Armenians, which had been a regular and on-going feature of that region’s political life for a long time, posed a risk to the Rothschilds’ shipping, and a business cost was involved in keeping that risk to a minimum. So, to increase their profits, the Rothschilds hatched a plan to overthrow the Turkish Sultan and exterminate the Armenian people. The former was accomplished in 1908. The latter was carried out beginning in April 1915. The Wikipedia article on the… Read more »
If the Armenian genocide was not committed by the Turks t
hen why does Erdogan not tell who did? He is still denying
but do not tell who the villains,.Ask the Armenians…
Greetings Ricardo.
The atrocities were led by ‘Young Turks’, not Turks.
The expression ‘Young Turk’ was meant to describe someone who had only recently become a Turk. The Young Turks were Baltic Jews.
If Erdogan disclosed the villains then who would publish that news? Such Young Turks are standing behind him.
I did not know “The Young Turks” were Baltic Jews. Fascinating!
The Young Turks were secret jews known as Donmeh jews, they were jews who “converted” to Islam but remained jews in secret-same trick they pulled in Spain. I wasn’t aware that they were Baltic jews, I thought they were mostly from Turkey and Greece. Ataturk (Father of the Turks), was probably a Donmeh jew:
The German government complained to the League of Nations on dozens of occasions about the murder of 58,000 German civilians before WW2. The Jewish-created League of Nations did nothing.
Jews were the cause, why single out jew bankers and give the rest of that demon race a pass?
The entire Race is a Satanic mistake.
We must be prepared for a new monetary system, an honest one, when our present debt-based banking cartel collapses. Kindly read and critique this proposed Constitutional Amendment: From “The Truth in Money Book” by Theodore R. Thorsen and Richard F Warner: QUOTE Someone had to borrow at usury to bring that money [checkbook balances, bills and coins] into existence. The money goes out of existence as the usury and the debt principal are paid back to the bank. These amounts are huge: several billion dollars go out of existence each day. [Actually this money goes into the reserve accounts of the Federal Reserve Banks, out of the hands of the public! This book was first printed in November 1980! The amounts which are withdrawn presently are much larger.] If the… Read more »
Greetings Dennis. You state “We must be prepared for a new monetary system, an honest one, when our present debt-based banking cartel collapses.” Quite so!. There was such a system. Hitler’s government created it. The money that was printed was based on labour. I faintly recall that One Mark was equivalent to one hour of work.
I believe that the “Armenian genocide” is greatly exaggerated. There was an Armenian revolt during the First World War, encouraged by the Entente powers, and in response to that there were massacres and a mass-expulsion. Because it happened during the First World War, and because Zionist Jews wanted Palestine, which was in Ottoman hands, the Armenian catastrophe was greatly exaggerated. They could get away with this because the German trans-oceanic telegraph cable had been cut and there was consequently no contradictory information available. Years ago when I was arguing about the matter with an Armenian woman she referred me to a book written by Henry Morgenthau Sr. and published during the war, as a supposedly authoritative source. How trustworthy do you think that is? There was a lot of carnage… Read more »
If anything is an exaggeration, that’s the figure 6,000,000. It has been forensically proven that Not only there were NO 6M news in Germany but in the whole European countries.
Furthermore, it would’ve needed at least 133 Football Stadiums Size of Cyanide Gas Chambers to kill 6M people over 10 years….
Why Can’t you check your bloody facts HADDING !
6000000 is a number from Jewish folklore (mysticism) indicating the end times. It has appeared in print periodically in Europe since at least the 1800’s. How people have been stupid enough to be duped by this story, never substantiated in fact, for more than 75 yrs now is beyond me. Earlier of course one could be arrested and charged with hate crimes as an holocaust denier ( sounds familiar doesn’t it. Racist, Homophobe, Bigot, Conspiracy theorist) which is how you silence any dissent if you don’t have proof but do hold power. Now however with so much more information available to reach an objective conclusion, choosing to blindly agree with this (any) type of propaganda where distorting perception for the self interest of an individual or group is evident is… Read more »
Hadding you have to learn more about genocide then say it was exaggerated .please I am son of survived genocide parent .my dad was 2 years old have respect for their souls
The Genocide wasn’t a 2 sided conflict, whoever put that in your head is not an honest person. The other possible alternative is that you are a classic fact denying Turk.
The Rothschilds aren’t Jews, they just say they are.
Genetics proved you wrong decades ago. Jews are consistently more related to each other than to their host populations, and the Khazar theory was debunked long ago. Your bible-based “Jews aren’t the real Jews” nonsense isn’t welcome here, and was only created as an emotional crutch so that Whites wouldn’t have to ditch the nasty Hebrew book, which they most emphatically should do.
Except Christianity is based on Jewish roots.. good and evil resides in all human beings.. Nobody is better and nobody is worse.. we are all corruptible.. we all have the ability to forgive as well as hate.. Hate is of the Devil and Love is of God.. If you hate you are in fact doing the Devils work!
there are jews in the bible that say they are and do also lie….
Incredible hatred advocated here ! Don’t know how or why I came across this “ den of vipers”
Off you go then. I have not seen anything but polite regimented and open discussion until your post. I have seen open discussion aimed at discovering the facts of global economic enslavement and the historic misappropriation and disenfranchising of defenceless indigenous peoples until your post opposing discussion of anything you are emotionally a party to. You don’t actually say anything other than de facto contradict your own hypothesis by saying how much you hate hate and then throwing it us. Shaddai Shaddai Shaddai. If the Rothschild Central banks carefully arranged World Wars are not evil to you as the financial engine funding both sides and their own mother saying “If my sons did not want Wars there would not be any!” you are not reasonable but emotionally guided (the Jews… Read more »
Other than history and Jewish influence on it, how do you feel about Jews who are run of the mill?
Does the National Alliance consider Armenians to be White?
Whites can be found in areas outside of our usual locations, Mr. Wilson. Armenia could very well be one of them, but a closer examination of each seems prudent before making any proclamations.
I could easily say the same thing about “Americans” or “Frenchmen” these days, considering how various racial groups live in close proximity and possibly interbreed with each other.
I have met a few people from Armenia who looked like they had a bit of whatever bloodline it is that makes Jews ugly. However, as Jim said, I could say the same thing about Americans in these days of no borders and racial devolution. And, I must add, all of these Armenians appeared to to be kind, fine people, not pushy or crude at all.
And my dentist for many years, a Dr. Derian, was an Armenian who looked and acted as White as any other European. His staff were also Armenians, and all looked as White as me. They could easily have passed for natives of Lugano or Liverpool or Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Were Dr. Derian and members of his staff full-blooded Armenians?
As a general rule, should Armenians (and Georgians, Turks, and Iranians) be considered White and allowed to marry Whites?
Hi, George. First, please tell me what you think on the matter, with reasons and as in-depth as you can be in a reasonably short comment. I only say that because your tone is that of a man with an agenda or a strong opinion, and I want to understand it.
Mr. Strom,
I do not have a personal agenda or any will to undermine the National Alliance.
It is important to have clear definitions of what terms such as “European” mean. The main issues with the German racial laws were the common lack of clarity and the confusion that came from that.
If you want my opinion, Georgians and Armenians are White, while Iranians and Turks are not.
In my view, it’s not as simple as declaring some nationalities White and others not White, even though you might be right a high percentage of the time. I’ve met some individuals from all of those nationalities who looked perfectly, and I do mean perfectly, White. But looking forward to a future racial state, merely looking White to an examiner’s eyes could lead to mistakes. (There are plenty of truly White people who have darker than average complexions or larger than average noses, etc., for example; and there are plenty of Jews — who absolutely must be excluded — who convincingly mimic Whites, even the fairest and noblest-looking, of most any nationality, and who even fool natives.) I must say, though, that depending on an examiner’s eyes, or on something… Read more »
I assume that Dr. Derian and staff were full-blooded Armenians, though I never asked that question. All I know is what Dr. Derian told me, and I didn’t probe beyond that.