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Jews and Bankers: Fake Gods Worthy of the Pit
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 March, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I’VE DETAILED MANY TIMES on this program, and in articles on,…

Always Take
Is this a coincidence, or are our misrulers having a joke at our expense? American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 January, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom HOW DO THE ENEMIES of the White race maintain their power over…

The Global Expropriation Wave
by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer,
Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V. WHOEVER GIVES AWAY HIS assets and entrusts them to strangers (including banks) can be expropriated. The US has the highest indebtedness in their history (over 30 trillion dollars = 135% GDP), so they have been over-indebted for…
Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V. WHOEVER GIVES AWAY HIS assets and entrusts them to strangers (including banks) can be expropriated. The US has the highest indebtedness in their history (over 30 trillion dollars = 135% GDP), so they have been over-indebted for…

The Bankers, Their “Federal Reserve,” and Firing Squads
This is your god, fools. People who have arrogated to themselves the “right” to create money out of nothing — and that includes the entire banking System as well as the central head of the hydra, the Federal Reserve — and then, on top of that, have the chutzpah to charge the people…

No, the Rothschilds and Jewish Bankers Did Not Finance Hitler
WE hear this one all the time; but how few of the people repeating this cooked-up, passed-down, 100-year-old lie realize that the first such smear of Hitler came from an openly pro-Marxist newspaper? It’s true. Co-founded in 1876 by German Communist Wilhelm Liebknecht — Vorwarts (Forward…

The Jewish Banking Scam
by Hadding Scott ACCORDING TO THE Constitution, the United States Congress is supposed to issue money, but instead that power has been delegated to the Federal Reserve, a private corporation with some ties to the government. The member banks of the Federal Reserve profit from this arrangement. The…

Italy: “Our Gold Belongs to the People, Not the Bankers”
The “independent” central bank — meaning the bank is run by and for Jewish interests, not national interests — is being challenged, but it is not clear how much these populists really understand. ITALY’S GOVERNMENT is pushing ahead with new laws challenging the central…

Israel’s Biggest Banks Helped US Jews Break Tax Laws
Banks in the Jewish state paying a record-setting over $1 billion in fines; Jewish-controlled “mainstream” media are silent. No one, of course, is going to jail. ISRAEL’S three largest banks — Hapoalim Bank, Leumi Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank — have all been ordered to pay record…

A Primer of Social Credit
There are a few religiously-tinged paragraphs which we here at National Vanguard would have written differently, but this truly excellent introduction to the radical idea that we ought to own and benefit from our own credit and productivity is well worth reading. by Louis Even translated from the…

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 30, 2018 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY WE CONCLUDE our story of Salvation Island with “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3” (here are part 1 and part 2). The shipwrecked men of the island…