
Half a Century On, Chairman Williams Educates His Class

Traitorous President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Immigration Act of 1965, surrounded by supporters, including Senator Ted Kennedy (second from right), Senate sponsor of the race-destroying bill, and his brother Senator Robert Kennedy to his immediate left. The Act, which opened America’s borders to massive non-White immigration, was the long-time brainchild of Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler.

THIS ONLINE EXCHANGE promoting National Alliance ideas is another effort by National Alliance Chairman William White Williams. You may recall his previous entertaining exchanges from a couple of months ago with a high school classmate of his: Chairman Williams Exchanges Pleasantries with Former High School Classmate and Pleasantries Follow-up: Williams vs. Horvitz. Now another classmate of our Chairman has posted another “message to the class” worthy of response. Chairman Williams reports: “I couldn’t help myself after reading that message — I saw an opportunity to thoughtfully, incrementally introduce subjects of more importance to the 98% White audience on this forum.”

We’ll begin with the posting of Doug Gillis (you’ll notice that his writing, like that of many Americans, consists largely of platitudes):

Have you taken a DNA test through,, or another provider? Have you wondered how you might be related to other people, including those in our Broughton class? I recently submitted a DNA sample to 23andme. The results showed that I have over 5,000 known DNA cousins. That revelation reminded me to be kind to everyone and to not offend anyone. It also told me that I inherited as much Neanderthal DNA as 96% of other 23andme participants. Anyone of northern European extraction may have inherited Neanderthal DNA. Maybe that explains some of my characteristics. I learned that I have no Native American ancestry, though family connections suggested that I did. My father often said, “We are related to Danial Boone,” though he did not know how we were related. I figured out years later that my family is descended from Israel Boone, Daniel Boone’s older brother. Israel Boone and Martha Farmer were my 6th great grandparents. Both died of tuberculosis at age 31 leaving four children to be taken in by family members. Squire Boone, Daniel Boone’s father, told his son Daniel (21 years old) to marry Rebecca (age 17) and take Israel’s and Martha’s two sons into their home and raise the boys as their own. Other family members took in and raised the two orphaned girls. Jonathan Boone, son of Israel and Martha Farmer, were my 5th great grandparents. I wish I knew this history in time to ask Bob Boone about his ancestry. I have asked Dan Boone about his ancestry. My point is that if you go back far enough into your ancestry, you will find that you are related to many people. Many of us are or might be related.

Then Chairman Williams joined the conversation:

Don’t place too much faith in those commercial DNA testers, Doug. They share results with Big Tech and law enforcement, for one thing. For another, DNA is biological, not geographic. I have European ancestors going back in America to both the 1607 Jamestown colony and the Mayflower expedition to Plymouth, yet my results six years ago from Bennett Greenspan’s Family Tree DNA didn’t list admixture from North America at all.

Chairman Williams then shared the results of his DNA test:

Ethnic Makeup Percentage
African 0%
South Central Africa 0%
East Central Africa 0%
West Africa 0%
New World 0%
North and Central America 0%
South America 0%
Central/South Asian 0%
Central Asia 0%
Oceania 0%
South Central Asia 0%
East Asian 0%
Northeast Asia 0%
Siberia 0%
Southeast Asia 0%
Middle Eastern 0%
Asia Minor 0%
East Middle East 0%
North Africa 0%
West Middle East 0%
European 99%
British Isles 84%
East Europe 0%
Finland 0%
Scandinavia 11%
Southeast Europe 4%
Iberia 0%
West and Central Europe 0%
Jewish Diaspora 0%
Ashkenazi 0%
Sephardic 0%

Not sure what the missing 1% of my ethnic makeup is. My mother said I was part monkey, the way I was always climbing something.

Gillis answered:

Thanks for the comments, Will. Greenspan’s Ethnic Makeup Percentage is more complete than 23andme’s breakout. I do not know why Greenspan’s would not link you to Mayflower or Plymouth Colony ancestors. It’s good you know that part of your ancestry. The Genealogy Bank has a list of Mayflower Passengers and Descendents. It lists a William White, Resolved White, and Susanna White as Mayflower passengers. Perhaps your ancestors are among those listed. Also, 23andme, which was founded in 2006, claims its matches of “cousins” comes only from its members.

Chairman Williams responded:

Like I said, DNA is biological, not geographical. Testing can be useful to genealogists and law enforcement but aren’t the final word. At some point DNA testing will be in responsible hands to determine racial admixture (now taboo). I recall a Raleigh News and Observer article, oddly enough, that quoted a July 29, 2013 Times of Israel article: “According to the Times of Israel, ‘would-be immigrants from the former Soviet Union may be asked to prove [their] Jewish bloodline’ and will be ‘subjected to DNA testing to prove their Jewishness.’” That was ten years ago and a sure indicator that Jewishness is not a cultural construct, but a biological one. 28 years ago, during the O.J. Simpson murder trial, the DNA found on O.J.’s glove indicated odds were a quadrillion to one, or whatever, that it had been worn by a Black male. They didn’t say “by someone with an ancestor in sub-Saharan Africa.”

Interest in one’s genealogy has certainly increased in the Internet information era. Many in our class didn’t know who their ancestors were beyond two, or perhaps three generations. I am lucky that my Williams family tree has been recorded by descendants that preceded me, likely from family bibles and such — not a single mouth swab — drawn up and nicely framed. Richard Warren is the Williams ancestor who came over from England on the Mayflower in 1620. He was the 12th signer of the Mayflower Compact. Young Thomas Savage, 13, another in the Williams tree, arrived at the first English colony in Jamestown, Virginia on 2 January 1608, and was adopted by Powhaton Indians. He learned their language, was associated with Pocahontas, serving as an interpreter. Ten years later he was granted a 9,000-acre tract on the Eastern Shore. My mother and aunt maintained a good genealogical record of our maternal line and were active in First Families of Virginia since that side of my family also has a Jamestown ancestor.

To which Gillis came back:

Will, thanks for your comments. It is outstanding that you have such a well-documented and remarkable knowledge of your ancestors dating back to the Mayflower voyage and Jamestown colony. You are correct in saying many people do not know who their ancestors are beyond three generations. We need to know where we came from to know where we are headed.

Chairman Williams then steered the discussion toward more significant ideas:

Doug, I have been lucky to have a couple of first cousins of means in Raleigh who put together a comprehensive book last year about the Williams family, going back to the 1600s. They found portraits of those early ancestors, even a painting and a photo of the historical marker about Thomas Savage that is in Jamestown today.

So I know I am related to the founding stock of our nation. As a man of my race, however, I’m more concerned about “where we are headed” — preservation of that unique stock that built this nation but is shrinking fast, being deliberately replaced by non-White invaders that are incapable of making White babies. Our people’s replacement is a fact, not a theory. I doubt many of our classmates share my concern, put bluntly like that, even though they share our European genes. So what? Others of our people do.

While we’re on the subject, you mentioned, another commercial genealogy outfit that I can’t bring myself to trust. Purchased by the Blackstone Group for $4.7 billion in 2020, it has since transitioned from genealogical research to a high-value tech company, capitalizing on its mighty database — data being the new gold.

23andme was founded by Jewish whiz kid Anne Wojcicki, who was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the multi-billionaire Jew from Russia. Who’s going to trust that pair? Not this goy. Naturally, 23andme generously supports Jewish causes. What’s the most biased Big Tech censor of unpopular speech, Google/Instagram/YouTube, etc., or Faceberg? We may as well throw in the Amazon behemoth as a close third at this point. Folks should listen when political prisoner Julian Assange says “Google does what the CIA can’t.” Learn how Google searches treat the organization I head, the National Alliance, by reading “Google: Race-Based Censorship Through Search Engine Manipulation.” Do a Google search on the National Alliance to see the deliberate misinformation Google’s partner-in-crime Wikipedia provides, sourced from criminal, anti-White Jewish “hate” watchdogs like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

There is a need to regulate these autocratic, privately-owned Big Tech companies that censor dissidents’ “protected” free speech with impunity, but their powerful lobbies have the legislators who ought to do so in their pockets. Who doesn’t now know by now how the DOJ instructed Faceberg and Google to engage in election interference by stifling discussion about Biden’s son’s criminal misdeeds prior to the 2020 presidential election?

And Gillis responded:

Will, you are intitled [sic] to your opinions. I do not share them.

Katherine Harrod, another classmate, chimed in too:

Nor, do I.

Our Chairman then stated:

I didn’t expect you would, once serious racial politics were introduced into the dialog. But that’s all right, Doug.

The statement “The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it” has been attributed to George Orwell. Whoever said it knew what he was talking about.

Chairman Williams tells us that some of his words were deleted by the forum’s administrator:

That’s where my statement on the forum ended. But I had written more, all of which was censored by the forum’s operators.

I do not particularly like being censored so what was censored about truth-telling can be shared here on National Vanguard where it will not be censored. Some NV visitors may even say to themselves, “I can do this also,” if they are on non-standard social media sites where they can express truths that our people desperately need to hear. Below is my entire final comment to Doug, to Katherine who weighed in, and to any others who had been notified about Doug’s posting. The last two paragraphs about truth-telling are what were removed, probably seen as too “hateful.” Judge for yourselves.

—begin resubmission—

It looks like my comment got cut short, so here is the missing part again for what it’s worth, for you, Doug, for Miss Katherine and any other former classmates. ;o}

When Ted Kennedy was the chief sponsor of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, who knew then what a giant whopper he was telling his fellow senators, and America, when he promised, “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

How has that “drifting from truth” told by the “Lying Lion of the Senate” worked out for society? Racially responsible Whites see the disastrous “upset of the ethnic mix of our society” brought about by the Kennedy boys’ and LBJ’s 1965 Act. Apathetic Whites don’t have the eyes to see the drift. Truth is all around their feet and they refuse to look down. That’s the way it is, has always been — and that is all right, too.

There were around 600 classmates in my high school class of 1965. I figure 10% have died through normal attrition, but several hundred are signed up at this mickey-mouse site that’s mostly classmates wishing one another “happy birthday” or telling us about their grandkids and what they’ve done since graduating 58 years ago. That’s fine and to be expected, but when I see an opening to send “a message to the group” about subjects that are important for our future, subjects they are not used to hearing or even thinking about, I will jump in — without regard for what those classmates think about me or about what I tell them.

This exchange went well this time, and was civil as long as it was about genealogy and DNA. But as soon as I introduced race and the Jewish Question into the discussion, I was told I was “intitled [sic ] to my opinion,” but that it was “not shared.” Then my final comment was partly censored, so I resubmitted it, and it was then semi-censored again, which ended the discussion.

* * *

Source: William Williams

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28 October, 2023 12:38 am

The picture caught my eye. I’ve done a concise writeup on the Jew Emmanuel Celler & LBJ’s signing of the 1965 Hart-Celler Amendment, the single most damaging piece of legislation enacted in the United States.

In just 20 years of its passing, a quarter of El Salvador’s entire population had moved into the United States.

Summary On America’s Changing Immigration Laws – White Biocentrism

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  sonsofboston
13 November, 2023 11:32 am

sonsofboston:…The picture caught my eye. I’ve done a concise writeup on the Jew Emmanuel Celler & LBJ’s signing of the 1965 Hart-Celler Amendment, the single most damaging piece of legislation enacted in the United States. — The only part of the lesson I imparted to my classmates from 58 years ago that was removed, I suppose to protect their sensibilities from the truth, was this: When Ted Kennedy was the chief sponsor of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, who knew then what a giant whopper he was telling his fellow senators, and America, when he promised, “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American… Read more »

28 October, 2023 10:27 am

It burns me up when I read “Ted Kennedy was responsible for the 1965 Immigration Act” – Ann Coulter repeats this constantly. Ted Kennedy was the Front Man – too dumb and drunk to write such legislation. I assume he was blackmailed by Jews to forever be the so-called fall guy for this act – which the Jews behind it well knew what would happen, and was designed specifically to flood White America with non-Whites (so Jew would feel safe, right?). Notice in the photo above that LBJ – who was also controlled by Jews – and other prominent political goyim are front and center and on full display – the Kennedy brothers, Humphrey and his wife – none of the Jews who actually wrote and pushed the act through… Read more »

Reply to  Bon
13 November, 2023 11:57 pm

I can’t tell if the bald man wearing glasses, standing behind the woman looking to the left, is Emmanuel Celler.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  sonsofboston
14 November, 2023 6:24 pm

You’re right, sons. Good eye! Congressman Emanuel Celler 1888-1981 was a New York City congressman who served in the United States House of Representatives from 1923 to 1973. Cellers almost fifty-year career was highlighted by his long fight to eliminate national origin quotas as a basis for immigration restrictions and his battles for civil rights legislation… Cellers own immigrant background framed his lifelong opposition to immigration restrictions and his corresponding support for reducing barriers for immigrant entry into the United States. After decades of struggle, he proposed and steered through the House the Hart-Celler Act of 1965, which eliminated national origins as a consideration for immigration, profoundly shaping modern America. Celler was also a consistent advocate for civil rights. As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee from 1949 to 1973… Read more »

10 November, 2023 3:42 pm

George Lincoln Rockwell 1963 Speech at Lynchburg Armory is about Civil Rights Bill he warned Americans about it they should of listened and acted at that moment…

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Frost
10 November, 2023 11:40 pm

GLR also encouraged Whites to get active and join him and his party, Frost. His was the kind of fighting character that would take action in support of his beliefs and worldview, and it appears you’re in favor of that man’s approach to life. We in the National Alliance also gathers those kind of Whites, apply to join us and take action to implement the program that GLR’s top man, Dr. William L. Pierce, crafted to take us into the eternal future.

You say we Americans (Whites, if I’m understanding you correctly) should have listened and acted. Are you ready to do so today?