
Chairman Williams Exchanges Pleasantries with Former High School Classmate

by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance

ONE OF THE WONDERFUL things about the Internet is how it has been used to connect people with those from their past who would be forgotten otherwise. Around ten years ago, using email addresses that could be found one way or another from members of my high school graduating class, a Web site was established so we could keep in touch. I check it occasionally to see if a reunion or something is planned, and out of curiosity to see what old friends have done with their lives; and to see announcements of which classmates have died. The members of the class of 1965 from Needham Broughton High School in Raleigh, NC, are now 76 years old, so, naturally, through normal attrition, they are kicking off increasingly with each passing year.

I was notified a couple of days ago that there was a “message to the class,” so I checked it out. It was from Gary A. Horvitz, a classmate that I have no memory of, but I read it anyway.

He posted to a mutual classmate, David F.:

High school yearbook photograph: Gary Horvitz

It was refreshing to read your message about this time of life, particularly calling it a ‘stage’ of wisdom. I would go further and define that wisdom as a period of shedding the accumulated layers of our lifelong project, the creation of identity.

When mortality begins to whisper in our ears, as we lose others who were once part of our lives and sense either real or impending losses of function within ourselves or encounter conditions which portend future losses, we are inclined to the very question you raise. Are we satisfied? What have we accomplished? What is left undone? Is there something I will grieve at the end of life?

Here, the response we choose is everything. Wisdom comes from releasing our lingering grasping for ‘accomplishments,’ continuously defending the armor of the separate self, the fantasy of exercising our ‘will,’ the seduction of whatever we imagine embodies any permanence whatsoever. Wisdom is realizing that true freedom lies in resisting seduction by either the illusion of permanence or the reality of impermanence. Wisdom settles ever more deeply into gratitude, community, forgiveness, into expansive grace raining down upon us from an ineffable source. Wisdom realizes that meaning has always been available, has never been inaccessible or in short supply. Wisdom deliberately moves into a process of reversing the lifetime of effort devoted to differentiating ourselves from others in favor of the living knowledge of what we share with all others. If we are successful, we may avoid the compressed and possibly terrifying non-negotiable imposition of that process at the end of life. By this practice, we smooth our way.

The tradition in which I am immersed regards life as a dream. From within that dream, in every moment, nothing is ever missing, life is always complete just as it is. Even time has no true meaning. There is no value in regret. We bask in timeless sunshine.

That was deep. I couldn’t help myself — I responded since it was a message to the class that might be read by others.

High school yearbook photograph: Will Williams

Hello, Gary. I didn’t know you at Broughton; we traveled in different circles. You certainly are erudite, reflecting on how one becomes wise in his journey through life.

My own journey has become less about self and more about what has happened to Raleigh and to my people since the days we were classmates 60 years ago, and how we might reverse what I see as the negative trend.

Do Whites no longer believe our race is worth preserving? I wonder. Are there any leaders in Raleigh today advocating for the interests of the city’s shrinking White majority? I think not — and relocated to the mountains of Upper East Tennessee several years ago, where our people’s racial instincts are not so diminished.

When Confederate monuments were toppled on Raleigh’s Capitol grounds a couple of years ago, who opposed it? When Wake, along with several other NC counties, decided to become a sanctuary county for non-White illegal aliens, who led a fight against that? Who opposed changing the names of Josephus Daniels junior high school and Cameron Village to satisfy minority demands? Raleigh is now nearly ten times larger than when we enjoyed growing up there in the 1950s and early 1960s. Has that “progress” been good? Some say so; I say no.

My favorite philosopher and a very wise man, Arthur Schopenhauer, said that the very most any man can hope for is a heroic passage through life. In other words, greatness, rather than happiness, is the mark of a good life. I agree. Being a racially responsible White man is not a popular position to hold today in increasingly decadent, increasingly darkening America, but nevertheless is the honorable one, though such a man may lead the fight alone.

That Whites are being replaced in America is not a theory, it is a fact. We were 90% of the population in our lifetimes and now, alarmingly, are under 60% and headed toward minority status. I suppose many of our classmates somehow see that as progress.

How will those who replace “old Raleigh” treat Whites when they are the majority? Look to southern Africa, or to formerly White cities like Evanston, Illinois where reparation payments have been demanded of melanin-challenged Whites there to pay “people of color.” Reparations will logically follow the “reparative justice resolution” passed by the new Raleigh city council.

Whites in Raleigh and elsewhere are too nice when opposed by disagreeable non-Whites. They have become defenseless and cowering, for fear of being labeled “racist” by non-White racists and their collaborators. Recent news from the eight-person city council, half Black, with six females and just one White male, has led the once-fine city to this: “The Raleigh City Council is taking a step toward reparative justice for the city’s African-American community. On Wednesday (July 5 2023), the city council voted unanimously to approve a resolution that acknowledges the lingering effects of slavery and Jim Crow on Black families…. Raleigh apologized for its past participation in slavery, segregation, enforcing Jim Crow laws, and implementing urban renewal programs that destroyed black communities in Raleigh. The resolution also said that governments have a moral and practical obligation to adopt policies, develop programs and allocate funding to people of color.”

Raleigh apologized? That deplorable news is from none other than Raleigh’s News & Observer, recognized as the newspaper of record in NC for decades while published by Josephus Daniels. Daniels had been Secretary of the Navy in WW I, then Ambassador to Mexico, later FDR’s Press Secretary, among other elevated positions, yet his name was recently expunged from the Raleigh school that had honored his legacy back in 1953; and his large, elegant home, a landmark on Glenwood Avenue, was demolished, ostensibly for his being a “White supremacist” more than 100 years ago when, oddly enough, he had been the state’s leading progressive Democrat.

White supremacy and racial segregation are from healthier, bygone eras and will never work again. However, government-enforced racial integration has certainly been a failed solution. Fact!

In the long run, only strict geographic separation of the races will allow the unique White gene pool to be preserved. It will not be easy, but is doable by those with the will and the determination to see a White world preserved for their descendants.

This “message to the class” will likely not be published; being seen as Politically Incorrect or inappropriate among what appears mostly to be happy birthday wishes. If not, that’s all right; it will be published on my own Web site where long-suffering kinsmen agree with me and where I am never censored. I am not inviting debate, simply expressing my position and concerns to my former classmate, thanks.

Then Mr. Horvitz responded:

Well, Mr Williams, you go right ahead and live an honorable life in the dark self-inflicted pain of your zero-sum world.

So, since I got a nibble, I responded again:

Thank you, Gary. I will. Why would I expect that you see my purpose in this life, loyalty to my people, to be dark? Maybe I’m wrong, but having a typical Jewish name I suspect that you do not see yourself as a White Gentile, but as a member of the nation chosen by your tribal god Yahweh as special, above all others, correct? If so, I better understand why you invoke the “us vs. them” zero-sum construct to dismiss me to our still 98%-White classmates.

I’m not into game theory as you are, but in a simple search I found it “refers to a psychological construct — a person’s subjective interpretation of a situation. Zero-sum thinking is captured by the saying ‘your gain is my loss’ (or conversely, ‘your loss is my gain’).”

Interesting. Further, “what a zero-sum mentality does is shut down conversation and create apathy. We all know that person who no matter what you say, they [sic] are going to loudly express their [sic] opinion, and do so in a divisive, belittling fashion.”

If you are in fact a Jew, I am familiar with your people’s “us vs. them” (Jew vs. Gentile) mindset, or what’s known in my enlightened circles (White racial loyalists) as the Jewish Question (JQ). This NBHS site is not the proper platform for discussion of this largely taboo racial issue, but if you want to discuss this phenomenon further I invite you to my site,, where I am not dismissed by those of your persuasion with, “I win, you lose.”

I was going to leave it at that. I’d said my piece. It was surprising to me that Horvitz had allowed my comment to appear on his page in the first place, and more surprising that he’d responded to it with his short, cheesy comeback. My final response to that, above, did not appear, as expected, and my previous comment as well as his short reply were removed.

What remained, however, was the “hug” from one of our classmates, Linda Brown, another one I don’t remember. She said to Horvitz:

Now I remember why I had a crush on you in high school. You’ve achieved what many of us seek. Wisdom.

I tried again later to respond. Oddly enough, what’s below, slightly edited this time, actually did appear, along with the exchange between us that had disappeared the previous day:

That’s rather snarky of you, Gary. I just read your profile. Hey, we’re different with different life experiences, practically opposite, I’d say… Duke, Peace Corps, conscientious objector, antiwar activist, Berkeley counterculture, Rolfer, Masters at Stanford… blogger, poet, climate activism, long time Buddhist practice….

While you were rubbing shoulders with that lovely group of commies and counterculture yuppies at Berkeley, under cover of opposing the war, I was in Vietnam killing communists. I eventually came to oppose that war myself, but for reasons different from yours. I suppose.

I have always opposed what your subversive, very destructive counterculture movement did to this nation. See: Traditional American culture — its beliefs, behaviors, lifestyle, norms and values — was turned on its head, destroyed. Maybe you like that, I don’t.

I responded with what’s below yesterday to your short reply to me, but today it did not appear, nor did my first comment, nor your short reply. I see the first two somehow reappeared, so I’ll resubmit what didn’t appear to go with our earlier exchange. [What follows is a partial repetition of what was removed. — Ed.]

Thank you, Gary. I will [go ahead with what I see as my honorable life].

Why would I expect that you see my purpose in this life, loyalty to my people, to be dark? Maybe I’m wrong, but having a typical Jewish name I suspect that you do not see yourself as a White Gentile, but as a member of the nation chosen by your tribal god Yahweh as special, above all others, correct? If so, I better understand why you invoke the “us vs. them” zero-sum construct to dismiss me to our still 98% White Gentile classmates.

I’m not into game theory as you are, but in a simple search I found it “refers to a psychological construct — a person’s subjective interpretation of a situation. Zero-sum thinking is captured by the saying ‘your gain is my loss’ (or conversely, ‘your loss is my gain’).”

Interesting. Further, “what a zero-sum mentality does is shut down conversation and creates apathy. We all know that person who no matter what you say, they [sic] are going to loudly express their [sic] opinion, and do so in a divisive, belittling fashion.”

If you are in fact a Jew, I am familiar with your people’s “us vs. them” (Jew vs. Gentile) mindset, or what’s known in my enlightened circles (White racial loyalists) as the Jewish Question (JQ). This NBHS site is not the proper platform for discussion of this largely taboo racial issue, but if you want to discuss this phenomenon further I invite you to my site,, where I am not dismissed by those of your persuasion with, “I win, you lose.”

I think this is a good example of how a White loyalist might confidently interact with those who oppose us.

* * *

Source: Author

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 July, 2023 2:27 pm

I won’t be posting more to Gary Horvitz’s page but will add another point or two here. He claims to be a long time Buddhist, but retains the typical mindset of an anti-Aryan, racial Jew. It was not Buddhists that led anti-war activism and the counterculture movement at Berkeley in the late ’60s. I’d never heard of Rolfing until reading his profile, but it seems to fit what seems to me to be his rather liberal, New Age personality: Rolfing is a form of alternative medicine originally developed by Ida Rolf (1896–1979) as Structural Integration. Rolfing is marketed with unproven claims of various health benefits. It is based on Rolf’s ideas about how the human body’s “energy field” can benefit when aligned with the Earth’s gravitational field. Rolfing is typically delivered as a series… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 July, 2023 5:21 pm

I won’t be posting more to Gary Horvitz’s page but will add another point or two here… — One point is that we race separatists/preservationists should not be discouraged when our own White people reject our point of view. We should work with and recruit those who agree with what we tell them and not bother trying win over those lemming-like kin who disagree with us. Their minds are as Ben Klassen described: “like concrete, mixed up and hard-set.” An instructive comment was added to Mr. Horvitz’s page by another classmate of ours from 60 years ago. It shows the mindset that we are up against. HANNAH NICHOLSON POTEAT posted a message on GARY A. HORVITZ’s Profile. July 23, 2023Sick commentary from Will Williams. You okay? I know this is out there; just… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 July, 2023 11:50 pm

Good example setting here, Will. If we’re going to build our Alliance and a powerful consensus, each of us can and should perform acts of outreach among Whites wherever our race gathers. Linking to National Vanguard and our other platforms is the key to doing so.

23 July, 2023 8:31 pm

What most people don’t realize is that “White Supremacy” & “racism” is code for racial community whereas “antiracist” & “progressive” is code for Nonwhite selfishness. The White community under Jim Crow were an actual community which these men grew up in & now the taking down of statues & apology for racism is validation for Nonwhite selfishness which Jim Crow & Slavery kept under control for the sake of White communities which would otherwise be terrorized by Black’s. Whites have now lost that sense of community & ate allowing themselves to be pushed around. Everybody deserves community especially Whites & given how biologically unique & highly intelligent Whites are that community is one that is born through blood & all that needs to be done is for Whites to recognize… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Rob
23 July, 2023 10:38 pm

Well said in general, Rob. Did you have a specific White community in mind to build up towards future governance of our race?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Rob
23 July, 2023 11:38 pm

Rob: What most people don’t realize is that “White Supremacy” & “racism” is code… — I wasn’t familiar with the term “zero-sum” until the double-talking Jew Horvitz accused me of living in a zero-sum world. After looking up what it means, I see it’s his world, not mine: “what a zero-sum mentality does is shut down conversation and create apathy. We all know that person who no matter what you say, they [sic] are going to loudly express their [sic] opinion, and do so in a divisive, belittling fashion.”It “refers to a psychological construct — a person’s subjective interpretation of a situation. Zero-sum thinking is captured by the saying ‘your gain is my loss’ (or conversely, ‘your loss is my gain’). Whenever I or other Jew-wise Whites tell the truth… Read more »

25 July, 2023 4:02 am

Dear Mr. Williams, I had no idea that you were a Raleigh native. Although I didn’t grow up there, my father worked in Raleigh, so we ate dinner almost every Saturday at Balentine’s before shopping for clothes at Nowell’s and then going on to North Hills. My childhood years were mostly during the 1970s and 1980s, and those times were still happy. I continue to live close by, and even though I try to ignore most aspects of the decline it’s impossible to avoid all of them. For instance, prior to the demolition of the aforementioned Balentine’s, there was much hysterical, public virtue signaling about how no one should expect any minority person to enter a building that had once housed a facility called The Confederate Room (which I believe… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  ncleapyear
26 July, 2023 11:01 pm

ncleapyear: Dear Mr. Williams,I had no idea that you were a Raleigh native. Although I didn’t grow up there, my father worked in Raleigh, so we ate dinner almost every Saturday at Balentine’s before shopping for clothes at Nowell’s and then going on to North Hills. My childhood years were mostly during the 1970s and 1980s, and those times were still happy. — Nice to make your acquaintance nclp. I was born about 40 miles north of Raleigh in Oxford, but moved to the big city of Raleigh, just like folks did from Mayberry. I was five. At the time,1953, Josephus Daniels Jr. High was being constructed directly across from our apartment on Oberlin Road. — I continue to live close by, and even though I try to ignore most… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
27 August, 2023 4:05 am

Thanks for those memories, Mr. Williams. It sounds like you did have an ideal childhood in Raleigh, and that’s hard to imagine today. So much history has been lost–probably by design and accident both, but it’s gone either way. It’s comforting to have some physical continuity with the past with those floor joists. I do recall hearing something about Isaac Hunter’s tavern not too long ago. I ought to keep up with local events, but the last time I tried watching channel 11, probably two years ago now, I had a hard time believing that the 6:00 news has become an hour of struggle sessions and negro worship. I grew up in a tiny farming town in Lee County, so my knowledge of Raleigh during childhood was limited to our… Read more »

25 July, 2023 7:20 pm

Judaism isn’t a religion per se but more of a cultish racial supremacist ideology posing as a religion. It’s precepts pervade the thoughts of all Jews to some extent, even the secular atheist ones.

As a spiritually bankrupt ideology, a lot of Jews get into other groups like Buddhism, New Age, etc. to fill the spiritual emptiness that a lot of them feel.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Andrew
27 July, 2023 9:51 am

Andrew: Judaism isn’t a religion per se but more of a cultish racial supremacist ideology posing as a religion. It’s precepts pervade the thoughts of all Jews to some extent, even the secular atheist ones. — Pretty much. Jewry is a religion when that’s convenient for them, But with that approach they have a big back door if things get too hot for them. Like Mr. Hitler pointed out 100 years ago: “a few drops of baptismal water could save the Jew and the business at the same time.” in other words, historically dampened Jews aka conversos simply get a pass as Christians until it’s time to reemerge as religious Jews. They are a nation — Israel — when that’s more convenient. But no matter if they identify as Orthodox,… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
27 July, 2023 8:21 am

The main Jewish feature is their uncanny ability to spew voluminous nonsense and to present it as “wisdom”. They traded with these “goods” for centuries. Gullible goyims were always susceptible to this kind of trash, imagining that there is some real profound meaning behind those mountains of words put together almost at random. And the more incoherent those Jewish rumblings were the more meaning goyims ascribed to them. The biblical “Book of Revelation” is the best example. Marxism and all kinds of later “liberal” ideas perfectly fit into the same pattern. There is no meaning whatsoever but plenty of words piled at random to produce desired impression. This Gary Horwitz character is the typical son of his tribe; the deceiver by birth. I suppose that he doesn’t even consciously wants… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
29 July, 2023 1:05 pm

Wolf Stoner: The main Jewish feature is their uncanny ability to spew voluminous nonsense and to present it as “wisdom”…Gullible goyims were always susceptible to this kind of trash, imagining that there is some real profound meaning behind those mountains of words put together almost at random. And the more incoherent those Jewish rumblings were the more meaning goyims ascribed to them….This Gary Horwitz character is the typical son of his tribe… The main purpose of his pile of words is to smuggle the same destructive universalist ideas that destroy White society… The problem is that such “sages” are successful at marketing themselves as “saviors”. They have always enough ass-ears to listen to them. In essence, the whole Jewish success throughout times was based on this ability to deceive and… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
30 July, 2023 11:09 am

Dr. Pierce explained the Jewish phenomenon perfectly. The marketplace hagglers that try to look as sincere as possible; on it depends their income and their very existence. Hitler in his book describes excellently the Jewish uncanny ability to lie; lie honestly and sincerely. I even suppose that at the moment they lie they really believe what they say. It is like actor’s performance; the ability to transform your own mind into different state. In this way Jewish politicians very persuasively play “liberals”, “conservatives”, “communists” and even “nationalists”. But at the end of the day they always end up being hard-core Jews pursuing only their own personal and tribal interests. Actually, it is not difficult to study Jews and to recognize their behavior; it is like studying different kind of animals… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
30 July, 2023 4:39 pm

Wolf Stoner: the main weapon against this global threat is the ability to instantly identify this poison and its creators. Jews are powerful only as long as their plans and methods remain secret. It is a biological war. These “Horvitzs” act according to their genetic code, almost subconsciously. — This important observation is reinforced by Douglas Mercer, a writer of the top rank for our side, here, yesterday, where he contributes almost daily now: (154) Fellow White Travellers – White Biocentrism Douglas Mercer July 29 2023 The Jews is a sophist and he proceeds by misdirection. That is the Jew is a liar who poses and pretends; and his favorite costume is that of a White man; a Jews is White like tar is water; but that won’t stop the… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
3 August, 2023 12:56 pm

Thank you Mr. Williams for those brilliant words by Douglas Mercer. I would like to quote two great National Socialists who knew perfectly well the nature of our mortal enemies and described them accordingly:

Joseph Goebbels: “The Jew is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a swindler, a parasite, a scoundrel, a profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat; but call him a Jew and you will be astonished as how he recoils, how injured he is, how he shrinks back”

Alfred Rosenberg: “The lie is an essential component of the Jew’s nature”

29 July, 2023 7:41 pm

“Peace and Justice” all depends on one’s perspective. He highly likely was in full approval of all of the endless Mideast wars, the thousands of dead U.S. troops, the half-million dead Iraqi children, the Israeli walls of segregation, the thousands of Palestinian children with the custom “1 bullet hole thru the heart,” the Palestinians who have died outside of Israeli hospitals because they couldn’t use the same hospitals, or any of they other hundreds of thousands of victims American Zionist foreign policy. Perhaps that sympathetic woman could go visit the families of all of these MILLIONS of victims… and ask them “Are you okay?”

Rev. Bryce Matthews
Rev. Bryce Matthews
30 July, 2023 9:16 am

Speaking of things Jewish, I went to the zoo yesterday, and I saw tigers, grizzlies, pythons. These things were designed for one purpose: to kill. How could these things dwell in Eden without killing and eating? Furthermore, how could Adam and Eve be responsible for bringing death into the world, when these animals killed daily? I am a minister of the Gospel, but I am beginning to question it! If Adam and Eve did not bring death into the world, then the whole redemption doctrine falls apart.

Perhaps it is time that I looked into the Cosmotheist doctrine.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Rev. Bryce Matthews
30 July, 2023 11:49 am

Your interest in Cosmotheism is noted, Mr. Matthews. While you can use this site’s search function to learn more about our life-philosophy by simply entering the word ‘Cosmotheism’ into the field, the best method is to examine the concise volume by the same name as found here:

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Rev. Bryce Matthews
30 July, 2023 4:49 pm

Rev. Bryce Matthews: Speaking of things Jewish… I am a minister of the Gospel, but I am beginning to question it!… Perhaps it is time that I looked into the Cosmotheist doctrine.

That’s good, Bryce. Some of the more fervent Cosmotheists are former Christian ministers who know their bibles and finally had enough of spooky Jewish Bible stories and began to look at the world honestly.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Rev. Bryce Matthews
6 August, 2023 1:01 pm

Rev., I’m no bible expert, but wasn’t there something in Genesis about that fork tongued reptilian serpent that seduced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and share it with Adam? Not just confined to the Old Testament, those reptilian serpents exist in the real world of today, not to lead a naked woman into temptation, but to fulfill their protocols of world domination, with us White people as the ones they are hell-bent on destroying to get us out of their way and lead us not into temptation, but into extinction. It’s encouraging that you’re taking an interest in the Cosmotheist way, and figuring that there can be a better way than the Abrahamic teachings of Christianity. Someone on Stormfront said something to the effect that feminism was the worst… Read more »

charles zilich
charles zilich
5 August, 2023 7:14 pm

i wonder should white become a minority in the US [are in the world] will the same civil rights laws and policies and NGOs work for white people?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  charles zilich
6 August, 2023 5:07 am

Consider how Whites (yes, it’s properly spelled with a capital ‘W’) have been treated in post-apartheid South Africa by the now-ruling Blacks: that latter race has already murdered White farmers numbering well over 1000 and to this very day their leaders call to “kill the Boer.” Blacks are generally agreeing….

The lopsided interracial crime statistics here in the U.S. point to a strong correlation in attitudes. Given this track record, do you expect the same tender mercies Whites have shown Blacks on this topic to be extended once the upper hand is held by the latter?

13 August, 2023 11:55 pm

This was very inspiring to me. In just a couple months, I will be attending my first high school reunion: Holy Cross Academy, Catholic Girl’s High School, Class of 1988 in (((Montgomery County))) Maryland. I remember, way back in 87-88, overhearing some classmates saying that their parents suffered with Jew fatigue.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Kim
19 August, 2023 4:30 pm

Yep, Kim, lots of Jews in Montgomery County, Maryland and surrounds: This map shows the 20 congressional districts with the most Jews – Jewish Telegraphic Agency ( “Jew fatigue” is catching on all over. Be glad you weren’t Donald Trump’s neighbor in Manhattan or now, near Mar.a-Lago. (JTA) — About one-third of American Jews live in just 20 of the country’s congressional districts. Nearly half of those districts are in New York, and all but one of them is represented by a Democrat. Meanwhile, the district with the most Jews in the country is also the site of Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s Florida estate.Those are among the findings from a recent study analyzing Jewish voting patterns. Key findings from the study, which was conducted by the Jewish Electorate Institute and the Steinhardt… Read more »