Edutainment, part 2: Nothing Is Accidental
by Arthur Thief
Nothing Is Accidental
THE FIRST STEP in providing effective counter-propaganda is to detect where the enemy’s propaganda has been most effective. It is the assertion of this work that entertainment has been the enemy’s most effective tool of propaganda, and that its messages have been implanted deliberately.
In this section, it is demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that not only is overt propaganda present in our entertainment, but that massive psychological assaults are deployed through seemingly innocuous background details. Most importantly, we answer the “edutainment” question of whether or not said details are the result of happenstance or intent.
For this, we merely need understand that all mass entertainment is crafted. Effort is expended to write a lesson plan, publish an article, develop a video game, produce a movie or broadcast a news segment. Resources are required for production, and more still for mass dissemination. Every aspect of cultural transmission is a result of human action and, therefore, of human intent.
A necessary outcome of action is that, if one is patient and observant enough, the intent which drove it is demonstrated by the action and subsequent actions, even when the actor seeks to mask his intent. So the intentions of those who produce our mass media of news and edutainment are made apparent in the products they have created, and in the further actions which they perform after gauging public reception of their productions.
Every aspect of value-transmission is intentional; a teacher writes each question to his test, and chooses his words with care; a television news team carefully chooses their camera angles, and the tone of the anchor’s words; a fictional character’s opinions do not magically appear from the aether, but are in fact – whether uttered by hero or villain – expression of the values the author wishes to prescribe or proscribe.
Nothing illustrates with more glaring light the intent of the artist than that which he attempts to express with subtlety. Let us examine a few pieces of “mindless entertainment.”
The once-popular television show Gilmore Girls (Warner Bros., 2000-2007, produced by half-Jew Amy Sherman-Palladino) provides many examples in its seven-season run. The show was very popular in its time among middle-aged White women for its compelling “modern” characters, and still has a following today in syndication. Generally, women seemed to respond to its portrayals of relationship growth and dynamics, a subject that seems to resonate with White women (and a factor which should be explored in planning racialist edutainment for women). A conservative-minded critic, dismissing it as “mindless entertainment,” might also denounce its “coincidental” promotion of single motherhood and “don’t need no man” feminism. This would be tragically shallow, as will now be demonstrated. The full depth of the show’s anti-White attack cuts to the marrow.
The main character, Rory – a lovely young White woman portrayed by the Scots-Irish actress with Cherokee Princess Syndrome, Alexis Bledel – goes on later to study journalism at Harvard, graduate, eschew marriage and motherhood for a career, and eventually cover Barack Obama’s presidential campaign for a major newspaper. She is held up in the show as the pinnacle of smart, capable, and competent womanhood. Her friend, Lane Kim, is the daughter of piously Christian Korean immigrants who is in a relationship with a White boy – portrayed as a loser – who is a small-time musician. All of them grew up in the same picturesque American small town in New England. Lane goes on eventually to marry her White paramour and, eventually, bear him twins. Her life choices are portrayed as those of someone of, at best, average intellect, and this message is not lost on White female viewers – if those of them with blogs on the subject are to be considered representative: The view that she more or less “doomed” herself to a strenuous and cloistered life as a small-town mother and wife is common.
It gets worse.
In a scene lasting scarcely more than a minute, with a lead-up of but a few episodes, the precise opposite of the values held by members of the National Alliance is conveyed.
The scene with which we are concerned is from late in the show’s run; the once-teenage characters are now marrying, having children, and starting careers. The Gilmore daughter is meeting with a childhood friend in a bookstore aisle to discuss – of course – relationships and dating. The Gilmore daughter is researching sex advice while her friend seeks information on motherhood.
The books on motherhood which the Korean friend has chosen are strewn about her in disarray, while the Gilmore daughter’s selections are neatly stacked at her side; again, these details track with the overall message: The Korean girl is a perennial mid-wit, while the Gilmore daughter is a genius “bookworm.” The background is even more telling. Behind the Korean friend, the titles on the shelves cannot be made out; however, the characteristic black-and-yellow cover art of a “…For Dummies” title can be seen (the other books’ cover art is done in the sort of pastel hues one might expect in a collection on motherhood). This is the “aura” given to the character whose life path is marrying a White man, motherhood, and small-town life — hazy, unfocused, and “for dummies.” Behind the Gilmore daughter we see various leftist political tomes; though most are in and out of focus and hard to identify, what can be seen most clearly in one key shot is roughly a dozen volumes of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Quarterly Review. The “smart girl” in the picture thus has the “aura” of neat, crisp, intellectuality — defined as leftist political conformity with pride-of-place given to Jewish guidance on “Nazi-hunting.”
The reader can be forgiven for growing exasperated with such a long description of a few instants of visual framing. But the point is important: Every inch of what appeared on that screen – including the background – is intentional, and most of the “message” of the piece is being conveyed outside of the dialogue and actions in the script. More propaganda is inserted into a single visual moment than what is contained in all the words of all the characters for hours of screen time. The expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” is quite true — and a film contains 24 pictures every second.
So, is Gilmore Girls merely empty fluff, “mindless entertainment” with at worst a “girl boss” bent to it, or is it a masterstroke in a one-sided duel of genocidal psychological warfare? For the former to be true, the elements of such a scene must have come together by pure happenstance, perhaps the result of being filmed in an actual small-town bookstore. For the latter to be true, it merely needs be demonstrated that every aspect of the visual moment was carefully constructed; intent is inherent in that process — and even if the ultimate purpose (genocidal psychological warfare) is still masked, it can be unmasked through further observation.
If the scene is not coincidental, then the presence of intent must be our default assumption: Human actions were undertaken and the results are either part of the intention, or accidental; there is no middle ground.
So, consider the following:
- The entire point of the scene is the two different subjects the characters are researching (sex and dating, versus matrimony and motherhood) and thus the books selected to appear in the background are, each and every one, chosen specifically to illustrate the director’s intent regarding those subjects.
- Each book the characters have “selected” were in turn selected by set designers and directors involved in the episode, and were not only put there intentionally and specifically, but even their relative placement is the result of deliberate behind-the-scenes decisions.
- In what world would matrimonial/parenting advice and “For Dummies” books be in the same aisle in a bookstore as The Simon Wiesenthal Center Quarterly Review, let alone directly across from each other? And what bookstore in Hell wastes scarce shelf space on the latter at all?
- Even if it were a likely arrangement of these books, how by pure coincidence do we have books about traditional female subjects out of focus behind the failing character, and leftist dogma so neatly arranged and in focus behind the “smart” character?
The idea that these subtle messages were embedded by pure happenstance defies all reason. Far from being “mindless entertainment,” the scene described above is actually a carefully constructed barrage of anti-White propaganda in which every moment, and every pixel of screen space, is scrupulously curated and chosen for its educational effect.
When analyzing the propagandistic “education” embedded in all of the entertainment vended today, it is important to keep one concept at the forefront of your mind: Not one detail of what appears on your screen or which is heard through your audio system is presented by accident. Even if a film, series episode, or news segment is “filmed on location” or transmitted live, the camera angles, timing, removal of unwanted visual elements, and emphasis on desired ones, are carefully crafted and refined until the director is satisfied; and the director’s mandate is always to advance The Narrative.
To be continued.
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Source: Author
If I may be permitted to point out a glaring example that was pointed out some years ago about how the background tells, sometimes, more of a story than what’s going on in the foreground. Some years ago, Nickelodeon put out a show called Bella and the Bulldogs. The gist is that a pretty young white girl is going to break the mold and become the quarterback for a Texas high school team “The Bulldogs”. The show was created by Jonathan Butler, who’s first film is called “The Cuckold” and I don’t need to tell you what that’s about. One scene in an episode that caught a few racially minded individuals attention was one in which the lead girl is talking and you can see a picture of a white… Read more »
True, this is typical of the organized and self-funded Jewish brainwashing hammered into the heads of White children these days. What’s an Alliance member to say to that? Let me be one of the first (but hopefully not the last) to say about this: We have a life-affirming message for our race, one that we organize and expect to self-fund towards creating healthy and positive shows of our own so that a better choice is presented to parents to select for White children. Towards that and many other goals do we come together and offer to do. What do we need? All kinds of healthy White people, first of all. Those who aren’t queer, multiculti bastards with healthy White values who contribute time, talent and resources towards setting up and… Read more »
Studied Media for a short while until I got disgusted and dropped out due to exactly what you have described. Every lyric of every song, and every hair on even the extra’s heads is analyzed for maximum impact. No detail is too small when building illusions, and truth, honesty and Whiteness, are generally mocked and ridiculed.
They also project White characteristics of thoughtfulness, heroism and depth upon their coloured actors, while simultaneously projecting the uglier aspects of the coloured, upon those in White roles, directing both coloured and White actors to portray themselves as the opposites of what their natural characteristics truly are.
I just did a little research and discovered that the Simon Wiesenthal Center Quarterly Review does not exist. So, the show’s creators went far beyond mere placement of certain volumes in the bookstore set, they outright created a fake publication and went to the considerable trouble and expense of creating fake copies of it for just this one brief scene!
I may have seen “Re..” as “Review” instead of “Report”. The SWC does in fact produce regular “hate” reports. That some may have been arranged at some point into quarterlies is not unimaginable; however, you cannot exactly find it on Amazon. So the possibility that the prop was created on the fly especially for the visual framing I mention is not a possibility that can be ruled out. I have been able to find various editions of their “World Report”, another possible suspect, however.
I was lucky enough to have missed those later episodes of Rory hanging out with some gook. I only saw the first few shows, and I got the gist of how her mom was probably around 16 when she had Rory, and whoever was responsible bailed on her and they seemed more like best friends than mom and daughter. But I wasn’t a fan of how the unwed motherhood was glorified on the show and soon quit watching it. I recall much longer ago than that, for example, The Partridge Family, and I wondered, where’s the dad? I just looked at the pilot episode and got the answer that the mom was widowed. Brady Bunch, the dad was already widowed and the mom was divorced. My Three Sons, the dad… Read more »
I’m an ~50 yo married wife/mom who’s happy to report she knew *nobody* who watched Gilmore Girls. I immediate read “Gilmore Girls” and thought, did you mean “Golden Girls”? Even that senior gal roomates show, (rumored to have been watched religiously by many gay males), touched on many feminist subjects (pro-abortion, pro-divorce) in a deliberately subtle way. Devon Stack did a great job pointing out all the geriatric feminist propaganda spoken by those “harmless little old ladies”.
This was also a very informative essay. Thank you!
You’re correct, Art Thief, to imply we must make our own entertainment/educational programming. It must reflect progressive Aryan values exemplified by Cosmotheism, not jewish trash. Weve begun with examples such as The Turner Diaries and Hunter, and future works ought to be written by those who can grasp and apply our life-philosophy to help us maintain a uniform message overall.