CommentaryDavid SimsEssays

Can There Be Morality Without the Abrahamic God? (Hint: Yes)

by David Sims

“IF THERE IS no God, where does our morality and the ability to know right from wrong come from?”

Theologians and religious leaders often attempt to make God a prerequisite for morality, but this is contrived to make the belief system that they are selling seem more valuable than it really is.

Morality is survival behavior above the individual level. Moral systems evolved among humans for the same reason that animals evolved fangs, claws, and the ability to run fast.

The highest value in any proper moral system, which is any moral system that does what a moral system should do, is survival.

Why survival? Because, as I’ve said many times, nothing matters to the dead. Because neither truth, nor justice, nor freedom — nor anything else — has any value at all to extinct peoples. Because only to something alive may anything else be good. A rock doesn’t care whether you hit it with a hammer, but a mouse does.

When I name survival as the highest value of a proper moral system, I mean the survival of the moral system’s practitioner group — not the survival of any individual and not the survival of any other group. Nobody needs a moral system to tell him to run from danger, or to fight for his life if he cannot run. Morality is survival behavior above the individual level; it evolved to preserve the group that makes the existence of the individual possible. This group might be distinguished by culture, but, most of the time, it is distinguished by race.

There is one further requirement, namely, the manner in which the practitioner group guards its own survival must be such that the group’s prospects for continued survival do not diminish over time. As the members of the group die from old age or from mischance, they must be replaced by at least as many new members of equal or greater quality. For races, this requirement is mostly satisfied by the way in which biological inheritance works — though it could benefit from some application of passive eugenics; e.g., the culture might be formed such that the best and most able members of the race were encouraged to have many children, while the least able members were discouraged from breeding.

Again, why is survival always the highest value in any proper moral system? Because, I say as I have said before, and it bears repeating: If a group places supreme moral value on something else, then sooner or later they would encounter circumstances in which their survival is in conflict with whatever that other thing is. When that happens, either the group will abandon their improper moral system and take up a proper one, or they will die off into extinction — and their improper moral system will vanish along with them.

What does not exist has no value. What cannot exist for long — especially if it is configured such that it causes its own demise — probably isn’t worth much.

And here, once more, is why the emphasis isn’t on the individual, but on the group that makes possible the creation of a particular type of individual. Individuals are ephemeral. They cannot by any means endure forever. But the race that made the individual can endure, if it behaves in accordance with a proper moral system. That’s why a warrior who fights for his race is a moral being. He fights, until he dies or the war is concluded, so that the people most like himself will be able to remain in existence.

Just as a normal person values his own children more than he values the children of others, so does a normal person value other members of his own race more than he values members of other races. People who don’t do that are not normal. They are sick. How did they become sick? By absorbing the propaganda of clever enemies to the point of moral confusion and, thence, into mental illness.

* * *

Source: Author

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
1 March, 2024 8:13 pm

Very good, David! You’ve covered this subject of true morality several times previously. Thank you again.

If that family portrait up top is AI-generated it’s a cinch that was not done by Google AI. Ask Google for a happy White family portrait and you’re more likely to get something like this:

Jim Puckett
Jim Puckett
3 March, 2024 8:20 pm

I found this article thought provoking. Many like me consider our moral construct as we witness the evaporation of a society that was once concentrated on innocent day to day activities, undistracted by the pervasive intrusion of alien influences.

It seems that the token minority of the 60’s,70’s, and 80’s have been abandoned by the media, and now every media message and website is awash with race mixing “uglies.”.

I notice how bank and investment websites now present gleefully smiling non-white images. Not long ago, there were no “pictures” on the websites. They focused on the business at hand and did not stray into “cultural enrichment” propaganda.

Makes me want to close my accounts and pay my bills in person at “the office.”

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
6 March, 2024 11:52 am

I remember long ago my revulsion of the thick-lipped
Negresses who were establishing their presence in the
controlled media. I also remember being scorned by
my female contemporaries for being “too wrapped up”
in “this culture.” My, how times have changed!

6 May, 2024 11:01 pm

Excellent article. But I would raise a question about this:

Re: “Just as a normal person values his own children more than he values the children of others”

Let us refer to this as “Heriditary Preference”. I would argue that within a consciously identifiable group this is a huge obstacle to success and survivability. What if “the children of others” are clearly of better genetic quality (by whatever standards we use to measure such) than our own? Do we still promote this as a guiding principle?

I would say that in a decision to choose between “mine” and “better”, a higher morality would opt for the latter.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  penrose32
26 May, 2024 4:34 pm

You wrote: I would say that in a decision to choose between “mine” and “better”, a higher morality would opt for the latter. I am not sure that Mr. Sims (perhaps he will see this; perhaps not) was putting a preference for one’s own closest genetic kin (including one’s children) forward as a supreme principle, merely as a natural tendency. I’d have to say that it is a good tendency on balance (after all, one is more closely related to other Whites than to non-Whites), though I can see your point. Dr. Pierce spoke in one of his Cosmotheist works of the leaders of our future racial Community having to tell some members of their duty to have as many children as possible, and having to tell others of their… Read more »

7 May, 2024 11:34 am

To put this in an Evolutionary Framework, our current guiding principle is

Evolution 1: Random and Uncontrolled Breeding

Result: An overpopulated world full of gullible featherless bipeds whining about “equality”. How pathetic.

Every breeder of dogs, cats, horses, or cattle knows better.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  penrose32
7 May, 2024 12:45 pm

And what is your solution, penrose32? Wouldn’t you say a new order among Whites who separate ourselves from the rest of the world’s equals be established to chart a new course of upward biological evolution should be organized and implemented?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 May, 2024 6:52 pm

That’s a good start. Other groups have seperated themselves out based on their beliefs (The Amish, for example). Now I want to know about the next step. The way in which this seperated group moves forward in a new course of upward biological evolution? Any physical communities? Or just a cyberspace discussion group?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  penrose32
8 May, 2024 4:25 am

Yes to physical communities and to the larger one worldwide that exists through communications using technologies available and utilized to its maximum effect. We’re not about discussion only — the program of the National Alliance has tasked us with building a revolutionary infrastructure. Each member should ask themselves, “How can I fit myself within this framework and community to meet our common needs and goals?” At the National Office, assistance in answering this is provided and another Alliance website, White biocentrism, is often utilized to meet this need as well. We move forward in upward biological evolution by being selective as to who we have among us, in qualitative terms. Character counts quite highly among us, having something to “bring to the table” in terms of talents, skills, innate abilities,… Read more »

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
8 May, 2024 5:26 am

Nice presentation. A mongrelized world is a very unappealing future and there needs to be a solid, determined, and intensely committed group which works to preserve the White (Aryan) gene pool.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  penrose32
8 May, 2024 1:17 pm

penrose32: 7 May, 2024 ...Other groups have seperated themselves out based on their beliefs… Now I want to know about the next step. The way in which this seperated group moves forward in a new course of upward biological evolution? Any physical communities? Or just a cyberspace discussion group?

You’re new to this aren’t you, Penrose? Before you start advising those of us in the Alliance that has advocated for 50 years geographical separation of the White race from not just other races but also from Whites who are already lost to us, you might consider correctly spelling the word separatist.

Inform yourself before asking more ignorant questions: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff

I missed those errors when reviewing, my apologies.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  penrose32
9 May, 2024 2:17 pm

Penrose, the National Alliance has a real-world physical community in Upper East Tennessee. Through prudent real estate acquisitions, the core of that community has grown many-fold in the last decade. Members are relocating to the area surrounding our National Office and our William Pierce Library and Research Center campus. Even members who can’t relocate support our real-world community in some way, and Cosmotheist marriage ceremonies overseen by the Community have resulted in new White children being brought into the world. So we have progressed beyond mere discussions.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
9 May, 2024 3:18 pm

Wow, you can’t imagine the uplift to my spirits that this information provides!! A community of people applying their various skills and talents to a noble cause (The Upward Path) can accomplish so much. I will certainly have to keep this in mind going forward. Very very good!!