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Can There Be Morality Without the Abrahamic God? (Hint: Yes)
by David Sims “IF THERE IS no God, where does our morality and the ability to know right from wrong come from?” Theologians and religious leaders often attempt to make God a prerequisite for morality, but this is contrived to make the belief system that they are selling seem more valuable…

Giving Thanks to the Creator
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 November, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS COSMOTHEISTS, we recognize that we are part of the Whole, and the Whole is the Creator, the self-created. As…

God Speaks from Every Apple Tree
by Otto Blüse
original translation from the German by Kaiser M. I WALKED A path of deep sorrow
And God’s grace appeared to be miles away. When I was greeted by a tree at meadow’s edge.
And at once, bright the land became again. Oh tree in spring! I lifted my tired head,
And a thousand bees hummed, pollinated…
original translation from the German by Kaiser M. I WALKED A path of deep sorrow
And God’s grace appeared to be miles away. When I was greeted by a tree at meadow’s edge.
And at once, bright the land became again. Oh tree in spring! I lifted my tired head,
And a thousand bees hummed, pollinated…

Our Biological Link to the Divine
by Arman as written down by H. Millard WHITE PEOPLE have a biological/genetic/spiritual/religious link to God. This was revealed to Arman. Whites are born with this link as surely as we are born White and our Whiteness (i.e. our White genome) is why we have this link. It is a gift from God to our kind alone.…

Nature Is God’s Word
EVERY CREATURE has its own language to enter into heaven. See the flowers, they pray with colors — and so praise the May sky with delicate scents. And hear the birds and the bees, and see the shimmering lizard, and how the mosquitoes dance around the evening rays. All of this is beautiful, and what…

God Is a Racist and He Wants Whites to Be White Racists
by Arman
as told to H. Millard FIRST, let’s begin with a very brief set of definitions so we can clearly understand what follows. A FEW VERY SHORT DEFINITIONS RELIGION/FAITH DEFINITION: Generally, a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the Universe, and the meaning of life…
as told to H. Millard FIRST, let’s begin with a very brief set of definitions so we can clearly understand what follows. A FEW VERY SHORT DEFINITIONS RELIGION/FAITH DEFINITION: Generally, a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the Universe, and the meaning of life…

Explaining Some of What Arman Teaches
by H. Millard ARMAN explained what he believes caused him to start receiving revelations and inspiration from a higher power and it sounds a little like he may have had a UFO experience although he says he has no memory of seeing anything in the sky except clouds and a bright light that came down from a hole…

Saint Hitler Was a Man of God Doing God’s Work
by Arman
as told to H. Millard WHAT WAS really at the core of Hitler’s being? It was to do God’s work to help Whites evolve as part of God’s Plan. If you think of Hitler and the German National Socialists only in terms of politics or the war, then you are making a big mistake. And the enemies…
as told to H. Millard WHAT WAS really at the core of Hitler’s being? It was to do God’s work to help Whites evolve as part of God’s Plan. If you think of Hitler and the German National Socialists only in terms of politics or the war, then you are making a big mistake. And the enemies…

Homeless Jack on How It All Began and Where It Is Going
by H. Millard BILLIONS of years ago, millions of living sacred seeds sent forth into the universe by God and carrying part of God’s Essence landed on earth and unfolded their basic program which reads MAKE LIFE. These seeds of life were autonomous and could act and react for their own defense and…

God and Revolution in the Age of Biology
by Helgar THIS IS THE Age of Biology. It has come upon us almost unaware, and certainly unwanted for existing power structures. All bureaucracies wherever they are established, in government, education and economics, are doing their utmost to keep the age from realizing itself. But it will grow, inevitable…