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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

by Douglas Mercer WE NOW MOVE into the sacred part of the calendar, that season that is so hallowed as it is the time that our savior Adolf Hitler was born. He was both a man against time and a man for all time, and his memory shall never be eclipsed. Born in inauspicious circumstances he, uneducated by the…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Blake Hood ONLY ONE MAN and idea has inspired the West in the last hundred years.  And that is Hitler. We believe in him more than in anyone else. He is the yardstick from which all value and action proceeds. But right now that valuation is in a negative and oppositional mode. We [that is, most in the West]…
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a poem
by One of Us * * * ah,
waiting to see your eyes.
But fog has grown thicker and tragic for you
Spread by the masters of lies. Human and monster — it’s our mix,
Look at your eyes in the mirror.
But it’s a mortally masterly fix
To get us all frozen in terror. All made to repeat what the liars…
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Classic EssaysEssaysKevin Alfred StromWilliam Pierce

introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom THE PROPAGANDISTS who slandered Hitler and Germany and National Socialism — in order to get us pepped up to fight and kill the people who were trying to save us — told a lot of lies. They told us lies, the “Holocaust” story just one out of many,…
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Classic EssaysExtracts

by George Lincoln Rockwell WE BELIEVE THAT Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of Jewish-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing Spirit of this heroic man can give us the strength and inspiration to rise, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to…
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by Martin Kerr ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1934, Adolf Hitler addressed the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft or NSF). This was the women’s wing of the National Socialist movement. The overall topic of his speech was the role of women in the…
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CommentaryDavid Sims

by David Sims A QUESTION WAS asked on Quora: “If Hitler didn’t kill the Jews, how would he have been remembered?” Some of what constitutes officially standard World War 2 history is misinformation. The winners do write the history books, and, in this case, much of what was Allied…
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by Martin Kerr LET ME BEGIN BY saying that I refer to Adolf Hitler’s wife as “Eva Hitler,” and not by her more commonly used maiden name, “Eva Braun.” The Führer married her at the very end, and thus legitimized her place in his life and their posterity. His wishes should be respected. Generally speaking,…
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EssaysGuest opinion

Rejecting the spiritual cancer that has infected our race will be like placing a great, unstoppable sword into our hands. (painting by Espen Olsen Sætervik; purchase his works) by Wolf Stoner Conclusion NATURE IS VERY PATIENT and just, but harsh. She can wait for a long time and gives multiple opportunities…
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Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin by Wolf Stoner The Second World War THE FULL MEANING OF World War 2 is yet to be understood. It is still too early to draw definite conclusions. But we can make some important observations about this war. The official historiography of what Russians know as “The Great…
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