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WLP91: Cosmotheism Is the Meaning of Life
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present a video production based on his great work Our Cause, one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century. Introduction by Kevin…
The Vessel
by Douglas Mercer WILLIAM LUTHER PIERCE is the greatest racial thinker of all time; his precursors such as Madison Grant were prophets and showed us the way, but as they still lived in the time of White ascendancy, they were unable to fully see all the dangers that were to come. George Lincoln Rockwell…
Living Things
by Douglas Mercer WE LIVE AND WE LEARN, they say; but the ones who “live” without learning don’t live at all. For to learn is to earn, and in the spiritual world only those who work get to eat; and one only gets what one pays for. To learn is to develop, to evolve, to figure things out, to extrapolate, to put two…
New Year’s Dawn 2024, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 January, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS WE ENTER 2024, let us reflect on our dreams — and goals — for the future. And let us renew our commitment to our race and our race’s destiny of ever-expanding consciousness, understanding, mastery, and…
New Year’s Dawn 2024, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 December, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE NEW YEAR — 2024 — is almost upon us. It will be the 50th anniversary of the corporate organization of the National Alliance (as well as the 50th anniversary of my graduation from high school). As such, it inspires…
EM (Elon Musk, Economic Man)
Title section of the ADL article which resulted in Kevin Alfred Strom being banned from X (formerly Twitter) for “fundraising for hate” (that is, mentioning Cosmotheism and the Cosmotheist church Web site, which — horror of horrors — actually sells books and has a donation…
The Cosmotheist Solution
by John Shield I AM A Cosmotheist, meaning a person who has taken the purpose of the Creator and made it his own. Some may refer to the Creator as God, and ultimately this is inconsequential as long as the word is not confused with the Jewish “gods” of the Old and New Testaments. The purpose of the Creator is…
Cosmotheism: A Nietzschean Doctrine of Power
Nietzsche by Ryan Cavallius After the National Alliance achieves its first major sociopolitical breakthrough and establishes a racial state, Cosmotheism will be diffused throughout the culture. Perhaps many volumes will be written about different aspects of the doctrine, with great minds answering…
One Shot and One Shot Only
by John Meisner THE DAY IS UPON us. The West is, in all senses of the word, now dead. We lie in the catacombs of our once great civilization. However, from this death will come life. The cycle of life and death is intertwined with the seasons. Among a select few we still find the force that will start the cycle…
Giving Thanks to the Creator
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 November, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom AS COSMOTHEISTS, we recognize that we are part of the Whole, and the Whole is the Creator, the self-created. As…