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A New Religion for Us, part 8
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 10, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IS IT POSSIBLE to engage the implacable enemy we face, who wants our race dead, and whose weapons are deception and lies, both subtle and outrageous —…

A New Religion for Us, part 7
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 3, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL COHESION of the nation is one of the primary functions of religion, a function which Christianity completely fails to fulfill today anywhere…

A New Religion for Us, part 6
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 24, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE MOST PROFOUND work of both of my mentors, William Pierce and Revilo Oliver, was their work in the realm of religion. Shallow atheists fail to see that…

Frequently Asked Questions about the Cosmotheist Community Church
by Dr. William L. Pierce
Q: With what single aim should members of the Cosmotheist Community shape their institutions and shape their society?
A: Their single aim should be service of the Creator’s Purpose. Every other thing which they may consider desirable in their society — justice,…

William Pierce’s Original Prospectus for the Cosmotheist Community
This document was written by Dr. Pierce in 1985 to inform and inspire certain select National Alliance members to think about moving to West Virginia to become a part of the Cosmotheist Church Community.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
HISTORY: The Cosmotheist Community began in 1974 as a religious discussion…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Cosmotheism
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury COSMOTHEISM is a religion for those of European descent founded by physicist, teacher, philosopher, writer, and American political activist William Luther Pierce. On this week’s audio book installment of the only authorized biography of Dr.…
for The American Mercury COSMOTHEISM is a religion for those of European descent founded by physicist, teacher, philosopher, writer, and American political activist William Luther Pierce. On this week’s audio book installment of the only authorized biography of Dr.…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: Our Cause
by Bradford L. Huie
for The American Mercury THIS WEEK in our audio biography of William Pierce (pictured), read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer, we present author Robert S. Griffin’s exploration of Dr. Pierce’s spiritual ideals, as expressed in his seminal speech Our Cause. Click here for…
for The American Mercury THIS WEEK in our audio biography of William Pierce (pictured), read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer, we present author Robert S. Griffin’s exploration of Dr. Pierce’s spiritual ideals, as expressed in his seminal speech Our Cause. Click here for…

Cosmotheism is the Meaning of Life
A video production based on William Pierce’s work Our Cause, one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century.
Introduction by Kevin Alfred Strom
WILLIAM PIERCE (1933-2002) saw more deeply into the nature of life — and farther into the future — than any other thinker of modern times. This superb…

The Question and the Quest
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WE MUST survive as a people. In ages past no one needed to explain that. We knew it in our hearts, in our souls. We knew we must survive. It was the unspoken assumption that made our work worthwhile, our cooperation necessary, and our patriotism vital and alive.
In today’s urbanized,…

Sentience of the Universe
by David Sims
THE QUESTION was asked: “Is there a belief that revolves around the idea that life will continue to evolve until the entire universe is a sentient being?”
Yes. It’s called Cosmotheism, whose most famous proponent, as far as I know, was Dr. William L. Pierce, who is chiefly…