
One Shot and One Shot Only

by John Meisner

THE DAY IS UPON us. The West is, in all senses of the word, now dead. We lie in the catacombs of our once great civilization.

However, from this death will come life. The cycle of life and death is intertwined with the seasons. Among a select few we still find the force that will start the cycle anew. A warrior mindset, and a proper level of asceticism, have been and are still being found in some men of our race — especially among the members and supporters of the National Alliance.

Those who completely accept our truth will become the force that wil release us from the death and darkness of this age, and project us into the light and life of the next. Our heroic outlook will prevail over the spiritually corrupt and hedonistic forces that have been leaching away the vitality of our civilization for centuries.

Our attitude toward life and death is still rare; most moderns still cling to an existence in which comfort, safety, a long “happy” life, and illusory “democracy” are among the highest values. We stand opposed to this sterile existence. We stand for self-actualization of the individual primarily so that he may work for the greater good of the race — for achieving states of higher and higher degrees of consciousness of the Whole; for living our lives in pursuit of this great ideal. The pursuit of empty materialism and “happiness” marks those who still “think” like little children. We are not as they.

Among other things this means we have a willingness to put ourselves in danger when necessary. It means, at times, stoically accepting great discomfort. With the greatest reward comes the greatest challenge. We accept that calculus. Difficulties which no word can describe will no doubt accompany us on our path — our path to accomplishments beyond the capacities of our imagination.

The Alliance is blazing a new way upward for our people; if we are to survive, we can no longer cling to the Christian system which teaches racelessness and “brotherhood” with the Jew — the precise opposite of what we need. To ascend the upward path again requires new thinking — combined with a reverence for our race’s past, which extends back in time to long before the invention of the Semitic religion that now limits us. By practicing Cosmotheism, and celebrating our ancient past, we will doubtlessly enrage our enemies — and in their anger they will expose themselves for what they are. The self-declared egalitarian, “humanitarian,” anti-aristocratic, and anti-hierarchical forces must be fought ruthlessly and relentlessly until they are removed from our society forever.

There may be a few readers who see us as destroyers, such as the Christian who claims that by embracing the evolutionary Nature of Life and the Universe, and renouncing the Semitic scriptures, we would be destroying 2,000 years of European history, tradition, and culture. Untrue! The Alliance is not a destroyer, but a restorer.

What we are doing is the opposite of destruction. We possess a complete system of positive values, rooted deeply in our racial soul, and in Nature. We honor our close connection with our peoples’ ancient civilizations, even as we embrace our race’s scientific discoveries which, if understood and applied rightly, will help us achieve a White civilization greater than any that has come before. We strive to liberate ourselves completely from all that is negative or unhealthy in the current age.

Dr. Pierce once told us that “we only have one shot” at racial immortality, and we must get it right. Living always — living every moment — with that thought foremost in our minds, we can win.

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Source: Author

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5 January, 2023 3:27 pm

The Nordic mythology, which is but the one version of the pan-European mythology that has more or less survived in writing to our present day, tells us that Heimdallr (“home counter”), finished the creation of “the kin of Jarl”, i.e. the Nordic, original European race, about 80.000 years ago,

He had thus finally, after two previously failed attempts, the kin of Trell and the kin of Karl, created a human race with the potential to become divine, and he stayed with them to tutor them.

One of the things he taught Jarl’s kin was a system of thoughts and rites intended to enable them to become divine.

This system is what we today know as the European religion, or simply Paganism.

Reply to  Paul
6 January, 2023 2:38 am

Nice to see a fellow Folk Faith or some one who studies them on here.

The first (((Christians)))/(((Greek trading class))) talked about how the ethos/ethnic/Pagan were a problem that had to be “solved”. Pagan simply means ethnic/racial groups.

They changed the meaning of it, in the same way they changed the meaning of the word worship.
Worship use to just mean something worthy of respect. You did not grovel or think your self any less. You simply showed respect.

Hail the Folk!

Reply to  Paul
6 January, 2023 4:12 pm

With much study of Nordic, European, Aryan, and Hermetic Wisdom, many other things (and Cosmotheism as well!) — and practical experience both below and “above” as they say, my perception is that Cosmotheism is a clean and simple and pure re-emergence, recrudescence, re-incarnation if you will, of the faith and wisdom of our folk.

Re-invented from reality, springing from the same wells of truth, and the mind of our race.

It is true to us and true to reality. Clear and simple and true.

It flies like an arrow straight to the mark.

…where the Alliance archer retrieving his spiritual shaft will exchange brotherly greetings with the Pagan completing his journey, or the Hermetic Mage in his exaltation as well for that matter.

9 January, 2023 12:42 am

A shared spirituality and sense of purpose are necessary for any healthy community, nation, or race. This builds gradually, through the constant life struggles that we have to overcome together, through the culture we produce, through the primal sense of similarity and trust that we develop. However, I do not think that we need to construct an elaborate religion to tell us these things, and certainly not a church. Man-made religions come and go, and we know how near-fatal the current one has been in enchaining people’s minds (albeit it originates from an alien, manipulative source). That broad, common sense of purpose should not come through any fine doctrine, but it should come naturally through everyone’s realization of who (s)he is and is coming from. Being part of the European… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
9 January, 2023 2:45 pm

You’re always welcome to go at life without a life-philosophy, Guest. A community without one is rudderless though,and asking to subverted by others who have one. We in the National Alliance have our Cosmotheist community at its core as not only providing a path for our race into the eternal future, but as shield against alien persons with their racially destructive creeds.