Deadly Dogmas, part 2
by John Massaro
MOST AMERICANS, WHO TAKE our First Amendment for granted, or don’t even know what it means, are unaware that it’s a felony in several European countries and also in Canada to defy Holocaust dogma. This in itself is a strong hint as to where the truth lies. For an act of heresy committed in 1989, historian David Irving was arrested in Austria on November 11, 2005 and imprisoned over a year. He could have been locked up for twenty years in that country, where the penalty for heresy is severe. He’s not the only one. For openly challenging the dogma, thousands have been prosecuted on charges of “inciting racial hatred” and “defaming the dead” in Austria and Germany, where the Alice-in-Wonderland courts hold that “truth is no defense,” and some defense lawyers have actually been threatened with prison for defending their clients too vigorously! Robert Faurisson, though not jailed, was dragged into court and fined several times. Exhausted from the struggle for historical truth, the late Ernst Zundel, a Canadian citizen and an incorrigible heretic, endlessly harassed by legal authorities and brought to trial in 1985 and again in 1988, moved to rural Tennessee, thinking America was the land of the free. On February 5, 2003 he was arrested by federal agents on the pretext of missing an immigration hearing, shipped back in chains to Canada where he was locked up for two years, then flown to Germany, the country of his birth, where he spent five more years in prison before and after being tried and convicted. Such is the treatment in store for the Brunos of our day; and such is Jewish media censorship that most Americans know nothing about these events.
While dogma is enforced from above with stiff legal language, on the street level it’s enforced with violence. Faurisson was savagely beaten by three Jewish thugs while walking his dog in broad daylight in a Paris park on September 16, 1989. The home of Ernst Zundel, who endured endless death threats, was firebombed, and he and his supporters were spat on, screamed at and punched while making their way to the Toronto courthouse for his trial. On July 4, 1984, the southern California warehouse of the Institute for Historical Review, a major publisher of Holocaust heresies, went up in flames and most of its inventory was reduced to ashes, after repeated threats and harassment of its staff. No one was ever arrested for this crime, which calls to mind the burning and sacking of the library in Alexandria, Egypt, the ancient world’s greatest repository of knowledge, at the hands of Christian fanatics in 391 A.D.
All dogmas are also characterized by a contradiction of physical laws. For example, revisionist historians have pointed out that the cremation of a single human body is a slow process, and it would have taken thirty years or more to burn millions of corpses in the limited crematoria facilities that existed — just as they still exist in all developed countries — in the concentration camps. Other phenomena, as related by supposed eyewitnesses, are reminiscent of the silly stories that abound in the Bible. A former Auschwitz inmate who testified at the Zundel trial claimed that he could tell who was being cremated by the color of the flames rising from the chimneys; green flames meant Hungarian Jews, blue flames Polish Jews, and so forth — aside from the fact that chimneys emit smoke, not flames. The late Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel, who more than anyone else popularized the term “Holocaust” and spent much of his life spreading the word about that alleged event, claimed that geysers of blood from murdered Jews spurted out of the ground for months. This buffoon — and a vicious buffoon at that, who openly called for the imprisonment of deniers — was exposed as a shameless liar in a blog called “Elie Wiesel cons the world,” and in the devastating book Holocaust High Priest by Warren Routledge. Wiesel spouted so much nonsense that in a sane world he would have been laughed into oblivion. That six consecutive U.S. presidents felt compelled to grant him a personal audience, and grovel at his every word, speaks volumes about Jewish supremacy in America.
Although sidestepping the question of whether or not the National Socialist Germans murdered millions of Jews, Norman Finkelstein, in his book The Holocaust Industry, exposed the Holocaust for what it is, namely an international free-for-all of swindlers and shakedown artists. His book did not endear him to his fellow Jews. Another courageous American Jew, David Cole, wearing a yarmulke and posing as a curious little schlemiel, interviewed the curator of the Auschwitz museum, Franz Piper, also Jewish, and in an unguarded moment Piper admitted that the so-called gas chambers were actually built by the Soviets in the 1950s. This was consistent with my own visit to Auschwitz in 1991, during which I saw several crude and ridiculous atrocity exhibits but nothing specified as a gas chamber, the alleged existence of which was purposefully left vague for gullible tourists. Cole’s narration of his trip to Auschwitz and his interview of Piper, which can be seen and heard on YouTube (or could when this was written; the Jewish-owned platform is increasingly censoring its users, many of whom have fled to Gab or Bitchute), is a dagger in the heart to the dogma. Everyone should watch it. Furthermore, in response to the onslaught of sound revisionist critiques of the Auschwitz legend, and shortly after my visit, a plaque commemorating the supposed murder of four million at this camp was taken down and replaced by another plaque stating that about one and a half million innocents were executed — which is still light years from the truth. Yet the hallowed figure of “six million Jews killed by the Nazis” remains, and woe to he who challenges it! This shows that the primary feature of dogma is fear and intimidation, certainly not reason — and since dogma, like death and taxes, is inevitable, fear and intimidation to varying degrees have always cast an ominous shadow over human events.
As far as major historical dogmas go, the fable of the six million gassed Jews is a very young one, but it became engraved in stone throughout the Western world shortly after its inception due to the near-total Jewish control of judicial and educational institutions, and practically all organs of the mainstream news and entertainment media, particularly in America. All that’s left standing of the ancient lineage of Christian dogma, which in medieval times contained numerous components but over the centuries has splintered off in so many muddled directions, is a dim belief that Jesus was a flesh and blood embodiment of the force governing the universe that people call God.
Not only do all dogmas fall apart when closely examined, they shrivel under the naked critical eye. I have already mentioned my trip to Auschwitz and the lack of any installation designated as a gas chamber there or at the ancillary camp of Birkenau, which I also visited. Earlier, in 1978, I visited Dachau as well, located just outside of Munich, and was quite surprised to read, on one of the signposts, something to the effect that while the National Socialist Germans had planned to exterminate Jews here, the plan was never implemented. This, in fact, was my first inkling that there was something screwy about the Holocaust story because I distinctly remember being taught in elementary school that Dachau and Auschwitz were the worst of the “Nazi death camps.” In fact, there was an official U.S. Army photograph, widely circulated and reprinted after the war in many school textbooks, including mine, showing an American G.I. standing before the door of a clothing disinfection chamber, used to kill disease-spreading lice, always a concern in the camps — a device transformed by propagandists into an execution gas chamber — on which a skull and crossbones appeared, with the hours of operation, and the words (in German): “Caution! Gas! Life Danger! Do not open!” The caption under the photograph read: “Gas chambers, conveniently located to the crematory, are examined by a soldier of the U.S. Seventh Army. These chambers were used by Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp.” But, I later learned, the dogma was quietly revised in 1961. The new and improved dogma — despite all the lurid atrocity stories that already had been spread around the world, despite all the confessions that had come out at the Nuremberg Trials (many of them extracted by torture, or offered in desperation to avoid the noose) — was that the Jews had been exterminated only in German-occupied Poland, not in Germany proper. These days the dogma is once again on the run. With so many untenable stories about Auschwitz having been exposed, the focus has shifted to imaginary death camps in places like Treblinka and Majdanek, names I never heard when I was young.
Likewise, many layers of Christian dogma have long been cut loose, though at a much slower pace. Back in the thirteenth century, St. Thomas Aquinas, a towering intellect in his time — though also a rather intolerant one, who wrote that heretics should be put to death — codified the dogma in his Summa Theologica, a 21-volume treatise on God and all creation, which synthesized divine revelation and Aristotelian logic, and upon which Catholic doctrine is largely based to this day. His ideas came to him while sitting within the stone walls of a Roman seminary. Nearly four hundred years later they were blown to dust by what Galileo saw through his powerful and magnificent telescope, and by what Darwin discovered, not in the gloom of a secluded study, but during his five-year voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle, especially his excursions in the coastal and interior regions of South America, where the record of life, past and present, existed in visible profusion. On the Origin of Species is remarkable in its totally open-minded and undogmatic line of reasoning, Darwin never hesitating to air the nagging doubts and problems which he anticipated would come up against his theory of evolution, some of which he admitted that he himself could not resolve.
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In the final analysis, the two dogmas I’ve been discussing aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. The heart of Christian dogma common to all denominations that has remained unchanged for two millennia — Jesus Christ as savior of mankind, as the only physical manifestation of God ever to appear on our planet — will continue to fill the spiritual needs of some two billion earthlings. And barring a revolution that will put an end to Jewish control of the boob tube and all other mechanisms of mass mind control, the six million Holyhoax will continue to reign as the supreme dogma of Western man.
However, when people can physically see or otherwise strongly sense a pack of dogmatic lies that’s been foisted on them, such lies rest on a shaky foundation. The dogma of Communism, to be discussed further on, was so plainly untruthful, such a gross insult to even average minds, that it could be enforced in most countries only by terror, by the constant fear of imprisonment or execution — and still it was watered down or totally evaporated nearly everywhere in a relatively short span of time as world dogmas go.
The dogma of the equality of the races is probably the second most powerful one in America and in much of the West today, and it’s an amusing one because while nearly everyone pays lip service to it in public, in private a large number of White people don’t believe it. What makes it even more amusing is that in Africa, very few natives have heard of this dogma and even fewer would take it seriously. On the Dark Continent, Whites supervise virtually all the schools, hospitals, factories, airports, industries, and utilities where they exist — I saw this everywhere in my travels through eighteen countries in sub-Saharan Africa — and not only is this situation not resented by the vast majority of Blacks there, it’s accepted as perfectly natural. The famous German missionary doctor Albert Schweitzer, who spent most of his long life tending to the sick at a remote jungle hospital in the west African nation of Gabon, and who knew Africa as well as anyone, put it best when he said, “The superiority of the White man is so obvious to the African native that it ceases to be taken into account.” That’s one of the truths about modern Africa you’ll never hear.
Of course, you don’t need to travel to Africa to see through this dogma. Nor is it necessary for me to belabor the fact that numerous comparative anatomies have shown that the Negro brain is smaller, lighter and less complex than the Caucasian brain. Unless you have tunnel vision, all you need to do, if you live near a Black area, is go there and have a look. If you live here on Long Island, a twenty minute stroll with eyes open from Garden City to Hempstead, or Merrick to Roosevelt — to offer just two examples — provides visible proof that the races are not equal in any sense. As everyone around here knows, it would not be wise to walk through Hempstead, Roosevelt and other Black towns on Long Island after dark. So daffy are the times in which we live, incidentally, that the previous sentence would be construed by most journalists and educators as racial hatred. Having been acquainted with many Black people in my life, I freely admit that many are deserving of respect, even though I choose not to associate with them. And certain exceptional individuals — I think here of Moise Tshombe, a political leader in the Congo during that country’s descent into chaos and savagery in the 1960s — stand higher in character and intelligence than 99% of the White population anywhere. None of this changes the fact that Blacks, on average, are less intelligent, have a lower capacity for civilization, and are more prone to violent behavior than Whites, and probably all other races for that matter.
The dogmatists claim that racial differences are only skin-deep, and all races are inherently equal. For them, environment means everything and heredity means nothing, so that a nation of Zulus growing up in Elizabethan England would have given the world a Shakespeare, a Drake, and a Newton, only with Black skins. Conversely, by their own logic, an English population originating in Africa should be living in mud huts and hunting with spears, which was hardly the case of the English, as well as the Dutch, in South Africa, who, in conditions of bare subsistence built a modern nation fully the equal of the one their ancestors left behind.
Not only are racial distinctions plain to the eye, they stir powerful biological forces that are the root cause of social instability in countries where two or more widely dissimilar races live next to each other, as any American not in a catatonic trance should know. Even within what is loosely called the White race, there are noticeable differences, both physical and temperamental, between what anthropologists refer to as the Nordic and Mediterranean subraces, which correspond to northern and southern Europe, respectively. Another subrace, the Alpine, mainly inhabits the central and eastern regions of the continent. Some split our race further into Dinarics and Eastern Baltics. Many Whites are a blend of these subraces or the strains within them, but many also stand apart. Ten or twenty millennia of evolutionary sifting in the harsh, unforgiving northern winters have given the Nordics a clear edge, though, again, we’re speaking of averages, and there’s plenty of overlap in genetic quality among all Whites. This Nordic edge is evinced in the somewhat more orderly and industrious northern countries, and the fact that southerners go north to find better-paying jobs, while northerners go south to take vacations, as I’ve seen repeatedly in my travels all over Europe, while hardly ever seeing the opposite — and I say this as a man of southern Italian ancestry. Actually, the subject of racial differentiation in human beings fascinates me, but any open inquiry into it will be met by ear-splitting cries of “racism” from the army of academics, pundits and demagogues who would have to find an honest job if their dogma were to dry up.
As I’ve said, there’s a very great number of Whites in this country alone who don’t take the dogma of racial equality seriously. But it’s impossible to openly say so. If you’re a teacher, you’ll quickly find yourself on the unemployment line if you dare to discuss what Albert Schweitzer said about racial differences, even though he did more to alleviate the sufferings of Blacks with his own hands than anyone who ever lived. It would be career and social suicide to talk about differences in brain structure when next year’s high school S.A.T. scores come out. As happens every year, the scores in Hempstead, Roosevelt, and other towns with high Black populations are embarrassingly lower than in White towns, with the usual wringing of hands and evasion of essential facts. Anyone publicly stating that Blacks on average are innately inferior to Whites in cognitive intelligence and capacity for social order will be body-slammed by the media, ostracized by their colleagues, likely fired from his or her job, and possibly assaulted and threatened with death. In recent decades, some or all of these things have happened to many people, including scientists like Arthur Jensen and William Shockley (the co-inventor of the transistor), who studied the biology of race in painstaking detail and concluded that racial differentiation is primarily a matter of genetics and not environment. In a scene reminiscent of the Inquisition, Jensen, a professor at the University of California, was actually summoned to a videotaped tribunal before his liberal colleagues in 1969 and made to defend his position. Since then, the dogmatic strictures surrounding the race issue have become even more narrow.
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Now, let’s take a look at the medical dogma of vaccination — the doctrine that vaccines have been a wonderful blessing for mankind, that they have greatly eliminated the scourge of disease, and their benefits far surpass the risks they carry. On the scale of dogmatic authority, vaccination occupies middle ground, that is to say, a majority of people unconditionally swallow these lies, but there have always been plenty of cracks in the edifice, and these cracks have become wider with the piling on of so many new childhood vaccines in the last thirty years. Still, out of fear, ignorance, or some other reason, even many people who are well aware of the dangers that vaccines pose and have been fighting the good fight to get the truth out, will not challenge the dogma.
This chapter concludes here online, but the rest may be read by purchasing a copy of the author’s book.
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Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?
A side benefit of the so-called
“Covid-19 Vaccines” is that they
will eventually weed out the
brain-dead simpletons who were
dumb enough to insist upon taking
The brains of Europeans were softened by biblical nonsense, so accepting the Holocaust myths was as easy as pie.
Of course Nords go south for vacation; they’ve run out of north to go to. :)
Around 1890, Franz Boaz was made head of the Department of Anthropology at Columbia University, and took on the broadly accepted observation that racial characteristics are imbedded and that nature and not nurture define the man. Boaz taught that nurture was the key which helped open the floodgates of immigration, reassuring all those woke citizens that the unwashed, dark foreign horde would soon be socialized to be upstanding Americans. Just another example of Jewish infiltration. Margaret Med was a Boaz student who popularized abandonment of sexual mores in women, helping to usher in the “Beat” generation that pretty much took down the United States. Americans didn’t know what hit them, but they did know that they had been hit.
Margaret Mead was a leftist dolt who was taken in (perhaps willingly) by a couple of native Somoan women. They got a big laugh out of telling her all sorts of absurd nonsense. She believed every word and put it into her book. She no doubt believed that such pure and innocent creatures, uncorrupted by European civilization, would never lie, a la Rousseau and others. Far from being a sexual paradise, Derek Freeman found that the Somoans value virginity and have a very, very dim view of adultery.
Yeah, Meads study of the sexuality of the natives who “hadn’t been tainted with evil White supremacy” yet, or in that time it was “evil Christian prudishness” was incredibly influential. After spending about nine months observing and interviewing Samoans, as well as administering psychological tests, Mead concluded that adolescence was not a stressful time for girls in Samoa because Samoan cultural patterns were very different from those in the US. Her findings were published in Coming of Age in Samoa (1928), and her vivid, descriptive account of Samoan adolescent life became tremendously popular. It was published in more than a dozen editions in a variety of languages. It was so popular it was used in undergraduate anthropology classes for decades. The theme being pushed was that Christian Americas sexual morals… Read more »
…[W]hen people can physically see or otherwise strongly sense a pack of dogmatic lies that’s been foisted on them, such lies rest on a shaky foundation. The dogma of Communism,… was so plainly untruthful, such a gross insult to even average minds, that it could be enforced in most countries only by terror, by the constant fear of imprisonment or execution — and still it was watered down or totally evaporated nearly everywhere in a relatively short span of time as world dogmas go. The dogma of the equality of the races is probably the second most powerful one in America and in much of the West today, and it’s an amusing one because while nearly everyone pays lip service to it in public, in private a large number of… Read more »
“…defaming the dead” in Austria and Germany…”
And yet, to this day and for the foreseeable future, the dead National Socialists of Austria and Germany, especially Adolf Hitler, get defamed, vilified and demonized with no consequences. I guess you would say that doing so is also a dogma.
Those of us who look upon the NS as heroes are the outliers and woe to us if we openly express our admiration for them.
Those who gave some or all to the cause of putting the White race back on a progressive path into eternity, such as the National Socialists, can be admired here without woe. Our communities are being built as we speak with new members and supporters to create a greater security for those who wish to speak and do right things.
You counter lies with truth by educating the public.
Have you ever wondered why Hitler & Germany are so vilified but the red terror is never mentioned ? Any sane person who knows anything about both will consider the red terror the worst case of atrocities in history including Mao’s china but it being a close 2nd.