
New Translation from the German: Christianity’s Criminal History

Christianity is the greatest regression humanity has ever experienced: The Jew has thrown back humanity one and a half thousand years — Hitler’s Table Talk

THE PRESENT BOOK is an abridged translation of some chapters of the first three volumes of Karlheinz Deschner’s ten-volume Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (criminal history of Christianity). The original volumes in German and also in the Spanish translation that I have been using contain thousands of endnotes, omitted here. This preliminary translation is only the first step for a more formal translation of Deschner’s magnum opus.

I have modified some headings, added several illustrations, omitted ellipsis between unquoted paragraphs and even dared to simplify a few phrases. I also replaced many instances of the author’s use of the word ‘pagan’ with terms like ‘Hellenes’, ‘advocates of Greco-Roman culture’ or simply added quotations on the word ‘pagan’. Those familiar with the masthead of my Web site The West’s Darkest Hour, the article ‘Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Rome’, know that the takeover of the Classical World was mainly a takeover by non-Aryans.

It cannot be more significant, as Deschner mentions, that before the introduction of the pejorative term ‘pagan’ the non-Christians of the Roman Empire were called héllenes and éthne by the treatise writers of the 4th century. The expression hellénon éthne can be translated into modern English as ‘the Greek races’, that is, the White peoples. Therefore, instead of the author’s textual ‘pagan’ I chose the pre-derogatory term in the vernacular of the 4th century, ‘Hellenes’, right before the status of the White peoples was demoted unless they started to worship a Semitic god. White nationalists are pretty knowledgeable on the Jewish problem. But very few are aware that Jewish subversion is the product of a religion of Semitic origin: Christianity. Who among the White nationalists knows the real history of Christianity? Who is aware that Christian fanatics literally destroyed the Greco-Roman world? As Catherine Nixey put it in The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, a book published recently:

In a spasm of destruction never seen before — and one that appalled many non-Christians watching it — during the fourth and fifth centuries, the Christian Church demolished, vandalized and melted down a simply staggering quantity of art. Classical statues were knocked from their plinths, defaced, defiled and torn limb from limb.Temples were razed to their foundations and burned to the ground. A temple widely considered to be the most magnificent in the entire empire was levelled.

Many of the Parthenon sculptures were attacked, faces were mutilated, hands and limbs were hacked off and gods were decapitated. Some of the finest statues on the whole building were almost certainly smashed off then ground into rubble that was then used to build churches.

Books — which were often stored in temples — suffered terribly. The remains of the greatest library in the ancient world, a library that had once held perhaps 700,000 volumes, were destroyed in this way by Christians. It was over a millennium before any other library would even come close to its holdings. Works by censured philosophers were forbidden and bonfires blazed across the empire as outlawed books went up in flames.

Virtually all westerners ignore the ISIS-like history of early Christianity right after Constantine handed over the Roman Empire to his bishops. They know only the martyr myths, the pious legends and the New Testament lies they told us as children.

Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014) was a liberal German. He spent the first sixty years of his life investigating the history of the Catholic Church before starting the ten volumes of his Kriminalgeschichte series, which only ended when he died at 90 years of age. It is a more encyclopaedic treatise about the real history of Christianity than Nixey’s book for the general public.

I started reading Deschner eighteen years ago when I was also a liberal. I would not wake on the Jewish question until six years ago. But Deschner, like all Germans of our times who aspire to see their books in the bookstores, never woke up. He even criticised the most notorious ‘anti-Semites’ in early Church history. This said, the difference between Deschner and liberal theologians like Hans Küng (The Church) and conservative historians like Paul Johnson (A History of Christianity) is that Küng and Johnson concealed a great deal of Christianity’s criminal history. It is remarkable how a scholar who abandoned Christianity, like Deschner, was capable to see it in a way that Küng, Johnson, and the contemporary Christian authors would never dream of.

After awakening to the realities of the Judeo-Christian problem I realised that Deschner’s information, despite his mistaken point of view, can be rescued. It only has to be processed through the filter of someone who is completely awakened. Had Germany won the war, Deschner, who appears above in NS uniform, could have written his history from the National Socialist point of view.

— César Tort Jr., September 2018

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Source: Christianity’s Criminal History

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
1 September, 2019 4:06 pm

This is yet another exposure of ‘Christians on the Religious Right.’
No need to mention any names. Anyone who has been on this
scene more than just a few years damn well knows to whom I
am referring to….