Posts Tagged
Thomas Dalton
The Protocols: Urgent Mysteries
A review of: Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Definitive English Edition, Edited and Translated by Thomas Dalton, Clemens & Blair, 2023 reviewed by Karl Haemers CLEMENS AND BLAIR HAS issued a brand new book on a long-debated topic titled Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Definitive English…
The Holocaust of Six Million Jews—in World War I
Combatants and non-combatants, World War 1 by Thomas Dalton, PhD. I TAKE IT that the reader is familiar with the basics of the so-called Holocaust: the alleged deaths of some six million Jews, many in gas chambers, at the hands of the Nazis in World War II. This was, we are told, a deliberate policy of Hitler…
The Problem with Leftism
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. EVERYONE COMPLAINS about the Left, but no one does anything about it. Or so it would seem. Part of the problem, I suspect, is that many in the public have mistaken notions about what “the Left” is and how it operates, and thus they more or less mindlessly support it, or oppose it, as…
Jasenovac: The Latest Holocaust Embarrassment
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. FUNNY HOW IT goes with the Holocaust story: time and again, an ugly bit of truth slips out. When that happens, yet one more piece of the charade comes to light, for all to see. For a brief moment, one more embarrassing truth catches the public eye, only to quickly be cast into the depths…
An Interview With Thomas Dalton
Dr. Thomas Dalton is an American academic known for his extensive commentaries on controversial topics. Here he discusses his views on Jews, anti-Semitism, and Jewish power structures with Lipton Matthews of the Occidental Observer. MATTHEWS: ‘Anti-Semitism’ is frequently employed as a derisive…
Confronting the Judeocracy: The Six Stages of Enlightenment
by Thomas Dalton ANYONE WHO has spent even a short time battling against the Judeocracy has surely experienced the frustration of attempting to persuade a trusted friend or colleague of the gravity of the situation — only to fail. This is undoubtedly one of the most discouraging and troubling aspects…
The Emperor’s New Mask: Where is the Evidence?
by Thomas Dalton, PhD. ON March 10, Texas effectively eliminated all restrictions related to the Covid pandemic. The shutdown ended, restaurant capacities were restored to 100%, and perhaps most significantly for everyday life, mask mandates were lifted. Masks are the most visible, and the most…
True Q: Elements of Truth in the QAnon Conspiracy
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Sympnoia panta (“All things conspire”).
Hippocrates[1]“I know nothing about QAnon.”
Donald J. Trump[2] WHAT CAN BE more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings…
Hippocrates[1]“I know nothing about QAnon.”
Donald J. Trump[2] WHAT CAN BE more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings…
Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, part 2
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Sexual Abstinence as Jewish Ethnic Strategy AMONG MANY other things, Schopenhauer was fascinated by human sexuality, which for him assumed deep metaphysical importance. The human essence, the will-to-live, finds “as its kernel and greatest concentration, the act of generation”…
Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, part 1
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Vitam impendere vero (“Dedicate one’s life to truth.”)
— Juvenal, Satire IV, 91[1] EVERY MOVEMENT needs its icons, racial-nationalism no less than any other social-political ideology. Any icon — a term deriving from the Greek eikôn, meaning a likeness or image — serves to…
— Juvenal, Satire IV, 91[1] EVERY MOVEMENT needs its icons, racial-nationalism no less than any other social-political ideology. Any icon — a term deriving from the Greek eikôn, meaning a likeness or image — serves to…